~s~f - .-.w -~ - - -~ - ORONO \o.17 No16 Public Meeting Held With Facts To Incorporatiooný About seventy persons attenided the Pu",blic meet-ing on4, Mondy vei oit this week, held for, theprpsoi disc-ussing and presentinig oit iactso 1incorportijon oit the. village oit Oron. IMr,. E. R. Woodyard ncted ais chiri- ioai and Mr. William Grady as secre-i tary.1 Mr. C.,T. Miller dfilined the law-s and regulationis regarding incoroa tioýi. The net lie said, reLquir-ed a pop- alation oit seven indred and fitity -in a-o area not exceeding f ive acres, .Fifty Pei' cent oit the' assesament oit tlie defined area woluld~ have to sigD, aý petition for llncorpopationi before any procedure could be taken. Mr. Miller tcheni inforined the meeting that provding the petition was f1flldi ýwouI L thn Lie reiterred to the ut Counceil wlio would chieck the petition aind on iinding it correct would theni within three niontbs declare the dill- age Incorporated.1 Mr. Miller then refierred to the past anid present tax. set up \vher.e lu 1952 Orono paid a ninth oit township taxes wile la 1953 will pay one-fiitth and this mienas that property owners %uîl more than Iikely, be paying machl 14r. Miller stated that, the total tewn exp)editurýes for 19-52 totalled $5,q59. and- this w,,as n exceptionally ,expensîve, year due t.o new iire equip-. ~ment and snritacing oit ronds. Hielie- lieved that if Orono were lincorplora-ted they could operatIe with at ic-ast a ten mlraewil udlibe a sv fremi four to iive milîs on everyon.e's miablI anad this would aiso includeý gatrbage disposaI for ~e7ýiýryoae. The proposed atrea wsderiined as hait Qof lot 29), the çwlbole oit 28 and haIt oit lot 2ý7. This wais further de-! fedasrung north on the ws himit 100 rods west oft lfill- street frenm the fitit to the sixthi conceI(-ssion thn long the sixth to rmn south takl- ,iig-Parýit oit Htniton',s ai ' obrtM- fat's farm h, aek to the itiith, In ad(di- tion it aspr)oosed to take ina10 odstrip sontb ait the -itIiithcneso townishiip. Hie,' reiterred this to town planning and buidng by-lwýs. A general discussion th'en took place with rayquestions beilng 0sed 1O a question it was stated tha. NO. 1shotscto ouLd i the illaige 1nomor\e hveas t section the, limits oit tie villatge and tatthe aswe'ssed vame oit de aeston w\oud ireniaîn practic.,illy the same, Rconwstruiction oit the county road a ilng M -iii Street northas questioned as it hams beeý,n intlmated that work is being consdered on this piece oit rond. It wats pointed ont that if the, village Incworporated have as its sec- tion the Pimits oft the village andi tnat thg assessed value oit the sec- tionwol remain practicalIy the sane. Reconstruction oit the Countyý Itoad along -Mil'l St. north wsas ques-1 tioned ais it bas been intlmated that svork is being considered on this p:ece of road. lt swas pointed out that if the village Jincorporated this road would still remiain a county road. It was asked if the expeniditures oft $5059.00 inclnded theexneoi garbage collection and it was stated that it did. It was iturther pointedl ont th a aten nl rate would carry i the village expenises that everyonie, weuld then be sure to save $6.00 no paid Ont for gartbege ceollection. Mr, -R, R. Waddell pointed to thel jfact that Oronlo would be keeping n-pi 40 mileisoit the townIsh]ip's 200 miles oit rond and yet OroUoo lias no more! than two or three miles. It -was hisý opinion that everyone's taxes will rîse for onle nd o-h i o double for 19,53. He said this meetinig 1was called in order to save the People t-mney through InIcorporýationý. Mr. Hl. Best stated that on 8. acres oit 1,11nd oi tis fitýr[1whlich w ins late village lie was asese nore fthan 14 acre.s e' wbich 1iay behind it la theý townshlip. lHe sked if bis assma would i-ot rise if hîsprp'twa akýen intoth Icop atdvlge BoitJrM[ess E. Deot and