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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Apr 1953, p. 8

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Mothers' Day RED LILAC ibcted. in this i Needy Mdthers. ChaiJrmn. L2nd THEYj fCA 14>11OON H~SiAY--MAY 6th - 7th brteMr. and1 iYrs. W. Miviirat Pontypool when -a preseiinttonws * ed fr them Mr. Mller hasgie jup amigaditnst- live I Orono, ha\îlng -ptrchased( the hous-e ~f Mrs. G. itchell. Th-e wý,erle pre~ 3ened ith a taýblelapmirran elcreketlle by neighbours. ekrdW.A. wilI bhe held on the ISth of May at the home o!' M-s Angu bou~rsAil the ladies arLe Mr. and Mrs. Anigus houcks, Mr-.: adMrýS. Raymtond Maz'cDonaldi, Mr.ý anld M G. DviMrS. C. Granit anid Carol wreSaturday- visitors ithý Mr. and MrUs. Nrm Fee SundaýY Sehool \will he lheld a t 1.15 this Suda ad Church at '2 'clock. Evryh'ody vwelcome. Miss _Margajredt-acson is spend- ing bervcatonvithi ber parents, Mri. and Mr1s. Wm. aksn Mrv. and Mr-s PDik Woudsýtra an'di Mr. anId Mrs. Wiilbenlga were ,Sunday,, visitorýs withMr L. D. Bell and 1-ilida. Mr.j and Mrs , G. MaIýrtineil and Kenn"-v andIMr. ïand1(1 rs. Lloyd Iîh'asS m Ronebailsuper ith 'Mr. and Mr.Clare-uce Therteil and fail!on Siundaýy. Mr. Robbie Aexander spent the weee!nd withl bs parent, Mrs. B. Alexander. Mrs. N Kennedy, 'Mrs. G. CathcariYt Mrs. Wmi. Mer-cer, and Mrs. F. Stoker. attended the District Ex,ýecu- ive meting on Ti-ursday, April 23rd at t -he home of Mrs. Emerson, Neat- leton, wben currient business was d cussed and the programme~ for thi, District Annual Convention ,f the Women's Institutes W21S arranged. Miss Inch was at the projector, on M\onýday, Aprii 27th, when pietures piroducedl by the National Filmr Board were shown. It was a most interesting p)rogramme and it was regretted~ that mrore people were not on hand to enjioy ît. The fîrst picture was en- titl.ed "Manitoulin Holklay" showi»g this island of lakes anal tree*s In b)eautiful colour. Fishing for black, speckled and rainbow trout was sbffown. Riding la thefavourite aporti of the children ÇlCamp Adanac for boys %vas described as a photograph- ers' par-adise. The boys learu handi- craf ts, boating and swimit;ig. "Shy- ness" expiained the psychological ap- proaeh to chiidren who dJon't mixj eaisily. It exp!ailied how one girl at school wvas relieved when the class was asked to state One tbing they wer(, afraid of and she found that she was flot the only one Éo know fr.She was also brought out of ber sheil when the gymna-jsiumlj tea- cher found there was one thing she couldl do w-eli ini this el, is. "'Royal 1Destiny" was the story of Queen Fij- zabethii l showýinig episodes in ber life , in1cludin, somne scenes fromq her visit with th-e Duke- of Edinburg tol Canada and the United States. A icture of the prairies of Saskat- chpwan a'nd r*eaping thle harvest os Cýoalw-as showvn. The mnakîng o! pot- tery ln Newv Brunswic,(k proved inter- C-sting wýhen some beautiful g-ems of ootery wershcown. "The Aretie Lifeine"wasthe sto-ry of the djoC- tors w-ho briing healtb to the Eskimos. Cancer researcbi told the story or w-il1ing hands in search Of infoirmation Of this ilisease. "ýAustrali"a Coral, Wond(er-lanid" was a fascinating pic-~ tur'esoig the formations of the (ýoral1-refs ini the tropical waters rudAu!stralia n d the lieautifui [fish found there. The turtle was shown 00oming to the ]and to lay it's eggs in the sanli, how it unakes a pit in, the sýand and deposîts' about 200 eggs in the space o! severalj hours anid leaves them o tahatch out in the hot sun. The narrator stated that a fortune nwaits the man who cani cross a hen with a turtie' After the Young turtle were hatcbedit showed themi inaking for the sea withl unerring instinct. only. v'-e reach maIturity as theye a )trey for birds and fish. I Sunday, May i Oth G.At :Suggestions 22 Red LilaU, dqe Il Bth Powdler Set ...$3.00 e L ilah Purse Jhle Colognýe........... $1.50 Adi~neGust$ Àp,4e--kýes to a box .......85c. Adrienine cGi,*f t Ses...... . .. 