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Orono Weekly Times, 4 Jun 1953, p. 8

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t - "Dear, Anne .Iirst:î ibave t conifid.i in someone, or go cay y~ emnotions are contrary tu everytf;inig 've believed ùa. Th-atý klùnwedge' doeps me nio gond. îMyý mmlid and mry heartnt agree. "When 1 was 17, J feuinailove -completey. I know lie loved me (wvomyen can ýteli) but t'her- was only oeflaw, inour- mance -he was married Iwas aready, Iost. My f amnil founca out, and lie waýs datdaiat the sainie. Tbe-y iutrcepted his letters, and 1 thiougt b-e hadJ forgottn nme. "Two yearslar mrre a man TId nown thee months My life lice lias been years of drukenesdebt)s, and miiisery 1 suppose miy .husband lov;es our chIldren, bout'lie ignores thý-em ex~ cept when hie's drunk, and theun es dsgustng . STILL IN LOVE'f "at -Junie 1 met .aan. was as thlougIh Lthose eight y ears had nreyer been.I 1love him more tfitan ln'y very lit e, and be l oves me. But-- «There are our hirnli 466e5 SizES oau aWoi n jff y sualdess-theno-ý bdayvanity.Save- 51lie. Sýend nýw ! ýbolera / yrs 123 Si 'b- , Ont. rn-I j bastheealo.Thereisnu chuance ut oun ever býeýing tu- geter. i t hat Ica'tstan-d it! ca't ee lman!dican't bernul seeînin hlm. "Mus.,,I1go nlk ti h rest ut my ite? Wnin hm an.hating 'yeffor it? Ifil] mny ays, but even that doesn' hel. Wat can I do D. K.y * Perhaps ihe mo)si painiul exu *peýrienucein lite is lu want what1 *we kHom, is unattainabie, and n ta ralize 'j'tje shail goeon *wnili, toghhito rever beyond our reach. If you were single, living *aloune, nu igli nelly grow *desperate, dreaýding each mo-rn * fn's omin, kowîng týh e '~~~Î eaaceiwul bing. ButI *you aenut alune, You ar-ea ~ ieand] a mutoher, witb re> "sponsibiïities whic'h yum " arry thrugh. oun busbôand 1 i a grave problern, and ottnen >ayu despair utfiSe!fuur; mu- * men tus as!that pnob!lem hï * yo hae l h1andie Lit. * 'Mur iportant are your1 * chldreni, wosfreýsb younîg_ liues are jusi einigOnly p ou cul protceci thern roni %e tererrant father offset hMs * animntable fuecand gidel( * Ihernirighlly. Thecir destiny ie *in your hands. Wilh atlil these obligations be- " setting ynu, here can be litie * esune lu mnourn a los love *Wben the tmtto ofot *yuou, remind yourself ithaithereý could neyer have been happi- *ness For you with this man, for * .he was rm-anied weayou Mfi me't. It i-s yoLîrSeeing hlm late iy that bas brought bock aiï *the grief you suifer nom. * Be gaeuthoefor th-ese *resonibilitis that demnaad ail Yomr enngie As the cWii *dren go, o il ive youri * you1th again in thir uiler Live, a nd firxd Uthe solace which untly *a gond mnoiher knows, Mean whil, lveone day at a timeý, with nu dýrad utfutreto- 'n morrows.- And remembeL)ir, rno ià misiortune d escen1ds upon usi, Swlich wà ý,e are fltgiven 1the strength tW bear. G'O back t v our Chrb reewyoutai âth in it and lanyour.self, adthe *peace that you-yennFor wl Why moua r 1a happiness which 1neyer cuL hveben Liein today, wok is lprob. lemis oi, aïnd knw he peaceý tlat conems trh-0111 lihmn Aonn eHrsi'sunetadgan -wisdom .can poinit the way. Write her at Bx1 2 ihenS, New Toronto, Ont. She was fat ûnd oer tny bu sil ittnish.The _yuungma s;he bad crerdat CIhedac was hinkng ard f(j o se ex, cueto escajpe. At last bemur yuserWho used lulik you "h"she ý lireg'hn ly,"s tia'swho you ae! "Nu," ajdbe, lndy"Ta tueter nd 0the hosless was mn- hubn.fle idnr't cone bione eariy enough, be drank ton m-uc1h, lie smroked tno ujclianjd su u. 