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Orono Weekly Times, 28 May 1953, p. 2

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PABLETAK Jaxe r.d "Cn' ve-rsem to nmake" enuhcookiies"> is the often heard plaint front housewives, eseilythose wxith gi),jring bays and girs. So today 1 Paus alupg a fea cookie recipes wbicb ' tbink will satis'y ail tasts- perbaps too weii! PINAPPEDROP COOKýIES 2 caps sifted fur;ý l½teaslowis Baking Powder Steaspoon soda 3 teaspoon sait Y~cup shorteniug 14.cups brown svga, <ftmi packed)ý 2eggs, unbeateni di ecup canned crushed pineapple, wvell dr-ained it easpoonvait tIf Cake Flour isLuse, Pin- cras our to 2¼ cps Sîf t fleur onçe, mcasure, add baling powder,soda, and MIt, and sift again. Cream sbortening, addsua gradualIy, and cream togtite Wntl lght and ilff Add e ggs, one at a time, beating wcvll after eýach. Then adçl pin-eappleý andt vanl-illa.i Addck flour, a small am-ounrt at, a tnte, beating after cacit addition uni sooth. Drop fro-m teaspoon) on un- greased baking sheet. Bake ini hoi, oyen (40O'~F.) 10 mnites, or until done-. Makes about 4 dozenj ume1faPPle drop cookties- CHOCOLATE MERINGUE COOKIES Zcups sifted confectiolers sugar itablespoon. fleur ¼teaspoon sait 3egg whltes 2 or 3 squares neted ehecolate, elt dn Ji ecup shredded coconut~ 1 teaspoon vanhîfa Sifttloge-the-r ugar, flour, and( sait Ecat egg whites until Wtif.Add ýsugar~ mixture, 22 tablespoons At z tinie, beating aftcr eachi addi- hon ntil biended. Fold in choc- dlate, coconut, and varilla. Drop from teaspeon on lightly jreased baking sheet. Bake in mnoderate oven '375'F.) about 10 ~rninute-S. (For. best resu-its, start cookies on lower sheif of oveni and jmove to upper sheif after ,5 minutîes to comp.iilete.c baking.) Remeýive fronm bak-ing sheet imn- merdiately, usinig knife oür spat- Woa. Cool. Store i aîr-tigbit con- tainer. Makes about 211½ ozen SOFT MOLASSES HERIMITS 1 4 eups sifted flouir liq teaspoons baking poiwder ¼teaspo'pSO4aà 44 teaspoeonsat, 4teaspioen cinumiai (4 easpoein<1es "i cip horteniug 4cup sugar i ýgg welI beatea.i- e up -moasses il cup Sour mulk or butter- Un cap rais placing about 2 incites apart. Bake in hot o)ven (4000F.) 10 mnteor ldonc. Makes 3 ½ oze PARtTY BUTTER COOKIES Z cupis sifted cake fu 44cup buitte'r 1cup sugar Iegg yolk, nubeatea Istaspoon vanhlla Sit four one aend nmeasure. Crcam butter, acdd ugrgrad- ual]y, andi creani togetberuti igbt, and fluffy. Adid egg yolk and beat well Aýdd flour,, asa niut a tue, mixing thoroughly after each addition. Add vanilla an-d biend. Divide dough in two parts; shape in rols,1½ incites iin dimtr iling each in wax- cdpaer Chiilovernigbt, or Lun- tii firm eýnough to sc.Cut in I -Lichsuces. Or chili1 doug in bw n press through cooky press Bake on ugreased bakinig sheet in hot oven (4000J. 4 to 5 min- utes, Or uil d. (onc. Makes about C dozen smiall butter cookies. These cookies are also very- good if sprinked wtb chopped MaInut meats beore bakving. ALMOND STICKS Mdix dougit for Party Butte Cook-ies and cil.Pinch off pieces of dlough and rol into sticks, I4 inches long and 4 inch in diamjeter. Tenr o 1 sticks in finely sliced bIanched ainmonds Bake on ungrcased baking sietin hot oven (4000F ) 3 te 4 mï-inutes. Sprinlde w ýitb confec- tioneris' sugar. Mlakes about5 dozen almiond sticks. FAVORITE ICEBOX COOKIES Z caps sifted fleur 144 teaspoons bakiug powde(Ir ',ieaspoon Sait / cap shorteniig icup sugar iegg, unheaten I cp shredded mocnut 1tablespoon Imilk 1 easpeon vailla Sif-t fleur Once, meIsLu-,re, dd bakinig pwr nisit, and, sift again. Qream )sfiteteninig, add sagar gradusHy, raid crcamt together tborougbiy. Add egg, ccnt mulk, and vanila and beat well. Add fleur gradually ixn wveliaftie acitaddition. Dlivide dougit into two prts; shape each lu roM, 144incites in dianeter, and roH in w-axed paperý ,,Or pack dougit I io wax- ed butter or cooky cartons. Chili overniglit, or Lunti] inenough to suce. Ct in r/s-incb stces end bake on unigreased baking sheet in hot oven (425'F) 5 mninutes, or un- ti done. bMakes about 8 dozen cookies. Any