tp be as ire takes ~.L ~u1u a ~dLCU UU i~iI with questionable corn- Finally sire eiiminafed e~cept anc young man ils teens, 'oa'f wamk long at any sas ~o ambitIon. lie bas risiblîrties, and whea be's se acta tike a cisild. Ha a parents wîth tire ~t- especU fie bas even been [e witir tire haw! ta dragg~d tire girl dowa ~vct. If iradn't known years, I wautdn'f recog- naw, she does as sire sire- ~ks Sewi- Thrfrty i J - i 4689 I2-2O~ 40 tsTîLE! if's tire if an aow f or a inter for a wmnp- as. Scwîng and casy-you sec by )W few parts and t. Smart, too, wîtir net, tirose pockets! Misses' Sizes 12. 40. Size 16 laites I order ta Box t, t2 Eigh- St, New Taronfo, Ont. "osure go A 1HEARJTBROKENFRND TRAfýE0-VIRA É) * Ort ursate frUiend has red m j tsunse! ta ather deluded girls wiro have strayed fmtir *rîghrteatis path. Sire cossta *ignore mny warnîngs against due- *salute ;corpanian, and tasse asdle 1thegrievaus cneune * iatio Inta prsue r o dirregardicss ci reason or *right, sie scores the tenets A ber çhurcb and fam-iiytrain- Sin-a_"r'prsesae fid otiti eythe sam-e sorry tale oi an abstinate girl wi thnkasire aowsbest,. Iflie now.ledge t'hat site is herym, rnuatir-er's heart (as las no!tmtocied bersire seems- You l Ishudder t'pct0 '~' baf er uture can be,. Tied ta a -ekig wirodeesa *his nase at ýthle awv (and whio cannot evea support ber) sire *wîll pay tire price of her f oii, * aad tiha piceshe wl eamn ail taoosomn For I belseve she * wiilfjd ersel alkone, deserd aa a nimbedand she wil * ir'e no aoe ta lame pbut be- fcbmryffor m amaily, foe ya j ~j),t 1-Lohrswh av emC, who h-er pla uhem i ntmin. "Der AneHirst: 4Over a ý,yeamr Ego 1feH in lavewith a nîce boy, but ire la dsappointir' nie bndliy. ile sldrntakes me ouf, but if ï w'ant -ta.)go ïta a show ,ý7he \will pay lmy w'ýay. if I date ayn else he throws a aasty scene and erlibarmasses evemybady. -"Bu hedates te il wheevr e feels l Wkeif! e have broken off more-th'mone bout i lv lso I always tatke hlim back. WhatshahI do? Dit laMwemtityou have came ta youn sense Si Aboy Who *btows hot and colwho does *as ireplesebu efu'Sesyo * iesm rivilege cann-ot mlake aa.y înice giý'rl happy for lo-ng. SStop seing hirm at ail. Da't gon you îli înfor n orsncr Wve cannot direct te hves ai athysWlsn e mmea re their chosi te wronýg pathwecn onlystan byta lelp Leter mon whei heyned iJs.. .rifAie flirst is here ta give ya'Ço Utie bte ite ber at Bon 1,123 Eight- ickne, -'b(irt a tutîa 7h have 1 if. Il youarej ICO CON U T VUUDG e CIHIFFON CAKE end i i lut abowl, Lc. plua ý2 1tb*s. once-siffed cake r, ~Saa jMgatBkjg Pode,'jý t S sait7,' c. fln, îuJiated sugr, ux i j/c.deicetdcoouf.Malte in is dr agreietsand additah e voidr gien W(do nl nl; (ilrf)1 or sldu h,2 uubeaen gg pouk, plus2 Me wteri tde.vmeia,2y ~auncs unsweeren C:oiete, m'jelted d icaoled]-k. 51fr the iuida b ntermngl thnsrs h e dn ry ingredieuts be)(at ntil baiSer l, bothMesue so a large bowh V§c. egg whjtes (a mao tcnpraS~e an ariniewiir Jf Sp. rcam of4 tta;bea2ýt unI i reegg-whte ac vely very tifi mul *ifhian fïorrinueauget c-akesec.aldd fia nixtueTabU aquater at "a tinte, iaud bild all esuinddtoesili aned egg whss e n:huooghai comiued. Turcbater Mmi a w gres8" a cake in au ftreirer slolven. 