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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1953, p. 1

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V'GL lî l'No 18 OINO NL HIS s y 28 1953 Siabscription $1.50 per' R oy Armstrong COCEF Candi- 1UOrol en Mebers Attend date For Durarnqi, Riding Last Wednesday, MaLY 20ii, a On Satur-day- evening, May 23rd, ;,!e C.C.F. lParty !In Durhýfam Coua-1ty c-hose thir candidate to r-epresent thje -party in the forth coiag Federal ,Election. ýThe nin,)iiation meeting vas attenided by some one hiundre pJersons. Mr. Spencer cheshire, peietof heDurham C.C.F. Assoiation,ace .-ts chairmaIn for thQ ieeting. In bisý oýpeninlg ade01e1ochr <nMany ýproblerns now facîing the people O'f ICanada and aiso stesdte growth uf the C.C.F. Party. Mr. Cheshire clairned that 'a _greatý luumiber Of Ipeople w(leeshowIing an mterest ia the C.CF. movement bý-l 'ially and that thfis wNas true thrcoughI- 'utChe Province. HUe sightedl that in sue riila Northiern Ontario dur- inte witer inenthis that one thon- aduw ebrs hnd eairolled in RI -C... It was alse his opinion that -. thîs iutsrest was being shfown slongl The C.C.F. candidate for Durhanl noeILakfot rdaMr- Roy Arm-,,sti-rg,wa bora and raised on bis present farun He snid that the state of the coua)try narJsaetvilîîe. 11e specializes ila the Peoplce n apontwhre theI breeding of' egistered Szhorthomsrl -epewere nucertain of the future. ctt1e.Mr. Armistroag has beeu a Inthe last, few ru-ffonths while -,pea:k- uriember of the Durharn C.C.F. Associ- jiug to farmers Ille fojund them n uappy ation silice its formation fla 1934ad abo'ut their scoi-(nmy. 11e csme nhs t one time held office asvee pres- ,id nert lkow just miiuat te dIo, keeIp idenlt. H1e cairns te have beepcol hogs kep cttl or -ee evrytinged a socialist by bis father and that -and hope for the behst. Thereon'< isiteth-sawy benwt tlhe price of bogs to-day ait $400 re- the movemeunt. -ulted frin the fact thiat neot so long - ag hepice was e owtht farmiers lmedthii'W o et ogaor wsnt est Dent, Lukuis Nichoils ia-d Mrs. eut ef the ihog buisiness 'and todsy,! Mcezie. I elndecp r for thiis rso,-hm exists a aho-Roy 'Arnstrong w;ho vaýs declared the týage. At plresenit, Air. Cehr siCCP.cniae. flhat the price of cattle wns t its, Mr. Armistrong cniee ta jo-west rmark ef the mt tfive'-or S1 h onoute repesenthe C inP.laDur- ytens. Farinera are ulncerantoke ham. fle said be wss not goîng jinto fiýtcourse te fo. ow and aise0 wouderbttea a defeatestbu withl the will if n similar outcomie wilIl-ist as, id te wiai. He realized tie wo1mk a1a hu hega. He aise eatdt np Otie<f lm ibut vwitb the loyal sutpport o - Ily r Wea oard fe,011weas the C.C.P-.