A lotetfl.wiltlyu thaIt sheep uina pasture fÏor catti bcause they "Graze it do-wntefthereots-and below." Ihave awascentended that more otten thanont the fault lis Wlththe poourness cf the- paosr-oresethmat te anya sheep are grzed for- the size etO itWhs cotention is borne cui ture at Ottawa. Pastureareas împroved bue- seeding end fertiizig can be keptin good conditinandbettr retumns secured frem them by gzinrig withixed sheep and cattIe tanby sh-ieep o-r ct alone, judgîng by the cverageý ctfsusevn eairs esuIts at t0e CentralEprieth am in T his see - -y ear j)-exp ern ,.hC\eedtha1apasture treated ih10 tnsof manure pet acre. rvery for ear-s, and gae wihbot h shep and catle, hiad acarryihng capacity 23 pei cent greaer hanan adjeining fleld m-.anýure butrazed with sheep alone. Cempared with another açljjciing fleLd cf pernmanent as ture reeivno ne anure andý grzdbysheep alone, thein Jrease was 50 per cent. On a loýurth adjacent ode l, ne SInurec but fertiized wihO100 pound'Rs cOupht f aml-monia per cre acbyear plus30 pounds cfï superphosphate andi 75 peunds of ,rmuriate of petashl applled every four year2s. ix grazing cve an increasecof 4 per Cent over the manured fleld grei wîthc sheep alone; 6,(; per cetovenr a similarly fmiie fleld grazet with steers alene and 74 per cent more than the untreaEd fleld Each cf thene feldsmcesstd eýtfour aceslutermis cf actuaf, meat producedte urewad Baed shewed 159 pounds averagE yerygin iiiwelght 1by the sheep ugand on à It. Te rmanuried fieldgredb sheep alone pro- duced aý gain of 192 poundàs, The- 6naurdflid grazed by sheep and cattle produced a gain cf L26 pud for thie shpeep and 1145 pcunds for the steers. Thre fer- tilzed felipreduce a gain cfý J52 pounids fer, thle sheep and 165 pounds 11for te steers. A field given the ,saine fertilizer tet ment anId gazed by steers alene,ý produced a gain cf 248 peunde for thestes stilI below, either (,f!the -mjiixed-grazed felsin totald m-yeat preduction, Ai]gan are based on 150 dans et graz- PI E, yle tread, B. Wil- liams, cf th Animal HusbDiandry Division aIt 1the Farmn, state: "Grazng wthcttle and sheept. resulted ilu al definite ices Th'-is was net oly due te th, greaîter number cof stock carrviedi on that pasture but aise 'L)te th higher dýaîiy gis mfte nlamb' ie he mxed-grazed fled'rTi*- wasabetter utilizaien cfth herbag'ewantid ùu o seedlir n te mxdgrazed 1fleltIS i.lMrM, r~ i e vu, addtimrie bc C , le-, , wble thiere was ;cn s idelurýa bic Mids grazed bry sheep alene. Thus the mi-ixed"-gmaze feidsdid 1n0t tl-r swaftl. as aise imipreved. The 1m7ixture cfudevers ,anid gasswa's consideredaiml-uosi ideal l in mxedgraedfleldsý wh,-ile thme evwas lttle imtp'reve ment1 in 'the o t hers-, "A crtîa in-1amn-t c came mSt 'De exrcse, ewv-ersm the poperien f sheep te cattie Thre eesan-dtheir !lambs to MWe twe year-eldsteer Cegavex- Censiderablierest as rie lu ecent yersin the possibiliie, of chemLi nic a1ithi-nning et) tree fruits, particulariy ape.In vestiga.tions m-,beingcare on at Ottwa and atY rîu braýnch stations, At Sýiui-c'and- the sodium aitcf dinitro ortho creýsol and certa-in hormrone 1mta L erialisav been reasonàbly et fective. The sad r method cf applying these sprauys has been, ' Illte convntienal sprayer and ihand spra'y gunrs. Uîgti meýthýodi, abeut 1.5 pints cf sodium din-itre cresolate per -,00 gallonsý cf w,,ater- are applied to th-e tree the fl-lomsaeas a drenceh- ing sprayTests have aise shown as efectively Wht concentrate as with anfd spray.",ers, an thatthe odoin fsodium ldinitre creso, laterequredis approximiately 15 pints per acre. Thisý, dlluted witb 100 gallons et water glive'- anaiainiicf abeut two gal- lons per tree. tJsinàg -a 1irmoneý spray cf alipha naphthalene aceti acid, 73, grases of rhormonie per acre gave satisfactory resuits. Difficulties rshoeer thle use of teechemlicals, Theî floral parts and leaves sýev>erely, hiethe oronSpray rmay C au se111seveýre disto)rition aii-d dwvarfing of the