IH. E.Mi- son' stated Ithet awitnagreemrent .oid ll Lad tha Inorporation 1 wonuld Mffr. Miller referred toaewntntaffectHtheassessd value ofta beig offeed the villgeirm tepoe ypoiigit rea lnd "a tonhpraýshng the origi nal grant farm land. Thiis po ere bs beeni it $662 te $2,9000. This gant wmas fowed lalor hoe and Ccoorg pasea t a specialmeeting oit TwnM r.lieBest also asked iH wenr andl shpCouncil on Sýaturdy evenig and sewage onsputàin theSilage 1l moedby J.T. Bronsoecoided by h' aneloufld it be paIid for, ArturMcKy.MMilrsatd hat e i')fnag r'Cesmnt o 01rono wold st",Lill payý more moeLo tister ere two) schools oit the townsbip than they would re- ~~gt ~eieback.' MVr. VW. J. Iýitde1I spoRke to tI) iVr. R. «R. 'Waddell further collao- gatherinig tating that Orono uander rIted on the-.stDtements o3it Mr. Millelr. tîhe present system hbad better ronds1 than any mnuiipality and thait thel Mr. E. R. Woodyard said that a vilge tok ia back step to amy.lie miunber oit years ago lie would not stated that taxes may be down and ionsider- Incorporation for the village. that comuing this ftar under a Police I{qwever the Provincial Governmient Board lie would like to see at cntin- to-day is encouragigthrugsh g-rants, ue. lie was oit the opiion that the sueh as 56 per cent rond grnt Aend a meeting was untimely calld and I iiil rate also in 1954 the grant of should have been held after the taix $1160 per capita whki in Oronolbilîs were presetdHle tho.ght atl would amount ta $1125.U0. Further that time the Police Tru,,stees and WMr.Wodyard pointed to the itao Township Counicil could cone to a that the vilagiad its ha--nds ied i;mutual agreemnent. 1lie sdid tha(, pasig by-laws. The tswnsWp, hie1 Orono had a miorail obligation At th sai, ouldn't be expected to paes, township and sToud heltp support Iaws to govern i the village wili township roada Mr. Riddell further m--ight have an opposite effe et to the stated that several miiles oft rural () lq 0NO. THt~JRS[ KENDAL Miss lijida Bell spent Sunday withl -r nnd Mrs. 'V>W. Wbenga.ýt We welcomle to o)ur conimuni'ty M. nd11t Mrs. R'oy Foster oit Delbi and1 Er- and M"s. Hatcnier Foster oit Garden 11l., IMr. Alec Littie spent the weeklendl with his mother, Mrs. eva Little. Mr. and Mrs. Paul AMer-cerad r Lthur- oit Guelphi visited Mrs. Mercer's parents, MvIr. and Mrs. F. Warren. Ar- thur was returning home w'ith themi t'romi Queen's Ulest at Kingston. Mnd Mrs. ffiarold Little, Gary. an1d Denis oit Healey Falî s visitedi Mir, and Mrs. Tom Falîs and, Mr. andj Mrs. Ivory Little over the week-end. Mrs. Alva Swarbrick is sp)endihigj the first par-t oit the week with friends 1 ini Bowmnnvi1le and visited lier mother n Memorial Hospital on Monday.1 fl and getting along very, satisfac-i torily. It isatiptd she will be mnoved to Queeni Eliabeth Hospital, Toronto, todaiy, (TiiesdaIy.) -Mr. Wes. Falîsvsie Mr. and Mrs. Tom FaIls on Sunday. Nearly $40 was realized from theý Coronation Tea served by the Nor'thý Group oit the, Kendal Womani's As-J sociation 0on1WednlesdaIýy aiterniooin United Chiirch M, Service "q' -er'es Day Attended A splendid congregation filled thel church on Sunday forio- e' Day.1 A jrleasiîng iteatur-e oit the service wa the transiter into the church,. from-i their hlomle churchla i Holland, oit Mr. and _Mrs. DeWith and Mr, and MIrs. Schoenmiaker. The inister recCeived, the to couples and Mr. Drummondo Clerk oit Session, presented Èhemi wvith Mvember-ship cards and two copie-s oft the lynrary. EigJht young peoD- ple: the Misses Shirley Vagg, Gljory Pig-ott, Jean Willinrns, Ethel Strýick-' lnnd, Gail Cooper, along with Boyd Wood, James Gamsby, and Douglasý Gamnsby, wýere~ received on ProfesCion of Faith, and aitrtercpi signed the Church Register. The choir rendered two appropriate anl- themns: "A Mothier's Love" ntidl"Nowl let ahl the heavens adore