îmembers was sure thiey ,ern wbeat lunOtaric, at $205 cuwhenhouh ortheir wvheat. The aewy appjointed candidaùte Thacbarranclîme tat hie sîdtha, t.. mny cld i ne t ow the fan rdu ] rces oeesîpngmaig<f scaiilepit o-t the price 'f goeds te the fariner- ' Pblic Uti lit'e- PatOfcsHde ma eoy lwrfeod prîces at PI e- sdFml loacsa eiizd enM. Chleah'Iire was sure Ithat iCý These beIidii'Ie would net %want te -as going te suffer la the inear iL]cane.Soialisin le said wuld neti turc'. fHe pointed fte thje Maa>ýeyT-ilar- takt-e awayhomes Or seurity. Soceli- ris afs as resuilting lfreýin bew ý 1isi is c-prto and uniity. -At farinpffoduce pices, thisslhe satid, ab pre(seatcmptto turals ma a auao utcunre sud could eas!y againSt mn, n1 ation lagainist nation tske lu a wider scepe. atnd leada uyte "ar.i'e 0onlywa hesaid, tejtothî1,1s constanit threat Mr.Chshl'eciticized the asocnisnGapitalis.In, he cLaimed, spendiug Ïbillions of dollars' On-i -rn- was product.ý,,,çin for pri ts hile soc- ailleut wil senin oly a few mili lalisin w7,as pouto e ua lion On tLechnicýal aid te foreigu ceu- needa. trie. hstin i aws s ucir a dis!tricet fla V.eeýd of knew-ledge sund tools to o-per.Uta efficielntly. S'uch couaitries, he cliewunt tô halp) themsîves sumd cotîld do Se, iftechlnical aýid Were su- Plpid. Unllesa tis need is rcgle sud' soithingla doulme, 2Mm. Chieshire felt tbat au liutemuatioinal coaf[lît la alurost luevitable sumt a gre-ater de- gree thun Werlid War 2. la this ligbit, ire said, the Canadiangoeumn speud two sud eue iraif billion dol- lars on deýfence while ('11y twenty-1 five i-illion lun tirsColumbo Plan. The 'ioeproceas lha said wý!s opided. M,f Cheshire tumnad bis to)pic te tire Refommuatory wirich was te hae buît lu in book eUçsaid that the people of Milibrook waated tira 11e- foriniatory fori t was te bring two hundred lew famnilles into tira coin- Ynuailty. On the streagth- that tire In- stituation was coaiag te Millbrook business men have geared their bus- ines-s te cope with iacreasad trada. Now that the Provincial Goveruimeut ha stoffped werk ou the Reformtory thesa imen will lose conisiderabie mou- ey. It was the speakers opinion that the excuse -giren_ by the Provi-ncialî G overnrmint wus only7 a poor excuse. Mr. Chreshire thought tint the Cou- serra--tives deem~ed It- ecessarY te do somethlag lu thre riding te obtain a, majjoriiv but new feel that with deaT- inga iiOtta'Wa thalt'thLe need no longer exist ,setbey have abuudonad theý ïsiaion for Durbaxn. At this peint Mml T. D. Thonmas took tira chair wheun ominations were ~i ordar for a candfidate 'fer the rid- ing o'f Uhým Tire folloving ere nomlTîfted- Mesrs Roy Armrong, Jin Keiniey3. Yranl~k Uctelar, Ein- Mm. Am~tro poit te r w groua l theriduglabourer5alsud farner. Wodwemtrfeunider cf the meemnt p oosd eb r:ing1 aild group togtherintOo eue oiia grep. iesaid the frnrcauet preapar unleas labeuir is auceLsa"ul,> 11e reterm d ire thirties mwlen bet-h labour asud fame uffered. M. Armstrong ciaimied that ,wihen tire preSelt wrscarle la <0ver then0alethe depesaloî ulessaÉtier'e jlaestsý"biisir'Cd sce-eperative aeciety, Tirespeaker said ît la net blis la- tanltien te enter Ütire campaiga de- ueuïrIciug 0<'tirera bui;t O etrwt the -tieme cf "eilsnversus Cp" 11e quoted Abe, Lincoln as sýayiaig "The irlgbts of maare super- '0.m, te irergirta .9f peet T'ire guest speaker for the evening, Mmr. T. D. Tlhemas, 4XV.P.P. for Ouitarie wus iatreduced by Mr.we. Mm, Thomjas usked the question "Whera, do tire o<' i e parties receiva thairf cam-paigu fuaids?" Tis, ira said, wasl wveil