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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1953, p. 3

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Lu bi ver ineresig"Pltai n Horse Sns"colun lastweek Bob Ellisý plain-ly told dairy far- mners ta their best bet is (u "de-emphalîz" buttera-d*but- te-at nd 3really tackle the problem f cshin-inon 'the other va-'lu'es contained limnr WritLiiniluthe 1latest issue of Farm journal (hiaeha) BayDaknrn tesof ha is being done--and what shoid be do-along the same ns 1 quote tu>e followmig-- Out o'f the mnaze of proposa'is and suggestions fosr ling the nation's dairy dilemme, two main steps a~taqking shape:> (1)ý Put somne real piessure ýoni selling those daircy produc,ýts t'hat ,seem f0t have the bDest futur- fiu id mik, heese, dried nmiik, cýoncentrated mil, ind ice creamn --products that put nlýwoe emplha - sis on tihe value of the protein, vitarm, and minerais beow the creamline. (2) Then pay producers on the basîs of wats elow t[le cem ïin-e---tlie non-fat solids, flot j-ust o)n butterfat alone. The Amaerian Dary Associa- tion laf-d uthe ground *okFor the first sep at ifs annual meeng -in Chircaea the thler day. -It VOSe to increaýse its dairy sales~ proj- motion fund from $2 million an- nulDjy f0nmrethan $10 million To finance the project, daiMy farm1er"s are being asked to _oni- tributeto cents per 100 poundz of ml~ or one-haîf cent pet, pound of butterfat every maonth' -.not Just during one or two months of the year, as hithierto. The pattern for the second step .may be fouind in a ilk pricing pian 'beîng iused in Wîsconisin, andc in a ntewv quick test for -toni-fat ilk solids just announced by tire USD'A. Th1e1'-IiPght aï bulttefat 1is Loo familhir to need revîew, ex'cept Mlt it it'sgrowing steadily wre Li. the paist ten years,ftire average consurb as cut bis butter--buy- ngalmiost in haif. TIi ry .iiieo frus"and the' plea "buitter is. better for you and worth the p rice" ba-ven't done the Job Anid t neyer wHIl as long as there's a 40 to 4Ucn a pound dfeec betweeon the two products. As 'U.S. Secretary Of Arcl ture Benson puts itf "If tire pre- sent trend of ,onsubhpfion con'- inues, butter is onitire way ouf." Prile is thre min reason ,butý lt'S rotý theý only onle. Every da.'y. more and -more Amaericans step; gingerly on thre bathroom caes w-id d eecide then and ithere fte shift f0 owo,-fat, high-protein les Doctùrý; give hearf cases, expect- ant mothers, even overweighf babies, zsucir diets. This aluane should be a tip-off. !;o the dairyman's future. E'ortu- _na t e1 y, mnilk below the creamlure .s one of the best and cbeapest sources of animal protein. Appareýntly a good m rany con- smesagree for while butter bias ýbcen on the sk-,ids since 1930, sales of dried miilk bave fripled - uring he last 20 years. Cie-e consumption bas almost doubled. "With ia few 'vlocal except'ion)sIle fluid iiiilk business is goodà, and gefting better." B3ut ini spite of these gai-n, there is evidence fbat we ýCould doa lot betiter, if we wvorked af if. Here is wý,here ADA witbif nlew fund caun make itsn ih fteifmof-ypuftUing more cei- phasis on fluid ilk, cireese. con- centrated atid dried mi tflk, and ice crearm luid mi eudtake a lot of tire ieatoff tire industr yv e pusired if, sofiat uesnofifàmould end up as su rplus going into but- ter. Our population is growing. Inicomesare biir.Fuid mrïilk cn sumption sirould keep going up sfeady. And tire beauty oA