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Orono Weekly Times, 23 Apr 1953, p. 5

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QRONO WEE1i.LY ¶1ME~ i~1 and Co-n.venà.tionl TOWN HALL, ORZONO on the evening of Saturday, Mifay 2sid 1953), at 8:00 p.m., D.S.T For the purpose of electing officers, transacting General Business, and selecting- a CANDIDAEt contes t the Riding of Durham in thenxieea ElectIon in the interests of Durham Porsie Conservative Association SPEAKERS- George C. Nowlan Q.C., M.P. Presi'dent Progressive-Conservative Association of Cana.da Hon. John W. Foote M.L.A. T AND OTHERS GOD SAVE THE QUFEN.. Irin ColvilI, President R. R. Waddell 0Q.C, Secretary M»EA-NIIIER WITH MARGlfoT ýil THE Quinte Distriïct Cattie Breeding Association. R.R No 2 B IELLEVILLE, ONTARIO Annocunce that they are now supplying ARTIFICIA LSBREEDiG SERVICE TO SEVEN BREEDS HOLSTEINS 'Buils owned by Quinte District Cattie Breeding SCOTCH SIIORTIIORNS Asn elvle Ontario. JERSEYS AYRSHIRES HEREFORDS GUERNSEY DUAL PURPOSE ShTORTIIORNS Bulis own-ed by Eastern Ontarîo Cattie Breeding Ass'n, Kesnptville, Onitario. Bils owned by Hlamiltün District Cattie Breedinig -Zsn, annon, Ontari4o, Life Mlembe rship Fee$2.0 Service Fee $5. service to INon-Members $7.00. 01er 2,200 formiers bred 25,000 cows to our sires laýst year iv ith over 70%,ý conceiî ing on thle f irst srIce. Inquire now from your nearest inseminator or Agriculture Representative for more particulars. For servic'e contact the man living nearst you- Keith Wood, Orono, 84 r10 LeRoy Short, Bow manville, 2479. Jaan Toavit, Carke, 46 r 03. McLaren's JELLY POUWDERS, Strawberry, Cherry, Rasp- berry,........................3 for .. 25c. STA-FLO, liquid Starch, 2 for Vie register price of one ..25c. MAPLE SYRUP -- pure........ large 136 ounce tin .... $3.95 KLEENEX.,... ... regular or chubby....2 for ...- 39c. pkg. 59e ('UlIP ' tIL'T~ In addition to these SAVINGS we have Blue Brand Beef, Younrg CHOI~.YfIU E TS Pcrk Cuits and Lamb, ALLAT 'TRACTIVELY PRICED! SHOULDER POT ROAST BEEF ... .Boneless..... ...... pound .. 39c. COTTAGE ROLLS -Peaniealed .............. .. pund .... 47c. PICNIC SIIOILDERS......Smoked, Bone in ý....... .pound ...- 3ý)c. ROUND STEAK .... in piece or ground.............. .... pound .... 69C. Coru "Kish Phoe 1Ill Mfarlketeria Oromo 1Mr. Don MLrn oe~h visi- ted his parents, Mi%. an(& Mrs. C. S. McLaren this ,veek. Rev. D. LV Lute, Tyrone, occupied th e pulpit at Orono United Churchi on Suda lornýing, gviga very fiiie discourse on "Damvaged Good-1 ne1ss". 1ev J. Kitecn conducted a 1 sptecial service at Tyixrne ont the )c- cainof theîir W.M.S. Anniversary. Mrs' ý. A.,Ro('a'ad Mis. Marijorieý Wati'so)n returnied to Orýono laýst we'ek after spending- the winiter, in Tor-onto. Mr. nd Mis. Aubrýey Jordaln of Oshatwa visited re(latives ini Orono Over thie Week-end. Mr.. ald Ms.Donald Rob hae returned to terhome fromFloida MrS. Hamiilton Boyd 'and ýson BIa returncd lhome after: a1twýo weeks.1 visit wit 11%r. and Mrfis. R'oy Mjlîs of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rickaby and Nor>- mal-n spent Sunday in Toronto wvith Mrs J. A. Rickahy and Miss Mro Rickaby. Mny from the village atrtndedj the funeral of the laite _Mr. Fredi S. Blackburýn on 3Mondlay. April 2th. Seri,ýce wavs held ln the Morris Fun- -ra,! lihpel, Bwavl.Mr'. RlacK- humn died at his homne luNecit suddenly on FrdayN, April 17th. The regulair nithly meeting of the re Union H1omieiand Scihool Club \\as held on Apr-il l7th. Those providing thle entertalument for- the evening wýere CalsCooperi playing the violin aýccom1panied byl Mr. Chiarles Tay-lorý on the pianmo.AI d'tel by Mr. and _Mms. Glenn l'Allun,1 accompanlied hy Miss Airlene Raiue at the piaino. Mrs. Brown andm( Eaml shovved picturesý taken dluingi, a trip to Flortýida. ,Mrn -AmnondHoin- worth sang and played the quitan. A social hour followed The followving is the financial statemnent for- the Drono 0Omphans for the 'year 1952-53. Draw ý-on Television........