Your insurance costs can be substantially re- duced by buyi,!ng Divi- dend Paying Policies Quotation s on request. LeroyHanio ORONO 1 RING 16 NS U RANCE In ail Atbranches Fire, Burglar-y, H!ospitalization Autoob ,itlLie, Acciden? and SkesPlate Glass, Liability, Llvew ,o i WudJo. $5,OO. Nèwastle thetidîest boule andstvalue in oz;~ large cre rprynear grou"dfleur,2 upstirs eavy wirir~ soe harwoudflooinIg session-, arranged. Bargain with c-(ýTash FUNDS 1 have ava jble fnsfor first niortgages oýn improved property ini Clarke ToNwship- rcurrent interest rates. HeIting f CA! 1 lm FOR ESTDMATE,ý HARRY FE. LYCETT Mhme Si r 12 Phon Whtby552 :~îs undasSi. E.,Wlib FINE QUALÎTY 'IOCIfIENTS ANP Ltus erect ahnsoe g ùîld onumient over the egt usg lace of your loved w&c et' no epeinsive. And aen dis lst tibute wil gjivê y ou eiclee3s conifor FOR YOUNG -T'ades ramlnhgi for an Army 1Under the. Solder Apprentâce 'nte Canadiant Armny Soldier Apprentice Plan upon ) eachingttheir 17t <>ffero a unique career opportunity for Young ccive full pay with extn Ime of16 who want agood future. 3-way qq 4fy programme trai Soldier Apprentices for areers as skiUed soldier traiesmen. eyuga 1ealthy and puMMefut eTradesia under expert Intruciorg Ap2Â t es d inve t haenaof 6 sllle trie' The coupo ibelotew i1 'Aaemetrabnig in physicse, chemia4try, s aus tit «tny &oiî1 MM" barytrinm ag..Coeadi.n$'Wdie Ulî 811rApprenice..foflow a btIamoodpro. ienral Comnnid, Ooet paume of stiudy, work and play; li e in > 1 RO Oi mparate reeidence et Armj Sehools under' Pleasend igeth p'isien of miUtary andci'vilian itruc.. I Sodiez Appveatieeý =aa t, àa healthy, beneficial course of train- I hgthat prepa)r* Soldîer Appreaiticcefor I1Na.......... le4roezr& SoIditr Ap prentime.are iief or ail AxînyI ÎÏiedtz, pendons and the.010 dxyçananual bave. The .cea-ve balf pay whiLel6 but L - Iry Our New Youâi Are Invited Io Hear in 11-oviRg e- ryof a den bus-I banld, EdwaIrd De.111Dean, who ssedl Mrs. Albert Mlorton entertained away Une lStlf, 1947. Wednesda!y at a trousenu itea for~ Oh ho0W pjatý ienjity Su int' ber daugh-ter Adele. PrioiI, to ber mar- WenohncudgvIeeae 1:nag e con Sat-urday to AMr, Andrew God thIe hl 14 o teelîes Mcilthe bride wsenteïtained Saw îe pin n gvehe1pc11y1rsLoJrdStitt of Islington,1 But det h ef't a oîins The( Stonec Churcb Missjoinry Guild;1 The voil c4rnIeye f jil. MYs. Wiliam MeGl i andMi-S. R souI Lowery, Toronito, Mrs. Edward Ever emmeed y7ife Rwen. IInand Mlrs. Charles Tyrrell, ý,)r"ono TOrono. Mrs. Neil Wood aInd dlaughters, Lkfedvîi,'Red Mr. an d IwiII have ýto w rkL- Mrs. Chas. )od. Gre on n INTTE SH4. PMr.m'nd with be over the ek.erd Ms.Stainton re- turned iem for- a few days JV Ib- able to give Mis Junýe Neilsoni , oronto, spenit 9' th-e ,weekn tbe oe rom t jevie fl Ms. Oin, Eizabethiiie, bas beenl -1visiting h ier fi1 ekend rs. Sean Mr. Jamwes EnIgleson wa inBe- and R Peparsz ley to t]-e fuineral of bis brother Mlr. W %alter Eagleson. N Miss 3,. E. G. Wadde,Toronto, will R.E. L I zeîet in atIunceon atthý l-e Unîver- tiion 18-1 wome gCub tes 1and tei ofth the moen gradïuates ofi -ersity Col- lege elass of 1903. Mr. Artbhur Iallowvell is visiting bis sister, Mrs. Fred Cowan. Mrs. Janies Richards wvas in Hamil- ton Saturday, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. iMceGarN-ie and attended th miarriage of ber cousin Misa' Alice E. Sheppard to Mr. Jamues Connor, at the Chu>-eh of St. Peter and rcp tion at Brant Ian, Bueilngtoei. MrndMri, Wmi.Rowland. n f amily, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ho6well Rowland. Sqdin. Leader Stewart Cowan, Are& GCowan and Douglas, Ottawva spent the week,-end with Mr. N. Cobbledick,, and attended the McGill - Morton wedding. The Clarke Towý,nship Public School AnulField Day is t. be h d in Kendai MenIoIýaI Paýýkon rd ... ~Junie l9th. Bahl gaines in the after- nooni. Mrs. H. T. Turley and daughter Raye of Ottawa, spent a f ew days, with ber inother, MIrs. Jas. ~Dxon. Mrs. Win. Bunting and children Coreer :re sending two weeks with ber ar erparents '.]Mr. and Mrs. Walsh. Nr. and Mrs, Roy Cornish, Port 'th birthiday thtey re- week-enid with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. ra group pay ae liey Cooper. Miss Editb Dunn and Mr. and Mrs. Winniey, Cobourg were Sunday visi- Lerested in the Ihappy, tors witb Bertha Cain. ) life of the Soldier Mrs. Wmi. Leamien underwent an Sigrate iMmediaItely. o-perationi in Bowmanville liospital on Tuesday morning. 