basbai, utfcd-,idy a Uktbll Na .c go n&M gantstîds a an tia de oJ n nation on dean copet,Éiivesport, Canada hasn t quite ,kcpt stcip wihh L d tacs eve coparfiv l-, tegr;u1thfBidyBakebal.No, In fiac, 1has the gane ron nCand ote mextn ais Litie Leýague Ba1sebalk BEut ifis makî rapD haday F'or ther arCle LabouttwL fysccpCanadlian cities wrh Bddy Bask-etball fairly wll oganzed.The erprblytle ta fiffeen -ihundrýed patcpat hoc&e accrdng eg- lation1s range froni hitenyears dowin ine, Mosý1t u te iisar'e in,.Qucbec, Ontar- jTand the WsenPoics Most, fthe Cana- lU ,da i -D Bs kcl oal CiLubs arc1 vga CIzcd zand sponsored by Socal Cntre,1Bos Assoiations 1and theilodd Coimniy pr '[c'ITl('hooshave ïo s vyct takeln ï-t Up in anyoficaL way.The pyi! elaeo he bis"u they Jd o ulstl&rinthem-sc]v, ci ýther phsicaly 4)1oonll 1oi the Uniiited States, the- growth- ut the gaine bsbe almost fantastie. Froni thuorgial16teains s lu n tae fliasspreadu tilnow10v;it lbas rmore Gthan 1,00smalry playing oun1200 teains in 14sttî . nd ,i iibin laeii'nil 1forcgn eountries. The porn srglto akfalin mnaue c signed seiiclyfor the y oungcýr ic.The ýruies arc tilored to their mesur'ýeenîs au-d imtuestrerjigth' sucli as lwr ing the hoops a foot aia ai, horenugthe(oi n h)-e fee, nti uig ailrbail. The appeai of thi1s youth mvme L s 1111moýsî reitbe Anid if has received i grea-t im-rpe-tus from Jafly Arc'he, form-cer State Tea.chers CoIlege stac, tx ho, tours, the' coUntry spreidmgjý- the gospel of sport. Canada hias -gonie ;alOn-g wifhout such iný- spraitionaï hcip, carrýicti on the waveo1f Lîttie Leaqgue bsbi succeSss but as in base-bil, Caniadian taswi soon be ready ta compete î- in the ationaltunaet heiti aninualy across thehUe, Just as ctitioui.,champion LtteLeaiguers cme wiýth dist inrcion in tîhe Littie Leaýgue aebl play-o ffs Ilast These, juvenufle [eaguies aregra things for (lie youingsters. They cut aceross race, Creedi, and other befie1fs and social dis- t,inctions iii a fasheJintatis more truly dmcrtcthan pre- vails li anyýth-iing outide sport. They stairt c'Ur kids off on truly deocaines, 13thn wfnt onjy splort, the- great 1letVellc, canacmpi by HçI eruo / Ctetfous, 431 Yone1C st-., Toooo. CaIVttSSil L tErRS LI1MIt1JEDV *.Plan Hore Sn se. ù14SOBELLIS descri bes "Dancing- las "fhe rhythmiica-l m)ovemnent of anly or ail parts A the body in accord - anice wiTh som1e shmee oi i- dividuiai or cocred actionl ichil is expresive of emotions or ideas." According fa isdecito 9he farm mnflcveenlt iscrtil mnt a dance, Rt is flot a rhyfh mical movent, if is net li ne-c cordan ce wfh solue sehene, there i-, x) concertet action ana Lis pre'tfy bare of ideas. RuMfed Feelings 't is disfressin1g wbsec the con- fusion iC loite ijuidts 0of th-e farin- er-"s concerning mleaof im- portance lta the business oai ag- riculture, indeed, aithenation. A typical e x 1mpi e af 1un- reaiisficthinking is the recepf discussioin liacranCu~ Counocil, which first passet-ý a re- sotDiton urging a baon n lin - parfttionïanti sale of vegetable olî]s harmifuiLota he clairy nduis- try, anti