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Orono Weekly Times, 7 May 1953, p. 6

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-~ - - - -- - c. Inîlk, I 9 tsps, sali argarine; a while, mea c i. iukew Ldatedi sugar olved. Spris :ischmann's Let stand i c. granu- Letrisc untdoubîrd lu Lth. ant ii Pnh Jtiwndongli,graetp ool to uke- c aitti sure inte a doubled luiblk, Punch dow 'arm water,doganitrononlgty stir until fiaureti board; roil ro nkie with I antictint ¼sd Fast Rising placCtIl spart, on1greascdc [O minutes, sesUsiug a fouretiltiable, mke a cep depression 1:1tiseiý hed potatoceteocchbnBrsrudse a egg yolksslighy- im; stir iteo beaten fgg w in t s a a lukewarm pikegnrnlwihrat- /2c. once-ladsga.Cerudetrsani beat Uti dule lab l t pr- bout) once-b nak'e a softt rap rr ja.Bkel oaen ver anti set 2taot5miueYei- an daPunch. down lrg duhs.estp -jl 'Hirst: ne get a dvorce so we can ruar- "I amr from a good f amily, and he has made a tramp out of me. I couId go home, I guess, but that town would be so dul' "So far, the man's wife docs not know about us. He lies fa lier, and she believes hia. "I can't stand this suspense mulic longer. Shal I go to see lier and ask her to divorce him? DOUBTING" INCREDIBLE CRUELTY * Are yu really serious? It * ls difficuit to believe that any * woman can be so hardened. * Picturo the man's wife ns * she is. Stricken beyond cure, * she lies helpless, bereft of ac- * ,tive living. Her aie happiness * lies in the belief that her hus- * band still loves lier. Would you destroy that faitb? If you * try, I believe the man, in spite * Of his deceit,. would neyer Slook you in the face again. * Perhapls he is not divorcing * ler ,because lie has no grounds; * or beneath bis sense of guilt, * lie ias not the heart to dieal * her such a low. W hy hould * hé? You have been a willing * partrer in lhis uplicity. For * him, the situation is well in * baud, * Many a reader charges me * with blaming the other woman * in an afair, and excusing the * man; but after ail, wrhen a * man suggests an illicit alliance, * the ,decision is the woman 's. * You went into this with your * eyes wide open andI, Ioving * him, I can understanti-you be- * lieved in his promises of mar- * riage. But when three long a years have passed with no ac- * tion, you should be smnart * enongh to sec where you * stand- * Tell him that you know it * now, and yoou are tirough 'st: I will soon pretn is com- tother promises m asked.i My ne knaws this the girls.- One Sunday nigh, won't let me = "Don't you think lt wouldi be akay if I had a couple of double dates befoare the prom? A. L." * Your chances ai being akedi * ta the prom will be greater, * cf course, if you are seen on a * few double dates beforehandi * with boys your parents ap- * prave. Otherwise, how can * the boys knw yau'l1 Le avail- * able? * Put if ta your parents this * way, anti I. expct they will * consent. iu he circumstauces, * a few weeks' difiference in * rnaking your "debut" seems * unimportant. * If they refuse, though, ask * the girls to spread the word * for you. There is no substitute i o r goodness; it brings an inner peace that the wicked cannet know..a. If ye have th chance to turn back to fheC geeod life, take .i while you can. Anie Hirst will help yeu findi the cour- age. Write her at Box 1, Eight- eeath St. New Toronto, Ont. HRONICLES Last week I had a letter frorn a friend that endei this way- "Why does everything happen to us?" The writer had good reason for asking that question as her family seems to have more than its share of troubleaIo varions kinds. Long after I had read the letter the query she had raised rernained in my mind and I wondered hoiw many iofus, in our own tirne, have askced the sanme thing-and geaerally in connection with fanmily problensa, from which none of us escapes- sickness, accidents, financial dif- ficulties, or quite often a com- bination of ail three, for it would seenm that trouble never comes singly. Often it is one thing sfer another anid we think, even if we don't say it - "Why does everything happen to us?" Isn't that right, friends, haven't you, more than once, had occasion ta ask the v'ery same thing? But supposing Lady Luck has amiled upon us-aupposing