t Phone 93r 1 CONTRACTORS FOU EAMand IIOUSE WIRTN G Free siae APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and Guaranteeù Repaira& 2o ail makes of Electrical Eqcfipmeie and Appliances Such as ."ors Water eae R-abi q',veg Ironsi~ Insurance Your insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buyling Divi- d enrd Paying Policies- Quotations on request. O)RONOi RING 16 LINSURANCE In ail its branches Fire, Burglary, Hospitalization Automobile, Life, Accident. and Sicknes-s, Plate Glass, Liability, LiNestock,1, Boiler-, Wind. Polio. Real Esuýte $5,OOO. Newcastle, thle tidiest house and best value iiitown! large corner property near shopping district 5 roomis on groüundj floor, 2 uipstairs, heavy wiring, son e hardwood flooring cenent cellar, garage, rnany extras included low taxes, pOS- session arranged. Bargain with haif cash. MORTGAGE FflNDS 1 have ava jable futnds for first xortgages on irnProved 1 property in Clarke Township current interest rates. I~ :~-v~-~ Phonae z là Orono Tinshop 1 wiII- have to work' IN THEW S1-fP ino 3t jf WiIbe ?rompt Pipe aï 'Sheet W a ndi R. E. AIN, Yo0 obut ca you Scident? ou ~prperIyýinsu fgainst bi rn - F E xcitinig...BALLFT -TAP 3,M LOICAL CAST COLORI 815 P. m Adults 50e. Mr. ili ha t 'seýglass ware, electric placs r.j . GMey's sirs, the sunner 1Unn sTlivr ntire howeh1d ef- Roer of Tjot vqIiginO arcts oe te eJames ~hno.To Mr. n Mrs.11.MsesBon b sodlypublic nuctica hiat e ïi eM. nd Mrs.IL 3e. in 1-o1 i able to gi eésdence, îMil stret et,ýcasL1e at -rdVi td -it M nd Mrs. pIIý pI shuIr Saturdev Mlay 3thNiloslun SierviCe 0o1 Terms cash. No r erve. Jack Reid, Nchlsn n ai]yo, Sn dFitns Auctioneer. attended the 1 1Ornsriceda ziOrono UnrsItead Church we h FO0R SALE rmetof bpà ~ws dn ies. ais)Durhm S~ingr Cos, lr e eedto their littie.gr1101t~ Dia:l 4etal V'orkBuckwheat, Slightiy usd 750x20 Irn- Marie N\ichosn ieetTires, Tubes anda Rims fan Mn. Ca.Ro Repais Spe"dpàd wShnms.,fanmy, Markharnvisited ïidsund "n M0)EDFA M îSTOCK, P$CKED UP Toronto,0 1spent Sund< iOf~ 1d0promptly. ghone coley Bomanviewt M.and Mrs% Jim Wy ý(679. Also e hc uy livre horses. Marg- Nomn . m ikb wili Fur Fi v. r adlrocia Wgin - - - iso ndGegrySpent )lest week, LEADSTlOCK removed from yl oUr M. ndMi. M. Staples. ffam prmptyfor sanitary dispoa. The SAani Armé Red Shi Mephone Colet:- Cobourg 1266 or Appeal finished, Mlay 2,193T -. f ~ GORDON YOUJNG LIMITED 50 gnerouly a"1111 oe z G anCOM ýNG EVENT L beahelped nme with theiccoilectin, on11I Plnnom-to attend te brlh'aif of the Saiva"tion 4rA 1 1sincen,ý Nomination M eting in Op no oank o.Ethelyne G (airl Thurjisdaýy, Junll 8th wheonkïe Libera Mr. ohnArms0o1.ietori U iAV candidate for hle federa eecton Wil Dkoa oday, to aecocmany YM F R riLs~ ?i be picked. Cn'sstndnga Arml s t ron-g 0on hep r tynpho,. ternational ure-c, îon. Lester B.1 rrs. Delve, Hamlilton, and Mr. al GPearson wil et e main speakerl.'. Wm. BkeyOf Neýcasthe vis pne was rt... veryone is ai . -c wt r. uts Y pay for -this ac-f M. and the. Lawrence Beal i.The Wardn nPicaic is to eheld hi 0,l,ý,ua and M.at Ms.Rr u ate.-uard a- Oor muiyPz k onlSnt- Of Highiand Creek spent Sund i M 1sr ý-nom Unay, JIule; 18 at 2.00 p ,n. Everyone ith M1r. and Mirs. Donald Grahai Mt welicome ànd nree ayd ill utakand family. CALL plae , h ,ein yt Tonship Mr. Fred Honey of Califorala vis HalUOoo ted friends and acquaintances inC NSF. PRIER 1 Don't forg tïte Conoufation TenA te1on0 tis week. t: e sre h atro S.SaIv1I- rs. J. G. Jackson lias returne RONO Ont. On 's P-1 is'h 1Hallfro 3 3n to 5.30. eWCmoaervsbn L t Also the .~~~~~a. Iide are having ahm oOooatrvstn ~ - isla o.Old Fa shioned quiits. Ceeil Glass f'or a week. Admsson è.a-c Mnl. and MIrs. Rd<Grahamll,Mae _________________ and Terry v*isitedl on Sunday wîth M - - and Mps. Oliver Gibbs and famiily IDurbarton. 