V/ol. '17No. 14 0 -INO, ONT1..1THI Cubs And Scouts Hold Father And Son Night Father and son night wavs a nio- ,mentous occasion for the members of -ihe Orono Wolf Cub Pack and t;heý O0rono Boy Scouts whien on MýondaýyI ,,vening t hey were honoured, along- with their fathiers to a banquet ia the Sundlay 'Schei Auditorium of Oronoý Ijnited Church. Some eiglity sons and fathers sat down lto th-e banquet prepared and served by the <ub -nothers. Mr. Jack Wilson propesed a toasti to th-e fathers and wasl replied to by _Mrý Ray Carleton, The toasL te to -tQuleen w ,as Db3erved,. The menu for the evening consisted ofcoU mat salloCpeýd potate0es, saad elishes, beveraIge andl pie and Follow;\ing t'he dinner, MAr. Gorge F'uester callied on _Miss -Maureen Mcýf- Xenna mwho i.troduced Mr. Fred At- kins, P istrict Fïeld Coiissioner. ,who la turn. initrodueed the guest speaker, Mr. Itobert MacKinnon of Mr.MaXno spoke briepfly on Carp Simac, a Scouting Camp nrthý c)f Osha-wa, aidit iashis hoe,that ïIe local org-anization woulid make ,tise of !LtIn speakinIý-of sotn n cuhing ià was his opinion that Lord lBadden PoweIllleft an influence se- ýcond onfly to Christianity. The move-I mýent is not oniy a course in lknot, Iying but alge includes the -.stinmulafon for resourczefuin'esa and cO-operation. &ýûut and Ciib training, he sýaid, was 'çfI a nature that is net tau.ght at hoGme or in the school. He told the liathers that the leaders in these1 groups needied plenty of belp for with oth teir ivorlc the whole mxovement 'woùiù,ld aulter 'We in Canada., he aatd, have soniething te 'be proud of età look foxward te. TItehr iz~~on of opporttinity h5 vwry ,.ide. MNrs. Donald Goode thanked the speTýaker eId also spoke words of p.,raise for the Cub mothers wrho ce - eperate i every way ini helping with 1,hh Cub organizatfoa. Mfr. Wmi. Bunting spoke briefly oný > hctgin Orono. A y'ear ago 'this ,ý-rgaztion started up with six boys t>urolled and bas now built up tel Mîr. S B. Rutherford thanked the ,tub niothers for the splendid ban-i qupet wbieh was certainly enjoyed and nppreeiated hby ali present. A sing song was coriducted by Mr Pr,'ed Atkins with both fathers andl qostking pa rt. Instlitute For Blind Doing Creditabie W It is a eas Ctoannounceta o)ur anulfinanciar camipaiga Will take p1a(ce' from April 27 to My9 said -Mies R. Cryderman, Cara o-f the Bowm,,jan\i1le West Durham- Adviîsory Committee, Thau Canadian National Institute foer the Blind. "Whien w-e se(, the results of C N.I.B. Service, we are gld e shared in the drive for- funds. Shîe told of the nfortunlate exper- ience ocf a middile nged man, whe lest bis sî2ght suddenly through an accident. 11e would net see any cf, his f'ormier friends, nnd refused te leave hiis bedrom. A1l the furniture wnsre Preved but the bed and one straight' backed chair. Ris wife was expected to bring meals te the ern.m fally ike the drýowning gr-asping u,.t a straw, som,,eo)ne appealed te C.N.I. B. The genitleman received the blind Field Secretary coldfly, andi showed littie interest in conversation. "Wheres the furniure?"the fild mnnasked, dlëGedring by ear and touch thAt the room m'as aImes t empty. "T had it taken out se 1 wouldn'ti bump into 1t," repliedl the potentiail Cent.1 ai] That was the professîonal' S due, nd, as one blind mian te anothe, heý ftly demionstrated the ability cfà igh 1tless person te walk nimnbly anid Trout Fishing opens Tbis 1Fridayy May I st Frdywill be ja dayýý when both~ yoiir,ýng ad (oId wiill ise with the bird's for the early -wormn and