Publioser. R C Forrester ES ALLI FOR SALE Columbia Berry Pits. Phone 79r16J les had O11roo#Onitaro. a lutc. n which OR s acn- Cenntor Phone 43 r I1, threne, Roph Hardare, 1Orono, Ontar,ýo. ac te give the best PAS EFOR RENT ;entation Good pasture for rent just east of s te the Oronio. Contact R. A. Cowani, 89 PrneBrookçe Ave, Toronto, Ont. -P watched ,hile he tunitY. He mwas iptasaluting in the t he mnat who beat theý drumn, a couple opo-of policemen anti the crow,,ds which, w-,atched the co' parade. .U Soldiers like those o4 the airborne infantry are helping i guard Caniada, ready to, drop into action wherever danger threatens. The young man wbo joins the Army and bas coin. pleted his lnfantry training may then volunteer to start trainingý fer thse proud wings of Canada's -'Sodieis of the Sky." How doies a -lori hoosýe a job? Ble examines the pay; thse wozrking conitionis; tiie opportunities for advancenient; thse financial security. Froni every one of these aspects an Armry career is excellent. And more -no nonoton1y of being stuck- for ycars in one place; pension plans after 2o years service; inedical and dental care whenever needied -witho.ut regard for cost or tinme. Opportuniiies for training and afvancemnt in the Arrny todlay are truiy outstandinig. ing is a man's Ef e! There are challenges and datngers. erever you go, ini the A my, you know you cati rely on oimradcs, trained fighiting men wxho share with y'ou thse of miitary life. If you think an Arny career is for you> ?about flhcopportunities for servke ýwith be flic nfnry mat important inen in the Canadian Amyi. 'Y if you are 17 to 40 years of age Àireasrent S. App3licants should bring fage when rCporting for interview, R.deau & Charlotte Sts., Ottawya, Ot y' Park, Bogot St,, Kingston, Ont. PR,-ýSCHlT'Oý REGISTRAý,IO0N Pa-rents af,, 1guardians d,-' upils~ who will be 'îatending Hih Schools in this area Jn Septenxbej 'next are rcquested to \ register lhenm befor-e May 30, 1953,ý- with the ýý'Prhzcipal of1 the school they\'will attend, This registration is/ ncccessavy tu1 PP0ganýne p etlr4SportatÎon to and from s chool,, as frell as classes. Durham Couity , District fligh School Board, H. IlW. Mitchell, Sc'y Treas., Port Hope, Ontarie. CO1MING ÉVENT Please reýerve ThÙrsday, May 28th for a Coroýatioii Téa and Old Time Quilt Disýlay, sponsorcd by St, Saviour's A. Particulars later. NOTICE Beginning May lst, Dlr' A. F. M1ýcKelizie o f Oronio anid Il S. H. Witzel of b4catewill Mve ho."urs and take caIjý oýn alter-natý week-ends from Fridavi 8.30~ p.m ,."to Monday rnoring.Dr.Witzl Ibe on cal]» thýe week-ends -of May, lst, 15th aind Ledth. Dr. M*ni 1 be on cal]» thle week-ends Mýy 8th and 22nd.- Will nlle r',of the .,r1ollo Wo-' men's Institu lewow eatn the District lConven' n at BIck- stock on May O0th, PYase notify mlS.- (Dr.) Shri jG- before May l2th a-c NOTICE Owing to un ,orseen cium-stances 1 il be unable to plo» any gardens' other than thdse 1I" ave J're-ady proris.ed. Don Duncan Now i h time to renew your subseription to <he Readers Digest. To new subscribeils there i sl)èéciq] offer of 16 isjues for $2.0. To al w1 ho took adv4n1tage" of his special offer iast yathere i,4aetrenewai offer of Id is,ýues for $3.00 nom, in1 effect. Contact Doýis uncan,', phone Orono 65-r-G îýL/ew or renewal suhscriptions. .a-p A Weekly Letter "Orno Ot. r 2 1J5 Harry Clarke, Clarke Lu'inber Co., Pr scott, Ont. Dear Hart7:- The ILadies, m1g1f was a great success, beiieve every6ne- had a swell timie. I woke up next. morning ith a very stiifK neckt- .6Culd have been fromi gawkng arouiý-j at ail the loveily ladies, their new c-esses ans~mart hair- dos. We too jind ccjrpetition keen lIi the buiidinig\supp/y buisinecss but are able tu mee b ptý.ces of any relibie retail outfit "îÇd give much better -service to the local trade. Mail order prices for saine mateiiAls are much higher tha1n ours. We -seil Insul Brick and Insul stone siding at $14.95 per eivoprc iv11 Before buyi neOýW Cocksli agent, who wi and used ma Apply Lloy ville .Phone2 BEFORE Y( A, TRY 1 ffr-Top price for your car ~Low down paymient Pay off your lien I ,30 months to pay ,,0 day guarantee A section of 4f cars and t TEW'S SPECIALS ic951 C1 ýV. SEDAN~ -very d ceani 1949 MÈrEOR CUSTOM S9,DAýN- $1095*OO0 l947 D ,DGE SPECIAL CLUXE Sea xtraordina ÈFvalue 1942 CH V TORPEDO COACH- $595.00 1949 MER CURY Vt T $75. 