touage. Recent reports indicate triatdeadap four vrý eeks beyond the caly stgewoldredIuce this Ètjur-y Invýes,-tigatienîs are unrder way at Ottawuva te deter-minie whethesIm delayed sprays wiil hduc, Ithe î 2JInjuriýes ýarising f r oslith!lese sprays, and atthe saméime gie ffective cthinniii in l cfthec wih ertancf the hormenes, a te you, "e'ljust take tha sheui1ders ini a i[ttie and yonu'l look like a mrilion uks ha propaganda And if yoi, be lieve lmh h ances earc you inceeme is prettiylwbcuslo inoeg1meups arec uh ee sucetile te propaganda Acco)Ëidlg te tlie latecan, D elfanio RoeetNationlRe- souresC mtte1pep 0-nvo incorrfe groups are almesieven, edds te bedue by propaganda The odds drop tilU they reach th ig arin g pwrgrop where the ch'rances are ams 20 te 1 they1wen t beieve a they hearor read wh Wsi' prepaganda or bailyhe Gad! But ollwo oi t wn! I'sî7te 3 if yulethere ad2 in 19 yuhvenyrbeen drun, an 3 t 10 ou dom't T. ~oin*d i. T~ pe measurs 9, Slipp*d 10. P1s.y on crord~ n. rosis et urs~s 181~ 28. 511k tabrie 19. ItioThIen 22, Souner thais Si. Put on 24. Mix-ue 28. Put niOfle.7 le Oie bani* 25. Pies os 29. Seseisi, dsnr-. 27. Poste,' i2. Not anythiug .11. 81er, der Sciai i6. Suea.k .88. Gruw, boy 1.9 Soaicup 41 Msstieatory 44 Meiody 45. I~~ior 47. Lsye , eceitarie 48. Sta~ îpieg 1cr ,î 49 'lier 57. tord cd fabrie iS, Enemy 54. Atternet 56 Musical ,~ot* 57 AnS (Pr t tladyCyle Fenh ~enorChacrlýs Duval, cobo.ve, thiýýnks he's scived oa igprcblem ifor cycIists. He daýims thiat Ieg- rius,:Ie straîn con b eosed by switching to bond pedals whichý he hoamontdon, bis bike-'shndeos Or, if you prefer te akc jet, y con uise both hond ond foot pedoJs to increose -yDur s-peed. The gaýdget is one of rmony shown ýa thie aninuol inventors' exhilbit in Paris, Gor&Qtte ~lW No rinatwat ser cf oia spot ide have there are somte thilngs- iat ifll grew. In ganiýéeir ne hers muhcý3f finle, rich [rni anld sunshine, anld while týhose conditions mauy be ideal for -a l of plants, there are others that actually prefer a location' f ar Jess favoab. In pour dust soi, forin I-stanI'cethere are liardy, flowers tikeprtacassm zinnias, and ma.,yny mre that ls maake a gocti showing. Tbhen the diark crnr near wallS or UiILdr fairly dense s hl a di e s are ldeas places for bgna n pansies and certin fJemni-1 lke flowers that shrink aayfrose tI-cherighit sujn. Epseggy coneris havef_ swept rcysI .Ruggedl clîImates, tee, are rno handicap. Inldeed in om northemn gar- dnsae grown theflicvery fin est1 of Vegeta-bie's and the brightest cf- flowers. AÉIway iUp or ratîir dewn ion the northemn tnraln the summarer time the greund is afam wth bright ïibloom., In any geed Canadian seed c ata - logue illbe listed iflewe(rs and vegtabes hat wllthrive in unusual plcsa î t will pay tei sIud7y these seca Uliks f e arýe teic le bst ithun-usual! locaions, The wise grdeer ill chantge his methods wMen the days tu1n botVWththe CIatvn hewiiI cut _essfenl, and net so short, and he WillusalJ et ibfe clip plngs94e were hey ta]] te or ai bi fProtectinig rmulchl In the flower andi vegetaibe gard'en, eveî if[Ine weeeds Ihave been r lwd egmw h ill contine algit cltivatlion nc a j wek cmeerytenday"S, te) create wht s knwns a dulst ee'ýi)rien emoitur frn tse SAi. Beere g oingon oidy i is an execlent plan te go ever fl-)eemand vgtbegardens, lsghly wth gass lippings Cor simýila-n atrilte conserve the mesue f,nreccssary and pos- sible ýone soud atr horougýh - Iv tic nghtbefoeePthe final pre Thee ý--is still time1r a show cf fiewers and alfine yield et V ege tab1 le s.11) fa;tctrie can g or.ein aIl sorts )jf see.s r] sttingMdOufpans righ up te Jly ,-in ny ý-pats et Canad"a anid still get good resuIts. With a bit cf luck in thle weather, miestly' ln fie way c sewesgrowthis Very rapid during He extraer- inarly tong heurs cfsunight wehael JUr!e To catch upr experencedgardeniers wiýl] a lîttiýeextracare willh these lat sur.e t o iýs vweli cuiltiîvated and nrihetiwhee ataIlpes sbewith JchemèCicalfertilizer or mnanure, They will thinsed lings te gi ve t'hern 1pinty cfrem Wxith certain flowers and Veg- etabies that require a leng ,sea- son te bloomr or mature they will uise- weil s t a r t e d plants, waterîn-g cairefuilly a-ic pemha-,ps; shad!ing fcrs the hot sun for a fewday aterthey are set eA ut. ILI MNMAI'SCIIOOL accordinea he purpoeh i la i heart, se let hlm g-ie; not grudg- inl, ret nesci y, or Goit thias DC7 The church is cf telh criticized because cf its feuetappeals for mciney. But how .