Excuse le Better Than None ton a, imarnwsfined liings for keýepù-ng a bis ibeaprdiing-bouLse sadly exýplained te flite asloniely" - New Yonrk asked a ti s conèiced et tiug oil is baud la b c in bie peck-et et eeý,pini-g 0on1astatio 'replie-d: 'l was wlk wheu 1 had adizry abbed te bencit, but slpped and ;cnt Wio wrben tecxpandte te judgc: 'There were !lwo ladies withme wih , macle tlie front seat crowdced. î was teeinedesc,,t te reacli over and change gear, A negro arrested tonr th ief t o!f an-oe t-ied te tel] tlie poic: I id'tstxa) t.Ijust stmbed een t and was too lazy te walic oroud il, se Irpushý1- .el t awav" m . Q-How ivcan Iid çliestioi? A--A good Yhabit to acquire is to take tw glasses o,. cold water b efore breakfast. This W!l aid conisiderably in digeýstion. How- eesomne People Prefer a glass of botr water, wt or without thejuceofa lmoun arising. QH e anI avoici havlng permianenit stins inigrmns A.Nvtpress ïa garmenti that ïS Stained, as this makes the sanpertienant, and it carnot be h ielp. The spots shouýld, becla- ed before pressing. Q.-HOIV eap 1 Comibat be ,d A-Try hain ogether lsoine corrosive sublïnmate anild wbite Of eý,gg eApply frequen3tly w ith a feather te both bed and mattress. Q.Hwcal)I1 ceep parsiey freqb for a long time?' îk-If you putl into an- airtîght glass jar and e cn placed ini the refrgertori, will stay green1 and Fes& for a long tim, This is a mnuch be)tter w ýay than try- ing togkeep it in water ,Twhere it usuiaily turnls yellow withina day or two, 9.-110,vCleaumake a Substi- ute e ri- shoe horn? K-fno shoe horn is hanidy, lay a corner of a handkerchief into the shoe, and, grasping the remnainring portion firmrly , use in the same manner as a Ahoe ho=n Q-HOW Cau I p]ýeVer1t imoths' lu a rug that is to be stored? A.Srike the ru g w ith) cayenne pepper and then roll it up in newspapers. Q.-How eaa I be Certain of good resulits m'len paintieg over varilish? A.Frs leanl the suriace thorouighly, remioving ail! dirt and grease by w-.ashing carefull1y wihturpentine (or, minerai spir.- ots. Then duil the gloss by rub- býing with steel wool Or saýnd- papei(r fnî wiping off al] d-ust. The W1,ýay oi hsa Lv abidleth7 f«ith, hope c-hirity theSe t'free; buýt the greatest oj these rpaul poinited out toec chuircb th-at there is a place of service for every Christian in th- church. VWe ail havé different gifts which suilpplenlei(nt each other and add to thecbutilding 01 the churcb, We sboud neithr' envy nor despise the gift o)f an- other. We sbouid remember tfiat we7c are the body of Christ and mnembers i prticular. We re- caîl o ýne humble woman who \vas, niera prohpet flot a teacher but she said, '41 want to be une oif thcelps." She was eager to do the littlie things she could Lo pro- note the interests of the king- çlom. Sice was especially noted for- ber hospitaltity. A ful cb;urch paid tribuite to ber mein- 0ory 0on tie occasion of her fu* neral. She had clone wh-al h cotfld and her greatnes'-wa Pal learly tauighttha.,t great- eýr tjii any gift was the gr-ace ut divine love. Gifts of speech,ý knowlcdge Oer faitbf, withouit love, are- notbing, Il, fbis etfu hymu bhe says, Lv is patient ahd !kind;: love is [jot jealous or batu;it is flot arroga4nt or rude; Love doces net insist on its, own way-;ilt is nlot irritable or resenrtful; it )oes not rejoece ait wrnbuLt rejoices in thie iigb-t." Lovc neyer ends. Fail will giv- ' way to sight and hope to gladi fru-ition but ljove wiil continueto ail eternit Paul conicludes wjth the w ýorù, "1Makýe love your an. Johni Wec slecy saîd, "If you s"eek foi' anythig ut mo re lovw you seek amiss." The world npeds a Fruit Trees Wecther loocis - Despite, floodwoters thot stili cover-, parts of Zeeland, The Nethierlnds, fruit trees bravely becir somi-e blossoms. However, they aren't expecied ta becir any fruýit becouse of ctomaging effects of saity seca e.Zeeland, on-e of The Nethe-rland3s' most fertile provinces, is soi beirîg rehabilitoted. TIE.FAIM tRONT 5eVeral ye (ars V, IwIo wou Old have thoug t tiat air condition- ing couid save the lie ut any- oneic or