iud milk isUtaHiftake care oftfie Lowr pîcs sroLd be aiat of our- sales campaign. TIirey woid ht elp spur consum11pI ion,ý (Somle drop in price is aWmos1 crtin wb ýen supports are-'drop- ped our lowered et tire end of our vear of grace.) Dryproduýers miigirt bave f0 absorb part of tiredrop; sbut leY' look more careflly,, than ever forU -ways 10 lower our marketiýinag Whia thrfood demrands tfie exr otof trucks and divercis 1,o carry if f,0 tire iousew;ife's door? lArdswiRatiher producf demands as mucir coolinigad storageae affer if reachlesfi kitchen? of ADA's newbudget sirold, nnd pr2obably,, will be, fhrown tý into tire searci for beffer concenrat d, frozen and dried m1il, Tiehowfe is picking -,p1 mnore and mnore of ber dýairy coods af the grocery,,,stor-es.heh pick1p sf111mnore if they' re nof so bulikyý if fhe.y're -,easier td ar and store at homne, And sie'li buy rmore ýof n dairy products fiat sire can count or, as being f astyUand Iuniform, day lun and day ouf. Malny daîry pilnts stli figurei the selling Price of their prod- ucts on a straigbht butterfat basis, They c rthis back to thie dairv-. mani--pay l»mi on a butterfat ba- sis. HIence the dairymnan n3turally gears bis operations to butterfat. For decades, hÔ_'ýs figured the prdcinof bis cows on a-I but-. terfat bîasîs, then bled and sel- ected to a great extent for btter- fat. HIere's weethe USDA's nw milk teM could corne in,' Dairy plants~ could adopt, this or a sim- ilar test fort. solids-not-îat, andus it in addition to their test for fat. Then figure the dainr,5nmilk check on tlhe beasis of both tests. Wl Such a plan orWel one verion of it bas been work- ing for mre than 10 years, in Wisconsin an-d surroundinig state, Manyý dairy plants ini this ,,rea pay thur producers on the "Pik- er pa, or the "fat ani- soid s otftpayment planc' Tis paricular plan is namied for Dean PudolIph Froker-, of the University of Wisconisin, whio coi- authored. ih with Dean Clifford 1Hardcnot ichganStýIte College. It wo,:rks on 'Ch- pr-incipiet-,that butterfatPand thIe rnon-fat solldsý in méik are in a fairly definite ratio toevch other. (See table below.) Thie plants te>t for fat, thi-en figure ont fromi the raio tables howý, much non-fat solids there are in the mik. Then thre dairyman is paid on the bas of botir parts of bis milk, not, just the part above the cemie Heore's the average raio rof! butLterifat tononi-fat solids 4.083S7 straighýftoblue-Iat method of pay- mient is noxv 50 obsoleJte Chat it shiould no longer be used. We've got to ka ourey on the econ- om1-ic bail - put more emphasis On total îmîIk solids, adrltvl Bm pl"yan antoper- ï(tos Lse lleFrokýex plan Say that if",, more faiîr, mi bcuei's mreflxile Wt idryplaý,nts cadoa btte jbof adj,,sting their pyet f0o refletchanesim nïeand toi, eihe f the to arsof rlilk -ftor nýo-fatsd is Ad tet a A cm Heri of Presidenit Esnowraccomnplish- ments oas a portrait artist, 15-year-old Audrey MacAUSIani, hîgh school sophomnore, decideadtw presernt him \with a sample of her own crtistic talents. Seen above, she hotds ai portrait of theý President ,,ii;cl) he painted after stu-dying his face in hoo gracpbs- GDEEN THUMB &do~x ~tÙK Stokes- roUi Heip Taij annua l lwers and Ah Ir climbers of course willneed somie support. 0f feu s ýtkeCS a liffl:e short er firan tirePlant isý higir tnd drivern lu cose wil bie- sufficient, Tirýe plants are ftied f0 tirese loosehy wf soft tie raffia or any of tire speciltwist- ing m.