guamded b-at that irafommatien bas leaked eut as te the Source,.1e spoke cf government annuities, s forin <of insuranca for tire minuCfa erage miaan% sud operated by thire Federsigveaeu.About tirea 1 yeams ugo, hie ,said, tire Insurauca i Compaulas wera be-Iiag disturbed sud tbey asked tirat tire intereat raten ha Imowered frein four Per cent to- tirrea. par ceut. Ila tins, hae stated- the gev-1 amum)r-et yilded. Later a bill was iu-' troduced for tire first readingl where- by the $1250»0O year'1y drawing frein goverinent aunuithes ha iuemeased -te <Çocntluiued ou page 8) hionoured w UItShower Mli ss Adele Mortoil -was the guest of boueuut a amiscellancoQu sahowý,er asat Pia eveainlg at the bIone of Mrs. à. 1D. Browni and Mârs. H. E. Milîsont wheu forty frienda gathered te hb"nour the bride elect. Thie home was beautifully decor- ated with tulips, llac ad pink and wbîlte sraes Th uuebride was presented witb a beaptiful corsage o Lily of the Vajlley sud Pnsies sud sesated lu a festive chair teopIen bler gifts ;which wýere presenited te er A urock wedigwtb Hilda Tm blyn as Mi-nisteri, MaryRuhfrd tire bride sud Rejia Tamnblyni as thea gromflioedby refreshmnts, ar- raaige-d by the hostes sad Ars. Chas. Tyrreil br-opgbt tir-e pesn vnn te a close. KENDALi MsL. Thoras, wbo ÎS kepîlg very ceofl sud gettîng a1ea9 quit satsfctriywas mvdte the 'Quse-n Elizabeth HIospital1, Toronito, ouï Sat- urdaiy memning isat. Hem dauightem, Mms. Aira swambricl, accemipanîaïd lier sud setthe weekeud ilu Torouito, oetumniigiailundaynighit witir Mrs. Edi :thrAnerof Touto sud Mm. sud M.WlrdRoughley <'f0,Osh- U\wa. fier dalughter a-nd soni and wife retutmaedlhomie the anme iight. Mr. Normoan Therteli joined M'Lris. ThrelMrs. Leo WVoodcock aad David aitnteir sui h omle l-beme for the weekend suid ah re-turnsd te Tor- ente on, Sun lday evea!ing. Mrsý. T. llîlditchla isspending a few days mith Mr. sund Mvs.RapGec Mrsý N. Kenne-dy, VMrs. Reg. Elýiott, Miss ilda Bell, Ms G.Ctcat Miýs. Wm. Mace sd Mrs. F. Stoker aitte'nded tLire W.I. District Annusi aIt Blackcstock jzou WedInesdayiý,, bMay2O su]d enjoyed a meat intterýestiug, day. The roll cal was psri-ïtiulaly iner esigou thisocainbeg 'o miembers f-rin each Institute iu old falsbioued cosý,tume.," Many gave vo vice tethe oýpinion tintf they wouildne"tl ietecarr-y se mucb mat erlai-oriuid ait presenit. Theades by Rer. John Kitchben <of Orono on ire caga sceae lu china wsls a timlly coutri- butio-n sud very elgtnuThre diaplay <f Orien,-tal Silks lu whicI *Mrs. 'RobinsepansudMrs. Rolph- of Orono ,assistsd w-,ere greatly -admnired sund explanatieus of eaich piece feuuId very eutertiiug. Ti-e diaplry <of antiques suld 'cottous imay be smartp were viewed. Tie junior girls are leaiug sonîething worth while sud aire te be e ougratulated ou tiri achievemneut. Miýssea Noble asked that ýthe Instituties iïve soetins -at their mieeti"ngs te tire subject cf tire Junior Girls' Homiemakçing Club. We wsre sorry te heu-,r that lMm. Tom Pulýls Lad suffemed a str0e1o Ssturduy1u-igb,-t and mwas in a coma for: a ds). or se. We are pfleased te oncay, aud'1 rthur 1, s. ud Mrs. d Mrs, uxliary Meeting The regularmetn of the ve ing Au4lar a e'l urda Maiy 21 ini tht sunday sechlo0ol1,0911 The presidenit, Elý;eenBlns r sided ianld f lloinlg Étie buines1a gnrldiscussion,th meetinig waI' turnedi over tlo lKay Rainey and hie group mý,mbers, The devotional vwa capably given by Kay Ratine.