UJ R H A M *Progressive - Conservative Association General Mýeetiyig i and Conventîn TOWN HALL, OIRbNO on the evening of Sat uIrday, bMay2nd 1953, at 8:00 p.m., D~.S.T For the purpose of electing officers, tran-sacting Genrýl îBusiness and se1ecting a CANDIDATE'to contest the' Riding of Durham i'n the next Federal ElectIon in~ the interests of Durham Progressive- Conservative Association 'SPEAKERS: George C. NowIanQ.C., M.P. President I'rogressive-Conservaive Association Hon. J hn W,,, oote M.L. A. AND, THERS GOD SAVE THIE QUEEN Irwin ColwilI, President R. R. Waddell Q.C., Secretary Èilurs. -Fri. - 30-May 1 L\Man i -e ddle' With Raadolph Scott I idJuani Leslie -'THE HAREMN GIRL" With Joan Dav-is SaOnly, Mfýs2 Witlî Suoshine" ln Techvicolor With Dennis Mo(rganit and Virginia Mayo OUTSTANDING VALUE t T t¶YT~I mi T -~~1 . .5...-5 - LLIIJI"N 'ýZi i TA flAG - urangE e .eloe .30~ bags now UNLY ..2c CHRISTIES' MIXED COOKIES- Five assorted cookies _. lb. bag ... . 37c. Ogilvie CORONATION CAKE AUX Cherry Almond ftavouf, pkg.,37c. SMILI) CHEESE - Cherry Hill - Mellow ...... ......., b...49C. MNAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES - ,Double Size ,' package-., 59c., 54 'iuur 1IATC'Ice ZCream Bricks Fresh SIDE PORK, IL, sliced or piece 42,IEACII FOR 30 Cents ROLOGNA, sliced, lb ............29c. Frbzen Orange Juice OId South SAUSAGE, Ligh Quallty, lb.... 4i5c. 2FR3 et Phone tu ) Mlarketeria Orono, jr Mrs. W. E. Armnstrong was taken: to the Osh'awa Hospital on Monday evening of this week. 7 Rev John Kitchen attended Con- ference at Ehenezer on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Cooper and Ron- nie Cooper visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cooper, London, on Sunday. Ronnie remaining with hîs parents after spendû 1 1-several weeks wvith his grandparents in Orono. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Buckley, Peter- borough, visited in Orono recently. Judge Hamuilton, of Winnipeg-, will be th,>e preaher at next Sunday1 moî>ning's service, at the United Chuirch, Orono. The Judge is one of the mnost active lay workers of thei Utnited Church, and is a meember oIf a number of the Stanýtding -Committees, of the church. A-'t present he is on chiurchl business. in Toronto. During the week-end he will be a geto his brother, -Mr. Leroy Hlami)jton, Orono. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs.. Ivison Tamblyn and family were Mi.i and Mrs. W. W. Satyles of Kirkland! Lake, Ms.AnnieHoki, iqss Bob- erta Hoskin and MisMildred Hos- kmn, Porýt Hope and Mr. Kenneth Gor- main of Cobourg Miss Judy Tamblyn celebrated hei eÇighth birthiday1 by entertaining -a number of ber g-jilfriends to a Birthdayv part y ad'lber homne last Tues 1 ay. Miss st< uih "ida1s<- h'ad a Birthday party on Monday last. Congratulatiions Io r. nd rs ýilen Wiggin, (neCa-olStapj ýS;or the birth )f a son,.husay pril 23rd in Brampton oit. Mr, and M-s. IisnTamblyn )anid famnily were dinnier gessof Mr.and Mrs. Bd Hoakin, 0liwa u Sday.1 Mr. and- Mrs. Vance Cooper sund family, Oshiawa spent Sunday withý Mr and Mrs. C. V. Cooper. Mrsý- . M. J.Wighdt, Bowmianville, Mru. C. -A. Cuimmling, Toronto andj MiSs Au1-drey Billings. Oshawa, snent the week-end with Mýr. and Mrs. CaA- Billings. Sunday night sui3per guests wVere Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Tewvell, Miýss Mary Jewell, Mrs, H. W. JeweIl of Bowmianville, Mr. and Mrs. Jimi Ric- kaby and Normian, Mr. and Mrs. H. Souch1, Mrs