possibly a. Xew trout. Yes, the first oïf May is he again and wNýithi practicâ' ly every- one )iav,%iing filed their incomle tax re-~ port they find that their major offen- siv-e is dircted to the babbling brooks and stream-.s, the home of the ively trout. Althoughi the trout season opens on Fridlay the big rush will likelyJ net appear Luntîl Satuday and Sun- day mornig we we will again witness an influx of fishermen flrm far and nea"r. 0f cou Se, everyone has a know ideof the existing regulation),-to siz7ýe and catcdh and wi7jI l ase keep in mmnd a thoughlt in respect te thel party's ý1Operty 011 vWhich they are fishing.i Lease Let For Park Booth By Board The Board of the Orono Memorial Conmmuni;ty, Park met on Monday ex ening when it opened tenders fr the operation of the booth and aise, laid plans for fimprevemienits to the _£riounds. The secretary, W. B.. Caýrman, r-1 ported th;ýt only one tendler had beeni A. Spring Id lu fron On Thursday, April 16th over 200 ladies of the Women's Associtii of the Oshawa Presbytery miet togethe2r ln the 01r01o0united Church forir spring rally. The Pr-esident, Ms Falloise of Whitby presidfed and cal-, ed uipon RPev. John Kitchen for thei address of welcme and woalso dus- pensed Commnion before the noonj luncheon.i A lovely mneal was served by the, Orono ladies, follow\ed$'by discussion' groups under' the topics; Presidents, Visiting and Christian liowship Citzizesip and Parsonage, con.ducted-1 by Mrs. A. A. C rowle, mrs. MV J. Tamb1l'n, Mrs. C. Lee, -and 'MissMc Carl r-espectiv-ely. The morning de-! votional wvas condticted by Green- wFood WUA. and the afternoon by Ajax W.A. In the afternoon the guestc speaker, Mrs. A G. McGihîe of Ham-1 ilton g"ave a prctcladdress on, ~'iinor the Lack of it' and Mrs. 1 VaDiel of Bowmianville rendered a beautful SOlo. A mde of offîces was broug ht in by Mrs. Crowle and in- taldby- Mrs. MýsGhie for the follow-' ing tLwo yearsý. The W.A Thenie song was sung , the M,ýizpah'I benlediction xvas reýpeatd v in munisen and the ladies dispersed top thleir respe'ctive homnes feeling they hal had a very enjoyable and instruc- tive day. LOCAL NEWS rleceived te lease tuebocoth at the Park for the year 1953 This tender, Mrs. Harolil Dean is visiting submitted by Mr. Cliff' Winter, lis er parents la SudIbury. aiccepte(d. Mr, Winter wl aiso police A number of officers and inenl the grounds duing the summerl of Orono Lodg,,e LO.O.F. atte' mroaths. AniniverSarVyServices oCfFloî Nightengale Lodge, Bewmianvill( It was decided by th~e Park Board Sunlday. April 26. Brother Chate te erect a new back stop for the bal D.G.M ,wsgctsekra diamnd s te peset oe i luPO1 Cenotaph. Bre. Roy Forrester pl $5,550.0O Suhscribed Bitz Campaiga The Buits Camýipaigu held on Wed- ià.JDudleCy 1, esaAprfl 30 for the O0rono Uin- ited Church Bi-iidiïg Funid reaiized aý tpu suml OF $5,350.00 iia cash and pledges. This amunvas sýhort of the ,0. The subtie ats ojcieby $,5.0 piano sand personali The Biz as the second sucheh ami- manile mindavil paiga hed for the -new chiurc-h. Onitrapplings of peoet Apnîl 2p, 150 the Finanice Coiiiitte 'the personal clu of the Building lý4und for the then Ray seems more to be erected churcli held the'ir first e-very musical triul BýlitLz Camipaign. This campaign la t itude of friends hi 1950 rised from the com-munity and enjoy the easy gc distric a grand total of s25,00'0.001thait the young pi; wlic ws tsojective. The su -pport des Il s spel given la the campaign was- then sreythroulghout interl ant inicentive to aill