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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1953, p. 1

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ORNuW Vol1. 17 No. 15 ORqONO, ONT., THU1RSDAY, MAY Suabscription Orono Basebail Club Opens Sehedule Tuesday, May l9th With a pocket fuilIoff peanrutsandi 3 bag crambed -with cr-acker 'jack, locýal haill f'ans can Swing inito "Tak1e 'Me O)ut to the Balnam" creTedy 1%ay 19. Tis dte , illmark îlw swing intoactionforthleOr Bs- ball clb inth193umesbeue Orn.This wlbe knn ste' Westrn ecton f teîoth ura is makýing its first paanoite ~esgule thîs year but lý1so has a'teamý,ï th1e, Roses, entered îin the Lakeshore. The Esstern s;ection SIs madýe 1up)of fiv tamafrinWelcome, Port Hope, Elizabethvýile, Gardon 11111 and Bai-. libr.The reaýson for sp)littinlg theý ieague into two secti'onjS ýSs to cut -down on travelling and by, groupinjg teanis ili is oxpected that*gamjes canj bo started ýon time. President of the league is Mr. Ar- mid Wade, Newtonviîîe, vice- presi- dent Mr.Wm.Mercer, Kendal andj 'etosMr. Geobrge Finnlie of R..R.ý IPort H-ope. Orono's first home gamie and in fact their first gamne of the seaIson oni 'Tuesday, May 19ih wili be called ati K.30 p.m. eat the Park when their op- po'sition t will be Readai. To date the Oronio squad bas hadi littie work eut but with btter wea- ther wi'I soon bo preparin.g for theiri ,,eChed1o 'WESTERN «HzoUp SCHEDULE 1 at 'Newcastle 2May 18. 1(eudal at, Oron,, Asy 19 ~o~oanvii t Knd May 22! NJewcse at Orono May 26 Rendal ai Newcastîe May 28 ew astaIPOwmaliville June 21 Oro'no at Kendal J n 3 Rediat Bownallyjje June .5 OmnuQt Newoastie .Iune 19 IBowniauvilie -at Kendal June 12 'Kewenstle aI Bowmanvile June 16 wowmanvilie at Orono, June 18 - Oooat Bowmaiýnville June 23 Kendal at Newcast le June 25 Bowl--niâsnille at Orono JUIy 1' Ntuecastle at Kendal July 2 Oronio at Kenjial July 8 Xendal at Bowranville July 10 OrOno t Newcaestlle July 14C Kxe'adal ut Orono July 16 j Boewmanvil1e at Newcastle July 21 Onr(oo t 13eowmanville July 23 >NewCastl,5 ut IKendal Juiy 29 3Rewmrarvle at NéLwcastie August 3 Tu.sday, Iay 12 fle Hspital Pay At Bewinanvle ii Truesday, May 121h, the ayiniver- S Pryv of Florence -. 4Nghtingaie's; itdais National Hosýý;pital Day,j thýe day when mrfany ho»pitals inviÎteý t,,he people of the cormmunlity pa),-Y! tiem a visit and see firCst-hanrd the1ý sevie aalabie there fo theic Such a tour is being conducted Y! 'Bowjýmanville Nurses' Associationi this Tuesday, May 12, when also tea will be served. A hetwork of voiunjjtary public hos-1 pilais serve the phYaical needS Of th10 sIck andi injureci. These are commrun-" ity hospitais, wbose deors neyer close, whose vigilance neyer ceases. These institutions with their spotiess ýi Yoms andi corridors, scientifice equip- l ment, and staffed by highiy skilled doctors, nurses and technicians are liigmonuments b iman's altruismn ai ingenuty. Hospitais are nece-ssary to eir way (CGontinueti on page 5) 1 HeIM l tono lh it ev,enth (a,ýil naLonen-;j The priesîdent, M is. Cnyoil. e ionoon hurdayAp l . I openespd wtbapom,1h d s 1 14 trili, s scretay; Mrs. . A. Henley, adMrs. Russeill est, Durhm, mdal conitest,; Mrs. Frankz Phelps, temporance in Suinday Schools Mrs, A. M. Har11tmieu, press; Ms Fred Wiiliarns, soidiersý and sailors; M~H. G. Wiiles, W,ý.