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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1953, p. 4

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Orono village ~by the 01rono quipped depart- ývork. The gener- nriproved. y, April 24th at týeested persons IThere wili be san plans for. À0,CEANCE Mlake sure of your plans throughk regular savings Crop Comnpetiton l "Enslage U'riin Field(' to be not less thani 3 acres. Tîxe sec-retaryý will be glud to ac- epo entris up iutl 25th of May. Tenders xAUi blaccepted for thei booh At Orono Memoial Park fori Mhe sea o of1953 Tenders close Apri 25th. Wm. Carman, Secretary. bC NOTICE Beýginninjg MaIýy lst, Dr. A. F. Me,(Kenzie of Orono and Dr. S. Il. WVitzel ofr ecatewill hve olirs atnd taklecal on alter.nate week-e3nds from Friday 8.30~ p.rn. to M1ondaiy morniing. Dr. Witzel wilI be on ca1ýl the we-nsof May lst, l5th and 2ý9th-. Dr. 4cX(enzie will be on cal thewek-edsof May th and2nd NOTICE Party mwho wrote E. _Martin at letter, please sign nameù to the next (mie. IN 1MEMORIVU1lm MARTIN-In loving memnory of a d1ear son ani brother, Neil E. Martin whbo passed aw-ay April 25th, 1951. Sw,ýeet memories will linger forever. Time caninot change thiem it's true; Year)s that mjay corne cannot sever Our, loving rememibrance of -you. Ever rernembered by mother and father, brothers and sisters. a-p 52-C'hev.-DIeLuxNe Sedan - low mile. age, traded, on' now Meteor Priced at.----...... .......$1750.00 51-hev-DeuxeSedant, custom ra- dio, traded on new Mieteor $1595.0 51 Chev. Sedan, very cleant car, trad. ed on new Meteor--------- $1550.0O 49-Meteor Custom Sedan, custom radio, traded on new Mleteor $1095. 48-Dodge Specal DeLaxe Sedan, traded on new MNercuiry, a good one....................----------$795.0 47-Mercury Sedan, thoroughly check- ed and ready to go.. _...$695.001 41-Chev. Coach, refiaished, two-tone blue, a steal at..........-- ---$395.001 41-Ford Coach.. good tires,' body and motor, why walk? -------...-$395.0 40-Merctiry Sedan, checked over, smnooth motor, rides like a dreamt. Priced at................--- - $395.m) 38-P'ontiae Coach good tires and motor, cheap transportation $295. 37-Chev. Coach, rouigl but ruinig, inew icense, tank of gas ... $75.00 52-Mercury 1'ton P'ick-up) new guar. antee, priced riglit to elear. LETS TRADE ON YOUR TERNIS Bramly's otor Sales Your MXercary - 'injcoîný - Mleteor Dealer NEWCASTLE 2871 ... So what? Side b>' side on the rnerdiants' &helves - Canadiani matriaIs and linpo-rted" goods. Do you get any advantage when you go for 'irnported" products? In. textiles, at east> the answ et is Simple, Canadiaa mills turn out fabrics and yarns that match or better the production of any other textile coueltry *If the wor-ld in qualit>' The>' are made by Canadians who are paid good Canadian wages; the>' are design,-ed to please Canadian tastes, meet Canadiajn needs. Î.his is no pica to shun linported" materials. Thie> should be considered along withi domestic prodîucts by ever>' Canadiani consumer, but on a strict wihat-do-l-,get-f or-m y-dollar basis. Ask for'-Cana'dian textiles if you w'ant the best for îUr moncyr. AAOPANY LIMITED C di Carry Thé WANTEDï HfousFekeeper wvanted fori'gthos wvork. Al cneneceto nie la.1 Mrs.EveettBrownl. Phionle -r Orono.b-c FOR SALE 4oýý rooed bu11se ila Mx. App!y6 Durhajim St., Ajax. p WAiNTED TO BUY Child('s Bed. Phione 77-r-71,0Oron10 ATTENTION FARMERS Before buying machinery see yourll new Cockshutdt Farmi Equipmenlýlt agenit, who xii supply you with rew and uemaheralso parts. Apply Lloyd J. Clysdale, Newton-1 villje jPhone 29412, Clarke C-15-p; MALE HELP WANTED Mie lhelp want"ed for plywoodU muld(,inig f rom 12.0q midnlight t 8.00 am Steady work. Good wgs on piece work. Shorter hours couli Le arranged. Apply Orono Wood Products. a-c AWeekly Letter Orono, Oont., April 21, 195:3 Haýrry Clark-e, IClarke Lumlýber GCO. Pres;cott, Ont. Dear Harrly:- We hiope by now yIou hav-e the fin bug chaýsed away and Dick back to schIloo. We are ail real well, 11ot a saîiffle ainoag usq. our big- news this woek is Donald's visit home. 11e arrived Mondlay n0on. Left Godeýrich Sunday afternoon buat snow storm forced him to land at a famhouise near Elora ýwhere ho stayýed overnighbt. He iow b as over 500 hours fiy-ing time, Sc, is gettîng into the epeienced class. We find business opening up wel i spring a.ndn prospects are bright for a busy sleason. Todaýy we at,- un loading a car of ceda7r -and 3mouldings from British Columibia. Tha,,t's the siixth- car of lumber la the last monthi Our stock of lumber. andIbuildingý suIpplie's is aIbout double we ever had efoeand the quality botter thanl ever. Soldaote B.P. siding job today. t is the New Insul-Tex stone siding! to go back to Bob Brown ina Man-vers. On Saturday Margaret and 1 tnJok n ioad of brick and chlimniey flues etc. back to Rud Waddeli's shack lin the woods. Thiey h ave a smairt smmer house ia a deliitfui spot. We are in- vited back for ice creamn when sumimer, The inew luimber shed is c"ming, on fast. Today VertMt-nt ook çoff the forms 'and cut ail the studding aind plates. By this time nexmt week we xpect to have the r(oof on.