to see the new crls church cntutd The se-ond cam m ,Ry Duldley pia, three years following the first, wsthe nhuia cas dsignd1to elnate a $9~O0{i0 satin throuhouti ani which is beng' carried by' the nîng and afternooai A neti w as 1 cfsen new client was sceptical, rier doubùuig pupil 1ioy uIrwsu rally With the teacher'a encourage9- mient, the gentleman felt bis way down stairs and learned te find bis way cautiously throughý the roomas aru&chairs and tables until lie was once more putting lu a regulan ap- p)earance at the faurily circle. "That man has cerne a long way" Miss HI. Crydermian teld us, "Heis nowi a member of a recrention'al club forl the hlind, and those Who nmet, hîm tu the early duys tbiak cf hlm an a dif- ferent penson. This particulan clienti does net live la our district", Missq Cryderi-man said, but there are 18 re- ceivag C.,N.I.'B. service, and they wilIl all benefit frein your support cf the cunrent camipaign. Please be as gener- eus -as possible. Red Shieid Appeal In Orono To Begin On May 4th Thre Salvatdion Amny Red Shleldi Appeal xiii beeld lu Oneno froni Najy 4tb te iMay 22nd. The Campaiga fias benu welI onganized.'ky the local chJairman, Mnrs. Colonel Gamney, whol iconfident that with the loyal and- geinenouLs support cf thre people cfi thecomuity, this years caunvass -will onece-agtiin show tire whni- liearted suýpport that the people (", or-ono have for the work cf the Se]l vaýtion Army. ma this district. Lieut. John Hami reports that -ap pnoý-ximately ý10OO.00 bas heen spent hiBovmnvla nd district xvich la- rludes Orono, for fanaily welfare anai xcelief purposes this pest yean. Typicanl 1f the cases lie bas aided is th at cýf & large faniily who during thre ae iniotlh beam~unemplayed-.,iLk imoist folk tlrey dependd ipon their w7eekly salany ad when this ended 11e faniiiy fouad îtself iii a state cf1 destitution. The famrli -%vas visite«l, hy Lieut. Hani and food çvas mrp- -plied and fuel foutnd Until thre time that uneniployint insurance pay-! iun 's")begna lte. cane for tire needs or! th1e family. Thrnugh tre. Red Shiecli Appeali the Salvation Ayray bas been ableB t> porrcbase a Fresli Air Camp ut Roblin- lý,ake for 'underprivýileged chldtren. Prthe fînt thuie tihe Salvation Armiy will be taking elîdýrn frein this district who are lai need cf a healthful holiday and a change cf en- Svineaiment, and -will be sending thie-in te. this camp for a happy vacation. Lieut. Ham has had 15 enquinles fer mnissing pensons, somne cf which have been scesul coatacted aud,( others are still being searcbedi for. OvIer 1,500' good used gaminents have been distnibuted te those who ýneed and appreclate this help. Seven lay- ettes were given te ueedy e, etn Mothers,' witb many other srie rendered. The Salvation Arniy negularly vis- its lenely patients at theBe an ville Hospital and suppliesthog the miedium cf its Brass Band the! eld gospel hymuns te the patients. When a ,,oung girl in extr cm'e dif-1 ficulties renlized that sher.'sas ~ging te- have a baby, feeling cenipletely alone turned te the SlainArnmy, f Here she found sourid advice and practical help. She will lire at Vida Lodge, a Sal1vation Arny Home for unmarnied mpothens until lier baby isi bora andi then xiii be lhelped in her1 mdlteisions and xiii be placed in suita-ble enxpioymenit until seiehas a chance te once agajnn adJust' ber life. -This is just one lan a great chain cr social institutions which id supported by' the 'Salvatien -Amyr-i Red Shieid Appeal. Cali it Taraxacuni offiincina.ie Weler if yeu