19'50 INTE2RNATIONAU ýý TONI Pick up-- like new -,995.00 ~1949 FORD VRACTOR iith ploughs,j skyv-lin(e Jydraulic ader amd ex- cavating rear scoop $1,495.00 Mazny moy at Bramley's lotor Sales Merculry - Linicoîn - Meteor Dealer NEWCASTLE 2871 Open every Evcnling square and best aspfiait shing-les at $9 00 per square DELIVEIIED. That' is dllas b~owEntons catalogue prices and what's. more we have hmi- dreda of squares in stock at al tisses for immý,ediate delivcry. No one is stuck w-ith left overs lie cannotu Lse or held up for eiiough to fini*sh theý job. Most builders in this area are now using the new water-proof building boards for sheath-ng se we are -weil stockçed up on three varicties. Insu! board at $6.00 per square, BP Ship- ~lappel sheithing'at $7.00 per square andI %" asp'hait coated Ten Test at $8.00 per sq4ýare. We got the Î,Il dc ïvreed in déar roa( lotsa th other fricndly dcalers so can pri e them, as lQw, as alnycne. Ail this ïatonllal ils crowding us; ont of wareeouse apace Wc are using three of th coai sheds lnow te hoô e bulilin, materials. Must get thý new lum lir shed -fini- shdbfoxe ol sarts A miove next mnonth tvhüii new low. spri-ig rices wjll be -annoù ced. 4't 1 - We have o fui.tlrw ord 01(froin Montreal aboq ourNw Qil truck If owodthis 'eek I lie veouWe Ar-chie will bolt do ýn thei-e te stir uip the Freinchmn. ec has to deliver furnuace àil tonorrow avd it's a heck 1 of a job without prop>cr equipment, We'll be seeing you, SEE McLAREN Gis .eorgý,e Joncs wýere receatly ni rcBowman,1ville. The bride ý\aS Mcr. and -Mrs Fred O. Wood, ]3owman SMr. anid Mr"s. Cecil Joncs, Orono. ed. in St. John's, in Marie Wood, e andth Ie groom > COLUIVNS FOR SALE "Fleur-y-Bissell" tandem discs, 26 plates, $210; Otaco two wheel sprea- deus, $376. less rubber $306. Wheei-1 barrows, new wagons, used equipment Cochshutt- traýctor cultivatorl Il. C.1 an ockhtt ' anuire spreaders on rubbr, ýrtilizers and fertilizer' spreader rentai iýcrvice. Carl Todd. Phdi e Clarke 1-0 21-dp DEAD FARM STOCK, PICKED UP Promptfly. Phbile çelleet BewrAanvile 9-679. A-iso w lPu ,lve horses'. Warg- wili Fu 'Fai- iTrne. DEADSTOCK Iremtoved, from yourý farm pirlmp41yt for savilary disposal. Telephone Gol ýet: Çobcinrg 1266 ori Toronto GORDON Y91~iNG LIMITED Insurance Your insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buying Divi- dend IPaying Policies Quotations on request. Leroy Hamnilton ORO0NO 1 RING, 16 INSURANCE lu aîl its branches Fire, Burgiary, Hospitalization Automobile, Lif e, Accident and Sickmess, Plate Glass, Liabiity, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio. -ReaI Estate $6,800. Orono Residence, Ma in Street. Choice location,eih roomis, centre hall, pantry and uitllity rom, f urnaeý divided cellar, Ijl newiy decorated and in spotless condition. Terms. Possession arranged. MORTGAGE FUNDS I ha-ve avaiable fund ilfor first mortgages on isnproved property in Clarke Towxishiîp current interest rates. LEROY HAMILTON l3roker OCrono Electric Phone 93 r 1 CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and 110135E WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Pýrompt and, Guaranteed Repair» to all maltes of Electrical Equipa-ien and Appliances9 Suech as 4totors, Water Heaterra Or ono Tinshop Sheo#et Menâ%taIl and Warm Air Heaet'ý'ng1 R. E. LOGAN Phono i1-t Pro fession~ilDirectorp, A. F. McKENZIE, M.D~. PUYSICL41N and SURGEQ$N @a«Hour - LOO0 te 4.00 p.m., 6.34 te S.W ,p.m. Sundaya and W"dndaYs b7 appointiernt ea17 PHONE 47r1 ltN E. C. SYER, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGE071 Maimi Street SoUth SOfie Beur.: 2.00 to 4.00 p.m. 6.30 t0 8.00 p,.ý Sundays and Holidaya by Appointaient PHIONE 74 r 19 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINKE PHONE 94 r 16 OROMO LEGAL Lawrence C. Masn, B&A, Barrister and Solicitor B10WMAN VILLE, ONT. Phone.: Office 689 Home 553 JACK ..REID j Orono's Liceoaed Auctioneer am]i Voluater Specialize in Farm andi Furniture Sales Consuit me for ternu and dates Phone .5 r 19 - 0* -" TED JACKISON Auctioneer and VaIuatot Conducts Auction Sin 1ofi&D a" and ut reasonablo ratm comnmunict, with h1dm <t Pm Perri', Ontario, or m-a hl@ Cloek, . E. Morton, at 'Orouo/,for dati.. LIFE INSURANCE pension Plans-, Educationlal PoIIîsç Protection and Savings Plans gfu Cliildren anid Aêults; Mortgage lu.. surance Plans. F. E.LYCEfl ORONO, Ont. - Plhone 20 r 14 The RUTTER GRANITIE COMPANY *Dial 8216-- P.Rox 122 Port Hepe, Ontario ,Monuments, Gravemarkers Plunabing and flot Water Heating CALL U5; FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT Plone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT, STAFFORD 1BROS Monumeinàtal Worksiý lPhoue Wlutby 5,52 88D a St. E., Wltitby itIsnote QÂLITY Ad n MONlattiiUMeTwAiigv Let u e l. as c m e, &g