the things we worried about neyer happened; the loved one who was ill mate a remarkable recovery; the lack oi farm help was sudden- ly solved by the retur of a mian When Ws TuIip Tme iu .. . Ottawa-Some of the 750,000 tulips which visitors are being invited to enjoy at Ottawa's Canadian Tulip Festival from May 16 to 24 this year., These are' on Par- liament Hill. Other magnificent beds are plented on the Capital City's Driveways, the Dominion Experimental Farn, beside main roads and in mony parks. Sponsorcd by the Ottawa Board of rade, the Tulip, Festival is designed ta bring Canadians from other parts oft he country to see their capital city as well as its unmatched beaut. -Photo by Malak Tuliv Festival Magnificent Sight Th first aunual Candian Tu- lip Festival is to Le held at 01- tawa this year, May 16 to 24. With 750,000 bulbs to provide a magnificent -display - unpara- lîled on the North American continent - the citizens of the capital city ant Canadiana from lfar anti near fa share lunflic en- joymnt ai this unique floral spectacle. If is not anly the nuaber ai tulips an display liat make Ot- tawa's, showng unique,, hut also their setting in Cnaada's capital city anti f mcefthod by wièh they are displayedi. This meth- o, as used by tI capital's Fed- oral District Commission, ls call- eti a "fiowing mass display." Allie iundiamental principles of design - harmony, contrast, repetition, sequence ani balance - are broughf into play ta who had workedt for ns years ago; or housing accomatiion was relievodtin a miraculaus way by an offer to those who shared aur home. An unexpected legaey might even have ome our way -or perhaps we hit iftucky on a radia programme! Or if could be that some member oi our fnam- ily escapei unlurt in an auto- mobile -accident, Now I wonder, whAen good, instead of bad luck, carnes Our way, do we still say to aourselves-"Wliy does every- thing happen ta us!" I venture to guess that few of us oven think of asking suchi a question under those conditions. We take it ail for granted .and go merrily on mur way. Such illogical creafuros as most of us are! But then, we are ne more a- consistent fhan the weather. IHer wre are, after an alnmost snowless winter-that is, in Ontario's ba- nana belt-ready and anxious te get on with l our utdoor spring chores, and tiwvhaf sort ai weather' do wre get? Snow, of ail things . . and strug, cold, north-west winds. Too cold ani rough to work ouitside with any degree o pleasur-ar even insîde with- eut firs or furnace. In fact we might wel say with Samu'el Colo- ridge-"The spring comes slowly up this vay". Or is it that we are a little previous in our an- ticipation of its coming? Most af us looked for au early spring, but, as So often happens, aur expec- tatiana fel short Yesterday, for instance-suc'h s caold, miserable day-not muchi chance 'of visiors, we thouglit. But, by three' o'clock we had a party of four, and, while I uas getting tea far them, ith more arrived. Today, Monday, we have ex- tra jobs fa do. Right norw, a man is nt the barn dehorning a couple of heifers, Ayrshire cattie grow sucb wicked harns. Yu would think, after years of domesticity, enfile wouldi stop growing haras -like thePoied Angus. Horns are ne Ônby n menace to farmets but also a menace to the cattle themselves. Â cow, nearing calv- ing une, ean receive injury by achieva eye-catching diesigus. Inr- stead of ispersing the effect through many sall bes the main tulip beds are larger and are built arouni a few strong colors with other aesser colors to provide accent Thec effect achieved is so striking that i lhas caugt fthe ye ai everyone who has visiteI the capital cily duir- ing tulip fn. The Can)a dian wiho visits Ottawa during tulip time, can see approximately 200 va:ieties of fulips, some i ibeds ai 70,000, set against the background hf Ottawa's famd parkways, pub- lic buildings and parka. The Canadian Tulip Festival has been starfethis year be- cause the Ottawa Board o Trade feels thaf the city'n magnificent tulip display belongs to all Can- aians. If la expectedi tîat, through the years, the Tulip Fes- tival will became as amous as the Cherry Blossons Festival in' Washington. wha isn't too busy for these small jobs so when