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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Apr 1953, p. 3

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4 Ill£ FÀRM FRONT Belmev' ho ntbab-y îpîgsý bave aD"Swcut bath-and by means ar sugar pellats YO a en leaci ) ;ocl oi ood enrler, '11A lnk âtebelh ler gawhb~t Iasltiat's \la Deanj C. Waljf dim l " Country Gent-'lem-an," anTld lie ýeaem S 1ta haVe(2 efa ta b'c flot jus plain sugan>">. Tiey ar'3ýe Packmd sith itainanti.bia- tics, tra.ce miiiinerla!s and 1h. e as weii. * e Danion CaIron, -' sinnuin Jted mr ta 10 aby pigs On these peles.He re aoar- tages ho a s Found: 1 '5;rStant ion pigs becuse iey suant taecntpdy ied uaiwan eanier ae iyl ibesgr contedc peilits -ai about 5 days antIc tInys. Wenthe fiowaDiso' b. eaing enoughit stater teed u) conltinuoefast gnowtvh. lin, pigs 'ta entai-yesrts iuch bai are lbey are 2 ta 4 weks aid. 2. Hanthier, tirifier pig ed iess trouble tramscours'cn bha expected. You can get vitaine, antibiaties ndçtmnerais pirhi pig euaaniyiscicaper l ee ber ftien la lry-ta gaitamn and antibiotics inhlo pgeviathe 3. Fwnrunis ae ound la lii- tens ai wl nouCislied pige When pîgs enl dry feed any thera is lesS cac iisoie ai ilii wii be set ,badik bausa of a shortaýga ai0uik. van large liler wllramain uniion.1 1. Heavier pgsailwanîn ar producad sinca lhy may eat %wce as mucb ieed. if il is in suga-cotedpellets. Caîron says pigs on thi naw-type rsrer zshoul d weig!h 5 ho 20 lbs. more ai 8 wks. tien those on thie average s'tarter now available. 5. Earlier veanegmay be.paýs- sible whlen pige ,,,weigh 25 'ta 3 lb;bat fi wks. instenai 8o )wkIs. Catron believEs good hog cren om aymay b. abeie a et ig compeley ondryfeed, wae tnmleSow orhae ofsy. thetame ik at 3 or 4 wes 6ChePajpengains 3are Ëha the pictune too. Ennljy gains on pige cOs les mneytien hase latjei n. you can elt 1b% oh Park on -1.7.5 lbs. ai starýter, ri en ing la market, pigs do aveulta Make 1idlbofaigain on 4 Wb. o feed. If you lare 0on syntietie m1iik ieedin g, lasai tiereai- !y higi-pniced mInUk is nequired Per Pi'. a1-1w1 hasts wiene pige wene 'ta'ken frhomthie sow ah 3 das al age, sugar -coatel peits utrquirements for syi- ptar pig dow lao5ta10 Pie., Pi'ge showcd a 2t- rtr anc. ion ales veneaiopen grenIer prefere:nce 1()r.pellitcs ave crmbis.They -te2ts maOre pellets tlia cruml h fretwaek 6 imas mTore the sec- ct,1.0 hie mr i hirdand 5 tilms -more hiet fourtCI, * -ey Tihc* tosting is on artwih requireýs years of practise. A demionstrarion of i' fosc:inated gue,,ss wha ttededthe recent opening of the new Saloda Tea Company Building in Morýeal. J.,It GimrThe SaIada Tea Taster, hos procised Ai trade for 36 yeors. The taster determineb each day what proportion of the teaýs recei\ved firm vwaus gardens in Ceylon and Indua should b. used to make up a particular blend, Next to Mr. Gi1more k S5. Fayttz AIum Comlmercil Attache fron Pakistn, ln the insert oti ef is showen ore of the most voluoble pieces in thie fcnme-d Saladai collection of orientaiart displayed in the new building. A teao pot in the form of the Chinese good luck symbol wbhicdoJ'tes from niacncient IprilDynosty. bettr tan eliets ýý cantainiing the ýsame aiau)Lnt oai sugar. Theyaýi- mrxedwitb ugar.Te-st pigs aie- than nmeýal j naiîgthe same amnount af sugar, Where sugar unesimixed tbrougbout the pel- let the test igs aie 2½ limes nme of the coated epeles in the flrsJ weeàk ad11/2 times more duinhesecnd week. Pig ,,shawedthemsiprf- ence for sugar coating during