't Nat l'a Lie Onecai oan planuigMan fiaverndMIVegtAbles regularl igh ptaerl ul l ort parts a Iecuiy Epr gardeners wharat t gi I -ing aiw o ai beetsaras beans, caricd sucbhin 'vey jatih p ta tIscd i isu or~~~ eve a a x i vige cutiatan aile wateing ai passibly snequick-acttng om mercial friizehey v-iî,ii am along f astan mature in pcut Ai timie bfaerost. plantîng tonaend pravided rstc is avaial the-e's n tcaanfo not plantiîng bdîgpat.lk petunias, pauýsies haec3ih up ta numid-Jun If an lu evryspecdorplant camne a junge. Nature . ý-is mch u enr about gerinaion BSe tc afraàid ane pe IDms' de oui UtIs hestatsa linïdredsced. place fral n.I l hs thinga rv hy oi rw each ohrumrflyadts net rmet ould bepoco, sptlnly fiowvers and warpei ad1 wi, c In ams vr aevbr plants arc startcd Uia -aedan especialp.tiny secd, like lttuce or alyssun or pOppies, hyms be thne1ateOr. Iu daiog, [b1is n1aiur-ally vieu1lloui tIse poarer speciments firs butin aoy casei wýe! m-uai Lave pilenty ai erni for tiui! d"elapmcntri. Ifvie are afaiodaificoerdwanefrani bugs leave iwice as rneny plnto as et fir son iben tr an vie remove evc(-ry a ,ir nc. In cranv ,0o, vwc ha-ve tIshe plants aou a incb or sa a-parti a ls te s later tinafor aur first rmeals.- ii t1viingvi mar-o c i.u ick l:t! more strtyad buli e heaTheier. in tce foyer shwsare ai en ts resuit eai thininng. O nluts case utvl be tIsefoebu. Instead aiË teuiing ccysnl rspeony, or )ýdahlia dvlp the proýiess! inals olfp ofe fi i pur cent or more ai thc bud a mtIai ibae tWi ae le t ilike apples, plauaand puacles for big prime resuits. I on s Wen atein m'-ember Iaiacthorougb saa in)g in dywabris vn daozen pnklng.This rao ie a- plies ta lavin, a.A igtspriok- ling tIsai anly ayathýeduen -couravges tse nots ta cae nar thesuracevibre thebt sun antue orhndecuas f'ind mr patfoad1. L r many cssvhr hr r trees nab ib pmkigca bringa the roafs i thu trees lawn mve.WitbLaunimi uea vryfn iaivtr o cisecc resvetIe oaze itgebe and reaily soak, PUZZLE Ad 001-15 i. uni' t. Taisiet 4 Steera V 4. At{trrettN* 1. lileke a 7 Kod ci jacte est, tekt h. Soie' se wooder 11. Sica-e litsti' 6. Ocinal' 14. ai tite pitaset h ~ 5tiet liste 7 neriteri ta. rate-'- a -'tilt t -itartr-e ~,ieete I Z 18. Sitt<woi ou 20. 4.11 -'w-t - - 25. Puis 22. fIlet il Att 'lit 'O I lediso 25 A~tc~e.tt esst'so Ç' - ttt-ttit t 28- lit.' dc buS - - 18 Asti coot~ttrai , 52 Plat-hi 3.1. Fisceri rtvtrg 14. il -cadet Its lo',enttan bottioritt 30 SI 18. Ciel 48 Piant wttl' 'tut a woody stens 42 tsi-arR -cake. sr - 4t W,-eietseftii' 't-. 47 ,taptctiel* pagod'x 48. 5'Snbeiiial' 49 fbwssleiitdlot' 43 44 88. Plant et tisa t accu fitteili'- - St, Siseets o Si. tSowe ver 58 C-tSar- ~' - a Boy attendeota - -, I. C'oan'aact -Bastion of Canada Lauîburg adayàis stiua fiat drab go and afte'n misty sýpot an tIse, map ai Cape Breton; and yPOL 1 tIeeeci hitariansan a- tiqucarians itis 1Lauýisbuirgaby ail plaes, that puts Cape Bru' tonan Isle map. P ?