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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jun 1953, p. 1

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17 Noa. 19 ORONO0, ONT, THî Siescription $1.50 per Ye County Aid Doi Unfair In C LETTER TO THE EDITOR In ookng tthe miii rates beinlg îhared a vrous 'mncipjalities of, flra~ we see the start'Iling f thaut thie Clarke Townip Tal lxpayer' wilhavýe to> pay nearly tiea 'ach i taxes to the Couaty and thel Dit ictHgliSchool per thousand! ,ollars of as-sessnient as his counter, ,part, in niearby mnicipalities. This, evnthouagh the assesmnent has been -equaDlized in these miunicipalities. The blaine for this situation can only bc placed on the complacency of our ,ouoncil. Whther or not it can be r-ec- tif.ied this year la doubttul. Howevei jimin-ediate steps should be taken byý oui- council to protest this unjust ~atalnto the highest authorityý 'pOssgble. This is the situation as àt stands siow. The Clarke Towïnshii> tax»veliyr. trict High School Orono Boys NOW Practicing :lake~To nsip an~~for Banftain Bgasebail lar e T wns ip atininbasebali for the lclboysý tpn o-n)igh!t wenthey traVel to0 Port [Tope for their first gamez of the( justmients can tbe made is sýh()Woby seasoni. The Oronio teani has b)een en- the fact that in February of this tered ini the South Du.rham, Minil year- a mieetinig was held ini Newcas- Rasebail League and will play a re- tic by the Chief -Assessor ith milijuni- ular a-chedule wt Kenldal, Co)bOurl-, cipal represenitatives in the District Nemxvcastle, Port IHope and wan Higli School Area to determîiJne from ville. The boys in this letgue ar'e aUl these representatives whatt assess- fifteen years of age or under. The Orono teani, just organi-zed, ment should be used Po base the mun- haàhi is orotMna y icipal a1Jotmrnt of District High eniing and although lacking in pre- School Tax mniies; required. There aceason training are certainly shoiv- were t"wýo alternatives sýuggested. PleltY of enth(isiai in the gamne. Either thcy could be applied by using MIessrs. Jamles Major, Alfred Jake- the County Equalized Assessment, or, man, Henry CantjrelT iiid Bruce Ten- throughi soie authority or other they ataogWth teraemna- - ing and coaching the teamn for- the couÏld use the new assessment and sqsson. Sponsorship ia cogling from that he couid or would ar-rive at a the- Qrono Amçateur Athietic Assoc- (ùewý) Equalized Assessmient for the iation. miunicipalîties that had riot been re- Watc ,h for the Bantam's home assessed equitably. If it were possible gamesi Orono and plan to attend, to arbritate in the case of the Dis-1 to give your support to these young- trict 1-igh Sehool Taxes. Then it sters of the coninmumty. iThe following ia the league ache- should also he possible to arbitrate dule. the CountY Taxes. -1 June 4--Cobourg at Kendal When these facts were presented June 4-Newcastle at Bowmianvflie at the nmeeting coiwerning the Dis.- June 4-Orono at Port Hope trict High School Taxes. It should Junie 8-Kendal at Newcastle have the signal for our C-unci-.. Jui~e 10-Port Hope ait Orono act. They ahould have protested and1 June 15-Colbourg at lNeweastle refused tIo aecept any other hasts but June 18-Orono ant Cobourg the -new eassesment., But,ý without Jane 18-Kendal at Bow*manvilite protest, they p)eriiiitted the old Couni- June 18-Newcastle at Port Hope ty Equalized Assesinet to be used, June 23-Bowmanville at Orono t when a refusai to aicept would have Jane 25--Port Hope at Cobourg- z fertheredl the neceassty for a board June 25-Orono at Kendal of arbitration froi Department of1 June 29-Cobourg at Bowmnanville Municipal Affairs andi 1 doni't believe Junie 30-TCendal at Port Hope f any boa~rd of arbitration would have Juîy 2-Bowmanville at Cobourg c a1owed a systern to be used that de- July 3 -- Newcastle at Orono, inadedpayentfrop ataxaye ~July 6--Orono at Newcastle July 9-Kendal at Orono one miunicipality of alimost twice as Juîy9Nwcsl t oor luuch nioney as the taxp3ayer of an- uy 10-Port Hope at Coeodag other niipality, of the sanie July 3Pr oea ecsl amiount of an equalized assesarnent.1Juy 13-PowmtiHope at Neal Ja ýit too late for our Council to rec-1 July 16-Orono at Bowmiaiv'ille I tify this injustice? Prtoba-bly lt -might July 16--Kendal at Cobourg' be for this year, but before