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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1953, p. 4

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ier. R C Forrester euniitry strong emphasis is bing Dgramns for chihdrea and oven te ime is ever increas.ngan, w und especiahtly >in L(,-wns mnd rvised rrecreation has been fast pregramis1are cestiy an-j eut of reach te inunticipahîties . Hwvr it is the full intention of thle Orono Ama- Association te previde -, recreaitiona-ti preg-ram te ho heid Park, dally and ýwith preper suipervision. heme is, crtainly' one wevrthy of credit and if presont npleted, ili previde whioiesale and intoroesting r'ecr>ea,- unth for the chiidreni. It wili aise put inito use o)ur Park itself te suelh a pregram., The schedule wilh possibly i- ,e groups -with varying types of recreatien ranging frorn !anid treasurýe huats. The programn need not ho rigorous iut inst ho appealing te the young beys and girls. ised Pay has ma i nd far reaching benefits. It net enhy oungsters sport but faso to be a sport, and deveiops ongst their frienids. Feliowship itseif is an ail impor- n the schemne for today feliowship seems te ho ebbin)g ,ny one that travels la the right direction en -with a daily two heur period of enjey- PLANNING AND THIE NEW HIIGIiWAY planning is net a new subject in this column but, We ho- id eo incorperated in our, administration for a Sound ex- he village. The new highway te ho )uiit drectly ea-st ef s- shouid make controlied planning more imipestant than iighway wiiVoùpenn tho villiage te the east, which is p)racti- Iy direction it can ex-,pand te any g-reat exteat. As the new U control1ed access highwNýy it wll mnean thbat net every oe -iven access te it. Iii the i-major-ity of cases where such passes, a feeder street is bltwihruals parraliel with a1 id ties in at ither end and possibly nt the miiday cha feedeér street was buit ail eaist west v-,illa(gerýonds aended te jein with itan thus open thievilagete, ree te tie east. Drainage imay bhoevercQme with ho cro1-c- iighaymd property in this area couid thon take on a many foatur-es to e -o orked on. and was looking te the future. ho bore, ýay, of ng fa,-CF your. Pl IN MMRA hIARCA~?E-Ilioving imemeroly ofHazel M. llar-dcastle ,ýo passedl Gonle is the aicewve ivesder Siuent the iei w ievýd te hear ; Too far %Aw y for- syght or speechi, But tnot tob far fr hogltotQreaich Swee ter meerier -who onice, And whvlo, thloughasent is just as Ever remomenbered by hier mson Evereit and Renie and her famiiy. Our CEAT H S ho MeCGAT ', Richad otn-At the'eee, 111 Onlt/ioîSt., Bw m man vil ie on ý W e dnïiesd ', Mayi 6 'th f' 1195)3, R ic harm orton cGr, iath in his 79th ,year, b boved hu andfof Enice ace. M1cLean. ResÏi1g at hoMorisFun- oralChapl, wm vlle Sericein the Chapel F day at 2:30) p.nm. 0Inet Orb'Cemery.Funeral ai-p1 under Masoie auispices. po. CENIENT Apphy Rehph -'1, 0Orono. Orono Tins] Use the Classified Column --What is yor idea of, a summner it. {bOUI, imngdepsaisng ýaioner. . Shiown here are twvo typical ýi piaygrounds. Mile-higb Banff Spring Las- near orL as far- as the idyliic Fea- Pl ATIONAL PROG1MA M4any more at MOTOIRSALI Newcastle 2871 Clarke - open Every Evening LOST A chan-ge purse eoitainlili$,00 Tuesday, between Mrs. r-1Tam- blyn's and Cornisl 's, t Finqcr piense laeat Oro 1o v TImes or phon-e 30-1-4. 