iyotpeopeccookas! jutonie-or at miost t If that happons to ho tl wi;itb yo)-u, just tmy servi dciiious vegetýable accon ioo f the f ollowing roýc ASPARAGUS EPICI 4 irsbread, eut in diagoially 1 up thin cre-n o 2 had-cokedeggs, sait Paprikat Cook and dAin aspara- arrange on triangles of Il trdtoaist, aliowing fioui oaci serving. Ha the cv asaucepan, 'add butter P sonngs, thonriced eggs ai bot over aparags tipsa ing -n timeto miGs'Cte toa nishwitbthinstrips eof'p ITALIAN ASPARA(, Asparagus staiks Meitod lbuer Bwndbread cera Irtricelve" Parmesan chemee Clean asparagus, remio' togb ends and Cook On ,just tender1c. M butter, a hruisd garli clove asi Remove garli and add tc one tabespoon hreadt rondinbuter.Place aus stals on bot uttrc and pour~ butter over ea- ing, topping eacb with0 soon of yartd Pamesar ASPARAGUTS IN JE11 Asparagus stalks 2 !usasparagusst beea e a ýABLET-rA LKS sparagus 1inua buttLered bakini-jjsh and ar waysb range over it Che cooked aspar- hecae gus spear - Pur the cheese sauce ing this evenly over and, t-p wthcrumbs, 'dbilto dotted wthbutter or margarine ripes. Bake at 350 dogrees for about, 25 inues.Serve bot, Five serv' ASPARAGUS CES M'E two 6eggs, separated 6 taiesponsrieh ml top 2 taspoon sait Dash of pepper riced112 pundsasparagus, 2caps medium oreain sauce c up grated or diced1 tgus and Sharp cheese bot but- Beat egg wbites until S'il bbul tisto fot dry. Beat yokes ina a separate reamni bow)i wih sitpepper and rack. and '"a Fold i whits ighty. Turn into nd pour a bot greased skillet and cook t Gar oeio et ni ihl browuned oni-,the bottoîmPlace ini iminto a 350 Qde-gree oven nd ak-e un tilomletis firm Lýwhen ightIy r'USc Plc cokedýC, drainedi and sea- oned bot asparagus on ane SiA of the omelet and fold over U-) imhs eose asparagus, Turn out or, a bot uiplatter Me, whiehat cream sauce and cheesýe uni ving th<v blnded anid seasntfo taste, Pour ly until over omelet and serve at once. o butter 24 aspaagus tAkS of crumbhs nor Igt ~ aspr-cap floury 'e tos Galonsla oiT _n oe ' tecspoiju sait me tea i2 eup warmwte chee 2 etýgg whitos, hac.ten stiff LLY ' Combine flor sait, swaldoW! anrd vwarr water and beat WUi si -d smooth, Cool for one ho=r, then okfolid in the stiffly beaten egg whîýtes, Partlycokaprgi st's andc drain. Dip eachstl is sai nin the batter, remoicve w,,itb repli fork and dro]'p into deep, bot fat, Lto theo sides. Serveî on a, bot platter gr repared nihed with lemon suces and iwater. s',pr-igs (of -'ater-cres s ixsev n rined in. layer ot i oc îaearoai tom or or, add saîtan )il ouift the Tlaf- ', strrirLw is smroth e gratodc A Fiench scientsisteently sug- gested t-hat scentmafaurs shceuld !hold pei-Jodical prf cocrs"UHs idea is tlhat smell's whose tne mae abarenV cold hopiped lete eeris o the auidiený-ce throngh rmuhher t ub- ing. Accosdjing t e BiansSmeîi Seitthis noiin mighs- we]l be exteded te the intemnatina- fied That Britis smells are the best in Che worid bas long bee i the' daim etOfthe tounder et theý seitLondlon cslicitoi Am brose Appelbo. Hîigh lar.the Bs-itîseney spînnhg sniell spectrumarfth odeurs Yf ruast lamib and mint, sauce, newly in-wnet oarth, pig- sssatnbos, and roa's, The N ilISociety, founded in 19ý35, once limeid sncb eminýent adberents as Professor Julian fluxiey aind G. -B. Sbaw. Today-ý psyciatristLs hveswelled the memhiershîp. for theymanti that certain smells are a valu able aid in psycbo-analysis.