------- 5 2 Caish at gates..... ... .... 1,095.47 Total revenue..........$ 1,326.99 Expeniditiures.............-------1,196,711' on hand ..... ......$102 S-ecretary, Wmy. Rutherford, Trea-1 surer A. E. West.i UNITED CMIJRCH Orono Pastoral Charge Reverend John Kitcenl Minister SUNDAY, APRIL 26 ORONO-Sund-ay School at 10 Service at il & 7.30 LESKA1R-Service at 2 KIRBY-Sunday School1 at 2 Service at 3 ORONO, ONTA-ýRTO PHIONE 431r0 IARMSTRDNG'Sx ,Sep our Spnving 9Coats, loose or fitted styles, also two-piece Shorties amd Skirts tO matchl. P1riced from $39,50 to$57.50. Neýw IDresses la,.pr-tedtaf- fettaý-s and sýheers. Priced frM......17.50 to $23.00 Skirts la taffettas, covet cloth, wool plaid, ail od scyme . ricd rom $4S-.5- $9.95 Salsand Srdsin colors of navy, grey, brown, green, sand, ble iand checks. Priced from ..$7,15 to $11395 Grl¶s ld *ool Slcks, in sizes 7 to 11 yvarS. -.S$5.9.5 ChiIdren's uaNy Blazzers for boy's,, sizeýs 2 to 6x.Pre flailiel Hlaîf SlEPS inm, odee cotton, crepe wt nylon trimf, taffetta wthfrî11 size 3M.L, Preced at$29 and $3.95~ Caeoetopin) e ridre cotton týo match slip at $I,75. Cr*epe and n jylon ,slipus. Pried from$295te $5.95. Chlrnscotton Dresses in ,glazedj chambray, crîskay and priats. Sîze 7 to I1 2.25 -$5-50 Shpoes ila Mýoccasiens, Sandals,- Loafers,Pup and Oxfords, pieed fromn $3.50 to $,ý12.50J Men's Jackets unisecPro- ceýý,sed fabric Stain and winlde redtat.Colors tan, gi-ey, and iiavy. Pmiceil at $16.50. ~WEArMTOk6É PRiCgES Frozen Foods Fish Vegetables and Juices Fresh Date, lb11 ........... 1,5c. French Dressing, jar ..... 33e. New MeIKeazie Seeds just ar- rived. Suigar, 5 Ibs. for..........19c. Sugar Crisp, 2 for ....... 37c. Frostee Desert Mix, pkg. . .15c. Large Prunes, lb. . .... ý,.. 29c. Neilson Chocolate Bars, 4 for only .,. .......... 25c. Fruits - Vegetables Tomatoes - Garrots - Lettuce Cahbage - Parsnips Cabbage Beef - Baby Beef Fresh Pori- Cooked and Cured Meats Continued from page 1 phy.sicists aud11( tQrs ave gie world reýnown I lu ajpplyiý'ng the vastý enrisof the Coal'omb Io the 11etmutofdepsae tuosi humas. Iis omb s muh is-s ex- pensve hanratdium. ii ail patrts of th)e couutry, re- sear icli is contiiniig, anld if it is, to continue 'uto track dow th-e greatest eniemiy and killer of maukdind, we must give our support. 'We must ail giv-e to conquer cancer. DATES 'N DATA Doe,' rnîss t.he academy awurd àiiii acres Shirley Booth, lu Cornie B LiLtte Sheba", coi-ing o the Capiin Port Hope ýonMon- aAil27thi. This is a portriait of a r smuAted mariage, of the diffi- itis ensuing, ofr veydypeople md ocurrncestold wîth depth and paýthosaddaa Miss Boýoth is suer sithe slovely ;wifep; Burt LacseÎs more than adequjate as Uc rfored icoliolice:and oget'her theyprovde a eveingof siilt inig etanet O Jne5thi, we wiil be tnss to the first recital ofr r.'m Rgersýon's, danYcing sehool. The recitalI will be ini the Town Hall, and ill be the first annnýIal recital for hier ballet udtapj clas es. flettrmar-k that TheOroo Lbray is spor-tinýg some ýe-w additionis to its shlelves. Among11 the heSt is "Peopfle oif the Deer"l, by Canadian areyMOWat. One hope that Mr. Moat ill give us moreý o!, his unusual books. He Writes of Ohe Egký1imOs, the Peopfle of the Deer, with greait war-mth and feeling, anid ob- serves them flot a!s an outsidler, but asueo tlem". Mr Mowat imýanag-es to kep is story alýiive and interestilg at ail tim-es- fi, of draima, and colour. Read iÏt. 17 -Affli

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