-aferials sold by seed stores. MWtlw bushy plants !ke peo- ries, s0myietimies ac hoop of ýyire or 1wood is placed about thum and a fooGt, or so ubove tire grôund. Ici EnglIand àr-ouud dliiim and with setpeo_ý early in thre sprinig Ithey stick bits ofbrs iu tire ground. Gradlunlly tr plant grows abou tfis. and m- in,,g ifi bot beijng Î rfimly- sup- ported just tire rame. 1Most pe'o- pie noadny Dstae tireir ona foes, af Least tire earlýy orues. Usualy a Sixor evenfoot stakze ïs cdriven firmly lu tire grý91oundý wiren tire tomato plant is set toUt. About ei very foot of grow;th fth;- _stem is fied looselýy but secure- 1,î. Ail side shoots are nipped oýf and towurds the~ end of tire sm- meitr ftsenatriyof fruit rirmain stemi is allso ipped,ý wirere one wvauts 'fi get tire maxi- mlum ou'o) trevege-table gar- dcan, tirere are ývarlous wa.ys oft growing two crops or pracýtical- ly so on tire saitië piece of land. 0f cus lrr n--goesl o fis intensive scýtofarei, eýxtra ferfiïize.r jrenin and fie Sou mrust viçýlJ> orked fand riçi, In tins -doubte croppîng business wea1Ltet1utte "Prowýs of ani ear-ly Ukid wti aater ne, for inptance. iradisir anid croc o leffluce. Und bas or peas auid pot-atoes. We aiso hae es pace than niormtýal between tire rowvs, if necessaryno nmore fi-un 12or 15 luches. Tire eurly sfuff, 0f course, crnsonp uclyad uLSed up before tirÂe ter u ur iug vgeabesrquire fuh-i room.n Anofirer practice is to fol]Ç,wvtire harvesiing of tirh'r, veeabe lietlire pe'as, l'efu'ce, pmc raqdisir, cerly o üosec. with an- ofirer sôw' ing of tire sumne or sometiringelse fAtM AUlbe readv Tien "bere arceýértaiîn crops like squashpumpkinsfiat we cati ~p1at in tire outside rows of corm. orwe c-nui 1aivc tkdtmte aloflg tire end ot ny vegtabl fence. Witir lower , l, ifis poss- ible, to-get doublrops, n ac some bae evenfirce.Anrongîts tire sprinWg foegblsfe set coufwi tat dptuîs Tiree crse ntoblooni withmn a an I ome 'si i frtof set Ouf plants annualsfrn s&eeds sucir as nasturtiurns, alys- s um, cosm-cos, etc. By carefuLl spacing and planning ai-d by using bofir perennials andi an- nuals if is possible in mlost parts of Canada f0 bave some bloom lu tire garden from fie lasf snow- f ah f0 tire ftirst Bear ate Erosi In soine ar-eas firiere u be shi11 danger of late frost. For a few extra early a.nd tendier fjhngs like mnel ons, cucumbiers and f1 omiatoes onie dentneed fowor if soi-ie protection la tire form of spycial paper capsq or miniature glass or plastic greerl- houses are used. Thesc wili fur- inisir ample iprotection ugainist. quite a severe frost for several weeks. By using themn one can plant aniy of tirese ten,-der things oufside front two to tirree weeksý earher tan~usual. 0Now I S fie firne f0 keep ,q sharp wýa.tchr for attacks of diý- ease or -posts. Ah of these ,can be confrolled if counter meas- ure-s are takeni prompltly. On tChe mnarket today arze all sorts of prprddusts and sprayýs aixJ simnple ineýxpensive dusters ai-d spuesfor appl ications. One sisrould regard Fany w ýýilfnig ûor danaged folialge wi tirte greaf-. est su!spicion. Thit may meanaa dog;or caf iraIs raced tirrougir tire garden 1bu'tifis more ik-ehy f iiidcut inccetor ~ses am- age.