1 a-C Good ariet f vgeta es andi W. J. Leamen, honle 4 r-6, Oronoù. Ma1,f 'ands'11ýxw11"paIr-t timieeV- canE be arred. G od wage, Apply Orono MWoodpo tOrn. a-c! Mciarv lRoy'al chalrm iKi men Range.' Excet1et oniti. opper reservoir. -$80,00 orbess than aif the K. H. Sephenso Or R. 1. "Feu -issel' ' tandem dises, 26 plates, $e0; Otaco two eil sprüa- ders, $37. less rubber 306. Whl- barr-ows, -ew wgnsed oquipment Çochshut tracter c tivato'1 Il. C.i and Coc shutt ima ure spreaders on rubber, fertili* ee ane fertihizer spreader entai rle Cari To . one Clarke 15-20. 21-dp1 DEAD FARý' STOCK, P KFED UP promptIy. P 'ne coiiec owmnanville 2679. Aisow buy liv orson;, Marg-1 will Fur Fai*tTyro DEADSTOCK remnoved frem ycur farmn premptly for sanitary dispo,-sai. Toiephene CGoiiect: Cobourg 12661 or Tor onto Emi3-8366. GORDON YOUJNG LnIMITED If you have' a Heating. Problem Lets have it now Time goes so fast R. E. LOGAN New Hi-Tread Used Guaranteed Re-cap TIRES For Cars Tracto s Drop ià Or Phone (larkie 2020 For A Quotatiq' The Fai haven Co. Newton ic This Weks Specils 600x.16 or 670x15 Guaranteed Recaps $1250ea. CONTRACTORS FOR FARM and HIOUSE WIRING Proept APLan vrated ý,aLE 2020. te a]l make.l of Electrkica Equipaerit and Applianceal "uha Iotors, Wnter Jicatere, gtgyve*trou~Imi* Fs Professilonal Directory A. F. McKENZIE, MI. PIIYSICLIN and SURGEON officq. Heurs:- 2.00 to 4.00 p.m,; 6.30to .00A P.n. Sundays and Wednee.days by appointm'ent ouly PHONE 47r] - êltONO E C. SYERe M..D. PHYSICIAN and SURG.EONJ? Main Street sonth Office Hours: 2.00 te 4.00 p.m.; 6.80 to 8.00 P.M- Sundays and Holidays hy Appointment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGAIRT VETERINÂRZY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKA'i-ING RI-NE c0O ING ~NT On Sundz Mylt Mother's Day, Kirbyî aySch 11iwiIlI ob- ereitasu1Ln avy School Aivi'ersarly The timie of s rice ho 'be3 'ciock,ý and the specia pr.ea er will Il ev. T. A. Morgani, ,Bwravle iAIl the officer- and im lbers of, Orýon"o 1L04e Nd. 436 1.0. F. are r-e- usedto tteb d Devin qservi'e 0on Sunday Mn:y l th to ýt. Saviour's Anig'caii Churc . Mý,eet att the Lbdge '.0' pjl..servi e t 3 prn. May we ail lrake a sp ci forýtteaen 'sQsrviýe p, À ohono lur Bro). Chater D.1.G.1:oour."Dis trictw has dfon-e goodl work durinlg his ý.ear,' of ofiee.a-c Bemavil ursesý' 1sociation will hoid atean tour o Me morial Rospital,' Bo nvilie, comrnem-4 orate Hospital Pay 0on esday, Mlay: l2th, frorn 2 to ý5 p.m. veryone wel-1 corne, a-c PRE-SC1HOO R F, TRTJN Parents ad u ans 0of ils, Who wiil be at nding High hos in this area i September ext areý requested to 1eister th (ý'b f oe May 3@', 1953 , -ith the ]1rincipal of the school thezywl ted This registr tien is ,necessary te «'gani "r tr speration te adfrom schioo s a e as clas S. Du0ham eCo District High Schnoo Board, H. W. Miý1tchlell, Sec'y Treas., Port Hope, Onitario c-16-c Plea1se lrese veThursda .14ay 28th for a Corona ion ,Tea (d Old T'ime Quilt D-ispia ,spjo, ored by St. SaiursW. .PA cuhars later. iMTcKênzie of Onoand Dr. .H Witzei, of Newc4sie will.1h