wish, but to the Ont- aric farmeýr and the ifrban lawn- maken it is still that nuisance, the common Dandelion or Bloxvball that infests crops and niakes Iawns look as though they had broken out in a golden rash. One cf the mnost comnion weeds lu Ontarie, the iJandelion emigrated fromi Europe and toda3r beurs the sti grniaof beîng even a Woýs t peat in Ontario than it was on its nàtive heath. Frein eariy spring te late faol prac- tically ail localities, parks and lawns are overrun with titis yellow fiowered perennial whech valiently resists ef-, forts at eradication. The familiar fiuff bail containing the r-.pened seeds appears about two weeks after the flowev opens. Drought dees. net affect the Dandelion as the long fieshy tnp reot ana carry the plant through m-any drought speIls, thus g,*iiag- it a chance teow nnd multiply wI hen! other lawiýn plat r la a wveakeaed condition. The young Dandelion muakes an excellent saljad or pot hierb whose rýoots have been. used ian medicin-es. In fact, arouad 1914 over a hiuadred thousand pounds 'were imported iute Canada andUS..arnualýy. The mî11lky juice sold fori four te ten cýents per pound, > Control cf the Dandelion with the spud is ývery laborious and back bneakîng but will give results if the reot is eut off about four inches be- low the soil surface. Pieces broken off the main part of the root wiI grow and produce plants cf their own. Chemical control is veny affective Ai-consideraàly easier. Spr eying iwith 2, 4D where ne suscepttile flowers or ornaimentals are near, and where ne beat grass -isý used in the lawn wiii give veny ,gratifying ne- 1-Slts, says the Crops Branch cf the Ontario Departmeit of A-griculture. The. chemical car, be. bouglt at nrost dnug, hardware and depatinent stores It should be applied at rates recoin- mnended by thie manufacturer and be- fore the Dandeliens begin te flewen. Unless some action la talken te dIean uip large arenas, niew seeds xvIii blow la and preduce a new infestajtj0on. Dandelions are profuse seeders andl som -a the mnette of those wishinul n lawn free -frei thenim ta "Evenlastingly keep et if, eu'nday by the tamnily ef the late Mr. Fred Tamnblyn, in bis niemnory. Mr. an>l Mns. Keane were in Ononoi Thursdayî on business. Called on a few cf the many fniends they ha.ve made durlng their 29 years ia Orono. We wish thei the best of luck i thefr new home in Oshawa Mr. sud Mrs. Donald Robb have re- turned from Flerida, where they Spent the wlvnter. Miss Dorothy Devine and Mr. Heu- ry Leamien were week-en d visitors1 wvith Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Leamnen. Miss 'Viola Gilfillan is -visiting hei niee miss V. G. Gilfillan. Mlrs. Robt. Keane, Brigbiton visited week with Mnjr and Mrs. A. H. Keane ini Oshawa. Little Sandra netunned home with her mother after spending ten weeks with ber grandparents. acted as The. e' was vari olut week h e. n vniung 1.00 tt orin cf a banquet, entetainment a: dance. M'any were present from ci side lcdges to join xNvth Orono ia thJ gala evening. The ladies cf the Wonian's Assoc ation cf Iirby catened te the din serving tempting turkey with all th trnimings. Tbe ta.bles were g-ay decornted with forsythia and brigý red apples. Rt. Wor. Bro. R. E. Logan propose the toaýst to the ladies remaikin that it wvas always a pleasure te (, 'ertini themn. Mrs. P. M. Lunn, r-eplying, said that Ladies Ni-lht "w o)ne outing- which was look.-ed forwa 'o býy the ladies. KL.e stated that t!ii w\ere prould te beenIxife cf a mas iind gi-aciously thuinkedthi for t! Coni