RHUBARB JAM CIrop fine suce o not peeu? abou 3cups 't Place saucepan over highi hiea fru pectîn anti ur camres "tJa a aýce stir in suglar. roiling bil anti ute, stirring conj- ove edtrm hee, a.Makes about 7 Usn a ur cheris) 3zeups cherry jule 7eups sugar 1 boie lquid fruit pectin To, prepare jýuice, Sletm (do flot pit) abot 2 quarts fulhy ripe sarcherries enclcus irr ahiAtiç "à c u p water; bring ta a bail anti simm, cov- ce-eti 10 mnts (For straon.ger cherry fiavor, edd a Iew erushed cej-e-rry pits tiuring simj-merin-g, or, ac"tti ¼tea&spoon eq11lmotiextract ibefare pouring jeilyj MPace in, 1jiiy '-ýcloth or bag antisdez out jic, vesure 3 Vs cups- juice mini a. v - age Sau7cepan. 1 To imake jeily, Atiti dsugar ta j uice in apn and m1-ixwel place oxer high ireat and bring to a hboil, stirring constantly At onice St] i. laiquiti fruitp~ n TI'en -ýbring ta1a ful.rolling bal ,skim, pour qikl nt'a glasses. Parffi atonce. Makesabu il mm sî-unegasses 1 e 1 RIPE RASFBERRY MARMALADE 4ep prepared fruit ,' cupes ugar 1 bottie iquid fruit petctk Tocpepae ruit. Peel off yel- iow rntCI of 2 metiium oraýnges anti à2 mtimlemons witir Sharp kife, leaxîng as muitci ofwht part on fruit as possible.Put yeflaw ý;rinis irrougir foodi chop- per; aWd'1l cp water and i/s teaspoan sodabIng tA a bai, eo&,anti simmier 10 minutes. Est offtight skia of peeleti frit anti slip pulp out of Lcech se-ction. Ati6 pulp anti juice tacooet rinti andi simmer, coxereti, 20 min-utes longer. Crush or rnt about i quart f ully ripe respber- ries; cýombine wthorange mx ture, Me1asure '4 cups intalarý,îge sau-epen, fllý ing up ast c-up Nwltir water if necessary To e m armelade.Addt sugar ta fruit ln saucepan. Mix wehl, lace over higir ieet, brîng ta a full rhlig bail, aund bail lard1 iminutestiing con- Stantl. emoxe fý C, rom heat anti et once stir ila iquiti fruit pec- tir, Then stir andî skini by tura-s for F, minutes tç co.ol sligirtly, ta prevenit oating fruit ', Letle qckyintagassweafne Bottle-.BaIc elephant Bertram I~ audiences once ae abu 1 J. Bby-ilkbottles have many uses fior c yoursgý imnany talents. "etsr"on the progromn- of Circus is young Sabu, seen abcove,wh hil londonI, Englond, cos hle teeters alongcicful on bis boffles. Il medium RIPE' PLUM RELISU3 ca eps prepared fruit cV ups sugar p up vinegar Y2 bottie iquid frui pceetin To prepare fruit. Pit (do not; pet!) about 2 quarts fIWiyripe 1plums. Cut lapiecs anti chop fine Atitil/4ta 1 teaspoon cacir cnaoclovIes, anti al ic orayc-sired ,,com-býination o spices. Maue3l"V',cups fruit juta a vr argecsaucepanw. To ek relisir. Atit sugýar anti viniegar ta fruit us ,sau:ce.paný ant imixweh Place over higir, het, bring ta a fuIl roilig bil, ant-idba-il bard imnue1tirn contenly.Remxe ram ireat anti eta once stirilaliqti dfruit peotIîi.TIeni stir anti skim b furas for à minutes tacadi sligh- hy aprvn f7tngfut leiequicly inteiase.Paa- CURRANT JAMN fi ups prepared fruit 7î ups sugar 1 box pow'dered fru1it peetin Ta prepere c ut.Stem about 2 quairts AuIly ripe ted currants anti ruel horaugýhly. (Ifde srei, ýsieve hai otpuIP ta r- maove someosetis,)Measure, C, Copsitaa xery lresue Pan. Ta make jam. Meesure sugar anti set eside. Place saucepan holding fruit axer hfigir ireat. AtitipoiCered fruit pectin ai stir naIttil mi-xture comes toaa lard bail. At once stir in sugar. Iring ta a tCuHirolling. bail ant boil hard 1 minute, stirriag con- stan-tiy. RemLoxe tram hea, skimn, hadhe quick]y j1into gjjessès. Pareffl u atonce. bMakes about 13 sîX-uuinîce glasses. I.Plain Hlorse Sense.. I Thbe Gld Age "Tire smn All lanrtih 0a d exr irrougirout tire greeter part of tLire çauntry were lîning tieep- er into ri under tire pressure ofçetcumuleteC ifclis -They ere callet iupon ta con- petewir -tire foreign grain im parttirambeyond tl Éire ea, andi wivtI tire toreiga slave labourý purciraseti by tire capUia of weelfhier mmûr. ati tire -Lieri lboiauoilitjewir ifs scenty reurns waqS firown lair.