i l~te orim, yfine rUdshes ha suaise for er y eatinsd I'm mure that flic fiistue., wbi ten hem,-b, flel goussd ee Bw% wW c ËM to ILrv tbjp resied Sauterter i.-s tp. iger. * dlal rev R(,ývteer lor unts e to e.mcmWbala l * I3Icn oul M ý,o pîestr-j* lu POU&e. beeM b Ith cue-dvitsgrav u n.Sirl r 'i~ esase e. rie ge 9- O Dhiutc e Pour ~ Bake i boum I (iLO~,4 os.) eau eondesased te- ~nato soup wills equat aîssctrsnt water oves casserole lu u-ad.erafe (350~)'averî Se ves 6. Reduuncehbot ta 3250 ybaise 45 * Cool aud . top i - Mero"gder t eaturi sîlif peks form.i minutesn.t' ac leitsp. bakisîg impuionedgs power lsk liocep.isal unetaie nsu 5" ec. puuns- Cqes.SLtVt- eaSpriuke je aD41a "oudc'ch * Plac'e i îse skium pa aits.Se rveuni-, m's es pi]utmenudes)'r 'nIa iquid C .o overno-nea, k r AnIsland Paraiîiie Whlere You CaWnt Live mvils tFtre casI aicstalia aipefe eu t cure. Il is -sue Mi Lord e Ho eutstard. aieluctcedays, tasevera comorac utIleohabursewhep,- piratesausaita nhar their- ship sud bdosrï uingmepsirs Iheirdtreseon th e islU= onie a nwhamse i p('IruybydigauIebna Nlasiu qute rir, y mmmd- ering tir miiwiro liidtise rs irledWYalno asîrk cion by fective meseuifwrt Suppote b-y rie packiniorsse wa¶s yunsai othenulaconemî,d'. wcould be up lta te racsit tir plants ta reue tv pre sniebeiesTi upr isereues C U acn Luenb- s!mrp~s onras1diALire dis- Ypiienitue aisu y s Abubon Meting wai te asscia- nMeS lubbc toi ol ark i d tiddntil helie ura cnte lapuchaC4lad or is plnt th e-reosdcardtrIlr- alsC lhenha cuered mb aI lete y ret fon te rau cocs were 'al t beused go W te dauis bsin r es. lues ilireuaers waI anc(-dotie isîor tiredaes h ltam iepraduce aewlu tireiemctgiWCsun Land OSamba, Wordl's Greatest Storehousell ianwh evisdl trefamoaus pla fr idugEutrt1pe, has put caulcd nothave been woÔn ithoot he rhis w ui- t bye ns war-withJout stee Ad wîtbout U~ mooly of il. But itOMSdis- covered Slt so maony years ago sbat the southern part of Brazil- was ic-ediJb;y rinlumaganese, sud rJaiso lur igb-grade irait are. D-ur-iiug0uthe wa-rhad it ual bec fr this Baisnsource, bave cep! op such au eurmou, odrput of armamnens. Brzli ues ricb1est 'slare- bouse, Nowherecscueartb eu anhopeta -flud :such an abunauce of ineris.The of vegetable ails. Cu, discaveed che Blue Goose Dome, a nc :.f ibie gets tant Pasttre was a art et Brazl wbre iamonès coud b pkce -;p b thlhadf --luon meorbl yarmoe ha 2000 were faund in Asecourse ou a unsk As for kol~-.-dot mnio l lt's tere al rigb, audual s larcouines flcurtiPCt oro- lionsprîrý_ mmc adio u -sen tbeyare la be puai bcth why poduces solîd ua he sureisemes outh rocssr airdwî ios.Aamatra Mas'kerîv mersrc tanolli rouerawe mils lant u Tarnt 0'as a bi starep owards fi aaspoThe for'tn ofongadfin" eswhifor tacsuer sîllI hve ta srîve fr i means Ontaia ilsPraucesar luciy lthae te ufri MIl Cotra A cproiions fo laud met drect waysor fitor-m ~vfI trd airicestrid most Oters allen eeuc -enfeel lu engh, uecondor is largerý- su ichgberj-tbaannyaiesc known birdlahthe j"i yosi might at any marment ecauntei becties as big as yovr hand, ceulîpede(s ha foot long, sdsal as big as your fist. Stripped or Fkes If you weint swimming s!i- cer,- tain streamsiý and ofblrisa the Aarnyou îivould ýhave ,ta risk au uoutrwiha in swordflsh. Onlas f i rzr sharp sword ea ýýukJCUl nui lwvo, On ite other ad i o mnissci týh, ' swordfish, yen w -ould stand a good chance of meeting. spécimens cf the igget livng crocodiles U. 0f al iehros a îh encoante Swing yenr swm, h eaen save you froir the piah lsOnljý wel' luhe lon. hocrIbas rbe ac ua lunba drean-malvaleu, strîrg es e undrabo îa of brildo wedg-sbap leli taperî-s g ta-j udup la hallan ncbrb'ck nOeiug rip ac of I01 he7sei a a lacke b dirah. rd h flesb ti ippd offi -adic2h. he feu mb ~the sran W uobig efi c Cpt bs i Ou -su. Taýrc wali igIl i ion," Ilcdcrourtbave "the r' ofIan cIp as aeei(sj on bsppis al' ]wCoun a - You wouldOf henrîeya la Cindy Beîins-B4eautîdIÏu 7ycr ita siri cVc as'e, ýi icirSe eo seieted tom2,00a coteassat Plaiorse Sense., lowered ime aPymcea cte sip- yards. Oce in poiîarc il,.wa shcred ri and wel e la r iucustycarsistcdily detoned, dtoyte anidutyi ictin iv s a u sîliga, New landand Arrrica ly ihierJ ,or aio ' rest, t ire 21itrnt nlCn id s, Heur-y A Walac, itrU 'Ontrebiy a n A rltre wa Yd ai bimedgdagrt MWesatoa tae