'IRST PERFORMANCE theMi. F. Cudmione, Toroato, hlas it f 1 1 turned home aften spenIding thr 1 m UMI weeks with Mr and MnIs. W. .L men. ~ R U ~ .T Y Itended:the graduation 0xnie TrioGenera,ýl Hospitnl lnst Thuri day s-ennwhen thei s neceMiS TLouise Mlartin of Port Cred(it wv R lA i I~ M ~ Namiong the gauts IMr. and Mirs. E. G. H1ay and am ~$ Torneest illage spentSud jwý'th Mni, and M-rs. R. E. Logan. -, ~ ~~~~~Ms. Nnil fWrwrb rse Sc e-c (A[on sc ric i il1retunnied teolhen hiome ater prsl DaningI lith enwi!b isC. 1F. Merce and childr< 'SIC-41C01EDY 2-ý:i1d L-, for Eiunl o is; - i - Ms. Mece 's fnts in !i,,er pýool ?JJ COTUMES Mr. and MisVW.J.,e~ense ! tue Weekne!nw i r.an s.yGo" - dn Lamn m aml Snbooa HALL -y ~~ E ~ i Domotby, ix n M.R H.i riotor-ed to T;oîo o laist lweo Iîlld en 2 e. tai a Uioaon n, and are 1ý the ýoronaand, hapy olieha iiedwt ra Moi, DogasMGeToînt,4p~ ca e .. ..e ffweekea!t bi ho e D PIINE,ýýPPLM, 128A.. f.nKe.ane ia ryMe j upre d a liti a1tron St .-ic quaity,20 o . ti s 2 or . ....1iUt ith berhom eu o mein s c ha osa KHP 1- ch obza.rgjar ..c o..... 4.39. wt euiu lcredc n loeybrh A> rd it H ail h ATEDO UIE -OppU, o' tn..lc. lais'nmeNnt Caeof tns.......$29 Adei oslucnwssevdMyt n4eir1 cl *flefloo~ g. _______ _____________ ___________________ Frozen Fod Are always fresh and delicious GrýeoisBE-ANS, phg....3c YeIiow BEANS, pkg.3---- Lima BEANS, pkg.......--4-34- BROCCOLI, cuts anmd sp)eaý:s, pkg...........------ . BRUSS El- SPROIJTS, pkg. 9 CA-UIFIOWER, pg ..3e clit CORN,, pk-,.........27---- Sparlkiet PEAS, pkg.-----27c. Fr.ied lPOTAl'fES, pt. .28e. 1(pIdi E CREAMý BRICKS....3c DIXIE CUPS 5c. CRUSHIE] PEAS, fan Frilletc COD HIADDOCKio Ocean Perclh SOLE and Smoked Cod 1Lemnonade, Frozen, tin . ...- 30c. Grape Juice, Frozen, tin Frozen' Frying Chicken, ea -ONE COMPLETE - CUTUP . .,2c. $2,39 Oromo, - Revern SUNDAY, 3MAY 31 ORONO-Sunday Sool at 10 "Ceoai,ïon service'" at Il Rev. George Empey' at 7.30 LESKARD-No Sundny Sebool on Service KIRBY-Suinda-y Sehool at 2 Service at 3. Prenchen: Rev. G. Emîpey. Awelcomie extended te Sundsiy Séool and Service to announce the 'engageint of iheir' daughiter, Ruth Elizab«h1, to Ke'ithý Wilfred Casm'ell ;olon' i. . anidMs Hirold Cagwell. TI,, niarriage Nvill take placeý Qn Sat)Ordayý, June :", at 2:30 oý'Clok ~the United Churcli, Port Hope. a-P; CÇ-MING EVENT On1 SLunda&ý, June 7th, th dny1 Schioi Ann-iý ersary Serivic :-'of'Oron Uncited Chui ,ch Su nday Séhool. Prea- cher: the IRev. Dr,. Bel,,on of Torontýo, Special singing hy l4ïe SunidayShol Loyl Orange District Lodge of Clarke wil-, hold~ theirse-ana meeting inKadl on Ff!(ia, June 5, 19.53D'nt 8.00 p.m. D.S.T. CARD 0F TiHAN",KS, Mr. and -Mrs. A.. H. Keane and fa r- ily wish t, thank thieir neiglihour anid alo ýriends from Orono, whQý helped at timle of sale and 1ig Also minny thnniks for deliciQ ýs cake-, pieýs etc ich.the ladies ( supplied. Theýse w r-e very much ei oyedcnis thanlks ,ýtle Iadies who. fel!ped pack cina ,ýeti. this too waLucippnre- c!iated. hanlk you MfReid for your kin Mo peation W1thlOUghltfulneS3; alsoMr, ey d staff who loo1çe". after our mai. Again mn thaniks to aIl. We will be voking forwrd to seéîg you at Oshawa. R. KÇeaneý yrs 'Pco 1 5 .PCeu from $A0-.25 .Chuldne u. C s'ie te Gaus5 floek A wn % hots 6 yen é d L 0.14 yixou ndp- inbu nrs.Se712y. tein ,,j Prie' SI .S 1' rcd a 35 Pnit iruieSknts Cron mByscet e adlleth suits Stndesesilsicn Cons sme, imp ad Ite nihpa- Fr10zsh N F ROZEi Raisinso2 .............. c» 2tins fer ...........2c Ndiso'sChocolate PBars 4 5C Miracle Whlip, 3ý2 oz. jr..9e Ciilar's Por!k and ean, 4mo tins' 2 for ......... Celery - Lettuce - Bnna BEEF -VEAL -FRESJJ PORK HOMEMIADE SAUSAGE OPEN A __ _ _ __ _ _ _ SAVINGS - ACCOJNT AT Cornish Marlketeria -t -t -t -t 'n -t -t -t -t, t" -t', -t -t -t -t -t -t -t s -t -t -t -'s. -t th