ý Smnells have aiready hewritred eut lanthe noviesre-war, tce sbowiý,ng et the African ffl "an doers of theic River"wa accomý painied by appropriatIe o durs in the auditorium. of Them nAUI-Locomnotive 40, oodunr ui Trunk in ?ortIand, Me_, in 1872, for passenger *oidest erigine attached ta fhe -C.NUR/ rmuseumn ginally as cial Mbumer' this engine ,witched fa me when mostlcmoie were cgoing mnodern ]ghing c rmere 38 tonu, if h ardly cmarswith ~eSteam locomoive, which ;pf ip te a e t 2v ýd i 1903by the Chaudiere Valley Rail0wriy,.ihe - êparted iv hove been the lest of ýIfs spêelef Operate Ta Canada. PIla1n ae afoot toicireclaixw on, of tbe losttratues of the ses witdh the help of every device mo- dem iscienrce can joff r.Un dauinted by p-ast failures, the, BtmnEý-podition aimis 1t raise the fv-iliniud ag l a treasure ship which lbas dle- fied ail attepts as salvage ince it sank in 1782 In tbat year the tremse sb,,ip saîled into a sea fog on th e 1indian Ocean andc was wrecked on, the inhospitaIne Coast of Pon doland, South-East African Aross the jagged reefs a fewý score sur- vivors, men, women andchilden, stmugled ashore, wle t b e wrck, with ifs £5,00,000 cargo settled gradually deeper nto the sands. Alter five mntbýiLs of wandeminýý aind attack, by hostile native, only nine whito men, sevep laa. and twvcu loured wmeieached Such was the end oftl"11Gros- veo,"hlie rîbandff clipper of tbe old East In-dia fleet, Thle su1per sttoswhispered nof the solid gold pç(acocks, stolein fronn the ancient -coronation throne etf the Moguls, mwbicb were said Io bave been carried a"board in sec1ecyý tbe nigbt hbefor'e shesaecro Trncomaebe, hruhthe years the fblu treasure bsenticeda i-id uliti- maeyfoiled a ildozen highly Re>enitlyý a formier Hre Street doýctor, Dr. Nico Bartmnan, form ed a new syndicate, intend.1ing to find the treasure with ailj th-ý scienifie aýceumacy 0of ade!icantt surical operatiocn. In a sea-lashed gully confine bewento up-jutting1rocks onf a pjerilions reef, but steadiiy siink- ing into thie sands, the positioni Of Ille wrecksknow th somerý AnA dme nri -aity d i v er nc gimpsed the hulk as a hug Par of hardened sheli andq'ad e tending across the gly One company attempiteacitrea- sure bid itb a dredger equip. ped witbI- longmoae pipes to suck up Sand from ne1Qside an'l jectit On fihe othner, Yet the diffeulties of approacn in the angry seas were trmen. dou-s, and the dredger hecrse1fwa walshed on tu tbe reet, Few t' rea- sures have seemed so temptingb' nayet5 iacesibe Convinced ithat thne "GTosve1nor' suivo0s actuaily Laned Ih'Il tr'easu'Lre anid buriiedit, nte prosýpecto(_r hlew up bjo a I' tP than a flaking cannon-bal] land a £ew gold pieaces wn s o thinl a~to be et little value. leaigNeptune Plie last attemipt of al . wac whnthe GovnrBlinSynýl dîvcesomgbt to Wct King Nep- tune by tunîne1lirm frwrdfroti: the shorpathrough the solid rock reef tov-wrds the wre(_ck, The tuni nel was pushiced frward toLu length of 138 yards-befere the sea flooded in, Now vthe Bartmil-an expedii.on pa ns ý,te tow a prof ah Mu]berr'y harbour Wthte site. New radar a n d electronié sounIldin-g ecquipmi-ent i villit isI hoped, bounce back fthe(,-býeecrful nesof treasure below\. With an adaptation of 'snorT" subrnnaiaine hrethngappamatucs, din(r vers ii] be able to romain un deaer for sýix hours aýt a stretch.. Faced w t this wellj- equipped salvago quest th e "Grsveor"will perhaps yeld c its treasure chests at st