-~ - - A Weekiy Letter May th, 195,3 Donald MLrn Sky Harbour A'ir lPort, Gdic, Ot.ý Dear Donialdl:- We e happy to h,,ear frOm you So promllptly 0on your ratýura wt ,Sky Hýarbour. Haa'lound your key yet but iling your ligbter to- inorromW. Siace your isit Ed Milisongt stiartad on his naw, housa. Foundation la dug out and we have pui the briks on the job. Floy4 Nicholson is erect- ing a grg on fde proper-ty haie l to Mrs. Sharwin land Yvili bea sing our wide pina Jaq! siding a!nd ramun tain green chingi s BUi Irovn 1h1 fiihdup at Dr. M!cKenizies ofihce and sure bas smaftened Up tha ldl dup. 11e usad Tin 1Test mpnelgon1 wal.Tan Tests rsont ceililéandi ýpn .¶oor-s used lwo ~ ra and tile. m wou nus gAtyour rassure chaecka(d first tinielyoul are e and see moat a chngq bas beemade in Dràs offie, dispenjary andhalls Saturday we to 'k on a job lit Poatypool. You i mýem ,r Lofchiick the jolly fat Isralite riom ? He's addinrig to bis ra-so ýt at bhe POOL. No niuch lumnber in te ai but wve're happy to suîlpply n dèos,' widows, roofing4, sidiag, cern wuV ýallboard etc. We got the roof fiaished on our nem, lumiber shedl today and imimed-1 iately Archlie took off for Motreal. Our new tanik truck is ail ready for the poIint Job so wonit ho long now until wa are in the oil business with a real smart modemr outfit. A car of stove ceoal dropped la this I liay (Conitinued from page 1) 1; lîfa butI thIr l'ser1vices ex ,tecnd ho- yodteboundaries-; off marIe trea)t - menit for pi,,sîýcal iilness. The patientL has ai body înn need of car-, a. mmd to bie hele, lfeto he savedl. ffree fromi trials and tr>ihsuliionsý-. must ser-,e otnxlya!irat, amni withoui any toub o iîiancial ~î.The variy mgiueoff thepir /1-'s' nnd thegr'ic etetor their e, eoy of " iibsiniesýs" as; far -s fiacn fo. agsf(ood, supplaes, aouipent and builing lmainenance aftaroon o Brce wL e a busy"> naxt coupla o! davs. em bc f a timatfo lha peddling coal! but we, ha)ve contra eýïdtotk cupeor onach 11ontb ,s that miners imay have s3taad1ywork ho year round. Ina ra- tura the i as bave droppad thi& price offbrca$17 a ton. e now can salli stovea d nut siz, at $2r,-00 Untl lyv ist. Then k she goeos againaotr buck an Vso on until timnesn blows 'twill aroýund MU- sugg ts pninte, migbt ha ,hargýing mef r these le ers and that 1 could shorte1 ,thiem n la Ircase they have the crust to d ainything hika,- tht1 better sa so ng for now. Sea -CLarie n, Orono 48-r-16. PUBLIC M EETINj TOWN HALL, ORONO Monday, May I<h For the purpse of discuss- i ng the reas'ons for and against Incorppratiôn. Ail citizens of the viltage ndl pro-~ posed additions shoulde present ~Oreno Police Trustees -o-'--- t~~FpIII IGHwAY I TursFri. -May7 - 8 1 ln Tachuicolor j With, C o -el Wilde and v With GleqnForyd and v Ed a lKeyes- sat. înl,,M a y9t I The Lioin and Hoise With sle ýeC h and "Blac Kig "lSAlN F1INCCO S OY "fom I With Yo eal gand Jeol zir "I'L EEYOU ÎIN MY VDfREAMvS" i With Dois Day aid i i Franik Lovejûy g, 7 Seind to-day for- a beatiful al - uiallin Angle. CakeI Tin plus aý box 'top from Swannsdown A-,n- gel Food Mix. package 59c. IXIE CUPS, Individuial sar-viags. eacb ........ Se5. FROZEN STRAW BERRIES package for.-.-.-...9c. Chîte'SHORTCAKE pjackýage for........