ORONC; WEEliLY TIAME A Weekly Letter Onuno, Onit., Dýonald MLin Sky anhour Air Poj Lý ldny 12, 1953 Dear Donald, We are s3ure you wouid eiijoy y7~ course at Brantior-d Nith every 4ay perfect lfor fy dg il week. 1~ow you wi be thirough with youfI inl- str-uctors and býýCk to your own Ubase. Marj was home 'for the week-eiý$l, shle L, planning to visit youl soon sp6keep your nose clean; Muni reýeiv-e ,d one of Arthur Drunmmond's oiliw paintinigs ifor her birthday. It is a\ý bouquet f cosmoWs ,and4 also filtted P well /'ý ith the; lrnothier's day fioweýs A car of ceai, On e of fibregas inîstlation and a tnrp to Toronto foril asphaît sig msad doors kept our byoys busy la,st few days. 1 just madé Orono Creamery Butter pownd f or..... 59c. StaffordL's Special Pkg Pie Crust Free with purchase Cherry Pie Fillen \at reg. price »OTH For....40c. 1QUIX.., iCarnada Packers Soap Powder -- witb. 2 plastie clothes pins free,- arge ipackage ........35c. JAVEX 16 oz. bottle ... 15c. 32 oz. bottie . ... 25c. eighit phone cil te seilithjefit ton iciniity to know ,ve are in i te b-usi- calr of stove coal and aiost of it was s anid equipped to seil oi anld1 d1eiivered from the raiiway car. HIope give serice on ohl burners.1 loi- samne iuck this wecek as wýýe ex- peut a car Of mIt coa l ' i Ilorrow. On Monlday Ar chiie is to honin There is xsavinig of a! couple doilatrs Rochester N.Y. to stairt a courise of aton urigno ndi)isl ~ishuto onoil humner equipm9aeit th iesanId niiayot t eni- evcso your od man mwilvho tl:i the doaIl denier'. in. thie harnss aga i eliping 1 BI i e1ivei'es 'till the traýined1 ex-1 Perc. I4unil was ini for so e luml-eîitun. ber anld ~alin tue anld told Ile-t liat eaie ba_ý-ing great luck selling h e i sth i ju,- Ji\%ith te oabuines.Combînation ýoG1rs ;this spri I". Sold ,Says hie ývi1l wah;hs f discard.4 five on SaitilrdI.ýy. Tbey are hLle hest alis i ovi ls n leye e e a ia-. doors Iwe have evor seen =a seil for- ganunj S.Pee tr l i ownl. oily $18.0O coI-plete w ii -glaze cd If Ie eiaï)Serve bis co'i customensssh andsren he r aeby; and sel i him bis fuel oi,1usýiiess will Lod of WVi1,ng w hv made you see y,1,ur niare in bight yeiiow 'eor for. 109 year ,ýan Pshould lowv iook brghýr in Orono.,,ow The nw i truck ils now i int If I write an-y more -will have toi shop. Be pr ýlïaifoi- a shock when "Il lhher car coal to patv for thie letters twov, o n a 1200 ýt t i gai. dairned aýd, sb good niglit Don. talnk. 1 kniow it's late in the sea oeSeMLrn seil oil but \nvn il suneiy corne .Sca-N[ar gain and we wntexenyone, in -Lis ORONO 18016. Fancy Quabity Meats Wk' will have a good array of briglit cuts of beef, pork, lamb and veal this week-end at very reasonble Veal Steaks, lb. .................79c. Maffle Leaf Sausage, lb. pure pork, skiniless,. 49c. Maple1 aks, IL.69c. lb .................. ý2c ws Brodies' Combination Cake Mix Makes two cakes Se. package .. ....... 39c. ES THURISDAY, JUNE 14, 19f53 _____ ____N e W- - Local utne h la Ithe Ai rene, sp)ert th e e-n at hi ioihome li no. M.and Mrs. L.~ LairbandRuith; Mlr. and Mrs. M. J. Staînton uind Dor- othy of Enniskiiiea; Mr. and Mrs. Gannet Towý%ns and famuily of Peter- boouh pent iMotherj's day wih M. and MArs. Wml. Stainton. Mrlis. Thoman is visitinig a few daýys iber sonl, Wili Presto aýýt Win1d- Sor. Recenit visitfons with Mns. T. J. Canscaddeni and filiy wene _Mr. aind TUFS. Gahibrailitb, Mr s. Jf. Eilloýtt, n.i and Mns. Ceeui Tehble, MNT ",id M-cs. Chanles Gay and sens. Mn. Gay and sons ententaied Ms.Canseadaeni with seenlselectionseof )mlsic on Mýothen"s day, vwhich wa ý1 s muil U p- ï»ecitted. Mr.Garlnet Gamsby anid judy cd King"ston spent the wýeek-enid withý Mrs. Roûbt,. Aul. Mn . and Mr-s. Wm. CarjmanaIdso iitdwith the formers Parents il- P'icton On Sunlday. Mr. and Mrs. Honace york n family are visiting' with Mr.an Mrs. Geo. York. Mr. aand Mrs. NeilPoter, Miss jh~ey oteMr, ad Mns. Cr vite wthMS. OieradMr, Jim MissMarjnieMcLaenTornto petthe week-nd at er hoe hene. 