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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1953, p. 2

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r, if yon ike cg;ood ip, you5ll enjay tIbis; 15I'm at. if, I mighl-t as ir aý fem, other recipesý, eaiyon. the hamnely en'sable ontion. ONION So-UF ùilions ýi soit and yello-w in ., sp. butter en Cuabes l, Vatel oz)cans ý con- itis Parmesa sing, ;and float ltmieand es, thjen chop, îd cubes foss li ghfIly. ut tihe chïck- wor skewver ick of bird. -lghtly; close Or put 3 or, aýcrossoen cordciarounid a ackl ake 2 quarts anid . . !½ tîsi> ,s'aIt id caok unt il onions about 20 mrllite-s. ~y j~owder anion and i 6. * 4 heaf cd wtr about20 ly V bread rub lical acrumbs, then into egg, agairs mn rms Brown on ail sides in heavyý sisilet in.. 'î c. hot fit Add, . e. I egjice tram spk!ed Peaches- Drain and add itc cooked Ceook coverýed, uni eaf is tender, about 30 inutes. Jnst bef une sevig dd the spied peaches and tSen beat throngb. Serves . Peel . sll on o a akze 2 e, Cook in b1olinig salted water, P ut. in greased cseoe Add . 2 c OokeçI or ceanned genbeanis Break 'înto silail pices ïand bnown tl criýsp, . I Lb, park saus3age Drain the sausage and a ýdd ito bean mxue Beduntil smïoofh,. 3tblsp. four /4c, water Strin-. 2 e. tmaojuice Se-ason w:tb. . " tsii. diii seed Pour tomi-aü tusuce aenean- sansage mixture Top vwith üs . butteredcake ermbs Eake i nadraeh ot (375,) avn20 myinIutes. Serves 0. 'Easier ;and tasten way-s tf do- ing many Jjobs around tthe 1bouse are b) e 1ilng offered huswives these d(ays in lus-button acro- solprdcs 'More than 60 dfee.comi- ponnds b Iave bee-n adapteýd ftheic presue-acedcans tatdis- pense a fineSpray or foam at th ouch i a &finger.Ncwideas, arcbengadded almost Ceveny daý,y fa alisýt that arayin- cludes dozens of cooking, dlean- ing and proa toiletry aids. Fly S p ra ys, air Cdeodlonzers. insecf killers, mtbprte , nd spot clý'eaners nuw aew knuw. Thre are as lsi s praýys lfor p ro0teý,Cingj newy- poisbcd sîlVerý, hm ofor the bain and forclening rugs and upolery and spray paîns and lacquers. The handy cnanr is made thein ppaaneearly in men. Pos>ýt-war impru-vents put 'fth e afsolcotanesinto civiian use as a any ;speni- ser for Quids and sui-'oids, New ',ýApplicaionsl' arecslnl being found. The paelntfre uero- sols is provideud b asafe(, amInosf odonless and nu-osnu iqý- nid wbph changesYta apgas wbe neleased. Trhis componnid 1s the sanie chemical wbicb actsneas cooing agent inthef nrily ren- The c. ut that if'ecms nex ing on a saîfet evc ta wl inisl athe presenice 'utfine. on Iang ,el ously bigh Itempenaý,- turcs Cheicai researchers Farese other dvipet.In -tbç fie Id a,.iimedicine, 7-work is biadn On za plastic sur-gical dressing -H s a: , i ned fromý wIc cud be spae lirecf- diate ýprotectianond makmlIýjjgth alsa he posibiity tat arosols w'ifllbe aa te oatspisor bealing cmons Sa mnynew Luses forthe dis peses re spigiglp thatl tbey a ýre fo yfavailable eey ucts thaf Wi!il hep case ihanse- kcngis a cdusf mo11p sryt blelps bibfnwae lorýs as well as 1make the op absorb more dust.Another isasiani- sepic tatc sraywbich Makes peldnt peilnt wicMh can beusdc- ant finijsh onrancl sthat hlave losf thieir 'platqaiis n a wnings. ha v e joined thelisfuf o01lden aeru)sulprdnfslike dooat and cologne. Painlis andlc- queirs are- amlcng the ms au Ian i te aderp'r)ouctoThe ta s t unbirmdispers power aai-d tuucjin)g up alutiaie n c'Inde artlvificial " , o Chrstas ecraing, shjavingý wbic mas couingodars Thee a acrshan abail! came saii fbunghthktce widwand laddal tme hne wiesfeef. She qnikly rsbIed ta tLhe door, anly fa nd î ý)thec strefduemerfe. Abaut a hî-orlater a iid knock cm on tbe door ýaucd the 'Scare'd vuice ai a small bo saî.d: "Pleae, maam, ere con-es 1-ny fathen ta e i.nd yonr in Udow," Lookîng op the road, sfc1wsawv. a man witb a pane utfglass ap- proaching the bouse, so aritout funther ado, she netnrniedte baIl ta the boy and( prai'ý'ised h-.lm fi beîng su boncst. It