îlgrims ca site ai0 hatwas Isegreaiesi ciýteln1 the cw Warldàdur- ing muaitseegheet cn tury. rast'a, tIse dayan'it s truu way trougb G,, ILa c eBt n Mia Ut bytfallng oui Gerg treei ndtaikîng Rut 22 yau mymeethe run ira car in an fo0ur)or lesacrssn the broacd and !bcutîfu M bira destiatio . TIs ira-i)s Cape Breton'S lretrvr hul jflot tune longest'. hfos[ MiraLaketbraugb i uceso Ai narraws adleand nd utï Habu, ya umay 1try ta recors- mnass cai forti fications 'by whý ýib limpeni France tied ta secure tIse rjcheýs ai tIseNe ard and ias yucompare Is pin da)r ai'the cghtnt-nur scene wiib the arrenRfida ai Tod)-,ay,ucrtainly, tIsera is, no- ting 1 Lusirnta gites Thse place blasrvrtdams ta-)tIesa sate ai Iseprimtiv b", aie failsfoiNw founidiand in 1713 aid was knawn asEgisMabuani To tisfe 1920's, swvî b an areaoaimme than thre bu- dreW]a c r e s tsaiiciuddIs site ai (tIse aId wl ctand 1( set it aýpart as thieLuibrNa tianal tMitari(e Park. Sooer r lter moinCna dlian fathesadepcalbs hln, nfra aeakdti queston b iher youg sas 1Be Whe 1 sbu ead? uAcoriy toI K.orN. or, eeutv drr 10of ;ilth iela,, raiabu1fi t. Coiestiai cpu "-e-t 9. Meadow 1.11. Iiiidwesi -n, Sicie loti I il. To h. Obstinai' iii. Malte atssetitis 22 viultttttît ecas-' 21 ExeggeUA [tri a stage part 24 Tee îteîss la dowo h. Sînsiiesi i~tteget 27 listiegtsi-.ttes *5. Atteste pal e 10. i/ast St. Shatc off a-ht 12. yeitow oc-i or 14 îlîis-tesd" Si. Atato Sextn ~îoeey t! CCC O i't' 39. l)tsto~tirt off ttse .\~et ni' l'oie 40 lSd' oct 4 t P rt-se tii 4? Il tilt pea toC 41 ("sert 44 ilecirtiaits ~uar St. liste <i tIti 48 iS'tt'i t- SmeII Bsies-Tin your job smells? N-ot neoarly so maUch os Dr. J. M. bewo'li Te Londoni scientist bas to smell fish for a Iivng. F 0s know i ngnae picys can ipratpart :nbis dalily expriietswithnitbdsfor peevn ib MoneavCer, i iuction a monmets fia.lýsî ben aden nt!keni A grnit Laitstnd ing ts sg' ato commremorai tse inalsige en n Ie akysarFi. er byGbauu Bya oumn usuelli lice a sto e ut . touai bility cnd is reecly for Lis fins' gun. fi ~ au are ar~temilier vîtIs tire- arma, cousait an expert or -a member ai a shaoting club bu- fore cbaaaing a gun. [bu tirai abauid fie a 22 rifle beceuse basic princîpies ai abaatiog cru ceaie' taaght vith h. Besidus, -t Oaa nu recoil aoc] ammunîlion N mcx pensive t. Arrange fer [lie boy ta att ou instruction classes apantt-arec] by yoîîr ut-arc ci rifle club ut asso- ciation. If once is evaileble lu yaur neigbbonlieud esk r, fnicor] viba knaw's guns end aboarîog aud vibose jcidgment you respect. Campetio iofi f cours;<t- aiin sbooiiog motcIsuoigor uae-M yeg errthea stsle Rnt ii handling onsi4en ile anehn ad' Fr apenrinstreucon lu nuoiîng ie byancpnioe Ia tovirds ircos rtion 4, PrdaememiIegcn ta fed tse rawîg p plaion braînbiten iecding andclie- 7.'roi d aoc]usemorepro ceasng ac] aoree iailiies or fand pouta mld.onue demandaj aoc1) piduceta1cn