we do gel a man hIe I generally have a job or two linedi up for hsm myself. This time il il an outlet lu my little office-at present I have ex- tension cards trailiug across the floar because my ruam is the back alf 'of viat wns one big room when theb louse was wired. I re- member ws-heu the wiring was doue the e'ectrician said-"Don't ever be afraid of having too many outlets-anid l'il- guarantee that no matter how many I put in you wilI still iind, as tnie goes on, that you haven't enough." He was right, there were 45 outlets t taart wsth-and we are stili adding to that number, Some peaple do litte oidi electrical jobs like that themselves but in our family no ane feels lie know enough about the- work ta do a safe job. For which I am very thankful. t would rather we paid ta have a job doue by an expert than have it bungled by an ama- tour. Far better to be safe than sorry. HIS FUNNIEST Jimmly "Schnozzala" Durante thinks that the funniest line he ever had in a show was tram a scene of "Jumbo," the Rtgers- Hart - HecIt extravaganza that Billy Rose praduceti in the Hip- podrome in 1936. Durante ap- peared upon the stage with a mammoth etephant iu tow, sup- posedly stolen fram a circus owner who was holding out on Jimmy's back salary. A constable stopped hi m and demandetd, "Where diti yéu get that ele- phant?" Durante, the picture of outragedi innocence, answered, "What elephant?" "That was such a wondierful line," recalla Jimmy, "that even the elephant bustei out laughin' a coupla time a week." At ane performance the oie- phant, named Tuffy, forgof that he had been house-broken. Dur- ante sent the audierlce into hy- sterics hy exclaiming, "Hey, Tuffy, no. dIibbing" IN REVERSE The maharajah of an muterior Indian province decreed that no wild animals could be killed by the populace. Soon the country was averrua by' man-eating ti- gers, lions, pauthers, elephants, anti boars. The loug-suffering people finally cauli stand it no longer anti gave their maharajah an unceremaniaus heave-ho. As the noted Inian sportsman Muf- ti Considine, points out, it was first istance on record where the rein w-as called an account f game. And the REUEF 1$ LASTING For fast relief' from headache get INSTANTINE. For real relief get INSTANTINE. For proionged relief get INSTANTINE! Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTINE is one tihfnj to case pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or peuralgic painse you can depend on iNsTANTINÈ to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTINE is made like a pres- cription of threc proven medical ingredients. A single tablet usually brings . fast relief. ,, Get Instantine todayq and always keep it handy tnstanti ns 12-TableTirn 25é Economical 48-Tablet Bottle 75¢ ISSUE 19 - 1953 · a bssy stable-mate, a litte tooUPSIDE-DOWN busy with ber horns. AAnd what those anme horns can do to a 540RTCAKES fence isn't funny. Sometimes we stop the growth of horns when fln ave reltea nd some-*O 4tb.3lem on juice and, if d esired, hc. broke n nt the11 calves are little anldsoe- times we clon't, If we have a run mete-and divide between 6 greased individual ai eveal ullcaîes ii uccs-baking djshea. Mix anti sift twice, then sift into of several' bull calves in sýucces- sibn we have lost the habit b the a bowl, 1h c. once-sitted pastry four (or 1h c. tin10 heleceulj, ome alngonce-sifcted hr-wetflour), 3 tsps. Mtgic Bnk- e a.heifer calf cores along.Power tspsat,htspgraten eg Another job on handJ for todtayanih. f is an electrical check-up. We find that switch boxes down the barng gradually get choke with dustdient na quidsmx lighly and chaff, and when this becomes < Two-tbirds 611 prepareti dishes with batter. damp, through humiity, or by aoderately hot oven, 375% about 20 winute;. repeated freezing. and thawing, * Tara out antiserve htp'th sauce o? crem. a- short circuit -will sometimues 'J Yed6srig. 1 rcolt-so we try te get ahead of the game if we eau. i ls often Combine a js.bsofo buner, anc.lecckrjai, 8+ 'UN-S a« &Sweett a4C-&ve 1ake new yeast 't ta worry and weakens! eins Ilîl- "wow! - here's anew tatetluill for you-jut tty CROWN IRAND CORN SYRUP on your cereal M -mlI! Good.I

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