Tommyil1' w"as sbowing ,offbi new icyle. ,Ho went up the road, and on coming back shout- ed to bis miother: "Look., Mum- no bands! j "Ohr he crfTommýy!" said 'bis Vmother. "euhburt your Tommiy aughed, and cycled up the road agai4n. Wben be nxt appeared hoiaeleco: :"Looîk, Mum-1-no foot!"' "Oh, ho carefuil!" repe-ated bis 554 ion your sewing maOchn-ne fittinig polm bow ciniches opens flat! Use renmnants. Pattern 55-,ý4: Sizes '2, 4, 6, 8, 10. mrodr tranf o; tisuepattr.St1ate size. Pend TVENTY-PiVE CEuNTS in cins starenps cannet be ac- cepted) feoithispatn te Box.. i, 12ý3 EigbimteenthSt.> New Tom- ente, 0Ont. Print p Painly 'rAT TEUN NUMBnER nd SIZE, youm"I TEN popular, aowdesignscit'eco chet, sew, emrodrkit-prinit- ed in tbe i-w 19'U53.-Lau ra Wbleeer Needlecraft Book. Plus, maniy more patternis teedto-da forfts, bzaar onymaes f~~~~ý ,srnI ed25cns for yens Lo io - i' D a ys- is O0ve r With the, First WorlÀd War the daiys etpf i -one iededi, and it!Cs .ne use the adventurous yeu"lnlg hlods et te l-day trying te c-opy the lead ot Fnky Draïke nd caipture a, fortune rin the Spaniisb M/'ain.ý -The store o e bot tat Drako, and his mon aceumuated du-rig bis raidtsround Che weld was valued at 200,0.Pemhaips the finaincial bighl0night oet bis career was tde capture et a Spani-sh galleon, the"acu- go." Fromi that sip ho rifled 80G lbsý. e of d nd2c)tons et silver, as weil as 13 chests et si-ver coins and rare- fruit coniServes an-d suigar. That cargo alone was valued at £ 692,250, ancd as the Spaniardis were at peace, with -iis at the tîme their apmbl'asaclor turîouIsly demaaded Sthat the( pirate Drh e h uisp Queoni Elizaýbeth djdn't soothie imii when sho ore a crewn iifiashing withi somne et Drake's eneralds ata public engagenient. On1 a celd Octeker day li1n9 IL.ELS.ý "Ethalion" - sailed inte Plymoutb -jHarbour wýitb a Spani- ish glen " El Thetis." The foi- lowinig day another Spaisîish sip tied up inaJ th ambous, nd the people et Plymj-ý-ou-th pepared for celebratiens. The two sh>Ps ar.- ried 3,000,000 dollars heêsides valuable spices, Armecd sejamen mecod the ixty-thmee artiiery wagons carming the treasure through the tewn. M1illions im Gold 11a early 1665 Lord Cochrane's thir-ty-two gun t1 rigate, th-e "Pal- las," entered Plymeuth Sourid itb a five-foot golden candie- sticks at oach m-rasthiead, and nearly h al1 t'y million dollrs s t er ed below,- net te mni n diamonds adingots et goid, Cochrane was tee last British- sailer te captuire a vast fortu'ne in t1his way, and ho appeared wtu ho very satisfled, fer ho dleclamed that bis rizo-moaey appeamed te bo inexhaustible. Shakspeae ciledthe"diseaseý et net haig et sotin ot tie baiand h-c asnt ts ff If yeuws eaf0t!e odds are ) in 10 it's pcooia dnet, VPIailHoI'se Sen"s.. ______ _____ y PlU ELLIS _ _ _ _ _ rl) anr article enetitled 'Dur IeglFederal Elections" inri Ma ]ens agazine Blair Fras- or- says thaýt "most Of cour law- makers b1Eýomre awbreaj.