(y. Almri Cutteli recad an approp)riate :poem-. TbEý. hîgh-light of the ev-eninIg W askit ahowýin-g tlie close soito that Wmn MiaoayWork has with the -work of the United Nati;ons3 Memibers f the calst wxere memibers of the Chriltian Citizeunsbip group. Kay Chaîpian sang a solo, La-nd of Hlope and Glory. Our June mneeting wl be ia charge of Mary Rutîherford and hier Conmmun. ity Friendsbip group, ý it wl be a family picnic la the Park. Wýe are in- viting our Nem, Ganadian 'friends a;id their ailese corne aud briag your familles too. An enjoyable socia lohur closed a mnost iutereating evening. Urono Police ïlristees Set 4 Miii Rate For Village The Orono Police Trustees mfet on Mouday- vnn of this week to eon- duct thegera businiess of the vill- The trustees have set the village rateý at fou.r milîs for 19583 which -is just baif of tbat of Iast year'S eigbt'L mîills. R'oadas camie intoconsdra dis-i cussion adtbe Police Tr-uatt2es arel askîug that the Township Corfil ouýiI al. rends iùuttle village this y-esr. Nol surfaing is te be doue. A iesolution ,vas aise passed usIng the town,-sIhipý counclil te censuit the county Roadas Commiiissioniteo A tlie co)unty ro-ad Irom tÎhe sîxýth finie into hlighiway No., 3,5 at the junct-*iin la Oono, The' trustees instructed the clark te contact rC. Gmabuuand boeký intfo thie rat condiiition andmes<f coný trol in iirle villaige disposai ts Aise Dr. Taggar-t was requested te get lu , 'ouch witb the, eprtnet Hleaiiitb teobtain informnation oi utirel proper disiposai of carcasses.s MUr. Sid Brmbal as gr- tdj er mïissGion teprocr lass "B" arg lienise. TIins will allo-w h-l in te rep work onily t bis present location o Park Steet \Heever, 2M1.Brabi must, -witiu a ,year secure a Ptee locaýtion for sucrsh bsinss In-orporiation wasagidscse with no defiaiits plan beig dctidsd. NW TOùàN'vIL LE I9E'I Mr. sud Mr s. Sbaw sund fm r moe ;ug t e usikt' e ha wtir Mm. Lloyd Clysdsle hachas e Mm. Jack Glever's bose uthe village sund itwill Ibe hsudy foi Lleyd lu'iri bulsinless in aeliu ilkudIs <of Cec- sirutt Puri, n mplemeuts. WOe uotied Bihll rinte re-in Kirngston in tie village on, Satumday aftemaou. Lloyd Clysdale ireld a, CoimrrunIity Sale bers <'n Saturday taftermnýoeI unsd there was certainly a good num-ber o'f pe:ola atteadu.I u ut ea succesaful sale. A g'.ood refrigerator purchIased a year ago foi,<'ver $400. sold for $209. Thre Wmen's Association held their Annivrsary Serý4Ices in tire UnitLed 'Oburch h-ra lat Sundayj. Tiref weather was perfect and the cirurair wss filled. TJîa churcir was benutiful with au abundance of spring flowers. 