2.2573u p Yardley Gift. es....S........ $13.00 up Chen Yu Nail Po)lish and Lipstie1- Set........ $1.50 'We wiIl have a go-od selection of ~JJ FLOWERS aind PLANTS for Mother's Day., Also a fuliln of S-MILES 'N CIUCIt:ýl, XED CILOCOLATES. brings you ar new fragrance,, Sfresh as BOUQUET SRED LILAC L LNTHÉRiC lu(A W. A. KILPATRICK MP-)1TLETE PIumabî,ng- Heating INSTALLAT ,10-',S and RE-PAIRS, f or Bowmaiývil1e and surrounding districts b y skilled tradesmenx. No job too, large or tof)sialai to 4 eappreciated Up-to-datellimbiwg Equijpnient withl atest Style C'01 us for Free',Estimates PI*0 E CO I,ýLECT Bowmaý1vi11e 3613 ,Single Bills 6:4ù and 9."O Double Bills 6:40 and 9.20 Saturdays 2:01) - 6.N -9;0 Thurs. - Fri. - 3-May 1 *"Battie Circusy Witl\ Humnphrey Bogart and lune Ailyson 'Sonethilng For Birds?/" With Victor Mature and Patricia Neal Sat. Qùly, May 2,' "BLACKBEARID, PIRATÉ" With Robert Newton and Linda Darnell/ Mon. - Wled., « May 4-6 "1COMR BACK LITTLE \$fl1tA" Aduit Enteiaient With Burt Lancaster, Terry 'Moore and ACADEMY AWARD WINNER Shirley Booth cash Igno 1 u 1 21 Games anid Jackpot-,l o 0 il Speelal Gamk,, and Shire the Wealth 3u - ~1>o il o g Auction Sales Mrý'. Chas. Harris, lot 21, con. 7,1 C1,iý-e Township, osne con. north ,,nd a haîf mile eat of Kirby-, known as P$jasant View Tourist Homne -wiil seIlý b,3r Public auction on Saturday, 1May 2nd at 1:00 p.m., ten bedroomn suitecs, ~Beaýtty'gas Washer, four làwn mow- ers, 2j50pound meital Tee Box, haxtg- ing Lamps extension tables, ail kind of chairs large amount; of glassware dishes, bedding etc. Terins cash, no reserve. Property sold. Jack Reid,I The homiie of Ortna advancedrg istüy Yorkshire 'Swinie and Hereford Cattle bas been sfold, knmown as the prýoperty o! Mr W. R B-ail, lot '26, con. I Clarkýe Towniship, 1 con. south and a 7haf mnile east o! Orono, wfll ho sold by -public~ auction Sïturiiday, May7 9th at 1 p.m. 45 head of regisý- tered and grade Hereford Cattle, 6 reg-istered Yorkshire 5ovs~ four re- iste ed Yorkshire Boars. 7' Yorkshire, gilts, 45 Yorkshire Shoalts and weiin- linigs, tracetorý and tractor macbinery, bled, hay, etc. Terras cash. Jack Reid, Auctionieer. ~1~r Qlnuflbtucr iif ut1~rr5 ompt Yeu to eau uUpon, sorrow. We stress tiful services that ng to the bereaved. HARTLEY H. BARLOW FIJNERAL HOME Phone 18 r 7 Orono, O4L Phone 18 r 2 Mother's Day, May lOth, Cards, white and red Carnations and Ice Box Flowers. Redueed Prie b Clear -- Golden Glo 4 ply Knitting Wool, 1 oz balla, regular 50c. for only....... 29c. GladioIa Buibs, giant size, 12 shades to choose fromi, selling for each ................... 5c. Boy' RÈivet Denjinm Pants, sanforized, 7ip er, sizes 6 to 16 $ears, pair for ...........$9 8 Men's Cotton Kniit Athletic Shirts andhorta, sizes small1, medium or large. Each ,,orý..... 59c. Table Cloth, plai n plastic with coloreifllower in 9 corner, colors red, blue or yellow, E ach . .. . $1.8 Ladies' Cotton JHalf Slip, eyelet skirt trim, white only, sizes, sma.ll, medium or ,akg-e. Eaeh .- $1,49 Children's Shorts, sanforized, drill, one pocket, elastic at back,;assorted colorA,, sizes 3 to 6. . 75c. Gpro.ry Veatures Save 12>ê. on I0 Li pton Tea Bagýý, reg.. 41c. for ... 29c. -. MlkdPowdered Skim MuRi 1 1 ound pkg........ 37c. 'Save 10c. on your next pu~r- seof Oxydol. Coupon for 10c. on reg. size ,.. 36c. New, 27c. Jergens Lotion, mild soap deal, 4 cakes - . ....25c. Special - Stokelys finest Macaroni Dinner, Spanish Style, »2 tins......... ......... 29c. Ne-w Potatoes- California, 3 pounds . ý... . ..25c. Special - Shirriff's Pie Crust Mix and one pkg. Shirriff's Lemnon Pie Filler, both for ....... 35c. Lpton's Chieken Noodle Soup, 2 pkg.... York Weiners with Beans and Tomato Sauce, large 20 oz. tins for .ý................... 35c. Special - Ne-w Cheese, mild Canadian, lb..... 45c. ORONO "5c.TO $100 STORE Yý Th T LAR ST1O!P' N( r C-TRE, Tyrdlis DugStore i e tr

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