another J uly 20-Bowmianville at Newcastles New-casfle llls tein Qualifies For Relï Seal A memýber, of the purbLe Hl- stein herd of J. T. Brown, ecsl has recen'ljy ceimpieted a 36J d-ay Re- cod of PerfOr.mance ýtest' as an eigiIL- year- oldof 176:-8 lbs. 1milk econtti- ing 82,3 ibs, fat , average te'st 4.67 per cent butterfat. Shle thus lias a six lac- tation lifetime record of 100,468 lbs. mnilk containing 4610 lbs. fat,. average test 4.59 percent butterfat., thus qualifying for a Red Seal Certific.ate of Longlimie Production preseinted by the 1Istein-Friesian Association of Caqnada. As -, five-year-ol d shepro- duced 876, iba. fat from 19591 lPIbs. milk and as a seven >year ol~94ls fat fromi 20856 Ibs. milk. This cow ,vas Reserve Grand (',hamn- pion at Peterboro in. 1950 and Re- serve Grand Chamipion at the Durham ounty Black and White Day n15. She hias been clas-ified as -Vr Go'ibd" in Selective Registratin The W.A. beld their mionthlly mleet-I ing- in the Sunday 'School room onl Wednesday afternoon, May 2 îthi, with ïMrs. G. Cathcart in the chair. Two solos -by Mrs. Wili. Wann)an, accrn I~ Orono Harness Races WeII Attended By F tJhousanuds immcd. the Woý Tor-onto to' witnes the ru the Queen's Plate 0on Tý,esdlP left many whor- foumed tie eroWdc yet to, enjoy tne rc at littie Saratoga in Oro thousand paid admissions cexved at Orono and onieco -add another five hundred s in the chlldren and horse ne7 Unlike the Woodbie witli comiodations costing $10,00 at Orono seventy-five c-ents you iia vontaçt wlth frienda hiarnes.a racing and the muaJ Orono Brasa Band. The track record of 2:08 si the falt meet in~ 1952 by Counsel, owvned and drives Hon. Ea rI Rowe, atill remair IN. LESTER B. PEASON 1 fastest tirne of t Who will be the guest speaer at the record by some t Liberal Nomination me4ting i were four races Orono, Thursday, June lS8th at 8.301 adde d was a colt p.n. The meeting will select the Lib- entries. The four eral candidate for the- forthcoming well filled with eï federal election. Other speakers wMl the most for Io include John M. James, M.P. for Dur- plenty of thrills. hamn and Senator W. A. Fraser of heat of the day Trenton. Everone le invited to attend feature of the da when three horse with onfly a heads On ATrip To See tbemi, in tact if ti had had Durante Thec QUeen Cr.wii.d bave been the vi the Pl three with of the1 Assoc., t, Radio 5th Av- werepresatedwitb a lovelY tri- ight jHeent vîsito: Fer 1and a Kenwood blanket as a wedding son and Arthur 1 climaxe<i with a iovelyluc. steM . r -npoft of Toronto, Miss Mai-ion McKelvey spent the Mr. Tomr Fa] i wi ovr Myorweek-end with Mrs. BrflNacombe, the sanme, stili s wi ove Mayr 1His family were of Ottawa was Mr. and Mro, W. T. Bigelow Oanid da Y ani Mr. and lor's Clas at the famnily, Oakville, visited Sunday wit Douglas of Torc nng Match îastihis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J, over tte week-er ice increased coin- -Ptes Mr. and Mrs m r.Ca Mrs. Annie PtesMrM..n eg onanile when lie - iiounts Bill Wannan and Ross witb Mvr. andMr.nvle N thisyears mtch rs.Bill Muidj thi. yar' machMrs. Harold Souch, Starkvilet. and Mrs. Lorne United Coanties Mr. and Mrs. Jack Marks and family Creek, Mr. Wes. Hlope and Cobourg o L'ýg 1 3rnch visited Sunday with Mr. Arthur Tho ýcretary-Maflager M. -n . rFred Grahamn and ývth Gwnien's Associa- Mr- andI Mvs. Raymond Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. tlir# as'plety Mr. .anf Mrs. Bibl Patterson visited family have mov offin for as lnYor Wth Mr -nd Mrs. Bill Wannan. Mrq. bouse and we1 e figfrMaivni', Patterson returned with ber grand- the village. ODtaro M son tra Vsh have announced liheir intention of Miss Elizabet -pses then wre-iting the trophy from ýMr. Larn- after a stay la munîcipal port," said Mr. Lasbley. "He will pital, Toronto. V the actual face eý:a stiffer cormpetiýion this soon feel fine Le fac!os year according ito present indicat- M ndMr 1 wvere fair ions."