ýors in the very aict et' geutng eiocted becauise thoiy cdo not publý,)isb ac- cuaestatemîents of their c2am- swer S the qetonweethe -hig mny rqîe" cmS Wherte IDoos 1tCone om Spoakinrg uet'the Liheral and Progressive Cnoraiepar- ties ïMm. FraserMcoLniues that "thme is notbgn to choose be- tween them in their mnethods of ly the e amnounits fromn ap- Ho figures tbat rmore than hjiait of the eight millon dollars the two parties expect to spend àn tUe cming fedlemraleoion wiiI come from. "big corpoain, surance Cempajxnie'sthe ste el compa Ill te mîning ctepulp and ppî heatmb lte ol compainies and se oný." Tbie second category are týhe cotrctrs "hepeopleC.,wbO àac- ttual]y get g0VU1rnmjentbuies and whjo _are '«the heýart and soui and spina lun f roinia party fnd."Th tird uand fourtb groups are made Lup of peopflewh wnt teir coe party or candidape te cgeeLect eck CCF 7'and Sojcial 'Credit are fln- and rd, b-ut believýes that Social Credit "ma, with two provincial gOvýernmentsn in pow- e'. ,get apiece (oflte ic gmn as thela deadpulcto (t the f [Iamlounts dsusdi theca ain the two o(ld partiesj are law'bre-akers, h--ecause they rarely pbihtécorevct fig- ures, Conflieing Inerests ames shotl ýtkeep inmd that "w;ho pays the piper, CAiS the ti e." hey aredin uui ness withi thevrysame crpo rations who are putting up ,me labrgLecampaign cnrbtos Tbey are buyingfmom tem and selling týe theml, most of t'he time Fesmers are aise dependent on thoe trade- and tarif pelicies of tb-e prywhilh. formis the govelmnment, Hiere, tee, con-flicts may arise. A case in instanLe fs tbe lban- by the feçieral Department ofý! Agreicultuefetatecbicin teo the cnning indùstry. Dr.jones, a c ivil s'ervantl inthe - Dpart- atOt Of Ariulur,was sent teý Italy teadvC1\ise Italian producers in procossing tomatees te mnake thevr acceptable te Canadiani The Deputy-Mbnéser et Agri- culture, Diý J. G, Taggamt, ad- mnitted that posIhly -the ocon- oic aspects1had0.not bueen Con- sidered." ý Ho wýas aIse aware et the dopmessed conditions in the tomate nutr a f h t were prempting the aîy pes te attack marktig lgisation Farmers cainnet match ibe large corporations, butther à~ exert considemable influence by uing thesrvotes itiietyi jthe ,interest of theirowngrop nsedof going cte h ügv- emnmnt.,-cap in band,JIafterthe elctii o ebeg for sm ocs simesOur farmCerganizatios sboud present suer prograts- if thiey have any -tethe pr tie"s before tbeectonand- n- vite them 1te take astndont demiands et thefamr Iis should be crepated on farm -jor-ga niz ation soud 0e . meeting before ayelcion and invitet al caidcates rnn na the siding, By gettnPteu al, the mIetiiyg wouldbedfney ake up his own immd A'- ee k 0or t'Lwobfoe Le meigthe fasl pogamsbul ho pres"etotth adae 1te give th,,em uet gt c qtuainted wvith the piebem nd, Itee] qualfed te discssagicu- turalquestions igbt be permit- 1ted te bMing aaongp A po autihorized te speak fo ;r an& Iom itis pasty. The c- anidatïe ho ispeardte otagisbs pasy n neHouse o !aV pit it is bigb timae t, nkea end witb Ibse vgu Iadceni declratonslike 'T'., dn' kno enughabout farming t and loûlk after yeur ntrst. Lot ns nlighten hm nth iatests et the frerind pi tbem downbeforc ,--csend te te, tell farm-rers that her vtois duete theditiuoneth consttiuencies, thefam 'set canscoisideraIbly nmore eih %tan an, urban veto, In many- decisive. - if tarpiers wpouid quit plug- ging for a party like for -ahce team anid start votîng ,ýfer, heir, ownf rm pregra-m, to ol soon see esults. A ,politicai party u Cejanen jin itself, but a meâns tean end good and just governmont criticism, wbether construcive,- - anweranyquestion. Addsess yonr letteris te Bob Sui,Bx1 ont. the Price 0f Freeclom-Two sïsters buss, Lt, Frcincisiek Jçarecki who fflew fa freedom .from a ?ol!sh cirfleldx landing bis usiaWMG in Oenmairk and seeking -sancfuary, The girls, WaVndai Grzyb, rt Ieft, ondýher estaer, Joyce, are me 0,rsofthe PhbNtoa