Ç.T.U. churcli visitirrg; M'Ars. R. Duff, Toronto Lit- erature. Mvrs. H. Rowe reported for littie -white riblioners. Mrs, J. Kit- cherj, Orono, offeredti he noontide prayer. Orono mrembers served dinner. Gr-eetings were given hy the Rev. Johni Kitchen, the Rev. H. A. Ken- iiedy, Uxbridge; Oshawa Presbytery W.A., Mrs. W. C. lives; W.M.S. Or- one,Ms A. Dirinýýond; W.A. Orono MrZ. Ervin Rainey; Temperanco work in Orono, 1Mrsý. Milton Tamiblyn. Myrsý D. J. Kean of Whitby, replîed bo greetings. Atýfternoon session assembïed at 1:30 p.mi., Mrs. iH. A lopre- sented the wý,orsbip) service sud flowý- ers placed for, departed members, Mrs W. C. Beernan, Newcasie, _Mrs. W. W. H-. Scilley, MAiss Maio urneý aint Rev. J. S. 1,. Wîlson, Oshaiwa Mrs. W. C,. Ives instajliet the fol- io4ig feicer's for 1953-54: Pas ,t piresident, Mrjs .William Allison; priesidentý Mrs. ýlayton L1ee; vic-prs. rs.L. IL~ Muidrew; re- ceording se'cretary, y~rs. H._Quanltrili; Corresponding secretsjry, Mrs. E. A. 1-euiey; treasurer,-M~rs. H. G_ Wilies,; L.T L. secretsry, Mrs. CharIlles Lan-- field. A' vocal dutl(h y Mrs. J. Browný sdMrS. Alle'n was umuch enjoyeti.1 The Rev, Hi1,oid A. Kennedy ofi Uxbridge was guest speaker andi br1ougbýt a very worthwhiie rmessage.l '"l feel a rosi pleasure in 'Sharing -with you in this convention." ho said "I camne seeking tb witness against drink' Alcohol is a disease anti is oee or the greatest challengers iu the WCTU wr. Mr. Kennedy bold a story of a boy Who hati been reareti in areii i hnome whore all were total absties buit at a party hie was persaet drink a toast. This led b more drink- ing sud finially he lost bis job uidj ended up iiu an Institution, broken inl health. There were tbouisands like, this boy lo said. Tri the United States C)0 per cent ue alcobolic be'verag' es. A survey tskien only saew eeks ago in) Canada showed '50 Per cn sn icobolic beverages Isud baif of tem were wýomoi(n. The cneuecsof dirink were before the public ,very day, hoe coutinuti, 45 per cent of ac- cidents resnlbed from rnk In. conclusion, Mr. Kennedy uargeti his listeners te do 'aii in their powý,eri to offset the use of alcohlol snd to keeri the facts before theD public. Mrs. Clarence Young thaniketi Mr. Kennedy for bis irspirlng e.ddress; the vocalist.s anti those who bad ar- rani7ed bbc-,dinner. Mrs. L. H. Multirew, extonideti an inivitation to the ,convuention tbreel in K(ing Street United Church, Osh- arwa in 1954. Tb Was annouinced thal the Countyi Temnrerance Federation would mieeli at Canningbon on May 5. Ali memiberg wovre urgedti balttdtkisimportant event.i Public Meeting Being Held 1 May i11, Discuss Incorporation i The Police Trustees of the Police Couincil are bo give their decisiono] 7ilage of Oroiio are lholdig 'pblc pro 0Modyatbs nom-a mýeeting on Mouday, May 11th luMthie ti ton wileii ton o aalaubie for fl ro CUirke Tow-nship HlOrono. The pbi Ilbblpbe e eein. r: purp'jose Of the, etigis 10 acequaint Temetn iibdsiei- B th iil-nsof thoe village anitLhose ieth îizn lic pros ard cons on h afeceilotsidle"the prýesent lrisI<o rto niaiso miii givo li e itlic secsof' Inoprto. gnrifeigo epie. ihu Th Vilae rstooes lhave ap- tis flic rustees cnth,, ostin e ci- fo sec to whaî extent f. licfon p Ti meigsolili fifrseo ip -pli',, U '1..1 1.=.------ý- - 'i- - - Orono Bantain lardhali Entered lu Durham Leagine On Mo neeig of tlîi wek in Nwate here was frmdthe South DurhamMinorBasebI cagiue.1This organzatio wiltfor 153 organize afc ulefr Bnserda l- e Bantaýdism, aýdbIl s nw enur n the ds rkt bt shou n ceth e 0fe interet among the yung plaera. a no, excasbe Knd ai or Adrnoogldi a( vI' enripiath ind gue. on gSithis mfCnada wen il t ies Mutbeeitered s Bo ata sdl Aternoon AuxiIiary~ Meeting A mjost interesting meeting of the, Afternoon Auxîliary of the Womiea's MisionrySociety was held in thel Uniited Church School room- on the1 afternooni of May 5th. rs A. A.! Drummnond, Pr-esident, in introducing, the Bi ble study and w\orsbip sert,îce, took as b ýe-r theme "Thiy Word isa lamp unto my ft-eet." -God's word sbudbe to lus as ,is a'lstrong ,eloctric igtnot an old type of lamlp. Manly deped onindiectlightîng nrot the Jiret igh whch orns tom the rïe- ýuarstdyofGo'swod Goplacordin to St. Lu(1ke which nlg a very c0rhes' ccuto 1 uke's life a:nd huh leý idnot see Je'sus