then at ta debatce on- wlebrthe lmtsor bbc Homne for the Ageti shoulti bu gi-ven buffel r ot11aîrgarine. hihanti' feeings wrerumeti beforethe ticision ýwas nmade. On',onclmebrsaid be cauid no! sec any direuce in faste 1betwécen buff'er a'nd m ýgarne ad that the Booas-t of Maenagent coul.d sa ve $700 per yca byTiyn magre insteati of butter, £(2 Afther fet bhaf if aeprodc oai burners" tbey could buy the ani îoli ofhaeta i1Sv the s. Jîlg anda sbà cj'orrhfiaj 0'ontinfing i aÎ her'etigs, tby o nti pack in a' pound or LWo ,k wi't he goc rie ltey buy on he way bone. WhJ-y ce ,v ould counltry storles, anti e. ven fammers co- aperaf-livesstc up au1 the stuifl? The facfthaf bo hey do, is proof en-ough tbhat fairmers ihaveneu - cepted tii nti app)a)-rty waut if thcmnseivecs. Nothiii)g fori. îehn WAhat theoiir lithe rnaine 0fUic cois the urse of akn about antiagant agaieinsteaii ta make i7CUp for t01C.losf ne. Intesaine cucltef lt wvas sit Ihatibtter ,is toa der.Mabeif, is. ïBut ïïif is, Mlii cosi_ýS eofwatcr,butr fat i, olits-non)-fat. For ail miik the fariner ships for pro- ccssinjg bege, - affrteduct- ing the ic rking charges - mnly the rice of bufferfaf.lTha sol- its-o-ftdo flot br bighrn Ouit Aethei 39 cents the con- sume-)r î,haa f0 pay at thfle store pow4e~ theprQdùer tos flot rcrcanytlîing fur the raw, matria; Ie gvesifaa\ýýy As a bair of tact, e wouitibe bot- croff i, if le wudseea bis ail>s" ip tceecaîn anti beet 1we sâiim tahispeugw ocles terfair saefrsusnn (hI bc -ràcr of butter cui The Rf0s - h Chea e dairy deparmtin of the Oreganý Sf aI Colige deisntha- bb comreùdug stoe, Miik pnwtecr is one ai the- rcesf sourcesofAniâmipro- feins UV,f p r e s eintpiices al1soC thecheaact.One cup of dry (nuikni-equivaent ïl'-a prota= fo aproxinatly: lb.beef- stek ~r 2~ l. prk oin or 7 cg,sror ½lb.(cheddar cheese Af iotiay's rCe f n i i prîces thne Japýýpas 1'neMedn"-odd owith iiiJanese politi- cinaco!nipoign teuck aue along a road near Tokyo and an ooo aposfor ots.Porliamen,;it was dissolved recentlly, but Onfly o-ne dolljar per pouind of p ti, fh by f nte t fornto didmikpodr lif is up fth e farmers and th0ir organizations fA do the job. lu awoîld thap isaf starved of food anti whim, is trying to get by on a diet oy abhyrfs and ice, ruia orld whichilu bier n e e d of every grinof human ansump inhndretis of thousanis oatilns af Whepue- clons stuif are wastetianuly ofted ilaskin-ggoemes ta proeect thein by ipeefn la ws Prohrb-liting the mnfc ture of compefing foot prod- ýu Ct s ar rgnainssoula ulse th-eir own r eso0urcIs, nt also th~e governmaent's if neces- sar, f0 odeornome research ok They souç. ivstgae h f cins' used in ithe nuatr antr tsr! io Cf fOod prod. ucf s, anti evplorC the ,possiîli- fies f'orrnew aussanincw roar- kefs for theirmlkslt-n- fat To70 the Organization that huis faickles this polenwill ýgo th-e fanme oaf b ithetru-c reprecu-M tarêve of the farmers. Thlis olumu eicoes og- gestons wis orfoolisb, zanti ai]I or- detutieat wliI-tr t waswera"yq"uen, Addressý 1232 Sh te N'eýw Torouto.