32;45-.abu FamlyPorrat-JanRobinson, 27, the onliy woman among,, 10 artst cratngeight 16-foot emblems rpreseninge eight self- gvrngcountries3 of the BrSiitish Comnmonwealth, puis the in. ishinig touches on Canada'-s emblem. The emibiems will adýror;a Lanlons 'cidPorlen, Squaýie during thecroain WhatArleds th!an 25 ta 1 in yurfav"or that 50 thiat ire bab,,y wili' be thîoa The moher'a odds areairer,5W0 ta 1 in h1em ao If ouspdson 0f ou Umre during the womk day drèan- ing aothaw oaemuiand hcaltiy if wouldbe'foe work iag ith your banda, perish tic thougirt. Dm. LouIsEl u b 11 ia, famedsatatem n taestiehl expectation of offIce workers la ane eighftb greafer thanwfiat a industmjal womkes. a loa, .-t * doctar and opfa us si you didn'f know. aboLuthal aIhuma ity ba difiimt ime fhigaic.If you iare aon is ate-taü-go-to- bed hall, ac Wdigt Dr. Don,- al d Aliairdi, tire oddcs aic 3 ta 1ý be;2 aiyou rn bosor imagazines; even tbaf ylou u musical eaajafik;If you samoke; t ta 3 you take bof bafis; 1 fa 10 you use daugm: and La i a a ororaio , oidboy, or ns ifjstyour shit talla w-orkc- ýing up? Il it's fat youCd 'dbAEtte stýarf athsg our hao tic- cauise Dr. Jamnes WA. rafd tiat of a goup of 138 mca, 9 Vat and 9 trinaattire age aIof 40, hm 1iiis"111l be 99Icar, omcnal af 50 but on!, l 6fat. AtI80f) eewilbe? bean and asifatM as. Tire odds inraeunfili ia a t Theword îay e rudbut The War fDepamîmentsanys past ad your tanilyspend $101,er yewr for meclservices. Now- cierti 1 stintePhaf tirm doo0rs,' bs la fie Un aifte fi State and Canada "Yom'm aSweetLitl'Fed ace"ire isn't kiddslng, I yo are a girl youir chan1ces. are 2 sufrfrom m-ii'graine. * j? 0f wfcrI mea. UIf you have tie odds are 5 tcA 1yoî onf - ns wl a yo shoid h, Fve2 liretwic aýs long as you ill. lmsanýd sa îl orose nge craw, rax'cn or Swann, Otierwise sionw oca whue eumng a belyncie bave you pondered on animal ile nndenvýied if? You'me wrog.Moa imasdiefrn inflasratios a- tie ntestiînes unesa>Cu c enough taMtC, humancly saugered for au mption. HRONdsr iCLsur Foru ifr !'st re aI a kao hw any dayýs-w,,e h>aveL loua! il just m-.rakes yo-u feel lik si,ii-"O h w a abeautîful mnomning, oh, whnt abaufu everythngs comîng my way," iViybe àit m't but Ope neyer hu r anyaneLt.The rain-soaked earth probab(y bas that feeling Lou and its way of shoing itd ;-dnsqisby hiigthe f-lowersn teray we waadered part w.ay thro)ugh) a bush where we found.i, not ecagîze.Thepurpose aï arvisit titewodowsreally ta) setti a gumnent. ArtUwr unsistd that mayflwce and he- ptcswere one cand the samec flwrDauLghter sa[,-! they were 1 ,adI antsure. Sa we ail piied intA ce carinchLcding Partera vsitr-nd even lioney, and we headed for the nearest Thier:e (te rgmetasstte by- findi-ng bath mayflower's andI bepaeasexacl ftting the des- Crption vwe bad already looked' wodtori, Ibecau"se sJIre certainlyv knows hem wIldflover-S. But if was un t find proaf by sýeei-Pg. Dec ndArt dug upj- a few roots AI this and that to take hoMe ums, A"parcit from flowers we are ai aysaused at the stuffct folklie atae bakwith he fmýom the cutr.Yestemdcay ift was ildfloersand gre loMwr: toots and slips; rubarb, crchin d ! e- Ut the tFaro las items ar a1w ý spau for. Afte Too afeÉ arm produïce islouk- 'n) un aÀaatue's0b u i by siors toite cnt r t hoaen t