- 9 taj still darkerrlifwirep com.- pereti witir fla ýcireep provisions, frequent largseýsc aintigay sptec- tacles ta bcbe atinlathelag "T-i- ireealiroîtiers iwent off tfo swelh tthe proleriat of tire citie ianti their hold-in-gs were lixff rua wst, (orl, merget in thre vineyertis, olive yards anti lbove ail la tire great caffle terms of tire àriciý riant eir own place wsteken by sia Ves'" With tiresewrd a hstojry 0of ERme tiescribes fhe lot of tire tarm-irs axer f thusatiyeerý,s eg.Tire declIine ofthtie farmiersi 'aai Roe iicaicet wîir t'Irle g;reat boom oft iniustry anti commrceknwn ,te tire woriti as tire "Golden Age" whicir was fahwdby tir,e ticce ni feu! oftp tieempire. The Golden Caif Apparently Mari has">nutileea- eti from fite experiences of ftor- importeti grai produced Ab slaves 0or importeti vegetable ails r poueiuntier slave liarlk ptiriotiil-,thleir avarice vieant c "chea,-p" fecoti n a ndimmdiate lare profts Thyfotgct 1tirat by decstroy-iè 'n grcutuc tey refo tirle basis (t tirenaial c- oyire eahtioftheir cl dr ant iereeeain o ELLIS la servile ountbreaks in Etruria a-nti Apuhis," Is tins flot remintiful ot tire lest warld war wire if wt-,as re- parteti that 40ý per cent of, tirje Canadien anti.Aeie youtir weephysicaliy nat up ta mihi- tary standards?! "A. gooti deal was attempteti by waiy of remety"bytire Gov- eramnent. The founiation, of 20 colIon-ies, the frequent allafmients of atim fA veern soldiestie tiraining of -tie Pomptine lmrirs for tie purpose of Cul- fixation were onilyý partially suc- cessful, Aft,'er soe ears "exen theàe eff'Iortscast,,antci withir tir sonle exceptin of tie cohony of AuýIximlum la Pîcenttm nofhiug weps clone fa check tire spreati of tire exil, ni Tiberlus Grec- chus, onir is election ta tire tri- bunete, set iris iranti ta work." Comparing tire firsf anti sec- anti. centuries before Christ witir tie twentieth effer, tire simila- ifies are striking. Then as taday, meiterialistic views,, prevaeet. Tire olti gats were coming into tilisregairti antimare ïanti more t[ire GodnCeit" we beiug wor.- siriped. The Golden Rule if is remariteble firerefare thire e hast one group of men wira bantictie togetirer for tire pro- m-otLion iof fireir f.econamnic rigîts have came tateIie cnuintiret they woulid neyver get anywhere wýitirouf a. reneweti spirit.iualanti moral int'egretion. 'i'iey are tire memrbers of tire Onteria Farmers Union ire programn of thre union is sýoIidly baseti on tire Lew etfGotifrom, wiricIir tie naturel RPiIrt s of, Mali d ervixveci. Tne preanible oitt prograinuv or anta say: "We beee t h a t amnongst irese natLurel rigîts of mnait arec, tire- riaIt of every niii econohialequality exists, ~ îïire methotis of co-oper,ýaioCn1 inýste'ad of -omipetitiori, by or- ganized group actimionisteat of the irndividuial fight f'or the snurvvlofthe fittcst. "Ta foster and taprme the undicerstandiicing of the co- operative way of MIfe w r w,ýilling, to ca-opera-te ian organlized bodiywicacet th-ese