'Ad,"she concludecd, "hes trrblyextavgan."By wa.y ofpruvng lier pohit she ledci î,'lierfi end l bJtci1he baal nd poinied to alire, xtingishes -SANDWICH d meat wit grated uce: muisten sli~htiv Style PointerV - Appctirenýtly ut i signe.,d by Schiaparelli primacrily for standing around and look- ing beautiful, this poppy red siik Cgown feat!ures sharp,. curv- ing points, that make il resýepble a pagodo. Tenew Paris rea- Sion looks as though 1iv ould make daning difficit They Died Tic Me1 a aer dsusnth amazing case otM, iiimC BlosofutBnokynNe," York wbn (,atew(weeks ago vws cet- tId u have died trurn a hean Ris body was takýea 10 an un lay l ihernuntary, o0f the staff ws lorrified ta o iata lis eyeswee-%hcknrgSiightljy They r iushfed the n mnta asi tai wleeiweniy mmnutes ilte he sal4 up s;uddely anddcard "Whoeven said 1 was dead? I A smlncase 0fa a n' cua ing ta Lite" agaiwas reportPd Tlie man, g 65, wsifepro aafcelead iihnfour hours- -and wicerevived by beantr massage.1 There is no authenticLatedcase doctar. fIn niain ar a ssprc sueleacD'by iwaItiI lis hent, betigand circulationt h1ave stopped for ffive mnts PhIysiulagy utaday taches thalyi- nevensble changes occur m i te human -.[librain ,and aff i talj anasil the crcltiuisoPps or tour inutcseson mure. 1A ,Tamaican! wom m nalo joncs awbo "died" aged tO, was placed il a coffin and ber bad, packed ihe.Fifleen bouns later the coffrn.lid snseen ta maove sfghly andawie adap- up sailte" ps"syn "My ,ào I'n blUnny. Please ie m anl, Ten)esa aasiwboo!aI uï Teinterioent asduetaak plc atan bu ae Lifesver-T is rm-jet turbine, only i 2-inchesin iaetr, mieuw hlfe Aisacd of death for jet Armera and passengersin case of engin. failure, Turning On fuli power iin 4-sthcjte .~c ôndc, il supplias emergçenCy hy, drauý.lik powor et hiýghtsed an à eautYful co irudEpire ned a long week-end in the co- lryý; ali'lter hum1-e gar-deners, ax ous ta put in plnts and seedlipgs now the danger ut trust appears ta beove. Corn tmtinku i isnj't it touoishthie way e plan, foveohrkonk or pleasure, wýiih- oui aioigfor the taD-Ithat Ihe w0eathen, OrCinu0lincso it impossible -for Lus to cryout c'Ur Prugýcrcm. W( plan withoutLI a mnargin. And yet -a margiw i s su necessary. H is a safeguard against disappinîneatl ; a place tu e Ireat lien plans taioumtrli eze. Remiem-bec the liimewlien-- yitatiunis lu bath iui-C and s- cial e"veIn'ts ufttIn ad ila brac'kets aten tSe tirn and plac e ws given, (DV.)-ioeaning -"Denj VTolente" or CGodWllag. .V is a termi thai is hardily utsed ai al Ihese days-ia fact wliatD. stands for may be completeiylos on1 prsn-a edrWe mar planis 't Suit '-aur oacnei eace-very.el6y do weu Mink or say ta ourselves, "o iln" And su, if anid wlee our plans don't wdrk; oui ibe way we ex- peci, ihene is nu manrgîn at re- treat. We teet hurt as a necdi and goaroud wit a cip on Our shouiçler. I remmbensame ,yearsago dieaged bachelar, very efcient and upote. H--ýe -Iýplaqnnedeveryý haur ut every cday, ton im iiself and bis liined hýeIp. AsI hi on, Saturý.