-ý the Statu;e of Liberiý Yor-k Harbour, this jL replica of 'Miss Liber- encia, Veneýzuela, gcj nua! sprig leanng Th-,fïis B r idg e Cl1u b Has A Prpose. . 0 0 gir-ls." Thtslte way i oste"ss of the %WeduesdayBidge Ciub-- li ,l 0ontri. r eîmintis the eighf mebrCta hey ha&Vec au, "adopet" dughtr lu taljy. Th.e tunti ei ittcsati- Parets' lanfor WarChiltircu, a year agow W'eatfins togthr ccr W dsday forI oive >yensWce wish w e ibat thoubt o atoptig ac of ihese pathtie itti chitrenlongago oflin tfliwe ý-Care on si ourselves," une of the memybers cornmï àenfÈc-ýd Pcrhalps this is a te ý, f the shuit becevoeti ta purQikaca plase, have b scorne so &ware of the work bing donc by .wao- effort's thlaf tbc-y Jhave feln of guil îif thei spredayim horsar nt put asmego use.Wooier's Clubs<avebn the wmnspoint of view in t'ne duty sh-e' owes bfic wo i qf- site bher a icrcie. Onq cf the membrus,>f this particular club bat heard a speak- er at a cnurch auxDiary teil0ot the rosier Parents' Pl1an frWar Chiltiren, 'antci wrote ta the Can- atian Director af Box 6 5,Stio BMotra for dti~ She dis,- coveret tdat by donating $15 monhýlJy 1ta the IIan, anc partie- uMr chut is asIgne tol a group or indivduel, wbo then becomes a fostr paent. "Adoption" is, of _ourse fnni not legat, but asi ltter.s fly Dack anti forth be- assocato becomes ver'y cljose. TAe Bridge Club tiscovered ehat by d'orLntîugfiftfy cents each fUa the fundti tey raZise-d the nec- essary $15 rmontbly anibat a sînail surpls wbicb eniabiet theni b et itha ant i Chrisîmnas gifs ta Moali IAly. Mariia is typteal ]of the 70,00 utc le aifs, wbo hvebeen giveni aid b'y the F'ost;er Parenits' Plan. She was aninfant wheni lier hoewas tstoytianibat'h parents killet ia bmadnn on beýr native village oiear Cas- ina , Her early yearerspn She bat kLnowl? noting but fear anti insecuryin Ailc eu yearS of he e nd. in', cor in Bu M)DERn S Wrou lrmi cata=ogu. Mode] noMMa YO2J er maileta. )Jcimmeli p oiits lurtowcd t1 Grde s LrgeniC,1 e W hvel uiietls, dyl W tced maxium mik oduct ion i'sl UelO orm trcire wîh X. Needlng For 110, sird (ilte Leghor,... (Wai t l-,hocnX IlodiIeld Red) (Ebode, Rock (LghtSusex liodeisand lied) Street. Itew York Clty 2. OVEINO &ND CL HAVE ton anrihios neode logi Write 20 os toc s ce glad 20 enswer cour partoielii H parker's Oye 751 tooge 50 Toronto. Dcn' Ievery suffýere*r cf Rhumalie poing, 'cr -ii buI r DxW wrSelW5 ALS i'OIOONTO - - 1J Leather ceitwho speni tir days dvlpn ew fty pes of lethCr thal ca loniger anti iook bette, h)av,,e est -aýb 1ish betd tlioab leather ha a GCeimite "shape miry"This imeanÀis thaf yvour a-cahrshloes wl kcep thei-r sha-pe ýdespifethe toughestof mistreatinent. Oc dean- I ho» We ons. De- Limited. j ce rellet. j CttS ni se s i luron POrC t hogo o. LIîO .JU 055 R)o MIdtvEL a. 5CiIUO ,ceiOiO A siustep~ A malice diamoter o c,,ds ot lac înoney au beet bot eai~b Order Ontîi 1i, m 'EUv se-ves pave:. rescuet her. tarlo ci - M. bat [ ? inga I - efet I ~ R g C.N ta-day, lucky el thLeir C< stroyet, Chance i citiczens. woid Ii andi wli country, bifion. V feeiingt Sutf fe i 1 q'. t