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Orono Weekly Times, 14 May 1953, p. 7

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$ofty eironsraton-gt.Charl1es F. Pecarsali, Drector of Toronto Traff'ic Safety Counjrci, cnut a claisz3 n safety regulations, Th-ese students aire prparýing tc, enter ihis year's Traý'ffic and Sft Quizatheandn National4 Exhibition. The Quiz is open ta school Students iup Io the aige of 16 yearî, viJ there wil, o ore be caish prizes for the Ninners. This is an opportunity for students ta cirn a itie e>xtra maney and ai te same ltme help rnake this a sfei-r ounitry whýere chlray run and piciy at hiome andat school, For details of th;s competitiong send a> !reqLlest t seCanadionNa;nlEhbon A c:opy of th-e prize liet with eýntry fOrmis wil be maýCiled ot reof chacrge. Theenv&pe hOuld be nmacrked Wmns in" Vo rCh'ild.3 ealth And Care NEW MOTH E) Ecor the inexpoerieed mther a ab l te s SC sanie- times a feaful thing and causes WY er aworry and loso hers0eop. These orirs are rnormal, but many ofhe-ni are unnecessary- Fo eapi~ There is a 10oft spot calec th Qota1ne1, on top t a baby's huas and OmanY oeh-1 £ors ieaw toy wlinure their è'abOy J ftbis- spot oucbed or- preaedë- Thne 4frýýntg.njs I'1ôghr anoyhway, N'ew motherswor bcas their baby's Eyes mots inde- p)endenýtly ot oachoter. 1'tis iýS normal and occus becaue thW muscl , es thàt 1,contrai a baby's eyos are stili woak. However, as t'he muYiscles gýet strongeri .s1 deef dsappears .1Atrue cross yei much mrenoticeabie and dosfot dsapar f e ab' eyor don't lino up praperiy at the age of a year, an oye spe- cWiît sheui hoconsuitd. Ycou maJ,ý i thînk thora ia sote thiing wrong bçue orbaby's legs .wok "ewed." Ail npew babes'1'~sQokthis way 'be-- cýausýe they tuýÀ týhem aîp" beý- foethey ;are hem. >A-baby stii dosthins when ho ha asleep or relaied; is knees bond out and tho sols ai -hs feet face eac ote.His io wllU tribe Out as bis mxclsgraw stronger Arother nw- ,thr orry 's with a bhti arch sup)port, Tis pad of fýat makos b!is,,foot, rwsamidhî achs getis str'ong this aid. SpittinJJg u sanothe"rmtr new hables MoAlnd itdoen? reail ipe nantng adI jus mous yifthiscay.Ifrbby výomitýs a lroanuti a alanns a mther ut Ibis is not1 wohý-i andbap.Iwer.f c auatuiis eacbdyyundca souid ho consulf*i A mother warnes hn ber babyhicups whle he bbyin piaucid about htn Hioeups jus! emita oneccssaryAta apnew losair.The-ting ta cia fo-r iccupts is tagivo bu same ware water. Trust ouse and j1avetu wi'th yJ ý,ourbayyoncmo soesowWn' lad you ascray Whýer yoti are' red-ns yun oco Play with othier ebudro. H tag aterme he oe day wantînirg mefa amuse bui't ve -told h rîi lm'Ihad wrkta dlo and vereddefinite piay ,-porciods itofsuceýss. What wold Mrs.1J.T. Why not lot johnny hehp you w,ïih yar oue work? I ecoýýuld dry slver, scrub potatoos, emp)ty, ahtasand iwasfe baskets Thank h ini and praisue hlm for bis belp Buy umi a toy teïe- phoo thllatrings -whèn idialied ,and have hlm J'phJon-eo tayuuou ra bis otho-r-oan"ffce"VOU'S Porhaps leara wvhat is wýorry - ng or tiheîghlm, ifyo listen ta what ho bas0fa ay. inafeW dystry P!a yin schooîlhîh bu. You ho the teacer and as you go about your work Johnny can sit at bis dc(ský. LI this wy ou -*can taiak to one anothor wieJha dos lhîng's for himiseit. Soun you can invite anothier c-hjildta your sehool. Porbaps in a couple ot days, if jahnEny is lba-ppy wththe other cbild, yurpupils can plat- Ilrecess",' on the parch or inth yard. Don'tfry ta rush thiags -Addntlose, înteresfla nJohn- ny' dongsnon bvehini on11bis owloo long,. Yoo don'l want ta get hlmc upset aga3in. Most likly onny'sfrs recosses wili ho shot. Howeven, wben ho reliesthty0u are, inside woagad that he ýarîsec you oIeauCaliioyou beil play longer Don't