- TOLTO TX4 0f fibe plafing plant ut Kelly. Air Force Base, near Sun Antonlo), w-as ulkiug ulong one day hast .Augusf wiren a rafflesuake bit hlm onitirelkg. Goulez sfood by wiiete raffler Iwenf intoc, on- uwaiy and die As for Gomnez, he su7ffïeredc no 111 effects ut ail. An hcad o tire plut ing plant, ire haudies a lot of sodimnue n edy poison. Over tire years, iis body luas guual collected a lethlacumuatofoitifire buildinig up an imn .Tire suak, obvIiously, hmd flot SLOW VAIND, SLy^i7,ER b-ought a ew Pr ai nd ws enjoy- in ris fiJrst ride lu, if no end un'til a mnoforcycle coOp stopped hla midsuggested a vs tfo fie Mloclmagjdate'"le was doung sixty,"~ rcporýted tire cop. "Non- sens," eclredth ir erchauf. CI nexer got bhr -rip boeory7.'~ Thýe m'iatswfeput lu ber twocents' uorti tt-ins point. "He wasn'f goîng fartes-tan friend iro md een 1riding lun fie ncksea uded,"I'd say -we weevirfall n[uta sudt vlen fis ofler- came aong.ý' bauds and cied.Stprigirt nCow - bcf'e oufoILksba irrto. If paiînt rem'over c oLes .n10t work onla,1cquered surfa'e, uJse lacquer thînner. -For -an Oil finish, u1se a 1'clotripped ýlu turpenfine înstead of paint rmvr Always use duill paint, scraper for removing paint, toelmînate Keop blea.cir solutions in glass.- containers, and wear- a yrubbeýr apron and rubber gloves durhng" tir blachngprocess. if poss- iltest wodto be bleacbied, to determine ýh?,de desiredi FutingOnNew' Affer remnoving oh-d finiishl, m iake sure surface is. cleair and dry. Prepare wcood Whbsand- paper aqnd steel wool. To rmv steel-woOl 1scraps fro-m ceep grain and hard-toge-tcr ners, use ua mtagnet.« To dtriedsrdcolor wheý-n staining, paintinig, etc., cxK- periment oMa some spot tirW o' be visible. If yout're sfa.ining and trr' end grain, sand ifý, and apply siellac tbmnd 50-50with alco bol. This wl rvn stain froni si1owing darker on end grcain.ý If, moie you are anfîquîng top coat is3 incorrectl4y apli'ed or miarredC wpe off surfae witi- cloth dippedl in turpentine When it is dry, reapply paint. For an eaier but slightlyleoss eiffective Surface finish thanl var- nisir over clear stain, apply boiled liniseed oit cirectly to dry, stained 0object. Wipe off excess; ru1b with sof t cloth-; apply paste wax. Any clIear stain can be made opaque staïin by ixinig pure oi1 color with if. WhVen polisbing wi,«th pmc and -rottenistone-, do edges an corners very lightly, as pmc and rtnstone c ut tirrougir finish af these points. To mix baint tboroughly andi without spillinig, pour off about 'k1 of a' can into another Coni- tainer, Mix eminngpait then slowly pour excess,, into can. To strain) painit effe'(ctively, purnttirroug an od nylon stoW. 'ng. To keppaint from spllung over- sides of can, punci- four irolesý around the rim-. 7,1m7 in bi1 color, neyer squieeze color out of tubedirect-. ly into ÎpýÀînt cari. lnstead, squ~eeze çn t o ,ti&, < ý1an4 mix plint anc1 color witiký sticlk On, a.1 finishles onie coat niiut be thoroughly dry, before an-. other is applhed. If varnisir runs out before you finish job, be sure to ffinish it wvifh same ý brand, as drying re of varnisirvary If you are refinishing, with, enarnel or paint, a piece oigin- ally stained -mahogany, apply a coat of thinned shellac or alumi- nuxn paint before newi finish goesý on, to prevenit-r.ed ln mahoganyr from bleedîngtloui How-To See Venice Tire fanciful seaward facade o! tire Queen of fie Adriatic fronts, one of tire greatest fourist shows>ý on1 eartih. Few, however arrivé b sen; and yojur firsf impression of tire city, coming in by the back door, from itire m.ainland, is not impressive. Once on i te Grand Canal, fieý weafirer fair and tlire season flo-ýtfoo bof, you will be dazzled. Tire city iras an endleý-,ss vreyof