pre paepS dcUtme he.Mr pravd inibn aitari ng, hecît ci1znabp oc]lede- slip t- * ti- taraeIupaieogpohgram'nad ectvel supor loa aoc] ne mui femer orenaI on Flu betis re mai nAseis commn acasa anad Fet vegetýabe gerd lIea eae nt niar, S>cbi-ges Of', BraL)Els(. aprature eapecielly sabjn)uci ta their atteeka. Be ng.ecaIqna-' tocu aoihnetbr veguale re jucei ta aUessr degnui tavel mbeout ndbrsotaoiue on Sbu!lucresolcsving onmeu 1),neruun his Is al By Rex' R B arrenBAB Memoy Sleeton:ForGo hasj, not appted uq s to wah buit"to obtain slainbyou Lord Jesus Christ, Who1did'fo uis, thtwhthr e 'ak 1o Sleep, we soldlve tgte witbhlhm. I Thessalonians 5: the fir-st ai theNe Tstmn epistes whîch he wrote. This chu,,rch ,in ÏMa-cedon),ia w, ,as fud ed by Paul a bs eon ms soayjaurncy, >Th e gen era3 themie 18the reiurn Ai Jesus Chi&Paul urgesrainsfo th'at geteet Nealy ,00 yars have ae delaUys Mis camling. Me s long- thai t any shauld pcrish, btthat aid sAld cone ta eetne 2 PeLter 3:9. u h poiei sure. Me wf euo h e estalishent itheJews in igsthat i is cmn rwt na.Thi are, lu us't soeputtinun ttc brIeattlt ai iaitb anld lave; aýIndfor an We areurged ta wrothe - rul, camqrtthe feeble inded, sujppor-t the wacl.-), beý patient taý- wadail rmen. S ýiTer nat ta ren- der cvii for cvii.Tesirta retahiatian is -nat Christiansprt As a miark ai a Chr-isian Jh Wcsley aiten quated, "Rejaice eemrPraiy wihateasing. ]to every thling givc thanké" This Spirit is mach redr]toCilay. Therýe would b(,e fewc(r nervous breakdownps if we received Jesus Christ Las aur S'aviar vand volaw cd R1is teachig A book Be Foute and ILivc Langer, pblshd y three tafour w1eS, %la beeief erestaAugujsi t uause danage beforereirngt table DDT or dustng vith thece pen cent DDT du-1. Prel e ancp sbaý-uid bu, ased aen C.dible are preseot.Il is important ta w'ctch forflua bretuiîjury an these cen bu killed îi c few daysý if nai prateced. Insccicduý tervas asLgatis ieineaar dent. Yaksays, mness prcv' playhvc tn.Far i are a chee. setprey,,,s îna mcQtthe i mcay be entirely aciid ii scparated unto-GdwhtI hear! madlec deýand idetb th'- Haly spirit is GOdI's plaqn o us, Living tldIs vie vlîl not ý futcsbut -vie carieb'ancc sintl JsuscaDmes. Leti us o f f MVanlufacture an-iisave tii ai a series arb, gares cam-fplaîned taO )lice[bt Is camera Isebcd nigge up in bi iactary ta htgapsmru Cci;afi tiseWid fin Dgat Sk-scra W nd ow ashri ClrneStcytan gai a'ivorcem, insîtcdtIsi iey go ta tIse Nant is Woads ta 0il ee hag dobe'blu Idsppr u in ary otsad belmet, ,bis todier poses for Sgt. Fréank Cod -r,,,wbo wonseodpe wvith the phiotoin non it-Armý ýly wagaî t edeelapment Ai u- 3f Sct gus and ringwrm diseases sucbi t 3A va x e a O i The millio an s a irsi pare-s in icahrpri rePas- sag aiairarond Is fot, ndois hv LrlV thj vprtonaAotmisueiu Q The Gcc4 OliDas- firat pyoi erdc Ford pyol ytpl $17;0(,00, 00 ! mle 30 cn o &tlsweIt Elsevhiere on Thinis ?*go