D OOLUMýNS PLANTS I(R S-E * Good variety veg tablIes ancl *flowers. * W. J. Lean-en, P o 4--,Orlono., Puiblisher. R C Forrester CHILDREN, JIJNE 2nd. weeks wve have heen asked if amythirig is be- or Township for the chibdren on Junle -2 cor- t we have not been able to answer q.iy vsuchi hich have beeni offered would havfie cildren e 1ao the Park where perhaps a two hour. pro- ýd such as sportsýý, or softball games. Aiso the i a small memento in yiew of the Coron-ation soft drinks. )ehind th.ese recomriendations has been to en [n the hlistoi-y of the wold. uch shemecostaý money and ifc has been pro- dties that it he a TowvnshiDppro-jeet with expenl- T Lhe owshptreasurer. appreciated. TODAY ube cmeeting lbeldon Mumnay evening solelyfor the luaintir the PuNic ih facts On-In icorporaf ýdon has ipos- been e~se a itnimber oftinies. Thocugh ithe imeeting iphisled whit it was infenied for it has left the question p"el \ nt Incorporaton or not, high and dry. tMe igures pesented to the mieeting it wolbe ept Mha the village would save nrom $2500. to$200. in e Incorprated; or from 4.5 to 15 milis On a propertv 000,. Mh s oukimean a savingfrom $puOOto S18.00or ia tf ienese the ovérall tax whichwod include achool 'es. 0f co)urse this w-ýonld exist oliv as longz as work in :ept at -prese-ii n dayevel. So m-luch for the enacil'd. wo schools ftouR-ht to incorporation., ias the onle "SatiSfieýd witih todnys plan, itrolled adan ed rores"Thoee l 11011 wIiIl pogress but -whichl of thle two >w? Tt wudseem that a planniied pro- more intact and develop along- more ec- oraition hanxgs in )nid air, The Is and now if the people want trustees to,-further this end o)f ÇV from ,thle Peopie who haý'e the or leaving it alone. The Police hing wil! be clone along this line ER WITH MARGOT tter than us-! portant meet- Ne were pre- l fig-ures of owing to Our c, these facts ,1 and certain.- meeting gave ance to ques7 %n views, and h entirely ir- amusing-. For uigb wve mere te issues ~ If you have a Heating Problem Let's have itnow Time goes so fast R. E. LOGAN Phonie 19-10 use the Clasified Column that there was no harm iii it provid- ing the restaurant had a reputation forý good altmi-osphiere. This Nan bas; giron us, and miost of us know ber1 as Mother Payne,. Stan's stories of the 'olà days' off hockey and basebaihl, bis views of fighters and the teams of to-day, have provided many pleasant back- grounds to our sodas or sundaes. But on Saturday night this wih)l corne to an end. Everything la being 8old out, at cost, so if there's any- thing yo've had your eye on, go clown Saturday, and pick it up. We al wish the Paynes good !ucki in the future, and wve know thjat Stan wilI be as appreciated at the Bow- imanville Traiiýiing School, where lie is now a supervisor, as be wvas in bis 3Per-Laps No Fs;h i . lu aing0 lis type of saha ULI5 \virh asIn Creek, Fish Sanctuary ýs aI Movle Isideration Con'servation- Officer Ken Tolmiiel before we reported a numtber of gamie law vio- When it lationIs in' the district wvitb seven per-ý kilow so sons beinig apprehended over the past ment, week-end. The maijority of cases ia-! ýiI be"IJhe volved undersized trout taken niear t beioved Cavan and were found on searching a They are car. On -',is courit, Messrs. Sid Br 15 y ears roughis, Ga rf iel (JRntledge, Lorne' 10-S, an W luIs d William RnuIkins