scoid, punish o cr cal hlm 'riycaf or siç;sy if he wn't tayQut iththe cul- dre voy ingand don't dis- 's wit12 you or caýn bear yu. Trlhese suggestions sandilI shouid cnutyu otr a cédpafy have ,cou een "Saeak-, ing -ouf" onJohny r aing ,1- ffonwith ragiites Or p er ha ps s noit eatig en 1ough ai 1the- rightfo1 ods or aclingig-to-mother Stage whie ma ast two or flirece monthsý. mI2eaier's are nvltd ta) post iveir problemes and suiggPestions ta SteHla McKay, Box t, 123 Eiglîfteenthi St., New Torafnto, Ont, Flease enoclose .a self-adl- aresse, stam e elolope fo porsolnal reply. FAITH Kookuk, Iowa, in~ ce meters earlv las sf'ile( prA VastUnkownLanid Beiow The Equator By 1oIhad rea enoght ofý the ývast i o fplisthat strtc aaytrm theEastor ýAndJes wad razil and Vene- zuela. I had q1most miaster.ed the- proper liquid prn-unciafion or the double 1. But I had yot te leart-i just o ii and ,vild thlese plainsae hwlike a se:a whose ports are af the maou- tains'e Fige. We h ad -y-t ta know,ý the tbrill ad that ropon wind- swept !and wvhere one's neaxest iieightbor ila a day's rid.e .way on horseback; !and that 1 S val- ued Aby the num O atcattlein pie have passed thrugh or -settled hoýro, Inaromote butIs you vill stum-nblo on peÏ,ý,opl fr'oin Engl andc, Franirce, Swodeni,o ov,,en yra% Bt toLion1ry s Upin it.. Jus!,t îthon1 w ca -mUe Lipon ai bofrd fKcti bigdrivenCUp, fromi the plains tofceedt&po -pli-,e etBagota, anid had si p !the ca olet t treani et brof "bb)i n g headscs, and hlorns fow by Be-hind w,ýal]ked the herdsmren, ibarefoot, wîth raaasquare ipiece of- blanketwivtlh a -lit ini th-e nmiddcle for 1the head bld!c- cc an-CIcivrrîed over one shoul-- Pasýt thielast cha!"in ilt bogahto sen sthoug-h we w'ero on aý magie road th at woffld keep-uis - forever twstngad rug shut In by itowering mnt'InainsF Wehad ibeen dr.iving more than sta'pping: PBogo)t' aCquea, chi- paqtCIr-e, ,aci Ithe sandw%ýiches wr onypleasant m1-emnories 'We werie stiff frwnbrcgousve aant1the urn-îs vwhen suddenly weruddacuv and stop pedý short, oi the f-edgýe o-chn It is truc that the road wn n but for the miý-ioment we s aw 'nOthin1g but spae canis of Ïf, fî fclud(s and hanze, no mre monanno waILls of ïrocIk, Just1 9MElIRRYMGEI Eay Work fl.e1p)s Weeds seem- to thrive n n wveat'her. Many peope g is thysep these ýpestslieay rowding out teir flwersa vegetables. ,Ore should take hnope fram the fact that ana c rog eeding wilbring the ciuatio well 1junder cnro.Buýt this m£ean,-s puling thf e weeds out by the roots or cuitting theIllOff be'- low the Soi's swufae with a cWl tivator or he This first î thorough job is carried DUfTeré the ,ïvly Seeded flowers and vegetabies are 1-1 u,a wt theiir seconld or third sýet '! leaes ellStarted. Once tha f irst da-phas been arie dut alittie routine ultivt .i-,ak ücre 0of the-garden fo the rest of the season Garden Paths No mater how smail be Ar- dmn thoe wiâth e vproieA pahs nstead of being an oy"e- sore, these can be made mb anliü--ý attrce feaurm of te awn or flowor plots or evon thu ve- tabl pach.Wher-e traýffie susu- all-y cnetae ul snear' tho dcoor or a gato, it isadibl to Use somne solid miaterial like flagslonies, conrotesiabrc. cindier orgrve. ,Wthany 0 those the nmain thiiniýïs to plac-e !nfimy and level wth or juqst slightly abovo thU-esurndn grass, southat the lawn cmowr wilI trim or eveti rrwigi' over surprise we discoved Sa i thero w«as land toefrbelow,ý a great fiat land that strtchodýrý away to be iost in the sk-y;th llanous at last. A broad rivr e- andoedc out fromr thetohls patches of dar-kor color hoo us whoro' the farost came (and, uot nd the clAustýer ofwht dlotshaofhiddenbehind a 10w hilius wa s avcnsio. cYou neyer t o i d me about, tis," 1 roproache'fd t'he BOSS, 0buw he only smilod, and 1 knew then, wvhy he hd it ou can't fee, li1ke Corctez, or Hudsoýn if 0oUar told wha-t'ýrondthe nxtcor- ner.