7 brin g you fi$1d1,- Visitors w,%itb Mr. and Mrs. John aion. Hendry wvere Mr. and Mrs. J. Harris ârnd Judith, Weston; Mr. and Mrs. - - -- - - 1Glen)n Tbornicroft, Edmonton, Alta. kur4 4-Î Dr. and Mrs. R. B. Murray and j'ani- ma. Barr"b&, ily, Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Glass and Mrs. boWoih.J.G. Jackson were supper guests of i i Mrs. George Smith, New,ýcatstle, re- centqy. MNrs. J. G. Jaýckson spent Sunday ~ Iwith ber dIaughter, 'Mrs. Kelsey at ___________ jWbithy. - j Mrs. Wm. Mitchiell is in the West- ____________ern Hospital, Toronto. --jMr. anid Mrs. Cecil Staplaton, New-i -- ---- tonville, celebrated theïr twenity-fifthi ________________________ ý edding anniversary hast Satuirday evnn.Those attending froni Orono [lwere Mr. and Mrs. Chiarles Staple- Iton anid famulyI, Mr. and Mrs, Jack j~Stapleton, Mlr. and Mlrs. John .Moris,ý [jMr. and Mrs. HfaIstead Coathani and' familýy, Mr. and Mis7 Otto Coathani and Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester.'l1 NOMINATION MEETING ORONO TOWN HALL Thurs,, Juste 1th I 8:30 p.m. EVERYBODY W1CM j Il ('.tnnii~turr ni titI~tri~ j -.- . should prompt you to call upon us in time of s'Orrow. We stress simple beautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. H& BARLOW Phonle 18 r 7 Oro ARm s 25 per cent off on 15 goleum Rugs, ail sizes. 6x9 Rug for........----- 7',x9 Rug for ....... --- 9X9 Rug for............. 9x10l/z2 Rug for . 9x12 Rug for........----- 9xl'1½ Rug for .... ... 9x15 Rug for........----- Con- $4.84 6.07l 7.09 8.Z-5 9.37 10.50 11.81 Wall papers, at least 50 of mir Wallpapers at 25 per cenit off, Good palter*ns. Draperies, 'Bark Cloth,' good,, h4ck ground bltack, grey3,.-naturs-al,_.wtb.leaf.. or flower desi'ris. Rglr$.* For only ----------$2--95 Colonial;I Fabric,'liae design. Reg-. $2.5e for .....----....--$1.75 Phone 18 r 2 green or wine. Jtegular $ For only.............-------- AIl our spring coats ons Thiese are roalsinart coats. new styles. 25 per cenit off coat. -- Dresses in crepe, printed silk, jersey, ciskay, chambray Priice at...............--------- 9M9 Cotton Sleeveless Blouses, colors yellow, turquoise,imauvre sand. Prjc........... ý . 50 G i r1; u n Dresses in Criskay Size. -12,Pi ce- $ Iae.-Cotton-..-C ornainm kirs.God quaQ'l 'y, Dfrndl style, c4ilors, red or bI11e. Siza 14-16Pric.... ...........$.~ ToipuoSteaks Botter km wn as MilnuteSta Tbhis Week- d ,They're Tender aed Econontlcal Universail Salmon, réd, 1/2 lb. tin 25c. Sweet Potatoes, ready to heat and Kippereçl Herring- '(genuine SIcotéh at tnfo..........2e 15 atunce tins ..,,...,ý.J5t, Choice whole Mushrooms, 10 oz. BrnwikSadne,3 is .. 5.tins for - -. ... - ,.. -13c. BrunwickSarines 3 ins 5c. Freshies (ail fiavours) 5, pkgs. 2 9c. FIylTox........... 29c. and 59c.. Moth Proof Spray .......$1.35 12eFresh and Frozen - - Ice Creaim and Ftozen Fish' COrni sh plione ilai Marlketeria -ENÇAGEMENT The engag ent i n Betty Blanch , daughteri M4r. and Mrî. P. J .fia] Oýrville Inwýokdý_only s$i!lof UNITED CHURCH Orono Pastoral Charge . lt o, John Kitchen SUNDAY, JUNE 14, 1953 OR.ONO-Suniday &Shiol at 10 service at Il (No evenig service) LESKÂRD-No service KIRBY-Sunday Scbool a 't2 Se ac t 3 mu Neilson Chiocolate Bars 1 for oniy .... ........2c ler I Large Prunes, lb......... 25c IOrono~ Creamery Butter, lb. 59e Vegetables SPECIAL HIOME KILLED PRESTI MEAT, - i Hon, -LESTER MINISTER 0F EXTERNAL AFFAIRS Presient of jJnlted ,Nat M Assemy L î A L