while he was alive, hoe was able to acuult undreds1 of nteestn acts about Hlim and wvrite thiem dowvn in, later yerseH asknown asethe holoved physiciani a nd fr-iend of Paul. Mrs. Russeil BesI, a s C'itizeunship sud Temiperane ary, b)roug-ht an instructive on the thieme, giviug the "'Arn- I a good Christian- Ci Mrs. M. J, Tamblyn made rnest)i- O Caid'sfirst prme l LIIC Of heStUdY book, "AlOnl- Thestoy o Caadas PuneAfrican Trails" mo'st jnteresting by miinister, Sir John A. Macdonald, willtelgofheratroem aiin be old oe CBC Tranàis-Canada tini' n Northern Rhodesi.a where becausej two Wednesýday Nighit broadcasts on of the Copper Mines and other in- May 18 ad ay 20. dth fr ustries the native people were gath- The roacast wil mak te ~ erinig in cities and town.s which fact move in a newi approach to Caxnadian is- creating a great challeng-e to the historic-aI biogiraphiy. Written for Christian Church. Racial dfifferences radio by Tom-my Tweed, the broad- in thele centres canet1a-greIt deal casts are based to a large extent on of trouble and require very careful the book "Sir John A. Macdonald, the study, and handling. Young Politici-lan," written by Don- Alte rmMs oihreo ald Creighton, a professor of history A etrflll i-Cpton f at the University of Toronto, The gl a edtligo h ed publication of th-ýe book a few months n thoir work in hospitals and schools ago likened to a fresh new wind The Treasurer, Mrs. R. E. Lgn blowing through the dusty miuseum 0of r'rtdthe Easter Thank-offering Canadian history and biography. 1 as $57.25 and that a nincl aplnre- Tt ws Si WifridLa ciatod bequest 0f $500 from the es- It was Si Wilfrid Lrer wh tte of the !,ate Mis Miniîe Hall hadI said that the life of Sir John A. Mac- been received. dIonald was the history of Canada Next meeting wivll ho held on. Junel fromn the date lie entored parliament. 9tb as a joint meeting wvith the The broadcasts, as did the book, Nill Women's Association, cut away muelh of w.hat ob3etired lte ___________ period and present it for wvhat it was, an era of fierei, antagonisms and two heurs duration, with John Brai- struggle with a wilderness so, vast nie Playingý the role of Macdonald.1 that only men with the viionofaie of the hroadcatswIlh: 9.80u Macdona 1- could see Canada evrb-nm. NIJT; 9.0)0 p.m. ADT; 8.00 comling a niationi. fEDT; 7.00 p:m. GDT; 9.00 pan. MDT; Each of the broadcasts will ho of 8XfiO p.m. PDT. Toptwnshipmr Council ToDius New Policyr For Orono Villageý Christian e Secret- challenge itzi7" 1 The Clarke Townshi>ý Council mteti Tuesdaýy moriniug with Couni-cillors J. T. Brown, Fred Lovekin a.nt Harry Davey present. MUr. A. McKay acted as- chairman in the absence of Reeve Lowery. A çommînttoo fromi Newtonvilie ap- proac!heti the Council reqnesting that the Councilatore a change ini the systemi of replacing Electrie light bnibs sud mini.tenmsnce of Street iightîng in Newtonville from the Womnen's Instifute to a omml-ittee. organized 10 bandie tbis project in Newtonvilie. This resolution ýwas passed by Counail. Aiso Counceil wi]I look mbt the inatter of planting shrubs andti mproving the appear-' suce of the Newtonviile Memorial Park. 1!i Mr. H.1.Bowen reportedt bCouincil the loss of several pigs, by coming bu contact with Warblo Fi-y Powder. A letter btb te Deparîmient of Agricul- ture -wiiI ho- sent te determine wbo is responsîhle in Ibis action. A btter to Counicil from Mr. W. H. Gibson -witb compiaints of garbago being dunmpeti on bis properby w-as received. This causes an unsigbtly scene and an unhealtby conditio. The rond s-uperintenrdent -,,sas - str-uct(d to cover this gar-bago -with truck loads of oarth and erect signs4 for no0 dumping. The Oron)o Hoicultural jjjSociefy was gr-anted the(-ir annmuai amnount of t 'he Durham District nrd reusigfrom ties inaflice rsi s to lereb edi- rosent biling pro- idertio. Dalinton em astieed otp o schooi butt for iCharlie Stepheson IFor Progressive-C< Ovrfour hbundred ' at vaii ve Annual Meiga Satudayeninig, ayt their choice for Gnïit Stephenson. Mr Stphes o Mr. lwn CthielPresid. pýackeýd hall. Con ser ronio (on gave as of-the i'o On motion by Mr. Jack, Reid, se-' conded! by Rev. D. R. Dewvdaey, the' prjesident, Mr. Colwill, appointed a l'om-iualtîug comibîcte of Messr's.