- I ~ hi~ hniîm T arn Iug oýeaviug my 1hue ieaize fhls is a bigý deci ,1ake, and Idon" kn would be besf fori, 'ec Wevc, have flirce, and h In fhink- * Y ildený andrc lie gees arennrd te Mfe dusf te ncg aboutl r gives mie any rmoncy beg for ié, and flien I LI moure vOrypenny Lever has ia kind worci 1ilffdren. Ha just screarns even when, thcy havent 'thing wr-ong,. Tliey are, g te tear aWdliae hlm E ney-erworked, andI apartjgpiary goed cdu- 00 ycu hin 1slod ef ont an ncw ? Or* i,, prison the ref cf my nr ouly 29, and sa;id te le Mkng Snray someone re nie? WVORRIED WIFE"* is ls r mýate t, tIen e ctcys o1 eiln sic j SIZES 12-2O .ians5 îok pref lere s fie need for cf is se 5f touch- bas1)- frce young ciliren;t care for, trhrcomlup litons exs. Sreiyionr Iudre uecdyen ow ore than fe ten- prtet h fren th0ir f atheri's injustie,andCto ohe0 miseceunerce hisbadilu- lisaule deeýs ntapa 01n providfing f 1or b(isfaiyf c-nee ho do~sfie lc oppotunti , n we anpe ~ epmos the DomeStiRelatons *CourtI m-iglit.be itrsei * von prctcrlte taik withtern., youtr lsln, knwc a *tae , lte i ceaingta *Noue e'ftth e se mica my p- :c lale cyen lu you *drcn'sratie. waoer I arn se h« for ye-;MOIfie Ai Rirst's svmahyad ierec are yours. Write lheru ntBox1, 123 Eihenb. fNew orut Ont. SometMes just teliig oac',s MWf oup bins cmfr omns Part In Chîemical Advanes. Wetnen have always played a decisive Cparit lu fic lemicl l- dustry aiflieuh fhey may nf relize if, according te leaders il h flcidstry Wmen's demand fer mWitec catan anid liner tab.- risIoglifbou1Jftflic lýirh of- t he nmodem icleimical irnsfry eariy iii flic, last century Tiat dtates frein fliefrst manulacWtr of bteLechling powdcr ý-iii GJasgow,, Ber1tore lteeceicsw and xpourefasuinlight tetoi mects ,fcfimie. Iuicrascd Out- put of textils made if imposs- ib1e fa spread !flim alil ut fii thie flelds fbr sud iecosm lng tiregfu'et u1dthte s c i a pres-tige cf white grei n liienremucdsre Chm~sbelieve fliaf ýif flic upke-Cýp f ot atan-s and 1linens lad leen 1lef t (fa mec-, dr-oe sheefs an-d shiirt-swndh a v b ce fliashion. Thref alre, 'bieypo-int of eiiepreter- cur.(e breutgl',if ab-out flchaufc turc &of)1eaýic i cîg chc îcat wbich cori-)riscd fic( ueitshe -lie lieavycemclcomyo En"glanidformayyrs domuae flce tile fied i pond we r c usc Fordyeing lut many rwe c eexpmenîe for genlerai 'use. Ceiî a lis" dicoery e ocW-tan dyeets in Up dcsire for imore eotutx fie L1 flic dl-csf uffýs in'dutsir. Prft Used or exansonint mdi- 'aaî, fihe osspen ut, fi flildcan"d on ,île ar e mec or cxvvarctyin oter 1,'d to cvflisbegi lc ifyt fi gce ynht les. A ilkwavn emay fling ifs mcharkcfiimitcd l1eýf ý- caue e fi ef tif i d legan flic hemiai roeard iie ltýoîn cP su er frva about fIe strngh i et Iedis- covery awas flic need hfo tong fibe ic fl cymwemn'shosî ie r Ju, S tueficproceed, (s frein îyeý- stishelped feucd flc pama ceui.caiccndegai chmcs inidustries, flic advýecf ethfli automole-2 u hs centuLry pro.- vidcd frnaigstmlsta fli inusty.Tliemanuactuire af flic aveage car invoive ,dwx- tectly orudrcty 25 lei eal mtnas lciasmd possble t h e vctcg Uroccss tien e carsThe nnced hfoi gas- odine lrulfabout (otley by - suIf cd in lasis ynlct de- fengants, rligalcohel a ri paintsot ents Deveopi an l c Q. 1ýis't îif iproper 1cr fw'ýO perabsons wl are Sntrdueed at a diurto reaeh aerus fi.tae to shake bands! A. Aithugli nt caclyim pre'per, t çlcscreate !ýan ak- bet 1r terefrin tom siki hacdsand rcrelyned or a M n ac,-, eget ta al inrouci.it 'Hewcve- fr, th acressflic a yuye mus, nt l ay hesitaion i Q n"Isif pemissble fr a er. fosoiall correspondfor e? folyilg be s1cigle lrgi emi by,-ide" 'seo mrie?' hu î v'A. Ycs, aigm1t'hei f s et geust gir L t itscnd dayouag inan a birt- dagrcom d eveoy hougli leddias neyAr sentdi e ofr c oucgi e, a &Ygift9 % S ae Pe :ng Pau! Btnyan.