-From "East of the iAmies ald Weost of owhee/'bv raney BItllBates der aor, grCa vel is si,,din patnhs or driveways one can e!imninate ( grass- and wveeds ,ýby ,sprinkling heavily wihrock Sait or treating w1v'ith1 som,ýeor of the -eodsprays Expriece gadonrshave ail sorts of liitr licks that wili add ta thie interest aisatisfaction (of gardoning. One of the1rdes is-- to soak soed before plantinugC Th'bs applies especiailly to ýveg- table seeds Mie peas, beans boos anl ettuco. 1BY Soaking for -a very few husjulst before plantin gemrmination is bastened ad8v eral'dCays are saved. WîVth aiot anId boots ilt will heip ta prepare the row,ý,s wi.7th special Care', Cdg- ding out the poor or bard so to a de-pth of sIix ches pr a foot,1 anICji fing with rich sou! witha suhthe -seecis witli gotinrate quikly andi thoyoung vogeablos grw ihotbeing c rewded K Recause thîsspyeciasaileisvery- opnthere wý,ill be lossineod for thinning and the roots M ~grow staîht ith melons. cucumbrs- andi -1squash Weusmaliy SWl speeiali'y rîch his wthsone cold rtnmaniure if w aa fioc it. Wt ail 'bedding planrts, it is a gooed plan ta, pinch baca! after transplantIing, andepcalyt reoeany fIOwet-s or buds Tis incbing encouragessttran hahorgrowth ff anc tho -,end wc get much hardie- ad ligger, Tfthïene ,is any ecetabout 'sfu ransplanitia,hean ispenty of moiisture Unider alconditionis it is quite pas- sible 1ta wat,ýen t00 oftenl, if lot itci()mueih, ad gase in te handis o thecaroless isnont ai- WaYS an LInmîxed blessing. BUt iitrni iatigsorme extra wat- erLiing is a!Imost vital, fl la ths buO- meuss if isý important ta tako as much saiwt the plant or shrub a cs possible So Èbthat te fine rooýts ;are na brkeor disburb- &d, Thon 4.hie roofs must ho col. erodfrmly wt goati, fone Soi an'd menddown wi Th wter If thF suais, ý;bot it is ood ta shadefor fewhours. Botter sili r sin ntecoloe By Rlýv R BWre.B.A _D, ProýbeI-2noite Christi Conscence TemiperanIcoessn 1 Corintbians 8:7-13I6I 82 hMesoy Seeion: Il neat make nybrothfer te off end, 1 wiîIl atno flesh xhjî,, the world staudetj ,lest I iake mw b Iother to ffa. 1 cor, ;:Ig paul ,vas addresIng people Mh had been dehvored from paganism.Some fdot thycud eat ,of the imeat eçatdtoidl itotany 1han îIto thnlseie They wrould 'have no conselFuousi- noss f the idol, But othoer ae o)nes eetruldwhnto saw their feloiowChristians la, the idoi's temple. Paull mae hs great apea, Throuighthy knowl-edge sha he _I 'weakbrother prsfor- whom ChGrist died? But we csîn so against the,, bret'hor-n adwudtheir wa cncecye sin against Christ," SiearguIe that t1here s1'.ne a a.yo dont get drunlk. ,ruk - thýings whnich it isý said, "Thoy,- jwhic1I do such tIng hnot inhorlit te; kn1 om 01G,~ Gai 51). ut l a! i rnkn Sn s. Thoeot dmnsra tha avey qmaliva .ssoun ot i ofhe ncaomiTe arrangîn th to'Iýý inle u'stahem[ent on Ifssne i sa live ssu i the rcii. ickcd aport 4IOty ,hýet corit,-_, HiOry, bib-lcal ad profane, il-h lusraesth int t, Wat a ri nk o f oricat. wTebrakes dn,t-n Nork so ell. niitionsan aond te.Vndivda more railA yields to th l fe iesh.o Great fCanadian rojctLi one <caught, u-pie n the siç caunitry's ldng citis jearned recen0ly that for more than rond busting streets hod been captured lan the probing sightso lboosýt. This month. the 22 poiins and 27 sketces produc( chonice of idsHesCnacda has known, arc oni the f irst lap 1itiehs tour of Laitin, Americo.aiand Eurpe, in bc folwec b> Canadians got theirfrs brief glimpse of their urban pri a ix-day show inàQttawa, Then the collection took ta the ràai paintngs, sketches, 35 eily-eindatumiium disployp of Sac, iis oc ta the

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