ý Mîilton Elliott, J. H. Lowery, Deibert Olanld, C. Smiith andtL.I.l. Wliuslow, tw present a slate of officers. 1 comrnented thalt iii bise ouf stading nancu Cenywas thelor the 'poils ini the ls Jenyany aste but in] reotwhich innlys idexist in t'heDpa was set Up and ne wvork of irr«gulai whlicb mounted j: susm of mioney. Oni was,11 the nîrchasi' Mr. Coiwil aition for c Stephenson Dave Hîgge Reid. Mr. Jet Ur. 01). R, Mr. Rýeid w' thatt not wi Stephenson the bouse 1i h Sm with ýn wîn f( effort Ire of a noms it, ail-ont TedL L in tbec m 'ent in STEPHIENSON'S VIEWVS The inewiy eiected P. C. CIadl(idato"ýý feit that with onergetic heIp the riti- ing, could ho won. Hoe said t-at-a-e- -- didate can do oniy so miuch and thati lie needed iheip frôni everyone. Thel (-am-paigun, as far- as he was concernied 'Vas DI noon 'Mr. Step of events share of the deberuture, debt as, hat ie ni been requested hy Port Hope. Ali Drew ahae feel this will hoe looketi after hy the Party. In Counties Counicil, but bave offered no g reat mn altrnaIi sucb is not done. 1 The Libera A leIter, for referonce by thel unwise to Warbie Fly Sprayer was outiç ask- streain but îug the operator te fi their tanks- the Jist eli fronii cisteriis etc with every possible btter oýff. care to hoe taken. If tanks are filioti Ottiaaa froin strearois there's the possibiity ' or is ne i of the w,,atErt being polluteti sud the cli'dt fishl dying. cpone tho Mr. C. T. Miller sud Mr. E. R. kef s abr-oa WoOdyard represontalives of teBian Police Village of Orono w,,ere present sOlely btet te finti out what amnount Clarke nesseti thei Township would return Fo the Police-embargos. Village of Orono frein taxes le 1ce by Township. Mr. Miller stated thatl Mr. Step if we do incorporate il would take in 1 1rlnment's the south side of the 5th concession1 stateti thal sud as for norîli as Mir. John Tam- aseb devel hlyn's. sud proces: Mr. Woodyard atsked the Council if articles. W] tbey hti decideti te do anything de- uLral resoî finite yet, Since the previous mieeting, they coulti but was informeti by the Towisii d ces selliný Council that Ibis bati not been dis- opinion be cusseti . br-ing out MVr. Miller staleti if we get incor- Ste-phensouo poa io illii hofor' Our self pro- ition sud servation sund possibly reduce Our coun,1ciï. Sin seb'ool fax. 1\r1%Brown iasked if the, eti, thle cc Townsbhiip w, ouid stili owvi ail thieir cent bu bidnsin tovlaesu ql-oefrom ment alud mas inforieti by C. T. MUiii- 1haî1fbi er hat thev \voul1d. if theVilae fo binc,(ooato, Mr. Gor< it mwould nei50 to o-Pdpt. brogi Th JCunilsid blrey oudmaIke d C somedecsionasfo Orooa ýcrnda m tiof M'yllh -wue ei wbere s tit olie d rglains ig phenson po wbich ho le coming te campaig ig spreadi b is opini lbut a vict ais, ho s, chang.iiie It if titis I dection we Thle mon e lot indis man ever Lie Libera lo10n g, th e -id anti esl re saîd wtE the U. S. eir feeling ,phenson 'c: sirnmigeLi. tb we neede dlope our ýss thin i i Vhy sbould irces for ho bmanul ng for a c 0furîher good Bni i also spol goverljnin ince 1939 t Est of livi the gove Sl ba,,if hi 110ol, 10 a number aw as prob- n. Ho fore- linst George the' Liberali row Was a propaganda iil cdairm it said, tl had br majorit This w. said thi ,ty thai ho said ment, s:ok OC) u)e r1oH budgetgut Our suld e ý n .i e, ubrWefy tb th eet ed tht thomeest

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