11ev. T. A. Morgan of Trinity United Churcir, Bowmiyaurille, gare <a flue sermon, Tire music rarrdered by tireý Grýeenbaak male quartette 'was car- taiufly muc'i(h appracia'ted. Mrs. W. H. Dalington speaÉthtie warekeuid with Mrs. Ai. Laugstaff snd then laft for IBewuanville to ehawt Mis (ay Moore aud t-e attend Mrs. Mýoore's funemal on Wedinesday. Oshawa visitad with Mr. sud Ms Lloyd Glass. Mm. sud Mrs. Cao. Buyars sudi daugirter Marlon spent 'the waakeud( Sport 0f Kings Cornes To O ron o Coronation D lrblue will fly. oeein root r hrstnaHelenla Jilisen, daughter tche- banners and flaga il be addei S f Mir. and Mrs. Joseph H I. A. Jilisen., the bîb racilng colors of drivers a a SStarkville, was imarried to Wm,. Bal- thley urge their, steeds to drop a lard O-very, son of Mir. and Mrs.1 second or so off the Orono Rt James Overy, Bwmnv nl, aSt.* Track rcod Joha'ýs Anglican Church, Bowmlaniville Weathier permitting, citizens o ii theafrno of May2n, by Rev. Oronio and thlose froïm Ifar and aa s Warrýen Turner, The bride, who wat§ cant enjoy the sport of K (ings on 0e givenin marriage b'y ber father, <' the best tracks la eastern Onrtarlo. sworýe a floor, length g-own of cbanitilly Present Condition of the track sin-E> laceand ylontuille ve satin,fah its resurfacing is la top formn and iond ithtrpless lace bodice edged with thecalibre of blor-S-e entere4 wihruchin of tulle and topped withi should spirit the eight events wt a cutawvay bolero wjth stand up ýollar let of speed. and Iong- sleeves tapered to a poit The Orono Brass Band wilI add cov'er -wrist. The waistline featured their touch to the afteraoon witb * eplace petal scallop)s above' t2e marsbal and overture selections. fuil gaithel7ed skiît of tuil. The Wýageringpiiegso -leet f"ingý,,er tîp veil reaching to the floor will be iivailfable for those who wvïlh ,,as caughit by a ýa coro net of seed to enter their knowledge against the pearîis and( sequinis. The bride was, odds. The Fiomie nd Schooî Cliub c-f attended by a rnaid of hionour, M i ss No. 9 will ha serviag lunchbes andi Doro:th-y Brown of Newtonville who meals at the diner. woegrau ik n w rds Three local horses are- entered 'a îWads iss Joyce Low and Miss Joyce the race and these wilil draw the at- Bi urley of Kenidal who wore identical tention of local fans, Possibly oue et gow-ns of nile green la crinoline ef- the mnost outstandiing horses la the fect, nylon tulle over taffeta. Their race cornes in the ree-for-all, Norval jewellery of pearl clfokers was the G. This horse la pwned by L.ý Ryain gift of the bride. The best mian was and bas a record of considerâble note,. Venneth Lemlon (groom-'s brother-, wi,,nnin-g top events in both caniada. inlw.Thie uc.l were AAfre(ý and the United States. Ina ail tbirty fOvery, brother oif the groom, andýï horses are entered. Raýymond W;oodwýard. Ring bearers,j The Or-ono Turf Club, spoasorz of anyand Denaîls Ibemon. The brideý this dala i Orono on. Tuesday, Ju-ieý carried an off centre cascade of 211d have revasoni to beiLeve frein ad- idead(pinik) roses, whiite swveeti vaInce, repolt-s that a 'record crow&vd peas, lily 0'- the v anadasrgs will b'e in attendante. Airy oey feran. The id <'j f, h<nour carrie a mad at these races wili. ha uàed 'tO crsetofPinocchio (Piak) roses, enflarge 'the gralndstanil aud bew,.tify margeriescorfloersweet peas, the exhibition grouulds. pomis andapras fernansd fhel