the frs weck in alcmaias Thati's -when it i s nost imiport- ant tae aeahgl aaal starter Differ-i l lve!sofugrwr tried-7½'>, 15 and20% Pigs atec more of the plescoateci wt sugarpu at tic 7 ½ % level but cal- ron savors 0l)ta 5%becaumse cai other osrvt's.Sgr in starters isoeonomcallysoun unrfind sgar soon will ha avaiablefor eedd (3) bak sýtrap mnolasses na is plentiful and rltieyCb-ap). SuLgr-coat'ed plespraýbably will be on the marettu ydr Catronlurges f armrs- Ita make- sure topy geta Sumr ~wit a strog nuritinal unch as vell ws sugar caating, U should have vitaýmfins, antibiatics,, anidmnr als alanrtb deuae evais ai eah sa Mettlçlat enahbiemat f ast, !profitable grOv.11 You [icwnt a ut hee e Jets in a creep when pigs are- days aid.Sei-f-eedtruh8 wks., even ifyowen nrer 1 pnngfor each 3 tai 5p§go. In Cold>rather, put a bhan laP aboya the feed. You'l irnd tusq an es a ta gat more feed ini- ta yaOur -pigs duing ii.critcica firs weeks 0flit e AhOL1cis 198-10 20moi thqn t jhti ,)s liwih e andtaks mr nanc maiî ta~bý buldatbiingchrc.apol(-iý1L quen môzelu a h ae Ephesus and taug h, il oiJ aiid nhisutwiic Aquiland Pris w ,ihPallaCaithugtth- man orea fuly Te nidaul0a- truth rcceie orthe h(y kingdam ous God for thre', moth. y tht im tc n were lèary drwn. he Lard pos. PuIcI Jei iei yaou anld Afortwoyesrertda sehool. Thesick wonehaleai devis casi ou.i.shewhoi area J.tes. Henwe isihe-ar ai t'h- special poarsuppo"sed ta x long ta sevic n ons. Biut theý tables wrcturnad on tes ci Man1l;hohad bce decvd by tim were cnere T h e y bonfira -àTic value I )therhbh %vih as bur e wS stntd a'50,(000 icsa ue thcl gdospe hiic 1bcasilerwh wUio iadetinagesof he odeV a-nd 1xven-i o t acdo Paul's ln.ter meeiniibth cyldtil i i ninsrïa Pau di aibi. ' ltv'n ee wîhyuaÇi-saassr- ing hie Lard with al hmui Style Output A. e hptris acn -gin he Biish nylon stary. Tha ýIprchute and the Lowý, op i the ar easare tran-s- mnuted ini the fimiest pleated lingere. Nylon hin exchig nomw fanrs is., coming i nl t o Landon shops avery week. Factory eteson ow bcrng bulit promise continuing andi- cresin spplies o-f y air nfor 1 these newpcodî ts Lae, r)bbons, su,-itan drs matarials, knittig yarns tur fabrics, even- salis foîr iiver crïi h are sneot the cnew i orms in wbîci Mîs ynthetiefablic é Xiundreds Ai MUSiiemacnuiiC i turers in 46 itihcaunies have their desigas ready, Théy aiaah onyleinremaseýd supplies cf nylon amn wich 1h. ew fac- who rodce ylon d r ess PA ingeriesics at piresant have decmandsin (,-,eessof su:(pie-s. plas« ornr easng produc- tion a yonorfg hadwt officai bessig. Te dealop Unitil recýent1-, the ieed to ex- portDy2lon stocckings kept sup- plies - t noir]lcially ratioined in the hom-el shops. COne had tua have an accuntata store w0 be surce of getting a pair regularly. TI. situation fbas nwesdaan One even sees diopays of nylon stockings in store winidows in London- AMan-ufacturers pDromise ample sple when ya>ziî beginýs to cornefromthe nwfactoieuS. Designs for nylon dresses are iprctcal and attractive tus 3ea- son. Anew ,nylon fabric which looks rather like fine linen aaysucmmer dress, striped i;- turquois, pîrimr-ose, anldCIgray. For 1holiday wear there are dresses j.n a-ild-over printed çlesigns. One- of the nw nlnadcto fabrescrip an sikyshoNwn for Ihe frsiý timre this spring, ap- pears in a:'l ý!ver-grayfulsrt ed, cday res Nyln sirs fr iforzinal vwear aire fndine ready sales nerb- cacuýse oaI their raereitne White skýirts are mi a de( up lai wacfle nylon, Mild separtely or withmatcing iomss.A for- mralioe in black lias a fuli circular skirt and a broad tuck- eduastband'. Thie classie w h ,i te shirt and neat in-tckedStyle i colors are wlcomeadiditions to the inylon blouse range. 