--Unafraid of -the ga~fce ;ýpeering in heu wcdcw is prety Eleono HaL She kncnes is ail in fun. The. face beiangs la à statue of Paul Bunyan, legWnary wvoods- mon, whihsands in the fun houseco the Chicago Musewii ~f ciec c ndury HRNILE ~INGE~"AU Th etlfer d&ysa cor tarinlas loke Ie mcifamîor ral Ir fli wa weuse t Ut'C)i a t uiy eas cge, Ifv was "six rI-edJ liens t1i uadCIe fliciffar'e-u 12ee surite lec.Thc,,ee hicdics wiM aIl flifr ietoPapeýnùet fat linue v r elc for boilig fewl.?We kept a les w bclifer wU",hem i u cswr c Irili, Itolipifyonousi h1ens1n) a f fiitcin eu, :)t fi Pen. Tolebuperectly honesi I don'rknw whflir Itf 1 lc loù,eosefa hi akso ycn satisfction 1s I wtched threlin runnng,î~ugîn-st) dehgied wee l alcv c ,e cvith it ]uti- doors te o scratch kreund in. KMit- chie.Whcete bougît ifwas lots cf fun fao ccadstrd lsngfI liens.Hne wantqiesr and -àstood axoul y', waitug laving nonte asfed tflic .vycf tng crauncdfhe door next nmm- 'utbey cm, .fe laf mra wiflioupread wings lut, sine igIcame t1o!e ecnlse le ins vere j uet i ii oyihng p i, n dsfenel trvIliCat(niglit snc hepr weegene. Partcer is quitoe sur.-e We havle cfx eflak o ur loss. Tîcre ,,is a bush jusit fy-ý flele aw~~t a cfxcudq~ NO\ vcontidy'virl liaslei muchet is clarm. Appareýtntiy hen)s enetdypickîcg liere Acd there, as nature infcnded tly slolis ntite l,1o' uriv the lin h's e conficed, cc litewifi fieedm seoffen blring suddec deafi. But1I woitdcr what lit e W'oukd ifl btfor Pa short lite" and !ameryone, or for a are tuliy guardcd wcll-td exisence? -htvr ehoice ur liens imiglit makewe erfanlydou'f intend ta previdîd- for taxes-or prebably a vîxen wifl pups te feed. If flire fuMl.grocihans could le caried ouffso easily i liate a hnkwla1wu,0ape te a Pen et hatt-grao nchiekens,. Tîre days cf higli widis no, exazcfly pleaÀsant-,cpealywn it leaves Wflc iidsand fences lit- tcred wt paper and ofLer îuu blon cres tram lic higlway ,o ouwudýoCr wlere f ail camles taiBt ic iffer !tînt blows acees aur fieds in as noth- ing ýompt-are-d wf la a and Icif les lv ecncdwfi Iii Tairnte last Fîda Icaiyie fýt l eical ý-Arts ýon ta Bloor atn 'flicefýýreet was -alive with wnd-bllewn papers If a garbage (day. Saneontainers liad bee'n bwe vrby" tic wid~ hbesides air-bLia rne, rublih crs and sd lk flpavemeunt, wtha whf a prty ogi dy for adnr peuple Mndleu, getting cMf eu was n lerylady, 'unaffendcdi, ca nga hif ecane.She wa attemptinfi techange cars cf a busy intersection, The caudncfo leffî' his seat fa ep lier offfli car and was goiûg ta fake li arass ficrwleensameone an thie streef ant awr u offered ta fake cag ther, capped persons, fMen put Sr shamne those Of umwho are u fu% possession of Our facultes BUt, il is heutýaringtasechc qmicl]y btdager'S ecrne to t!l» Thîs ornig wchave ancdaf fodul in liion -a forerumnr op inany more to corne. There are literally hundreds of buds i; the garden so it loo lule a good ycr orsping fowýers. It1,is a wondrfu tile fr couintry liv.- -~~~~ in. oetms onder wh anyýone lvs aywh e.re 0other ta 'umstncO~ hat eeps people im is acket ourgefear eot the unknwn. ~ rindeOf ours ýinor onte's Moore Park distrs ictmut n'oeeve. Themac te lieucsa re- tir-ed bsns a, wotïld prefer the cont- !liswieandugt. er, ca1nneot visuaize an c-*sexistece, a niueaa ut on ilo Avenu, in wil]tke tjirym just thieas1 onld tra a plc thern teldon -bilw-a, Wice!ti nlot'tulsay wh-ati l bchst o ac .y.ne ....s..te1 o... Andi the ~REUEIS 1LASTING foi' fait relie:f amheadadche get' INSANTNE.For reaýi reliejf get IN5TN'rN~.For Pr'olonjed rl Yes, mort ptople every day areic fnngthat INSTANTINE iS oîie thi!rij t sepain fast. Fonr headacfheý, for rhemaicpan, chs ndpain of coide, For nuitcor ïneutraigic pî you ca dep no NATNEt bring y4ou quicli confor-t. INSTANTINE in Made hike a pre- ildenS.1A sigil lI li mablt s abinsq Ecum2-T48abt Bn 5,i 'IRe ?ally sets y'ou u xttp 4,01 tliedy on yottr À y breakfast cereal 1" a d5H4