[,tile thec chr-h receives com-,paried w-ith what is 'spe)(nt for liquor and to-i bacco! The AgicnCeuncil for, Socil Service initsreport te the General Synodl last Novemberu.z 1estimated HatthAe costandi lSs- es ei. drinlngý in Canadla for the l0-year period was $4,5863,2_73,000i. 0f this S1,922,233,000 went te the provinces und DemDin-iiop govemuý- ment as revenue, leaving a net cost te the people cf $2,664,040,- 000. Welbelieve the cuc~ use the comiparatively insignii- cant ameount which th,1ey rece'ive fer nmore w,,ýorthwhile -purposes in ift.heinstance cf our tessoni Paul w-,as appealing for a. good offering for the needy Chistians at Jerusalese. The poor people1 cf Macedonia had responded meszt genecrousiy. Thàey ýflst gave themiselv-es te t he Lor07d . Wh1a t wculdc the churcb at riCh Cor- Luth do? Paul had prdite el] cof then-i but hne sent Titus iin ad- vance just in case they had ne- glected te respend te this appeal. In bis exhortation he cîited thie graestexmpfle of giving: "Yle know the grc of our Lord Jesus Christa, though he-was mkidypet for your sakes he be- camie poor, that ye through his peverty mgtbc rîci," Somne bas sug.,,gestied that there are (1\vetevels 0f giving. 1, The "Tip," lv Those who1 give a smiailcein tethe2 Lordi the same w\ay that thy tip the wirs.It is just a litthie.mat- ter of apprecýiatien fer the Lord. 2. T h e "Entertaînineent" ev thojse vho refuse te pledgeand- give onljy Vwhien hei cmet churci, They give as they gv to ai theatre, or ýtic ý bail gamrne. Thcy gîve when theygo. 3 The 1'Emtioal"level- throse w ho give enily when they are emeo- tionally stirred. Theýy refuse teL give when their fee-lings arce twice a year accerding te feel- inigs. 4. The "Prom-ise1"![evel1- Those w-ho pledge butt negect the promis They neyer orsl domi pay up 5. Tle Bile evl- hose wh givesseai callyadpeetintl.Hr is cerujyurglrgv ing,wekb week- botb te their local church ne a ~nd te, the wider wo1rk f thecur.Go l'oves ,;the eerful g-iver Why Jdodog Sied diesyoll It' acorrulptirnonfe3 a ench word. French-Canadian drivers starting lup their teais -yveped "Marhens"-"Lt'sg o", îEng.- Iîh-speaking drivers naturall, aniczdit; it became "Mliuls enI," and thien just plain Ms, Why deespapeýr tura ow with age? It's deugq a "slow br.-h chemîists 'cail it oxidationi i. hen maeilat a very rapidi rat- as in the gasoline enrgine-an explosion occurs. When the rate is slower, brig eut ndc wihen itfs very slow-oxidation, as nin Hicaseof agin-g pa-per. Who inake the best driers- intelligent persans or miôs Moro-ns. Trafic e x p e r tS say that theic smarter yuae the bess hely you are tebc afGrsé-1 rate driver. Yuisimply don' g i v ePeoug atention te;th businesbs of driving. Yeur mmdc is tee restless, forever siraying off teother imatters. Buta meri with a mental age of uto t 2 once taught te drivepmery wiilusullystLick teô the rules cf good driving. Heicgives al ofh0 attention to it. Why ;3isthe phrase "cf thie first wae"used ta ijudica-te top rank? Originalitc hrseblong- edt eoiogiftsc Th-e finesi and mnost valu-able stones areo iceilorless, and years ao th- gemc exper-ts used te test uncut stones by immemncsing Htese in water. The coleriless? ones natu- raily wer-e invisible. These were called stoties cf the fiýst water The ornes with clri h w ere graded 'as stone-s ci the second pwateipstenes ofcfte Mtir water, and so o-n, Why idoes the fuil noc eck larger oni the horizon than it daesesverhead? Sciex4ists have been nuntig fer theiaswem t this illusion fer' 20 centuries: The horizon moon shouIld, if anything, leolk ,ttalleî -it's 4,000 miles or se far-ther away ta tiu he oeh a mon, Yet it al-ways looks bîgger. Nom dees the one "explanatiôn sci- entL-ists hv comie up with 50 far-that weobserve [hemo lui relation te famniliar objects nearby-held water with mn cf their own -number. Thesep tics point eut that the illu.sionj persistfs eveni over the sa, when there arene o .