--- ASTOR CO)FFEE, fresh Sgroulad, 1lbfor......--93C.j CFornifh Ige. 35c., small 29e rop 4 for 29c. 1 4c. 25C. a Iowest QuaJity MeatspoaiZble prîce Lean Grouind Beef, 1'-lb.-15c. BONED and ROLLED) Primle Rib Rast....6c. ,Pork Liver....b.2e Ileadcheese, sliced ...1l. 43c. iarketeria Or.m. But w t tese fi1no-tZial obigati comerc nsfothe iuProfit nmoLive, prdcIonschedule, s,11eh1oHeçl lv-i l(lns d ohrsigns ofre la hineps do riot eis.Apart from ileî front fic"ad1minis;trators and ac-i ouini ants who aeof ncsstcon- eedabout rmAng both end' Cei (kr as neary as pwoossb c)te at offhopialstaffs is focused "on hai sieed!s of the patient. Anurse woudrtnstecm ~ieiisof paÈtn t reofeknw i le ahoujt costS for services or laly-es. She drws no Ene be- -P-"ee'i erih and the pocor% ber onl W"~' itneton is drawn batween V en~types of olnse". An0 rimportant diffence be-. xve u u blic hosqpUiasand vm e ~epie is thaqt a hospi-. ~l"-hoor offtru"stees serves vln Sv.agroln offcieswb ar 'in~.to giva timP e m ry and, off- len, r-onyis acomniyservicel hauethe- haliave in the wrkthe . if-l dioing. n ï m1ost cases, hos- Uta' bard imembers ean '-ilffor t~e cOiintlOss osof tim-e they mlusti a-iv~o*0 thi work buttey naverthe-1 'essfeelIt t haworthwhile. HOMPS lr eaçi and are worthy of the moral and active supports off th neope thy sev~.Their enerny is- Opnt toward providing the hespS- sib1e helh protection for the com- miuMyt. Al.t hey ask in returay is Svmnthetiîc understnding by the peonle off her aay and l complex, Prohl)ms. ationa Hosital Day i s an ideal oor)))fiiiuity 0 t;Fo showan in- fee J) s. and Iarn mtyore about, your lwï'ol spfalwhih oe ay bec-aiusa jOf i11re-s.my ecmeth eeoff ,m~rur worîd. ,1e(fi h et Telffey, with bair daugte Mr.' Wbitby. IlrT Mr. anjd Mus. R. E. Logan we Peterborougb on, SaturdaY tte th(a funaral off bis brother, Mr.J Logani, who passad away la Nor on TursayApiit 30th. Mr. ai Mrs. Junior West ar Stevan of Peterho-rough visiter the wveek-end with Mri. and 1M1 1E. Waest. Mri. and Mrs. B!ih Fo-nd, Toi spent tha1weke nditIiMr* anm Dane F( ) 1und and Mar 1-,7. Mr.an Ms.Jack çDavis nnd f Bowmnvilaspent Sundtiy friands la Orono. Mrs. E. Oliver and Mrs. Jin. of Bohcaygeon, spent the wee with Mr. and Mrýlis. N. F. Porter. Mrs. Milfred Sherwin and f have movad to thair new hom Church St. South. which they rec purchaseal fromn Mr. Floyd NiaI4 Mr. and hrs. Adamis and f off Bowmanville vis:ited on Si with bier pareiits, 'Mr. aad 4rs.1 Fraser.' Mr. annd Mrs. Gordon Leamae fainily, Sabr spent the wee with Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. Leaiei uiber relatives. A lnumber off friands githai tbe home of Mrs. Sid ub g 1ava hem a personal sbow-er wis br bon voyage on ber tt England. A very', enjoyablP ev was spenit affter whichi a de! 1lunch \vas ser-vad. Bastoff iuck happy tnip Raky. Mr. anid Mrs. Ed Gaha, M and Trrny vsitad on M1onday Mrs. Oliver Gibbs îaisd family barton. Mn-. Gibbs wbo bu Tonontio Geral Hospitl1wa[sj turnl to býis home onu ened Kirhyv's SundaI:y Schoôl Annîvý, on Sunda4y at 30 elc.Thea prea1cher will ha the Rav. T. A. gan, B.A.,lomnvle Rev. W. H. Tonge, Unýited Ç mninistar at L,kefield, bas bae ointd ditrit sacratairy off th(, tam Otario Axlayoff the B and Foreign Bible