'The inclu- sion oft opaque mi-aterials ma'kes ýa ny)lon blouse mrepractical ftor th1 nt-o-oug For party wear for the younger there are bal- loonslevedblouses vwith sad ujp Elizabethan collars andem brýoidered nylon ciffions. {)rganclies and ch--iffonýs too are used in f4imy bouffant evening dresses. The cquËuriers gave the, leatd by usiig these mratei'ials for, debutaýntes; exquisite party diresses. The vwholesale mnfc turers have nowý produced their- oninterpretation in raoal prircd dres,,s mwhich cani be tub- bcd at hom-e arter a garde') party or danec The Uneuînroný Gratefui Sar2iLes 200 Cup., of Tea a Day.. ThnGoes Hofime and Drink-S More!-ý tea wï'iîi mland aàlitile sg *you need nai lad 'LIinniu)tatha purisiwha hods tha te!nust, be ipaddenforidna po fss i ( jnai tastel rinks r hilsca afier samjpiing as m;,(aniy as po0 j.I.Glmoa, wba hbeen tea intar fr 36 yars, nay ricp i ai mlam aiev i "l111irpaI aie ai preleraece aîîdi h r eare a r 71d rls Building i Marea i asýLie showed bo b he ge ab'ut i-, job ai Ian taluicg. cout in b i piun(s cm M sn- isth sub letesing 1aroiaad Th, aud itebudesa ifer praeed iecohesus d e varc mn a u 1ilhandrold ron hi palate. Large spitoans are used saowdin the t as1tng. On tue b--aý,sif ihis savîigs, 11u111ai uf hs blucs and qasimans alityvar-Iîeies from aren ini Ceylo'n anld UInia willireU_-Csed. Abndsheet saigtcgr ~dcn arkscarnesGthe ams phr a u Easi with sua-i ex- Tinki n'dreh.a Kiaai AntnIPotiers.i comarale a wine it ant ihs-,i q- ur tyis, dirmin10b1g ,arcon- mid Hiytmeandra n-p. ecoe t ialiy, lit'cude aht have th îr cf- ct. As a m, ult i bghe olf garden, tc!bettr th tea Eve tcssos re fcor nd ica frai ýthesaieg cdnwilbcryi 1-i qu 2, n ifmn peEo s Te ases r nibout A sninall dtxster Orspraeri S an essential piece f0q1lpmn fMr niot gardners.NOthlg is, moediscouraging than ta e flowers, vegetables oirshbbr flouriihing and then to discover thýat bugs r disease are, riiingý them. 1 f eonecotr-tak promtly hoeve, tereis littie difiulty about coiitrol. "For- every pest, there is somre ceia or o ther ttreentho keep it in check. tisually aý spray or dust is uised. Foa r insects that cat ae in foliage the remiedly is n-icotine etc. FPor the peýsts thiat sukeut the- juices a burninig sjn'at oridst incarporating sulphuir is rom mne;or oetmsspca soap andwae or somè 0of f1h. tobacco sýolutions. Use sprayersj whcn the louage is dry, Wb he dust, best results are obaied on, ~a day without wind and just ater a ran or &cW. With ailcmicals one is wel advsed ta study mri fôln ietin ell li an Garder spacial toals. vil ta hiave long ani does not .1havc ta prising h iow accul lyone c'il, do thhn ingl of eý-veintiny S mnucîiîcructgev-y where a large space is ta be cult and for getting in andt -flowers, Ihere are al sorts rakesq, trowels and culfi, With any oi tis equipmei work wl be cut in fiwa tol! edges are kept ahari C ean. 1h is a good plan 14 an aid Me .handy, There is Pleinty of U1me ]For every plant or seQ through laie planhng Aie probabiy a dozen that through baing put la Loo NOIng is gahîed by nu 1Truc, certain grass seed, nurserystock, and such ai cold weaýthecan b11 arc put in too soon. But wi grealmaiority ai the floweý vegetables we grow in C H-ieïEvn is riohuirru ýThuý and of OCli Witi n,

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