Ses you ait the races! bridesmaliids, crescents of nia-rgueriteso--- 1corn'flower, sweet pesa, polos <and feran. The flower girls, _Miss Margaret rgarnz-ing For Bantam Bail Ana uThompson, Starkv'1lje, mnnd-MissThs awuvion w JenPaedeu, Cr-ooled Creekc, wore ThsSata NyAon the saine colour gowns, ,vithý open 1r1,0V ca,11 pshaped net hats edged Wit wit rchig f tll au crre ala th final plans beiug ceempleted- sprafolyi lof tuile d crby cinth oaching sud imaanginlg or ofV'l(Wrosebuds. 'The usc l Oreoahyth f~~~~r~ th evc mtUrAtbletic Associaioin, boy% Jhe -_ uaad r et Wossn caunaow resady their btIIg eyle an4. Th Lord's -Prayer bnefore tecere- ithrowing amri. ia-iid 0Peiduriag the- ofaytandeO1Perfect he churchboy interested ila tiis phase signing ~of js asked to be present at tha xva dcoatd ith 1hite snspda- Orone Park at 10.00 p .-taturdaiy rns an arions.he i ng bearers moraiag wh' 'n gn izin d the, wer Dany ndDenis emn, wîalîi bas been set aý t(eîn yesrs,. nehes f thie groomi. Ther<-p apuneoni or beforee fîrst oft Ition wss hld at theLginHlMy19. Otfor town guests were -,rom n la the Soýth DrbainMinerBseal L~u~tn Hm~t~ Torentoi ý, port League wic-wiiiollIompriseor some Hop)e, and 0Osb1a wa. The 1brid(I's f,,ive-1 or six teaifafrel'ýi i 'Cenrei a mote i a ' gowu rof mauve lac i BwsvllNwcslPotHp white d purie accesýsories wore a iec corý1sage of JbraHl (creaml) roses, wibostrvicb phine and the( groems o tavlinthe bride were a- mother wore a royal blue lacedrss av two-piece dres wt av ,vth navy -and pink accessories aalA pîkacesores il an cid cor- corsaige of H1ildegard (p-iink) rsssae herdstnton en Nm. wlbostrich pilme. Bot, rcie hr n etr ual.Teftr thegust a th Lgin allaferI ddress 0of the cul ilbe 1 ' lie cercmoc)ny. OtreSreBwavle Miii brook T'haus for Ontamio'a le-west, lmort ,ical Sri modem AMLlbmaak, 2(0psychej near Peterbe-nay ha haled, estasd hal Tire Lagislstura's select cemmittes vMInce'S pi ou reforlu institutions remmndd Since pli yesbteraljthat work on naw ilusitu- uunced lY tiens be pestpoued, or ut leuit Seednt ouf m. dowu, fr sueamentiration iras b, At tire saume eting tire committea F lu aine go- prepared te ask Pr-emier Preste te hieved iihat euisider a tystein tiat would place maIýgistr-ateS fewer lawbraakers be-,iiud bars. A a provinli sub-cemimittae will study the psai- ild go bility o'f nau immediate recoman at Kingstei thon askîag fer more prebation aunaitories AIrea substitute for prison sentences. sired r-epeat Obser-viug that more prsto so. weuld ha likely te cnit prisonu peputlat- Tir bri: tiens sud prisoieacostsansd at thp dauaa, saine turne de a better job o'f rfmn ~als Conuittas Chaimmann W. J. Stewart thpir diacini ssid:ted <'W'-tha "Every day wve delay means tiat hb1lt som ienare going te prislon iAoZ 'rie brie! shouldn't hathere." cmmnt Tira ne more biflding recommaenda..'deiÇnquaut tien- by W. M. Nickle (PC, ingaton) fiemntb followved. Commiittea miemrbara passedci'W aspp 'r it unaously. Tirey w-aated te be mrent te 30r sulre miouey wasn't speut 0on new 'pr]>- (Thia po son unti h ommittee Pfinish 4*d i - i- Eminiffl

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