Society in Ca Hae succeeds Rav. Dr. W. E. Mac acting secretanrj gince 1949. Mi. will takle up residenýce ia Le Ontario, June 1. A former ms to China, AMr. Tonga gra:duiatad Victoria1 Collage ili 19413 ahd il ooyfrom Emmanilual CoUleg 194. éthnw t to China am assistanit princ(ipal of a boy's ,iion school a!t Chungkin1g unitilj to raturat o Cnaain 14 W. HITng ~s a dauhte) John itchn, rono. been visit1,ing berparan.ts Mi Mr. nd Ms. Iarold Cobi) and auyset h eke Olav iKitchen ntetaind . little friands oun Satiurdaiy 1aff on the occasion ofis dbirtli Mr. and Ms F. Ardron andf off T'orontovstdMr,. nnid Mrs. ison Hall. Mrs. A. J. Duesbarry, Toront been visiting ber parents, Mr Mrs. J. Hudson. MIr. and Mrs. R. G. Mc-Ca-llio childraa wera lai Toronto ovei week-end and attenldad the we off Mr. McCalli)n's sister. The Oronio Brancb off-the Car Red Cross report necaiiving ten, mlore, makinig a grand toi, Mr.Milton'Tamblyvil atten1de4 ference MWon's j,ý Associati( 'George' St. Cburch, _Peterborour Fridayof last week.,s. Cro, Oshiawa aras the newIý lyeecfe ie tof1ha Conferencp. Mr.ntoand Mrs. Egerton Hal bava retulrnad homie after vi their son Harold and famrily at ville and Glen andfmlya woi th. UN4ITED CHJJRCH Orono Pastoral ~t Charge SReverenid Johin Kitchien Millister OROGNO--ComIbinied Sunday schol and serv.\ice at 11:00. Noevng service, lit beillg Kirby S.S. Aiversary i litl aftennooa. LESKTARD-Sundaiy Sebool at 1:15 Preacheri: Rer. T. A. Morgax, B.A. off Bowmanville. Welcone extealded to aIll nMgucwoIvasWcL8 LU o r p eaxibtion 1from ithe Midland Regi- Me-nttth Midland, willI join other une- ment to tbe 5111 Northumberand Fu-,- prsnaives at Kînigston whra he eliaPrs wvho are stbtimnedaI wcail uniit i aig asmbe.They wi on th~e Tyne. The Northunme4ands art Ceave from Montreal on Aprlil 29. smehîag OF a mother regiment l5; Upon iirrivali in England the,,iunit theirafifainwtbtMifidlands. wHIl ba staionad at Surrey, outside It Ais rported that the vilage of London, aind P-te. Rodgers CllHa ea Noiw uvi i s quite happ)y tuit the oa ebrof the street-liniing setion oiur was bestowed upon one OCf the r 'Me other se WIcilake Ipart in) Ve (continued on page 8) C ive Mothe--r FLOWERS For Mother's Day Our fine selection of fIower- ing plants and \'put flmwers will be availaible 'ýt Riddell's Barber Shop in' ýrono this week-end. iicious ainç a You can give no finer gift 1aln than that of flowers. Duni- en P-I to r-, s Ren ai t 0to;6do PRICE. ts off Wallpaper from Ladies' Canvas uble rMsj at IIALF forent styla, $95to $.5 Axmýninste r lMat(s, s iz e 24-,36, ragular $5.95 for-._...... ý$3.95. Curtainsi Suaaiwehb, rayon maruistta piaj or with fluffydots. riced 50w. tu $1.50 Agood s cis fdrapery matPeiails la 1as-k oth, color- fui tropfical ein or leaf and floweýr desig ,ýalso satin dla- ani cet per ya. Chwildren'sCanvas ShA arch l support cuLshion cu'ýhion insiole, lace or. Priced from and ryEer sols. Ppice ilrnsJackýets ai, rs, slze2 to 6m.Pi yS175 and $1.25. Jeans w*h Sirt to size 3 to 6. Priced at --- 'Slacks Lvy, gi Stridý bine. Cake. 19c. Ilotý Banirnas- Nev Tomatoes - BEEF, - BABY BEF and LU Frnmli'ZE RUT and JUTICES y Suniday SchoolAnirsy - aftern-oon theEvin eic 1 e caacalled. J. G. Jlackson spent Suilday i