'ire visiting wit ~,a. .Jc Huldson. m s hc Mis Mlded oiawy spent th e anId Mnjs. Edjgerýtoa Hanc1ock. Payýne's Liuc ro is being closed to blts"iness this weekenidamd Mr. ayehas acepltedl a positioli in the On1tarie Trinin jSjooi for Bolys, Mr.Robedt Rainey, whio spenit the witevith MAr.ij- F anpr.E .Ri ney,ý is visiting M.adMns.W. Mrs. J. Hl. Leslie, Peterborough,' was wth hier pavrnts, Mr. adMs W.J. Riddelii over the week-end. Mrs. Green, Toronto visited her siser, isses Betty ari ,Iill Çhap- 11.and s.A. El itt Toronto; Mr. aid Ms Reg Efllott alird faýiiy, Keandal and Mrs. Milton Duimban, P)ort Hope spent M4other's lJay wt Mn. and Mr..WMesý. Biliott. Mr. and 2Mrs. W%,. G. Leamnii, Paul andý( Judy, Mr. Hlenry Leamienan Miss Dorothy DevinleToonto wvere Mâotherls Day v-isitor.s with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gray and baby of Janietville visîted Mr. and Ms Reg. Sutton. A number of ladies 'from Oronn and district attenided the vstn day at ýBomnville Memiorial Hospiitail on Titiesday af'ter-noo'n. Tea was ser- i ved by members of the Nurses Assoc- iation. Congratulations to Miss Peggy Stephenson, Newcastle and Mr. Ross Boyd, Orono on their maniage last Saturday aftenoon, 'May 9th in the Anglican Church, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stapies and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sarike visited with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiggins and son Gregory at Bram-pton on Wediiesdaty. Messrs Henb Dtiva1l a nd( Leroy Myles are taking a course in Tele- vision servicing in Toronto this week. Neïl Barabali. Son of Mr. nd Mrs. Roy Barrabaîl of Ontavio Ladiesý Col- lege Farin, Whitby. -,vs a winnier of the Kinsman Clu-b Citi7enship Trýoihy He w-as v-ote(i by his feilow ýýtndents of Dundas nd Brock StreetPbi School, Whitbyv as the boy student w-ith the gnreatest l7tizenshinr attri- bute. Neil is the gnandson of Mir. and Mrs-. Chai-les Wood, Onono. The Puiblic School children of the Onono section colleteda suni of U81 50 for the Canain ntiùeu o the Blind. UNITED CHURCH 0 Orone Pastoral Reverenid 1 John Kitchen SIUNDAY, MAY l7th. ORONO--Sunda(iy Schlool at 10ý. Services at Il anid 7.30 LESKARD.-Sunday School at 1:45. Servce t 2 Change in mriilk DeIî We w,,IlI commencelearly imorningd eliveriy Mn day, May l8th, Suliday inelud e." Kindly co-OP.. erate by having yoÏ%rbottig out thie night before. J. C. Tamblyn, Prop Thurs - Frn -.7May 14-15 WVith Br aese and Phylli4 Thaxter "STAND UT A.ND SING" With William iMarshal and Censtarice Moore dJ-1- - - - - After Sundýay Iîght PRE-HOLJftAY SHIOW "Sierra Passage"e Witlh Wayne Morris and Lola Albrighit THIE BOWERY BOYS si Frewrkson tMoniday Sat. OnIy, M1ay 16 "Brave fWarrior" In Techielor With Jol' Hall and Christine Lanson PEOUO' Mon - Wed - Mlay 18-20 1"D- ilnt xDrwns" lii Techaicolor W'ith Gary Cooper and Muri Aldon SELECTED SHIORTS ROY'S COTTON JERSEYS ini stripe and plain colons. Priced from .--ý -95e. te $1.95 BOY'S SHORT COTTON of niavy and wine. Price $1.75 DRESS MATERIALS for sommer dr-esses In. tricotine~, GIkLS PRIN T DRESSES tissue gingha vole gilgam Differont styles and colors te and prints. nýeice 59e. - $1.75 choose frein. Size 6 te 12 years Priced at.-----$1.95 and $2.50 WHITE' SUMMER SHOES now in stock. GIRL'S GLAZED Ghamnibay and Ciskay DRESSES, size 3 ~ ASN te 12 years. Price $2.75 - $5.50 MUCAI . 'n ail sizes. Col¶s of brownl, grey, creain. PRINT HOUSE DRESSES Prited at....$3.95 and $5.45 in good styles, all differenft celns.Siz 10te 2½.Pnied GIRL'S SUN DRESSESiSnl fr..........$3 1ý. Pite 595 sizes 3 ta 12 yeais& frot -----. ........ $ .5 to$595 Pniced at.......$- 2.35 ta $450 COTTON SKIRTS ini cris- BOY'S SUNSUITS in bline kay, printed poplin, pique. Size and white with cap to match. 12 te 18. Priec $4.95 %S$6,95 Good quality broadcloth $1.75 COTTON BLOUSES in N and colon, smade by Tooke. 14 te 20, Rouind Or OPen1 Colore white, pik and Ye Priced at.----$1.50 and! Homemade Sausage 29ecý PECIAI ICoronation Cake Mix Shredded Wheat, 2 for Orono Creamery Buýttý Mlaple Leaf Soap Ftak( Icing Sugar, 2 lbs... Matches, 3 boxes for Jello JelIy Powders,' Neilson's Cho(-1;ate BU 4 for...... ...... Fruits - Vý Camr