dîd !nat takethe mailon to repair thewîo. Then be turned fu fbè honsewite. "Thiaf'l be $3,00" he said, "Wbat are yon chargiag me or"siie demanded. "antthat ~MERRY MENA~ER1E atswill10kie! FtOr T eens By SALLY MCCRAE lMN4 M, J. Coldwell, in a vecent radio broadcast, stated that "ýLoud objections to any increase in social securiy benefits have corne fron big buxsiness, ïromr some of the Presidents of ourChree Banks, froni the Canadian Association of Manufacturers, anid The Canadian Chamber of Cmec. This Sort of s tatelm ýen1t Iha S a ve'ry famj1 iiar ring but shud ot be leff; unchallenged, First of ail, w must eniy categorically that 'Phu Canadian Chamober of Cmec is opposedý to social security. A distinction, however, must be drawn-- betwý een the k-ind of social security, meant by Mr. Codwi and thýCkind of 'social security desired by The Canadian Ch-amber of Commnerce. The first kind of social security is that wihis supp1ied by and adiniisteredi by a generous and beneficent ovrnmet hc rawvs it revenues from that section of 'the eonmywch,nteop%ïniQ of, somec group of planners, is il)the best p'ostion1 to pyfor them,-t In short, as the speakeiýr stated, -'"The Qvrmn can taýke mon1ey y fromn groups and inivdaswohemore thaýý-n tbey need and distribute it to those who h1ave speialneds that 1th-ey re unable Io meet wi th their, own resour ces." TLis is j us. another ayof sayjing "from each accordîng to bis mans ta jeachacorin to M~s need" Does this irally speli security for the individual? The WCnadian Chamber o Commearce oni the othfer band believe\,s thiat beyond certainmima protection which gA~ws as the nation prosers a Young vigorous und pioneering cmaunr should con- centrliate upon- economiJc development froms which flows the best kînd of securiy for the individual. Can it be arýgued ta he people OF any ot her counitry in the wrdnomiatter what socialbueeis iow from thi-e State have auny greater real scrt than werave hecre in Canada? Mr C. C. Thackray, Pr'esidenuit DoinonRubber Comnpanyý Limited in an address Iothe EKithenier Cham-ýber of Comric!e, put, lihe matter suIccinctly when he said,"eolncdptcinagns Ciid age, nmlymn n disability, of course, buit1ths protecýtion should corne flrst of aPi romi the thirif t of the1c individual, flrm bis o=nefforts and seil-reliance. Governmiienýt benefits shLout(,ld com lest, and should be bed lddown tLo a mir iim. When ý the Govern- mient takes the lead in deveoping humnan aýiçi a nation,'s walk down the road to socialoi turns %ntoa gallop."5 In aIn economy" where the average idsra wage bas inc reased from le's than $24. a wýeeA to over $05 a week in thirteen years and \where there are 192 people working today for every 100 w;orking tbjirteer yeuars agC;, theenbs been a very ea nceaein securitydespitelthe nres _-cth cost ofling ArC Charles Dikens in bhéprf eà toWtCe thirdetUon o Oliver Twis, written me than 0 years aga, mil "41's wonderful bow,ý Virtue turns firm dirty suhna and bow Vice, married ta( ribbons and a littl gay atire, changes ber nane, as wedded ladies do, andbecoes Roaýnce." ocic soccilscurity provied by the state, whbich grows by ate it feedson and desroysthe ince- tiveos whbb ead rol Social scecuit, ba hs been bedecked with b- bons and gay attire. Sturdy independecence and a dsietabin- crease our nationsalwaltbsu that A i igbt pLrsper is in ecran ourespcurda ie irtue is not a mnonopoly. FrêniiTheNewsltteJjuessed\, T!se CaniainCabro omre HOW1I POPULAR BOYS AND GIRS ET 1THAT WAY: The desire to be popullar presents a probeiet many boys andà girls. N otbing is more distressinIg ta aq teenjager than f0 be aý "wall fiorwer- or a"di, or whatever words, you uise ta) descrîbe the boy or girl Who just doesn't rate ln a mixed group. We've scout- ed around bigh schools and ask- edi teenIageýrs to fell ns, "Ho0w popular boys and girs get that way" ere are the-ir -ansýwers. POPý-ULAR GIRLS ARE: Seite confidlent, nieithier bashtul, stand.. ofisb nor tof orwand1; Atfrac- tïiveLy dressedl, but not