- day when he plannedlu stan lmay- ing an ie oud el yu-Wel I figure Fllbe l ie finsi fieIid 10 o'ýcock Tuesday morning" O asýk hmabtbis milk produvc- mnonth I lave lhree mare cows comiag ia, ihen I shaH be ship- ping tive cans diy"Thai farm- er planued withoiui atia.Tbbý re-suli wasçairru rstain A liav ain or tMe oss ut ýa a' compleiely pset ibis acaios One cd'ay Ive was iforind ying ijla is owýn dnfvtrng shed, a di'schaiýred gua by hWs side. Probjably hehapiet ain al aethose 'wbo allow a ý;go0ad w i'd nangin laiiiplanniing iheir tarm ard home operatians; wbo. lways have asubstifute plan if circumsances -a2 e himpossible l0 Carury oui ihe -originl une. .eayraa may stop seediag for a day, or-two-bOut il is a goýod chiance wto deanup ihe dnivia shed. Or Ms.Farmier may be ai se tol put fa gardenAnd then it rasa , . whthere'll beante daMîgbtas whlget ihe maendi- un s hea-ded "Thing's i must Do" -theothr "Ting I WuidLike lu Do".Thés nman always plans hrokday by day,,Ly but whenr, wealher or cru2tne upset ber plans rgrigt1hings 1that mutbe dune, theni she seizes the opportuni1> for uneA ni hemore enjoyable but Mes urgent jobs- fr-or the fcond isi. As t0IialasIThusa hr muLst have be a grecat mnany omen whowere faî1lln bc on seodchoice jobDs on accounit0ut brances inihîs istrict chartered a bus and the members went on a sglsinfact-findîing tip, which i ncluded naking -ia iroundc uf a large Stone quarry, where several power shovels were in operalion, a visît to Hîamilion's3 famous Ro)ck Garden, also Io fLua- durn Castile andié 1Museum, nc the home ut Sir Allan Mc aa condncucied tour oùf the Sov7eref-ign Poliermies d a look-see aithie Milîs Lb arya MMstrUni- verît, inc te ~swas o lhad been f ustated due't ver work thatJ had b-eemnrny oiia Fiday ýndSaturciay 1 wsb -ge-tting, ready for a pryu five th-atwe were epeigo Sunda-uy- only before îthe day a outthe fie becarneSeven. Par- ner had tGe awn nicelyscs thee as oun wet Zgr-as-,o a but it iýs n rubet etù h should it'e., aghe n ber- husbaillnd cmealon2g on rnower for Fatler! And thet was,. thebest mothr' daygîft tha anynne ever had. Just a word abutbooks et .i you enjgond readi-ng. , d r "<The -Sojournit-,er-" byMajorime Km.n- nan Rawlings autHor of The Yealin. Tha)ve jusýi fiShed iL, took5pre//y - 7J~vtes'pr4 W OF'~Eft/4' 9 Scald 11/,",C. ail, %-c.Uaa", iated suga,-1p. saà aD ( 1 sboteang;cool tû ucwnn Meaawhile, masreinto A large bOw? c uewrmwater. é tsps, granlate sugr; sir util ugar is dis5eSral ih8et Dry Ycst. e tad 10 mieutei, THEN "tirwel Add ukewrm ilk mxtreAndc aimond etrct Sir ila 4 c. once- 3ifted bread fou;beat uni1til saot.Work La .2 c.eees raisins, 1 C.,crntsL, i c. choppcd canidied peels, 1 c. sliced mrshn cheçýrries and ic roe1alu Work lu -% c.(aotoceife bread flour. K"nead u o» hly floured board until s4mootb and eiLastii. Place in grcisect buwl sudè grease top ofdoug. Cner ad3et un awarm placenrceUfom dauht Let risc unitil dubcdlubulk. ligtinlmured board a-,I di d tato 4euiprin;etcaci porioun intio 20cqutal-sized picces; knejad ,,ci piece into a smootli r-ound bil. Arrange 10 smali balils la escut j4 greased loafpas (41/2 x 8½"> and greasetops. Arrang reýmaining halls uon top nt);nseo in pans and grease tope.CaveCr Wu let risc cttdube nbuik. Balke Itor, avning Witb brwn ppe-r N'ote: The 4 pùý ortis odouigb nay lie shiaped mm baves lu fiî as ntadof beng i!iel doth smallieethtrouekob

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