riches f0 offer; tirere is lu fact, so rmuclirdet ail fiat somne plan for "on"Veuiice is- essenfLial. If you !have 0o11y af ew day)s, andl prefer f0 remnainilu'tire cetrof Lever-yting, stay îrigirf ln tire cify, ait ernat lng pleriods on tire Piazzan S. -Marco, Ruskin-'s Stones of Veice lu hand, wii excursions f0 tire Lido and fie oth-er islunds, aind unidertuking short spelîs of very caret ul sight- seeingfY cirurces undnuseums. Above ail, h-aunt Sf. ar' ca- firedral. -U you tare, going f0 stay lu Veni;ýe more than aà we-ek, and if if is a week ln mîdsuvmmîer, stny ouf ut tire Lido... YOu mtrusf allo;w ample fîme for everyfhing you wanf f0 do lu Venice; tire tempo ~iere isslw You wilf uke tire trip utong tire Granid Canal, of course, ilu a goni- dola; but mucirsgei nnust be~ ~ fj doIo o t is a great pheasure to alk ilu Veul(ce, n altirougb someo,îtire routes are infricute (you sirould ire pcu irere witti ire ew prssyou wilwill -cdLo ask yo:ur wuy'), you wh ntciiv iid-î u W11cd, or m 1 0roteskecp go- ing 'a0kbuo f1i Pin a S Mar-co. If y-ou corse fot e okor of Venlice çomes alive l oi.,you, Sit at tire base of iflagsaf Close to Obme dock toer. nd study tire msisofthe ws f ront. - Thre souti etin iichae tire sea and the Doges'paceus arcifecur.aly peakngtire most, ovy.Ail its pillars and caýp- itals shou-nld nbe examined care- A gondola ri'de ang th_, e Gr:and Canal is sometiring you wil no watfo miss, -NOoÏoirer "tet lui tire- world can boast sucir a pressive bilingiiýs and beauttiful irurche's. -Fo AlAbo-ut, qCa IDAICtIIOU Bp 1 bv, PBrclap Wre Acts 2:4b2,30-31 l'l ltha htIhns f r tgehe -for good totlie'(0 t ove God, fù them IraIarc th'e Caihed ac- cord!ing 1io i ph os om 8:28 If wasa strenuofis fr ip for Pau]l1tire prisoner, from Caesarea., to Rome1(. Tire ship irad bceen, buffetted by tire stornis and itfil- alybroken f0 peices. Af1te(-r tirree -mionf'irs in 4aIta tirey set saiL in another ship. At PuteolU Paul foundi somie iristians and spent a week with them. MeanM-1 h ie news of Paul's com'-ing reached t h e cirurcir at Romne. The vwriter of that odefs epsifle whlcir they had re-ei'ved> somné tirree years befor., and la w h;i ch i1-wirad expresse'd hl4 earnest desir e f0 visit them, and bis. hope fiat ire sirould comne f tien-i in tire fulness of tire bress- îng of tire gospel of Chrcist ~lm alrïiost at tireir gýates las rapris-. oner of state, and they woufld scoon see hirn face to face. Te naturally determined f0 go and meet him, 4t o niolir irln 1 a"Ea ôseanid show their love to hlmi as a br:oth-er. Tl]ý,youngejr and more active would go as f aî as Appil Forumý, about 40 milee fýrmnomre. Tire rest only camoe aàs far as The Tirreý Taveins., about .10 imiles nearer tf0 Home, When Paul saw these b'fre ire tiankezd God and took couir- age. How if lifted iris Spirit thit tiese brethiren ln Christ sïiroLd journey so far f0 mieet hlm. Pe- baps there was some Judas nIearý who thougbt fhey should havei been wrknginstead. But thos(e wbo went wouldn't have missed that meeting. Hemecmbeýr wirat Jesus said about visifing firose( wiro were sick and lun prison, (Matf. 251. Christians are a!l'ways,. iblessed when firey f llw ir te-aching of tire Bible. Paul had wanted Ifo preach a Hoebut didn't expect f0 travel sone aid Sleffer-s tc ilih* cor up wt a stari f0 find tire wuil fopsy-turvjy.. head down, - weur . COnly ' cuugIr4t by tir ed ir trou Ilihi liirtrni) r

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