ý Then ahl our dry lumber -wîi be stored un- der caver. We have had the electrie floori sairJu-st one year now and we -finid that every month it attracts more business. it îis t he best outfit oil the Market and makes usý friends her everi it goes as well as lheiping --ta sel hadodflooring. Doni is going to give the boys a spin) in the crýuiser tmrrwmorn- inig thený heýid 1back for Sky I{arbour Air Port. We did want him to stay over and go to the Masonic Ladffiesý Nig-ht affair here on Friday. There is to be a Turk!,ey banquet and vaud.(- eville show thien dance. He says hiow-1 ever he must get back to business for Saturday i, his busy day anid beýsides he doesn't have the lady wifth hlmn. Anvhowýý Arch, Peg, MY n xiii be there to enJay the dolas anid meet the masoas of the district and t heir ladies and kmir folk, You ask mie about that taink truck. Teil the kd we wili eau la ron you and( show them the smartest thing yet inl that lune. Likely ro dthe end &f til" ilmth as auir laest wvord froim Montreai ay it will be ready, about the 27th. That's ail 'tilt theni. Sec MCLareli FOR SALE piates, $210 Oa co to weels, a ders, $3-76. les, rubber $,30f. Whj(ee- ba iwslew waon, sedeuiet and Cocshuttt manur>e sp1eaýders on rbrfer-tilizers anid friî spreader ealerie Carl Todid. Phocne Clarke 15 -20ý 21-dp DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP promrptly. Phone collect Bowmnanvilleý 2679. Also we buy live horses. M arg- will ur Farmi, Tyrone. EADSTOCK remioved from your farm ,promjiptly for sanitary disposai. Telephione Colleet: Cobour.g 1266 or Toronito Esr 8-8686. GORDON YOUNG LIMITED Your insurance costs can be substanti-a11y re- duced by buying DMv- dend Paying Policies Quotations on request. Leroy llaniiton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE lu ail its branches Fireý, Burglary, Hospitalization Automobile, Lif e, Accident and Sickness, Plate Glass, Liability, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio. Real Estate S,6,800. Orono Resideie, Maini Street. Chogice location,' eight roomrs. centre hall, pa'ntry.and ut ity roomi, 'furnac7eý divided1 cellar, 111 ne-wly decarated. and ini spotlSss condition. Ternis. MORTGAGE FUNDS 1 have avainhie funds for first mortgages on improved property ini Clarke Towvnship - carrent interest rates, LERCOY HAMILTON Broker Orono Electric Phone 93rl1 CONTRACTORS Fa1e FARM and ITOUSE WTRTNG Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Gaaranteed Repaire fi) af il aes of Electi ical Equi-pmewý and Appliances ';uch as llotoirs, Water Rleater>s Ovrono Tinshopi Sîheet Me&.tall and Warm Air! Heating, R.E. LOGAN Phone la-le SProclamation S Police Village of Orono Notice is hereby given' that Daylight Saving Time wvill become effecive atd mid- night Saturday, April 25th, 1953, in the Village of Orono. TRUSTEES Village of Orono p RYEUCLAN and SURGEON Office Hours: 20to4.00 p.m; .;630 tO 500p. Sundays and Wednasdays by appoint meut enlY ýPHONE 47r] ltN E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Main Street South Office Hlours: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m.: 6.30 to 8.00 p.M. Sundays and Holidays by 1Appointment, PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETRINRYSURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PHOXE 94 r 16 OROMO Lawrence C. Miason, B.1~ Barrister and Solicitor BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. Phomus - Oithce 688 Hom, 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctione-er anti Valuater Specialize in Farm and Furniture 'Salés Consait me for terni and dates TED JACKS"ýON Auctioneer and Valuator Conl acte A action Sales of al] uIuâ and at reagonable rats. 1Coninunicate with hlm et Poe peru'. Ontari0, or See hi, Cleri. À, E". Morton, at orone. for dat. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Poic1«tý Protection and Savings Plana fW Ch&den and Madlts;MrtaeI. surance Plans. F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phone 20 r A The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 .- P.O. Box 6Z2 Port Hope. Ontario Monuments, Gravemnarkera,. Plunabing and Hmot Water Heatlngr CALL U5Z FOR ESTIMATES HAJRRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO ONT. STAFFORD BROS Monumenital Works Phone W 4t, 5~2 318 Dandas St. E., Whitby FINE QTJALITY MONUMENTS A.NP 31ARKERS Let us ereet a handsoame, dg nified monumen~t over the z«t ig place 'Of ytýUr loved ame« li's net expensive. And wdng this lest tribute will Ut" yog *ndletsa comfiotq

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