> visited witb friE at history. Sm. H. Lowe illowed for -M r. Lashiey has been in touch. with Mr.Pttro Lunicialitynan attended W. aincualit (Contînued on Page 5) on Wednesday a recent ne- ler aprac- MEANDERTWTH MA h Reid la home again ,1 tck Children's Hos- We hope Elizabeth wil ,gain. Ken Bail and family inds in ThornhiIl. iry, Mrs. E. Quantrili a ýnd Mrs. Wm. Wan- .A. meeting at Kendal afternoon. LRGOT BLIC SCHOOL CONCERT danced wel,, and conveyed to the audience a festive feeling and gay Friday niglt te a fui bouse atmioaphere. The make-up and cos- Towvn Hall the p'upils of the1 tumes were under the direction of Public Scbool presented an 1 Mrs. Linton, and they were moat ef- of delghtful entertainmient. foctive. The raneho bats, serapis and t part of the programme *as tnays -were made by the chlldren in ver by the yoanger chbýlîdren'their art classes under the supervision g very well lnd.ed.1 of Miss Foster. The' designa for the very effective settings doue trays were original, and tbey cen- ;ie sapervis1on of Mr. McCal- tainly lent a colourful and gay no:te dl music sapplied by Mr. Stew- to the production. e cast took us inusicallyi ian exciting adveî1ture "'In Ail in ail the operetta was an un- ýxico". Gail Cooper starred as qualified success, and judglng by the incess, and did an admirable applause., we are sure that the audi- sidering she took the part af ence enjioyed the show as muchi as tminute for Ireanie Williams. we did. rg. and acted with confidence I. Tu the part of tile Mexican Again this Friday night( the Town Pedro, Everett Couvier star- Hlall will be filled with music and his solo rendîtions of the folk dancing. Thec Rogerson Schopl of And in the part of the singing Dance is ipresentinig an 'evening of or', Bob Knox sang with a ballet and tap, and judging froni the use of rythmi and a pIeasirig îrehearsals we have se(, th71is shoubd b e a Show that none will want to supporting cast sang arui nmiss. The-tickets are niow on sale. >n fron thîe ob Empire State the clouds f 3nd. rl 1 Iresw S.Fý red bid' Crooked ýono and nZ and irrick me to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Elgear and Bonnie spent Sunday at her parents summer home here. 1 Mr. Alec Little spent the week-end] witb bis mother, Mrï. Neya3 Littie.' Mr, aind Mra. H. K. Reynolds and Peter spent Sunday at Caesarea witli the fomrsparenIts. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke spent the week-end at their summ)er hmeb ee M~r. and Mrs. Ll!>yd Glass adRh nie spent Sanday wit hber brotherl and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Byersl Port Hope. Mr. Ross Roughley of Oshawa vis-l ited bis mothen, Mrs. Alva Swarbnick1 on Sunday. Mr. Rohbie Alexander spent the' week-end with his parents, Mn. andi Mrs. B. Alexander. Mrs. Clarence Therteil, Mrs. Gor- don Martineil and Kenny visited oni Satarday with Mr. and Mrs. Roberti Martinell and family, Peterbor~ough. Mr. and Mrs. AI Stevens and fam- ily spent the week-end in Toronto and visited bis fa-kher la Sunnybrook Hospital. Mrs. Jessie Tremaine of Toronto is spending a vacation with ber sister Mrs. Milton Robinsoni. Mrs. M. Luxon and Marion spent the week-end at their suirmme, otg in Dorset. Rev. D. T,.1.,ancastejr chose for bhisi text at the Coronation Service lu theý Kendal United Church on Suniday laitl a 7 pasgefo te 4tb chapter ofi the Book of Esther, 14th verse "And wbo knoweth wbether thon art com-ae to the k,Àingdlom for such a time asl lieve is ar As 1Irn ses of peEj the stores which fine lighted ai surging al one after with liver names of print, dowr as- et and 1 KnOCKOVer alwheres ho tried to stop ip COuncil Clark Tewship Counicîl met iu the Town-ýship Hall on Monday of this week. Councillors, Messrs Harry Dairey, J. T. Browrn aud Art McKay were present. Reeve H. Lowery hadý charge of the meeting. The minutes of the laat meetingi were nead by Clerk E. H. Milîson. Mn. Leroy Hamnilton informed the Counceil that the three year period of masurance on the Township Hall and contents had expired. The Building' la inured for 30,000 and contents for 1500, all àt a rate of .70Oc. Deleg-ation was present from, New- tonville, requésting the road from thei fourth fine to be repaired, in ordcrl tc, have thiis rond opien the y,,ear round. Tbey also -wlshed to have a mrail route 'in this district. The cýoun- cil, are învestig-ating this road. Mrn Tolmnie, Mýr.- Gordon Watson and Dr. Taggart, o)n beh-aîf of th(-, Fiali und Hunt Club approached the Council ila regards to protection for Possibly an s Countv i as to hov Assessmen, ln 1936, Couli re ie dîffereni palities weri ed equaliza 1 I -1 ânno. Sl, 9iapl n ,And to prove 1 - 1

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