anytiting? Today we ktiow it as somaethig hat. is teaýitbfui and certainIy, con-ifont- able, t propeniy controeed but te be used as a "Ite gaver" La natter u tniquie te say the leas-; The tact is, titat thie Ives et thousands ef newiy, hatched L,bby citicks are being saved. every year ity the aiîr concitionier titat Mor-ris Gray hT asinale Lu bis hatchery- at Ros-sviJJl(,i Judlging frornt tits Lmuniquc "ideaý> of Mrn Gray's, t imiust lac said talihe certaînly kno si businiess -- and te turtier pnevsu Sitat statemnt ithe ensand suc- cessfLly operaýtes tire poutry farts, plus tite hatcherýy at Ross- ville iriere be specializqsIlu Bamrtied Rock breler ctîm batciting about 30,000 a Week titrougitout the year. Bef'ore Mn. Gray installe i te air conditionien un his hatcitery, lie and other hatcherymlen werc losirig many baby chiickzs every sumnmer tbr-ougb heat sfoa ien. It is extremiely important te, keep incubating roonts froni gett.ig tee bot, but duninug the sum'nen otisnetbinig seernted te solve the problem of etbating the heat and tite tragic, cesztly loss etflte c,ýhck~S. Finially n.r Gray bit on lte ideaý- of coling bis incubating roorns b-y installing an aur con.- ditioner. Hle called on the denieér over n un eighboring town and, alter sizing up tite amoicunt cool- ing needed, aC h orsepower unit wvas înstalied. Fron thIat tine on there have been ne cicks lest due to heat suffocation. The incuibating rootns anc 1kept at te desired temperatune anid burnidity ail suimmen long. Aise dirt and dust are kcpt out by the fhlerigac- tion ef the unit. Mn. Gray reports that several neigbboring btce iesunad- dition te many in tne East, itad h-eavy lossesz duning the last bot wecather seasen, anidfite teels3 the-se losses could bave been. avoidecd witb the use et air, coni- ditiouing. * * *ý An Associated Press stonyý roiPittstungit says tarmns niewý can burn ceai lec save their cnops. It souuds queer, fthe stery gees or., but t makes sense. Tit researcit erganization of the ceai indsty, itminusCeai Re- scandh, Incorporcaion bas dev- oped a coal-flredd devîcc. By helping farniers tiarvest crops at thre proper stage a ripe- ness, the crop drien reces tte losses from i bd ieather. Aïd il providing a menus o! artificialiy dnigcrops, it climinates an li- porant part ofthtie hazards et weather lu making tay or bar- vesting grains. Titis drier, lte storY geîes0on, is portable end titus can be uscd in m-any locations aud ton mnany purýpeses on a fartt. Titis drier. aise custs les"s and t is cheaper te eperate t Ih a in other ryi mebdbecauise it uses ýcoal as ttc fuel. And it sbould prove a gr1eat asset, for the -,stony quotes Agriculture Departntent figuirés showvjing titat bad weathcr nobs cr'opS of enoughi protein cacit ycar te, gi-ve seven and ait aif miil-lioný cows al the protein they need for sýix montlits. Tiis d vifot ony S a for- ward step in a-gricuitural preg- rsbujt it aiso offers anotiter important -market roi., coafl.For, as te ,Agriculture Dprmn Yearbook says, "thec mechaniza- lion of agricultuire may hiave' as fan-eacingimplications as ýýthe Inuti]RevTolujtion. ers wîll pay at least$4,000 to feed t1he large- roundwormis in the(i'r hogs titis year. That's te belief of Dr. W. P Elmislic, noted livestock rnutri- tkrniïSt and co-discove-rer o! the Sodfium 1- fluovide jmethod etý wormng pgs.This huigf, feed bill does not include the de-athr losses caused by wornT-is, or bt addkitional tintýe nequiired'ito feed eut wory togs. Hlere's hiqw Dr.Else arrives at itis esimates, Farmiers are e-x- pected te manket about 90,000,000 1bogs titis year. Appn-oxintateiy' hat o 4,00,00-a r e "wormy," according te acer D.Elntsle believes cacit et these bar1jors at least-25 -wormns Now, ecchwomreqirles orie pound et feed. Figuring feed at4 4Cents a poundfC, it Cests $1.00 te feed te 25 w ormniS in feach wornty bog. That adids upr to 45 million dollars for 45 mrillioni w'ormy hogs. Snehe helped dîJscover the valuie of sodium fluionide as a hog aihlmniDr, Elntslie h as supervised theitsarids ot wor.ingexpeimets.BecauLse godiuniý fluonide La toxic