i r- r- r- r- r- tookth opistêve I've found hlm out, ly ithou;nroalsAnd h ïNe squanders his mogne-, dlebt, and hasn't ouh singe thîng sînce we W'hern I feu hm]lmIspl luv i Mway, he says 1 "Reently, i got a lebs pared to leve hM-el th-e chitldieot his. At Lost, A îorne -- Soif C ho, 1l1erad ae orphan lalsiaohe frosîibile l 150 o 9by Mnr. ichird E a ohobrriveýs aoSt tl Sogis e<at aBoys ser.geant wi ci, i art - -- - - a ovueru w ae gttnn atong I-1rW-d s. W moneyW rin heniW(frsni', sus- are oiei- ms >Mc "wae n ay ua u drins. Iarn e mierabe wih mybus me a hîad ada b paien; 1ve lcaeç1 Wonarnd. eive trîd theats, but no0th,-g ipiteUs sntee, encthe baby msprces lm caneot te as ue raposii)c lît. Islî îaye ti the loe hni tboub, sert I ca hîm. How au beorana scerr te~~~le lid islçî'Bkox lwbat3te o daims TaraIbis . N." A. A-he rh ab mg thebroi-il p orj uteegiel ae tbroilrmuhear A. ý2usboeo iepp mentsThe clorièoflmel colon nI he ga!metsh usslI tJcm to turcgyellew. A.Soehae lîmdsuces h -Dii B i>as hi 3 ea~ors * hi ici lafonshlii n ah allv unlea 'lied, fhoueh if re- Brown, Ibis feeling v as g~aiu~ ie~d uncoifscious on bol~î sidei.. When news rsehei& Lhe Queen's ears that jokes were be- ieg made about "Mis. Bîown~'~ she cbaracteristically ~ave hlm gfeater au thori*y. Lesser mortals gazed lu a~ton ishment. Duriog a royal vîsit to the Duke of Rîchmond the Queee's luggage, includrog ber niglitetothes; weet astray aud the Quecu refu~ed te undr~ss "Well~" oried Brow o, wh~n ho was ~ummoecd, "ye'U score juat as good je yer shift. Pull o~ yer claes and get betwîxt the sheetu without ver legs!' The Qucen obeyed. 'What ere ye doing wiîh that black dress on agaîn?" he de~ manded ce another occasion, "It's greco moulded!' And wlîeii the Quece; on one et ber sk~'tclî- ing excursîoe~, hart diffi~u1îy in cheosing a table to s~t a rleug the heathc~, Br~w1i 1ost h s tcum per, pîcked up ene 0f the dis- carcled tables aîîd set it befere I ber. [Vs ne' possible te liiake yC another table up 1w an- noueced. EsqLu, bhig.AcresShrley Bach use sawàkcwdr "nbpi't ta 3 dor e n !ew York'sEpr har hihw enrm Mrow4ih Ite reas of ta -ea l lyhue rttno h domor ca A ae igures aofaotars and adresssMh oak parn i, c i rwil nprarm, 'CIighy oaf Ce Empire " !roudway's ml; of b4ddin freeti iathe famacus ld tcr, i~ ~ ~~' cs svaoyu si a o-wfli t il usîey e ray odt sliP~~~~' hapsl w irs-ti on gerneo as f 1 e ioalVily corpsm' t B Ru in, lIm posier bebmedlthe I1rone, hart tbidii Cert PEk imd wîihi 1er) eye jedniîn 1er 1 Quen Viumctria pîaed atubisroyaln. Tir wrcS eafbs il wempese w place-r. on lie hier.Everys lu- mndli Wîdo vs cfsd a 1 the" ut)ef îînd iIrI he ge But tu r a Lfcmg t r"-j brougc Cocu secît we if ws1O kUow iheg ie ne s ory ofb-lie C iaeurtoe LI-ui-îcly It Quen' sere OUT 0F LOVE Vm we upt o boi u' eg bloi4~up ouretolnc ..youfl on .¶deal, p nen r pr o n d4i4a ntia p.tmuet o,1vrbetitooagm Quens aîfyl an moumsd in flihrya lehsAsW at rne rosa' fic rshngwaer c oan làwlas 0epoitoute lat ail tie.An ler the Pr ince 3Consts uanl deatbil w paroclo-roc irt 1l 1hipw i YH sca f0i osrvilng huesOîatomr- crairs ad olrt entirA' s o sbar"d orefher.as.heser c elou rîefmes sodb biud lier bas den1 ra au- tew JohwniBrownba utlu' epro- cici' fir -oider. euînhîîmg rO Qiteslie tePsendhooïlio Lirs Bitten By Maif A Snoke--Student nurse Peggy bord cabsai~s hor brother. Ton, le hospital where ho k bu.in~ î zcmed a le bein~ ~utten by hoU a suak~e. Ted ced his father had chappod an eighî-foo# copperhu~d te hall'. When Ted pici'ed up ihe business end, tî6tî him, I Air, 1 ýleenin bi., iNew loromo, ýunt«