Dorothy Bailey, Wayne and Mary Lynu. 1Mrs. Bd. Graham annd Marlene Vpent Sunday -with Mrs. Oliver Gibbs' and famnily, Dunbarton, UNIITED CHIJRCH Orono Pastoral Charge Reverend John Kitchien MNinlister SUNDÂY, MAY 3rd ORON,O-Sundn(ly School at 1() Service's at il sud 7.:DO PreaýCher at Il uJeý Hlamilton of Winnipg LESKARD-Sunday Sehool ait ~ Service at 2 KIRZBY-Suuda1y School at 2 Service at 3 Alil w(lcome ~rn, its uueai, nuarbangand ratuer Wr Hlarris, who ýpassed away 'a: Deep in tlIe heart lies a Pl 0f a loved one, laid tor Inlu emr1,,framewl ha Becnuse he was on of t Ever reinem~bered bý wife ily. I i i i I I tus vacan~t place thci-e is none:-- -P jtDonere we 1110ur,bt lot in vairn; est. aor up in Haven/ wiII meet rn- Lov-ingIy reb dA wxife anl. a-P farnily.a- H. j. Toms IG Mrket -NFWCASTLE j rduce 176, Florida Oranges, Idoz. 39c. Cellery ----........-5 No 80 Florida Seed1ess Radish ---------.. for 13. Grapefruit, 5 for _'.....35C. Sprinig Green Onions, 2 "or 13c. Mushroowp s, pound -------49c, No. ',88 C'alif'orniia Orang-es New, Cabbage, pound ., 6c. dozeal for ---- 5C. ASparaýgUs, pound for .25e. GROCERIÉS Alymer Ketchup .. 21c., king Sugar, lb.13c. Granulated Sugait, 5 Ibs .... 45c. 10 lbs. -. .. 89c. J.G.A. Margarin~e,.............. pound .... 35c. I.G.A. Strawber.ry Jami, 24 oz.s............. 41c I.G.A G-e es 20 oz. tins .....2 for .... 39c. Quick, Quaker O àts,... ....... 5 1b. hag .46c. Snowtex Toilet T'issue........ 3 roll for ,..25e Hawes Floor Wax, 1.. I L.tin . ... 139 c. Javex, 32 oz.... 23c., 2 - 16 oz.....27c. MIETS Blade Roast, blade hune removed, 39c. lb. ' Extra lean Minced Beef ......... 39c. 'I. Veal Roast, Rinp or Sirloin........ 59c., b. Premium Veal Front RoIlis...... ý.. 49c. .1b. ARM.STRQONG '&-. New dresses ini Nylon and Sheers,- Crepe.s,,- Taffetas-. in priuted patterns. Priced fromn $9.95 - $21.00 Spring. CoaIIp,,. Iarg--and shorties, fitted or loose styles. Aise shortie coat and skirt to match. Price S37.50 - $,57.50 Skirts in, straight or flared stle,! lcolors 2an4 sizes Priced at $4.95 -S,45 Nylon Blouses li al colors and sizes. Price $3.»5 - $6.95 Tooke Blouses in wvhite, Pink, ylosizes 32--38. Priced at $4.50 -- $t.9-3 Ladies' p ri ot di'ýesses, ali. good styles. Sizes 10 -2212 Priced at M350 -S9 3 b(,xes g' Fleet Foot Arch cus.hion shees for childre¶x, lacé o~r sI.rap protects- ail 3 points: lst cusIi- ions metatarsaI areli; 2dsui- pports longitudinal arch; 3rd absorhs heel shoek. Price $2.75. Girls Cotton dr-eses in~ glazed cham'hray, cila6and print- AIosun dresse! Size 6-12 yr Price $2.25 -'55 GirlsSes and plaid slacka Size 7 -12 years Priced a/,$5.95 - S6.95 Coýtt(si Denin Jeans for girls, boyýS, knd mwomen. AH sizes I to 14 L l"ice $2.0 - $3.50 - - i SeedessRaisins, 2 !lbs...4c \~~ ~~~ Orn. ramr Bter 59e.. ~iu~y ~YdChee'se' lba....7e Alv~'Keg'un.- i. 24C. lov ,2 Ib. ....... . GC-sY M ~APeanumitBttr Fruits - ve-oe& -bies Wn~nis- New Pat-ftoes-Qlr Tomatoes- rrt etc Buy rTh'oenFos an exjoy. te au -Bu,,,- uw vl'ým~ ~erpe d en' -5 s '-g' s 5" s, '.5 s-' "s -5 -5 t "s s, s, FR0 ,-'RILLES ~.7 <1OGLASS Nv ideas in bank preni[Ses ar'e desgne togive yout speedier, mr mihven-ient service. TheyýÎ are ptwrt o h : [0nf 1mal ay you llike to, (do yu K' C'anada's chartered bîk ] adapt thei'r services to ilc THE"F BANKS SERViN4G VOUR CMINT '-s --s '-s '-s -g' .5' '-s '--s -s' 5-' '-s -s' -g' .5' --s' s '-s .5. -5 .5. .5-' Y ~ ~' j;'~-s '-5 '-g' g'- 'g' '5' 5~~ -5 1 2-5co