ail of[ beat any- Peterborough, ýwere cbar'ged by the Off icer. Also cbarged \wel.e MesssEllwoocl thay". Nichols anid Desmand Nichols of )tlha Peterhorough, onle for baving aload- no where ed gun in a car and the other for cuelp of caIrryitng a gun on Sunday.. the letters cat. Then from .11 over the free worid corne suait cerments as ithese (rota reader of THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR, in internationial dm111 newspaper: 'The Monitor ig w u,,at read. ing for straight-thinking People. , ' "I returned to school ar n lapmse of 18 years. 1 M411 ges m-Y degree from the college, but my education cornes frOM the Monitor...." "lThe Mlonitor gives me idert for mny work ,.,." "i ruly enjoy ita coin. pany,. Yen, tee, iwill finla l th lMonîtot fnf'ormiative, with coetri)t-e worid r els. Yountilldsovra con. structive vicwpoint in elvery neo UeVtheûcoupon Lblw for 1 SPe. cial Introductory subscription - 3 monthas for only $3 OnN-wy -SI.., Bo0.o15. M.. .5 p4mmm' e -d ,-, .. nrdwnr nm and scniool Cuq1 uiu beiieli 111ti- Oi-ono Tow,,n aiJV Friday May 22, at 8 p.ni. Admialion 5Oc. and 25c. PRE-SCI10OOL REGISTRATION Prtsand guardian)s of pupils whlo will be aItteniding High Sch' týs ini thiis areai: Septem ber ne, 'are requIiested to iregister them ýefore( Mlay ')0, 19534 ithte Prirfipal of the school theý wilattend./ This registi ation is. noessary to and from schoo s as wel as lasses. Duirham àColnt y strIict H9 School Býoard, g,ý W. eitchell, Sec'y Treas., Port Hope, 0O no. N PTICE BeginningA ay lst, Dr. -F McKenzie of Olono aid D.I H Witzel of Newc lstle wil! haVe/h rs anid take cailso alterniate wveY-enids froïir Fr>iday 8.0O pan. t[o onday monnDr. W'tzel wilbWon cail the week-ends May is 15th and 9tDr.. -mcK zie wie on cali the week-ends May and 2-2nýd The regulr eeom t~ o men's Inistituite wýýill hldinth Coundcil Chamibe ý, Fi day, May lSth, 1953,. The Histo iýc R ese(alch Com- mittee is in chîWe. A talk about Oronio years and years ago w:h1 be eanii used cohn or be Iil-g lor shipiieiit to Kra Learç in the, bas'ement of the UitdChrc.on May 25th nd 2 ?,th. b-17-cý W. AI~ KILTPATRICK COMPLETE Plum.. ing- Heag INSTALL TIONS and R PAÀIRS for Bowiianville and si ôndig district-q by skxhlledt adesmea. No job Coo large 0 o tu mail Ile pp iatedl Up-to--dat Pin ing Equipmient PUwi4h lat st Style Call us for Free Estimates PHONE COLLECT Bowmanville 3613 Holiday Extra Specials '51 METEOR CUJSTOM SE- DAN, Fez red sud bisc top, ready te go $1495. '49 MIETEOR CUSTOM SE- DAN, custorn radio. Eicep- tonal tvalue.........- $,095. il1 MElZCURY, 2-tune,evr drive, fcustum >radio, tsde visot, undercoate-d rea seatJ. speaker, spot, ligt, ~newI tires, an opPo tupity te Iu>' this beauti 1 car ata Iraction of its iglual cest. '52 CH dai EV. DELUXE Sl ik blue, mea iically '51 CH V.SEDAN, ligit -reen on4 owner car, '49 F6 D CUSTOM iEDAN c omradio, oexilai visur, ex0lIent condition. We hav' the 1953 Mercury Pick-n s now on diplay te- gether ,with a goo& 'election of goodi sed Pick- fPs tiaded '49 IPORD . ,N TUA(TOR piows anal ïxcava ng scoup, thurough l- e-conditioned and guarWed ---$895. $300. down, Viaance at 5pc Many more at BIRAMLEY MOTODRSALES 1Alercury- Lincoln - Meteor FM SALiE Buckwhleat, sigtlysed ,50x20 Im-, piemient TreUubsa ImS for1 New anid used a ey.CairlTodd, phone Clarke 5rOC-18-c F0U SALE Dekalk Corn rown moe than any othier Hyrid G in or Esilage. Now iii stock. Fraýn ,*A. 3M uilleni, -2486, Newcastle, 0On ario. a-p CEMEN I FOR S E Apply Io ja r.Phone 4ý3-r-I, Orono. "FluryBi h"tandem disce,/26 p)lates, $210; ptaco two w \h(el sIirea- ders, $376. 