t-oa inter- ,esfe-d iel cltes,; Peppy and Inter- 1s)d u t not conspicuouls; Friendly and furn, but no1t 1tua cagerî)Ct taîiker-s, and good is te n e r S; G Dancers and Gooed at Sports sncb as tennis a'ndbamno;Wlmanrd but flot snobbisb; Gond 0=k9n but they don't need to be beau- ties; inteligent but not 'sm-arty' about it;Cosdaeepcay of a boyIs pociset booîk; Nafuiral andsicee;Neither tonch-m- nots non cbronce petlers; Non dIr in1ke4trs and inon sokr Not boasiful of fornwtir conqu.ests; Religions andi have bh i eals, Led ýjby0ot'her -girlsz. POPULAR -BOYSAR:Wl dressed and idyWeLl mann3eredt but nlot tss;Good Taîkýers and lisenes;Depndaleand con.- ~rl~leesceialy, aoutget- tînýg a girl homne orn im; Good danceers and good af sports;Pel'- py and attactve, but noufa so off; SelfcoJ !nfident, not basbfuI, knuws bis way around. Inde- pendent, tink.s for himLself, not ,ied to' othr's pron 5ftrings; Not excessive sm ok e rs, Nion dniker; Nturl,.kînd a n cd tboubftu; Nt cron)ýie nekers;ý Inteligen butnat conc2eited;ý SincereReligionsWhob guod marais; Liked by other boys. Atter reading the above an- swes ouiIJralz being popu- Jar realyiy eans baving a won- dwdulpeonaliy. Howevernot evnan, extremneiy PopnjIdýar lteen iii hve al the attrilbutes named becase eacb person jis dfrntfrum 1ea-ch ohr Everyteen bas ner own special per-sonaty, Oniy oftLen it is sfilt- cdl becau e he ils to makthe -e mrosf of it Obios&y agirl who is keen abDouti(.maig t-he iost of ber loolks, clever at wearing c1lths.and js îsterested lande- vloi i er perseunaýlity will bave a happie-r timi-e and -et on miuch better than a. girl who is unkeut and looks slovenl. Personiîty is YOU. It's how Cou aook and bow you acf, at humneand away nrom home, at scbiooi, in church, onribuýsses anid counts Teens wbho don't knowi' b-ow, to acf in cer.tain situations cuffe-n (envy wbo du: and to ýcaver. up the-ir ocwn iack they dvlpa singingwith, biting sar- casm, upesattl tigand cther unpopular tat h m.lay become permanent. We icange, for bttxor fojr worse:, especQialiy, urngthe teenage years. Fortunatelsy, e can make the most o_'urele Iin lookscarcer hamand personi ty, but onily if w,,e kniow wýýbatet do. We miust, bwvr remem-iiber thrat perfectio)n corn:Yes- toj very ,f ew and it certniy wil notcme to anyone wAitboutie and practce. REL"JAX: The flrst tinmg to de to, develop a popular "'per-son1aliity is to relax; torget abut anrting to be popular. ln-te-restyusi in others anid what te r o ing, stop tikigabu OU and wryigabout vwhýther peo- pie like you or nt.Most peuple are toc bus-y etn bu w:hether yon ike ,them athn about you". interest in other peo- pie, makes o nersig Ifyou feel out C;f tigfUee that othiers bave itîmae fnends, bieyou ýare even Ieft onit of a grudon't let it ups1ýet yube- cause no one is ikied by every- body, You stHlicrave to bc lked, to be wanted, to be popular Vbat can you do to nmake peoplE like you mand make yýou ore o, the gancg? WVe'-e ,given yvou a lisi o f vuhat-iboys say nmake g irls poplar. W Ve've suggested thalý yourelaxand rnot tyso bard (co be liked. Heore a e a coupl imore hints: The confient teer is betlter liked thanr the naervou, one, becauise our feeling-s are in, fectins, Wen wefceel afraid ili-at-case, or striving to beppum- larpeoppe near ns go et the s fýeeling ad are also uflnapp)y don't like it. Friendlinessý is alsocahig WhJen weare friendiy adsii- cere, we radiate ,a wrsud happiness, that spilîs over ontc, people ne-ar us a'ndthyfe hap- pier, too. People wanmt to get ta knJow us bcuewe mketbem -t'ei celerIful, we 1îve them a litt and boost their mrl.Sa stop freting about wvanhtin t&b likd and cstliking otser Peu- Ple You'l be surpnisd at hcw manoy lk otoc, Teen-agersare nvuited tosendl their problems to Sally McUrae. Box 1, L2U ihfef S. e Toronto, Ont, PlCes nls sfamped ddessed enveope for tfpsidedown3 to Prevent eelin l H LV Peel Gow~<~ (74.9 - i~3Z) EH AGOUS-ÀCF DRROWV PRACTISE MODEftATION TODAY

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