aur basictnesar e The Ontaria Farmers lunion i u -the only occupational organiza- towe know ,of, wich egin adendcs its sesinswît pay erits members behieve l!to, loingte "Golden Rule." This éwoumn ýeicomies sg gestions, wise or foisanti ai] or destructive and wil ry answeraayquesn. Address your I~tters ta Bob Buis Bxad Ben an xvasne o mthebst bargain. Tlic dignified society queen wIIho emiployeti lmhadi onlly -onie compflin-1t:ire wasex tremelysioppy about his awn ap- p)earance. Onie day sire decd that tire lime hadcmeit o lec- tur hm on lis wev(aknes."B jmn"shiebegan severely, "o ofteni wouilt youi say it is ncs sary t shveDBnjain gazet athrintently. "W'ith a wea.k- grwhlike yu' m'm"ir replietiphtl,"Isrut a thateeythirrd day otib suficent. Y ou Cani't Fee-l Youing If YOur F-eet Don't! areF that ,our feet areet tirebot- tom ofl it ail! Althiough foot rou,,bleshi young anid old aikthey tndto become m o r e cpainfl 1by the time those first btrands of grey hair appea,1In ý1act, tile conýdi- tiof your feet can n te difference b e twe n pgoo(d ani peoor health, btena nr -,etie and cheerfuil ifce - ad cous aches andi pains, as wellas a touchy disposition. Moot specialists Say that os of the wone r farty \wha lim-p into tioctors' offijces h1a1eE been shuffling abouit the ç)bouse in run-domwn house slppers or an aid pair of high-heel puimps in- Sstead of wehl-fitnglow-heeied ail-leather s hI o e s that h--u.g the hleel and Gllow am1-ple toecom No wavnder these- ladiessýufe(r! Slîppes give inadequate suppor t1 ta the mttaslarch - an1d bring on fatigue, cramp and ieg pains. As forbhe hgh heels Mtey provide much too narrow, a foun- datin, ausng ourfeet ita wo- ble and resWlIng instrain and maybe an unsightly pfy ankie. Such sho(es m ta ke your, daily tdils twice as tiring, anti because ihey give your feet soi littie support, they put heavy strain on the Spinal cord wWc-jh mnay wehl produce back pai.ns and even headaches. Forwmniwalkig int A d die agea hgh heelsare fine if worn no langer than three to four hours a day. Foot speelal- ists recommenti as the best ail- -roundi shoe a liow-hieeied D- ford type, wvith supple leather uippers ta iv the toes freedomn of movement, and a flexible leather sole that benis esiy Leather is important because itm cool air ta pas n-atboto nlearest thîng tiluna i, i, 1confarms înaturall, y ita- the * thousantis of difleeent pomitons tire foot assume', lu thè course oi waking. Thie broati hîeci - no more than V 'i inches hîgh- .s im- portantut, tooY eain-crclaiÀon i' what it wasrvenyo wr may have,-atetecytF ~el Thtswiy yaunet hefrms possible fcîUnt 1; ion for oVur dayo-day activity- Thenmarriage ao roderr shoe- craft anti up-to-dantefoot<are unnieessarytaiySoscn e can feel wneflo orfe candcsil iiok(fahwmnable Sa from now on? yps'hifni Ota you ri]jban Ys a stlotfa tose RiER sys¶'lM precetient byakigFtz ri- ici- for an atg p sedo giving hier on tewid ye bjobby-soxýers.Tr rltsds prinrt il, Mr.K&]e op I mïy autographsovrnhwai pbti cil 1y in n crp30 jrisedl? Wan]t t, I yu a surance examcna0 1 t o a y? Odtisare 14 tae 1y 1 dl Ipuas i escapetiJoier=maryLa Eorde pondence couirse h 4-ps paeker, wilI e ouô sheli casings cfe c ys ok She feels xbe ha! o eroa in- terest ïin the!ie cacn s a her brotherisfhtn onte o- ean bat-tlefields bee an 0f them r Ibeîsd rit hlm, He ïs et jar (ofifiln- matiewir 'au, geV-up ta jam ,anti i i- juice glasses. * sicee iait sorte c0f cups irit o I sugar fa mirc .wel'L bring ta