d)i) osn'tg tat bs9 be Wheame ts a surplusthonat lajua finee, ndit is gecraly gad is inquesio then "It cousins shouldat leka te repdtaw pa or w-batvhîtey getaasehor aed famr n ae theago expqesdtangivre away is qiv- - fl I iboodnMaybI arn wmo d .1ng - or '; couh('rse,[ lwher iheme IsIa case aî in quenstio n ae hvi-ngqý u7i Ywhebr t h re s orb as been, sickness-la thenfamil. Thea We hae ai aoiad bt gîve wbat- WVhen she is shopping if she sees something she knows we want, put on ns nweek-end specialshe Ibuys if, brings if home andà takýes itsvau in egg's! Andc' a cýer- tain nroon aI xchanýging ilso takes place eioialy afami- illes there is off en somehing that anc persaon doesn't wVant thiat another per a a setn' needs chan-ge wî'th thepasg yeara. Back i l te dyswheat' every --, f armme r wife had ta1, thiak of theshng adc oi rn- cuf1t ,in g nme'alsit was"' ilecessamyý to keep a good supply af dishes o)n haa-d. 'Nowv, ilaray districts, threshig gangs are a thiagaW tMe pasf--acombineenta only gas andIL. Sa, unies they are given aways ursdîshes are stncked up, dag nofhng better than gatheýringý dust. -les, it is easy ta find new homeIýs for i.)dthn -nlmid numbers-but not oun a wholesale sca--le. Anid sa it la that when a person hras passed away wc a- ten ,cone across 1that saddest af ail domesic roles-ha ot do with the uawanted furnishý-. in-gs af a homne. Perhaps the laie owný'er va's a widowe or. a widowý"- c-, livingaon.Tire chiihdmein ara nomaidand have homes af thei ow.They have2 no room nfor ad- 1ditinal furahitr. Few mnodemi homes bave an attic, somnednt even have Ea basemien,tirera sa' even r1.oom for, starajge. SaU ifla estate muai be settied there la only one solution tai the probeiem --an, auctioni sale. And ail tise dear,- initirnatze tg that have aen trC ird hcugh the wear ChAM pssesci ions u tir Wr a iay in mothballs. Think oft si!lver , Ur y Sta Icid, ciD-ý ý L awyi'n cs te1mgt1e braken or spalit. La t wc gat word that mne remainingý broher had asd wylaEg landl, following a severe sroke, had a'.beautiful 1home. I hat"e ta think f ilthe ivl hnsh anid Ih""'ire had worked jsu ar ta acquire,,and tu save, nw Aai theý merncy aI theautner hanmer, Let us make the- bes t o what we h Iave-if hybeko wear Out w % aI a las hv had the enijoymuent ofuigthu au long us they lasted ,fAfippi' And th,- RELIEF is LATN tisrn ,but xwc do kao%,hr'so~ And we a aeISATS the relief ig rln-e ea I N ST-%NTINg can)taiins aCac th-,e roirca m1edical igeins ta vrn ou 110ot only fa relef bu saure prahon1gedrlif Ta! urSAsrNa E îIforaSt iedcs reiftaa. .or for tise pei[ns ai n-1uritis or neupalgia P11, dte ý,:acsn4- pains Chat Le açnuya coId. Econnuci I-Tablet Botule 7 5 j OA TMEAL ROL They '*pan out" perfeïctIy 'if.h new Foist DRY Yeast! o ire est ori! iNo oeas httaead iUlLÏ_STRENGH i youus -FATATN oamel cadk34c ïmîl, 2ena. graultedsuar,112 tps i tý ing; ool o luewar, Men- gPENultsgar : ti ntlsuar»'.Ž W i li Cisle . iSprnl thie velpe i cischmannsilcF tast i.... Dry Xast. eg sa d amintes THEN atir w 1g1. oe41( a x i aM1 'e , re itike a,, milk mix sc St i 2c.oncek sittedbread or; beat smah t loured o bor ntls ootVn st 'oin a«Iarw lcetec r m draught. Let T istioub ibulk Pnc dnDRghan (ur lkrout o n adspikewt oatmal;cut nto2 eqal or,