1 ps rubber $306., h& barwne-w wagons, iused eqiipmient cochishultt tr ctaor cultivato ,1 HI. C.1 and Cocks1huit manur'e s aeson spreader rn~rie Carl Todfd. Ph!onie (C rX-ke 0 21-dp 5 iAD FARl 0,'CR, PICKED UPl pomptly. Phione collect Bowmianville! p2679. Also we buy live horses. Marg- will Fur Far-m, Tyrone. DÉADSTOCK remnoved from your farm ,Promlptly for sanitary diàpoýal. >Telephone Collect: Cobourg 1266 or Toronto EirS-3G86. GORDOTN tiOUNG LIMITED 0CAN OIJPA g FOR 'PIS?? bu iy no one was hurt . bu cn ou pay ir this ac- Ocident? ITou can îi youar prperly insured.i Guard a- igainst thiK cost. ;sure. nlow, ;ALL N.F. PO0R T ER i ~~. ORONO.Ot fihInsurance Your isuranice coats can be substantia1l> re- duced by buying Divi-' dend Payh,ýig Policies Quotations oni request. LeroyiHamuiton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE lu all its branches Pire, Burglary, Hospitalizafion Automobile, Life-, Aci4opt and Sickness, Plate Glass, Llability. Livestock, 1Boler, Wind. Polie. Real Estate $5,000. -Newcastle,. the tidiest house and best value in town, large corner property near shopping district 5 rooxas on ground floor, 2 uipstalrs, heavy wiring, soxue hardwood flooring cenent cellar, garage, many extras.inçluded low taxes, pos- session arrangcd. Bargain with haf cash . MORTGAGE FUNDS I have avaiable f unds for ffrst inortgages On bnProved property in Clarke Towxnship carrent interest rates. Ororio Electric Phone 93 r 1 CON'-TRACTORS FOR FARM and ITOUSE WIING Professional Directory A. F. McKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN end SURGEON Ha~c ure 2.00 to 4.00 p.nx.; 4lJI t. 8.80 p.m, Sundays anal Weene*days by appoinmert oeILy PHONE 47r1 WWN E. C. SYER-, M.D. PHYSICIAN sud SURGEON Main Street Sonth Office Hours: 2.00 to 4.00 pj..: 6.30 te 8.00 .p.. Sunday8 and Uolidays by AppoiDnment PHONE 74 r 19 ORONO- DR. R. J. TAGGART VETERINARY SURGEON Park Street OPPOSITE SKATING RINK PHON E 94 r 16 ORONO LEGAL Lawrence C. Mason, BI Barrister andi Solicitor 1IOWMANVILLE- ONT. Phonfe Il office 6828 Home 553 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer an~d VaIuatýx Speciajize in Farm~ and Furniture Sales Consuit me for terni 'ünd dates TED JACKSON Auctio)neer andi Valuatoi, Conducta Auetion Sales of al mims and e t reamonaIe irat«a Communicate with film mi t f Perryi, Ontario, or mes hlm Cierk, Aj E. Morton, at Orono, for date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Edurcational Polic4as; Protection snd. Savinga Plans*hUn Children 'and Adults; Mortgag. la. sxrance Plans. F. E. LYCE¶TT ORONO, Ont. Phone 20. z V- The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 -- P.O. Box 2 Port flope. Ontaro 11onunrents, Gravemarkem Ens,ravnz ofefn andi Rmot Wvater Heatingw CALL U'; FOR ESTIMATES RIARIRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 ORONO - ONT. STAFFORD BROS Monumeèiîtal lWorks Phone Whitby 452 318 Dadas St. E., WhAitbjr FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANP MARKERS Let~ us ereet a handsomne, dlg- nified monment over t'hé ut. inig place of ycour loved mne& Rates