-bjeets at ail n-ear- by,. The fact is, hysal adý- mnitthere is ne adequate ex planation. However, for yeurý own amuisem-ent (and the' prob- able puzziemyent cf your neigh- bes)lere are a few simple e periments suggestied by ý7psy- i chologists at Harvard te shoiw that the illusion is reaillyan illusion: Try "ichn" theý horizon mon bet-ween yo ur forefinger and thumb. f Ifmme - diately shr.iinks. Look aLt it through a tube, and the samep thi;ng happenis. And iflyu'r a uninhibited type, tumn i) youm back, 5bend.1ever, -and ipceerat, the moon threugh youm legs. Again, 1it bals shrunrk te its "proper' size Ifow iman1y persons ln North Amierca wear glasses? About 90,000,000, acrigte the American OptLometi,,ric Asso- ciation. Thatin-irelcds cîdn Of the adult population alone, 67i" per cent wear glasses. The MranieBank coCna da, chartered bDy Act ofPal- mient on Mar-ch 31, 1953, has ac quired the Hanison Building, 255 st. James Street WI'est, as tem-por- ary ilead Offices and bankingý quartcers. The bank has also bouglit Land and buildings on thenrhws corner of Ste James Street andt V7ictoria Square, whbere it will erect a rm-odem h ead offikce buildi- ing at a futue dae,ý The anniouncemnenit of thieset ,preper-ty purchaâses "'as madleb Mlr. Uenri Mquttinbehalf c the Mratl BankI'sprvsoa directorate,ý The provisonalCanadwandr ectors are senator P. H Bufar of Quiebec-, anld the MeLssrs.Ar thur- Cross, Montreali indusri- aiist, and . . Crselpron_- ent consuing eagineer of Van- couver. The ictriaSqualresieoc- pyiý,,ng a trontýage oCf 177 feeýt on th Square aý"nd 130 feet onl St.Jae Street, is ati fsn ocpe by severaài budilg, tpags &f which is known as Dale House îand vwas fcrmnerly the head ofic buildin-g of'th2e Domninïion Texýtite Company. When llthe site', com vari- able un theexpratOn fles, 'lie fir t unit cf thc ecatl Bank's Head Ofiebuilding w-ill ,3e cosrctdteePa or this unit, and for subsequentsi- ditions which i-ll cover the entîre grounid area, hae een danb Mesr, Lawson anîd Betts, Aci tectls, ofMote. new bidigis eecedhe Mr cantile Bank will utilize the Han- son Bui1din as Head offie preru- ises, and the main banking oMWic will open for buinsasons ocuptoncn be secuýe-red nt- terlôr aiterations tmadec. The Mrcntlebank cf-And is the firsi bankte eev charter fiorm the Caniadian gv ernnt since 1929 Capital for its isse cf AshAhs mainy ben s-ubscr'ibed by thet uionale Hn dlesbank Ný. V. cf Amisteiýra, Theý Nethlerlands, ocf wh-ic_b iMr.Her Mouteis a MngigDirectoL., Thiree Caniadianis andtw no- nlees of thre Hanidlesbank will, cmprise thie original erdc the Mrantie Bank. MVr. 1Mo1quette-aIsc)nnune the purchas'ce by the tMehrcanileI 3ank of ai property on Brriard Street li downtlown Vanceuver', ster buiding operations will commence within sixty à a'ys Other branches will sbeunl be opened in principal Canadian, Viies. The MranieBank cf Cnd wilI oduc(t a com1-piete dmsi bankIinog service j-in Canada, n wiil aIso specialî-ze lu the Pa.cîfîc traide, tlp-ough the wdsra facilities c Unlebak These faci[lties include branches lu Japan, india, Thailand, Hong KÇong andi Singapeîre, and through- out Iidonesia, as well as in sc Nethler]lnds centres as Ase dam, Rolecdqim and The age ILITERACY If yeu live onthspaet' to teI 2 ou are iitre.There N are 1200000ttlyilliterate) n peuphi 'irt the nrld Blind Spot Spotte is affected by ai William Smith C6 Mendy, mop the dis overe,~ caler I DIind, relswh on 'Uhis ?aRe