Tliee." The minîister's message was on the "Chi-; tianl Hlome" which vwas intru ced by astOry to the boyvs and girls. T _he churcli looked lovely, being wllde- corated with flowers-two bouiquets 'i memory oit Williami Cobbledick and! Lena and Percy Chapmnan, from the famnies and a bouquet itrOm lJe WA. tcing and the g-rand summerlike day last. The tables weure piettily decor- ad'ded to the genleral ejye aLted ini red, wh-,Iite and blue streamers The Xendal Ornel asi! le and Union jacks. Da-,iinty snwih to caPacity on Friday igt, ay 8th mni cakes wer-e mcheioyed. Cook-r when Shiloh W.A. sosrdthie es, cut ouit in the shape of a crown play "Tempest and Suainie." with silver cachous for. diamon'lds- and Ms Geo. Smýith o(f Newcaestle spenti red and blue sugar laiitation of the -,eekend with Mr7. and. Mrs. C, other jewels ,were adiried. Therel Glass and Ray. On Sunda-,y, lrs. wvere also some very pretty ap Ons 1 Smith and Mrs. Gla'ss visited wNithi sale. Everyonie had a grand time chat- -Mr. and Ms, M, Robinson. O. HS,. Takes Third Place ' In Kiwariis Musical Festival hydro finies w-ould have to be. par-1 Chaed by the Orono hydro eonuns- sion and al-so kept la repir .ý H knew the commnissiýon hýad the moniey ,o do thi bt tait àouild be a co)stly propo'sitioni. Mr. Rdelaske'd that1 a. iesolution 1be pse o ieasix tihoith it over to anydeiso, The chair statdthaIt!ii the mneeting, wouIIi ldot be i e i n p Jassinmg nny resolution.. SOI[! fi o.spi p-) jlw' I? LeL- ssaýW' woldhae obe prcasd s sec- tions wr at present' bein!g over- Lapped Nwith Or1oo anid Rualines. Mr. E. Dent ,addressed the meet- ing wîth t'ne fac,.t that l if Orono i 11 corp~ted tat Drm Conty have onie i-,io'è representative in Gounties Counceil. A big factor for Jrcorporation he thouý-ghit wsthe contrèof i our own destiny. Orono is growing anid with industrial expan-: sion in Oshawa and the lake front area Oronio would grow further, l referring to the purchase oft hydro line hestaed hat Orono boughti their syem for $8,000 and to-day RI as worth $58P00. The purchase Oft addîtionatl unes fromi the rurýal hydro would, hie claimed, pay for them-i sel1ves. Mr. Dent asked permission for a iesolution but was refmsed as being out of order. O.h. c ailxt T til le-nel gýoing, or trying som-ethig ew. 0'q h sayeveaniig May,!7th O H.S ttnddandpeitrmd tthe Peerorouh Kwan~ MuscalFes- rivl. ur raspotatonwasvi xbus w idlet the schoo at 7 o'lock. We wee enere ila tlie ligli' Sahol Coir. Sncewe erethe firstý 'on eta-s:e Lthpleairot enjoiag ui'oppoent' siging tejudge made Ibis dcsos rn came a abpythird witb atoa oit 164, 83 for our miain song, Lindeni Le and 81 for Our extra soag. Kng- ston lio camielainirst achieved ai total oit 176, 86 for Linden Lea and 9)0 for- tlieir extra, Peterboro camne ila second MI a total ofit,66, 8 fori Liniden Leu 'and 81 for their extra. .H.S. felt a joyons happy feelingi c-oming la third among our opponients wbo Ail ad a choi cd ot ingers and -i well 0lrganized Glee Club. We hope to attend next, year to try for first pilaco. Our next activity for thiý; year is our two Bday trip t'Ota0W leave Mny l4tl and hope itisa, i SUCCess. O...Editor, Marie Lewis, A Popular Sport -Coming To OrDn o, june 2nd s '%ýibscrjption $1,50 per Year Recreational Program For Juty At Orono Par At a mneetnlig oit the Directors oit1 Empty Botties A Fire the Orono Amateur Athletic Associ- 1_ ation on !Monday evening it was de- With summer weatlier . cided that recreational progranm for- the dngers of itorest iires, children will be conducted this sumr- tario Department oit Lands mier at the Oronio Community Mem- ests VwarIIns wýoods traveller orial Park. discard emipty botties i The. program planned is not exact-, arleas Depnrtmient files rece ly a new one for the, village for some Jcotate sufn'rs raseithrogh years ago a siilatr project was put