to- hogs lie cautions agairist uslng exces- si've dOses. I)t act, he bas pet'- tected a three-day treatienti that j2ilont toxic 1to hoga, but is' highiy te wornxý, The best mway tv ia,]sit hie huge îfeed Ubi Lsgte practice strict snesanitation, the says. How~- er becatise a sirigie female rounidwomm ncari iay 26 te 27 ii- lion eggs, one. wormy heg miglit easily iifest en entiie tenrd. For' this reasori, and because, youi cannot teljifi a pig has wotrs by looking at hints Dr. EImslie ree- ommnends tretingtem witb eý sate, effetive, expell!er as te enc way te be sure thiy are free- freni vwrm damnage, WA$TEFUL Twn o wente weré itavinig tee tog(ý,erend thte hostess was iri- dulging iu comnpiaints about hiem huisbarid. Ile didt cone hbe early eniougit, te dra-nk toe mnuct, he snteied tee m uet nd Se on. "Anid," site conicludecid " teterribiy eftnavagant."' By way et preovinig her poiit ste ldhem tnierid 1the ht aillarnd poieint(ed te 8fire extinguisten. "Look at tIrat!" ste sapici bit- teni-y. "He juIst rad te,0 have tat. Hle paid over twenty dlasfer it-uindzte hasn't used t ooce !" Itwîil 'be a msae ln aIl the seed at the sanie tue. in both -yegetables and fo,ioer, on hudau at a sccs iono cosorblont. With quiýck 'ma- turjing things lîke béean, rdîi spîact, etuc, crrtsand se on t he ,best plan, iîs tomae uc csiesoxings two wc uek's apart rigbt up to early July Thi wiIl bring on a continuous 'sppiy of vegetabies in theveypieo Condition. Witb flowci , a er- t riomount tsceoniSp- sible, especiaily with thoýe which, normaliy aI'e jinbIoom îý-7thinisix to ten wýeeks alter pia-îyning. Mauiy pieople mIake if a p'(t0etosaýve a li'ttIe of the seed in achpacket, then Plant titis a few ek later. InF thiisway we a""'soe aesm ,Protection ,against a, cry latte frost, 0or flood or otites or et'her damiagewhc ma detyte flrstswig athfor Brig> aroun, andthere are Cw place-, iin Canlada \whereteeeems are not lurking, it ispsibeto gow the finest of lowers and vegetables, if one is ýrcaïsonaýbly on guiard. For eeypsfr tunately, there is F a cntrotor cure. The main thing as toget tWn CmcrloCrMatîngat tde cey fira sign ot attack. Careful ardeners wiil examine aniydaaeik wiited or partially destioyed or eaten leaves, ill regard wihsus- picion anly sudden ceckCare- fui gardeners vwil alsosupply themives vwith some swzoit et dusteror sprayer and Asteprope'r mraterials to go with em There is h srtsof eqU, Pmn waai- ab1e, and for the smllgarden- it isnot necccssary to sedmr til a dolar Or two. Ttteare aise specîfcdusts nd sry ready mixed for usez As a general rule, inse-ms ,ha eat the foLage are ataced witb a Poison suIci as DDT. rent of lea, e tc., whie tos hat suck out the juices àie phids and other plnt lCe are contro- led wvith preparations inCor7po-- ating icotine or tobaccou solu- tions, limie, siphur or ýsiiecial soap. FLnely ground suiphur duisti is an excellent preventive for diseasmeike rust. Above ail it should be remiembcred that a healt'iy, el-utvaewell- fertilized garden Lslte first and main defenise. If plants ae eft unýthinnjed and srouddwit.h we-eds, t ifte soui] s po(or and growtb spindly and wek e have an Ideal, spot opeststo flourish, Keep a IReco'rd Itan excellenIt idea te 'keep aý iete-book and list certain jobs we are going to do for sure next year. Wesoudaiso jet down sucititmsas- colon and (ýseqsonr of blomnt, heighit, rsitacto dîsease and drottgh.-t ndoe course, the- name of Pany flower or shrub %we sec grewing lu k P.eigli.beus's gardenothtnwehope te have in our own. With certain bunes oet nurisery stock, most sbruibs, trees, vines, etc., oe cani buy anid plaint 11- the fail as weI P a next sprinrg, BRy doing ttswe get Ihesý,e ec.tablished ea-,rlier' and save tintfo lr othe-r tsisext year. luvitatio.kACcePteLD. lil i- wauleeitiensWho wý-tee h- vited te bei1p theniselves ote th k.Indlrg wood left over' front the fismnating of Borcehert Field <aise carrcie ,d f<4 the main g'ate, 118 benchebÇFs, two bol seds, $105 ,worth e teois'. '$eua fow~& ont lb w~n't iN. lov#!" -j GPEIN

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