hours and talkýeLcalis o4 aiteirnate ýeeký-enidsl fromi' Fridaly 8b) p.m. oÔ Moildayj menn.Dr. W'tzel wi hocon cali thbe wýeek,-ends M' lay st, ISth and 29th. Dr. Me ¶ ho on1-11au the week-ends of, ay 8th Mid 22nd. Auiçtien sales The hiomi of Ortona, advaniced r g- istry Yorksbire Swine iind lier q1rd 1Cattie has oeal sold, known he Ée property of Mr W. R Bail, jt 2(i' conl. -Car1 1onshp, i co. seuth and a haf lbiie eas't of Or1o- wi be sold by u,_blic auction atuirday, May 91,t at p.ïn. 45 hea! of regis- ter'ed andgad HrerCtt,6 registered Y rkshire Se stfOur eg - isted Yoks r Boas 7 orkshre gits, _15 York pire S its and wein- liings, trtor tctr acinry haipd hay, etc rrns cash. Jack Belore ïYou Buy Give Stew a Try Top~ price for your car Low dewn paymient Pay off your lien 30 mionths to pay 30' day guarantee i A selection of 40 Cars and Trucks Stew's Specials '51 CHEV. SEDAN $1550,00 '49 METEOR CUSTOM SE DA N........... $09.r ,17 iIII1,RCURY SEDAN $69500 ~-41 ifoRD COACH.$----3e.00 '52 ýýHEV. DELUXE SEDAN '42 11EV. TORPEDO CO AC H '40 DOD«E SEDAN. '.5 0 I TRNATIQNA %,ton PICK UP '49 ÈRD1,TON",PICK UP. '5.3 îM, CURY I'Uli6k demoen- ratr, taliic rust cà our. Just a few miles oi- this loýe y car. New igu 1an tee, big reductiol - '49 FORi T ZACTOR with- Tlu - n exc:avating ORONO L.EGAL p-7 Lawrence C. Mason, B. Barrister and Solicitor BO WMAINVILLE. ONT.. Phone.: office 688 Home 553 JACK REID Orono's Liceused Auctioneer ami Valuator Specialize in Farm and Furniture Salés Consuit mre for terme, and dates Phon 5 19 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and Valuator Conduets Nuction Sales af ailam and at reasoitabIe rat« Communicate with hlm, et P*M Perry,. Ontarie. or si,% ht. CIerk, AL N. orton, at oronto, for dat. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational icl Proectonand Saving Plan.s foi Chidron and AduIts; Mrgg u surance Plans. F. E. LYCETT ORONO, Ont. - Phomno M r l The RUTTER GRANITE COM1PANY Dial 3216 .- P.O. Box $22, Port n'ope, Ontario Monuiments, Gravemarkesm and Rot Water Hmeating CALL U.' FOR ESTIMATES HARRY E. LYCETT Phono 84 r 12 ORONO - ONTý STAFFORD BROSý Monlurniital Worîks, Phono Wlitby 1;1,2 318 )Gundas St. E.; Whlitby FINE QUALI'rY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let, us eeet 'ýa hnsmd nif'ied mnmn over the s~t ing.plaic of yqur 1oved oees It'snet expensive. Mid aoulug this hast tribute will glv. yQonde oflhiou4 Your insurance costs can be substantia11y. re- duced by buying Divi- çlend ?aying IPolicies Quotations on reqiïèst. Leroy lainilton 1 ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE lin ail its branches Fire, Burgiary, Hospitalization Automobile, L'ife, Accident and Sickuess, Plate Glass, Liabilîty, Livestock, Boieër, Wind, Polie. Real Estate $6,8S00. Oreno Residence, Main Street. Cheice location,, eight roomis. centre hall, pantry and utility room, furnaceý divided cellar, ;âIl newlyv decorated and in spetiess condition, Ternas. P'osseýssion arranged-, MORZTGAGE FUNDS I have avalable funds for first mortga gos on improved prop"er ty' ý inClark -e Township current irnterest-rates. LEROY 'HAýILTON Broker phone 93 r 1 PHONE 9W4 r 16

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