omfe snh ae b n hruiec into operation. For this year it was shing irrors e blet n ctree decided to carry the recreational pro- îess cmes gram for- four weeks beginning July capes 6and ending Jnly 3L. The periods, it is elive wil b hid romnie t \ised swinmming, tennis ' elieve la th e ornigfrom Mndaye o ther games oitwhich bothb t ee Finay. in foFi-Iold-ygirls will be encouraged to ta Mr. Jim Rickaby has been appoin- Further the association has ted overseer and will set up a sche- to sponsor the Bantani dule and program for recreation. lt Club whicbh las been enterec is aise expected that Mrs. E. H. South Dnrham Minor, Leaî-7 Samuel and MiS. Donald Staples 11 1five other teama. lià was Pou assist with other Jxelp being obtained. that the equipment for sudh The association lins ear-mairkedi tw, -,was .purchased last year2 liundred dollars for the project whichterlwlI eltteepn is o e~u~dor eqjuipment all4 oit aînenti, feansd plates. wages for- those giving leadership JamTanhlyn, Fred Lycett and instruction. Rutherford were asked te i organi7ing and looking aft The per-iods vwill. include super'- entry. 'J--- rsl Cotuities HoId Special Ses-qi To Appoint Asse A special, session was lield last weCek by NorthLunberland and Dur- hala Counities Council iii 7view oit the taict that a new assessor hand te le ppite ofil1 the vacancy left hyý Dick Hall, couajrties .aessQr, wNO e- sge.Couneiil denît wïth t\wo appl c-itions whic!h had been the resnit itf ants3. The two weI- e t Shields! ni etrboouliand R. J, Found ot CutcThe formier ased'oru~, a y and the latter strip1)ulnted $40.Mîlage oit eght cns a mil w a exra Concl red Mr'. SiedI(s1 To review the matter oit te cU- tic asesor Mr Hllwas a'po.ned rbot to yearsag o. This year1 lie îs'ed forIa Ltai;se oit $50à0 wih wouldi Nheacoucîl Àoui 1ony sanpCtion a pu imncs, lie resigad and took abetter pyigjob), Bte ecounicilpssdon -to its Oelcti a ta ie ssessor, -Reuee'-G B. Riekaord oi t Dalîngton Township estbhibedsalary scale for the ass-. esrand lie declared that both the aSssess6r and the cleyk-nnd-treas- urer were key mien in dealing witha appointmeats it was beter to have ai standard saay to go on and this %uold lieitair to ail concerned andi oudalso malte it nnnecessary te havl\e the mttroit reesýtS 101r sa- arytomngup fvont tinie to tuîie. Reeve hikr pi-oposed a mWilnium1 ,aryfor the counities assessor oit $300a ,ear w ithanannual i;ncrease oit $200 unil a miaximum of $4,00 was reacbed owever e(lccl tre oaathe motion iIncorpor4in1gRev Rikard's suggestion. As one councilor commentedaiter ward, the counicil vws rthe, onth spot. It had decided ag'ainst giving- Mr. Hlail*bsrqetd ces n SO MrI. Hall lad taknaoitrjb To 1 eau aspecial se non ror Ihe ipud- pose oit appointin'g 'a aew seso- coszt more thari thJeicra, for Ibisý v-ear aýties.wihM.Hl at.- if councoil bad agreed wt r ik adsIsuggestion and set 1npa'lar scale if $4,000 imaximlumf, it wouldý tude la výiew oit tumning dIowýn Mr. H I's reuSt fou n nceam T'e nw assesw sor15W lknown to ýIome o, "oithie der embe1- rs fc t'es conI. e as a imembIIer oit the contescuncilor seven years as reeve oit Cvan TownAsip and waos itor neaw îeabe time chamman oit the speciai scbosommni-ittee. liresia - ~s aseso(oi Otonabee Township) toý take b is -new post. 1Mr.%Sbieids lias bieen living la Piterborough. :pe-vp TIl.4m5I 'h rpor t ,Ip n alsoetrrinig to the S' R igli S>chool Area. Coui biS r'esoILtionl, rav \>ink llhch WWS holdinl i l th South »urhanl Reeve Smith iitiormei -dihe, counlcil was obliged I are asses-wm-ent c the ountie.s asse,-ssniei is Itlold onli', e ýýet oit the cunties cou Some oit the membeis we e ontused as dw t o vult ailtheo 'w Sonke up oebmoag i idu an o wlçe ujn miles rdS evrlie Ipoinýt, meant ithail senthe Hon-. anCront th!e;I cleair whletber ia oincrieast couid lie dou-e la orner t n, ontl ,i