ES ,vol . 17 No 21 OýR0NO, ONT., THURSDAY, JU 1953 Subscription .Marie Lewis Recei'ves Hi'gheat Award For Guiding Marieý Lewis, dauighter of Mr.* and D1 TL DLpis âk Pr Mvrs. Thomas Lewis, Orono wshih,,i îS~a~ [r ày honoured Tuesday evening at the' l io eitlA rn Guide imeeting, when she was pre-i l in)Keýa tC n ýsented with the Gold Cor-d by the .DivTision Commissioner Mr,-s. Franilk 1Thurýsdayeveing Jue11,th of owmnvile.Mrs Fra-nk spokerpiano puisOf Mres. W. E. C. Work- niothighly of Marie's Guide cre.mnheid their ainnual Recîtal in the She said it w-as a gr-eaý-thonour and Sunlday Schol(O Auditorium of the Iher first privilege i presenting flhe Ooolnted ChUrch1. Gold Cord. There is one cWînner or The pupils were froi B\vanile this high awar in Oshawa and one ecat<e Kendal Orono and district lnne*r in Bowmnanville, Miss Bevely ad eraccmaidbypodpr Frank. ents and fins Commniissioner Frank also informied1 mus that the Gold Cord is the highest MUr. Workmau acted as Master of, and miost honoured award, mon ha Ceremonies and each cldintroduced guide, the dead line for this bein hi's or ber owa number. From the tiny tots up they played with confidence - and poise and real enjoymient, MARIE LEWIS .Leventeeni yeans of age iMarie accomi- lished bier succcnis at the early age ýoF fifteeni yeans. Hem noext stop willi bec that of Lieutenalit, in a few years Stime. At present sire will ire m"ost t ' ir 'rQonu , tlOOP 0of Guidies. The Gold Cord presenited to iMý,anie at this momeutous Occasion ,was douated by Mme. Wni. Armstrong Jean WViiiama introduced tire fol- Iowing nuiimbers in ber very p1eaýsiuig inannier. a seniapirore penformed by .Marle Lewis, Auni-e Best and JO Aune Rutherford, wvhich exteuded a henr-by ýweletme Vo tir te Guides' mothers, .guestsansd execuitivo empfbers pro- esent. A. piano s-olo by Jo Anne Rutir- ýerford. Eýnr-olhmnt in tlie Guide Troop of ,Janice Neil, Joan Alldread, Marilyn Cobbledick, Anne Woodyamd, Mar.en Gahama. Thiss followed by Godj sýave thre Quenr. A piano solo byl MXarilyn Cebbledick. The Guides thon (IemoioustrateiI afew akits: bow Vo 'Came for bee stiags, frost bites-, faint-i ing spehîs and a broken arm.i A pia- nec solo by Aune Woodyard. Camnpfire sontgs-woe sunig by the girls,thei -voices bleinding well.i Mrs. 1Mj. Linton -poke on irohaif of! tire president, Mrs. Wmt-. Armnstrong whe was -absenit owing to illness. She- gave greuat praise Vo Mrs. Armnstrong for lhem wovýndenful work 7witb tire Girl Guides and througb the will andj single puropse of keepiug the guides toijgether, Mrs. Wnri. Grady, the pro- soýnt leader of tire guides bas givoni mnuci of ber bime iii teaching- the girls, ilso iu the past Mrs. Alan, -,ýtrikçe wn ianther efficient wvomker, Mthý senior gie present were Mr.Donald Goode, M1aureen MVc-. Kenua a&d Kileen Joues, wbo are' doing: wonderful wýonk with tire CuLbs.1 Tire meting closed wxibh a delici-; oa luntch prepared by the girls. -mrs. M. H. 'Stuples and Mrs. T. Lewî i md tie ononr of pouing tes. One feature of the evenling waIs tire presentation of Kelly Kiny inder- gadnC2rtifica1ýsto o Irle pup-i1s~ iraving comnplebed tis cus.TheýsG wvere tire follo-wing: Mary LyuBai- loy, Faye Nicholson, InMcKeuzie, Gamiey Lycetý, Janice Wilson, Jo)- bannle Pankilîl, Ronald Richards, Douais Thompson. _Refresirmen ts of cake,ic-ra sud chocolate ilk were served tire children -witir cookies aud béa for tire adualts. Mrs. Workmnanannd tire cilidren are Vo ire congrabulated on tins fine pe'rforrmauce sud the attention given, escir pupil was commeudable. on Juieo 16th, tire monitily meet- ing of tire Woilien's Christian Tomi- persace Union was beld tire Sun-, day 8chool Auditoriumi of Oronlo Un-! ited Churcir. Tire meeting opeueod witi tire singing of tire bymu "Blesse-d Assurance."' The pesident, Mrs. H. Walsh called on _Mrs. R. Allia for tire! devotionaL. ber talk ceutr-ed ou; "Prayer", readfiag tire acipture from-i tire book of llebrems and St. Mut-i thew. Sire also reud a sbory about1 moving mýounta.-ins by prayer sudi proved tint iu God's good time tis can irecdoue. Closing ýwibh prayer snd tire hymur "Whab a fniend we bave lu Jesuis." Mý,rs. KE12ly gave a neaciurg onj "Tire road bo Pouceý.' Mrs. Jas. Dix- on gave a s hort poemi by wbich tire final letton of escir lino spelled Pouce. Miss Helene Waddell gave a vemy lu- terestiag talk on tire Coronation, ex- plainliug 1tiereeliglous sacredulessa£o tire cenemony down tirrongir tire ages. Tire meeting closed with 'God save tire Quees' aqnd3Mizpah Beýnediction. MilI-Dam Demolished To1 Make Way For Construction! Onr una the remainling Port'o h e had tfaken part In actual de- ofý the Mili dam nd bridge atthjmoso. ýýmith oif Oro-no -%as levelled in prep- bHuses in thenearb vicinity werel araition f'or in this area later thisj vacated aýs a safevy nmeasure-, durnýg -yea r. the blasting DperatiOliis ard a!! win-, A tdebaciment of Royal Calnad('iani Englineers udroktire demlolishlion ef tire cenent ide ,valis and base of thetside.Tis sainie roup0 had ou p revio-fus occasion ,eected tire Bi ley big c uow Spa'ns-tire gaip. lu ailsev met nitook part in e sieewhiicir .ýin luli-no witir tiroir ~etirses ia tire reserveunuit,-laIn ay et.aýe3 lb waS -tire flrst oecaslor, thatý dow's wore opoets ,dso mat the o împaetü vvo-uld net destroy tor.Basaba could, ire heýard oven thse entire village. This pro jocb lai bein-ig iandled byý tire Departmieut of Public Wonlks for'l tire local Reforestbioni. lb is epce that r-econstruction ilDl commence eihrin labo July Or August. Ho7w- eeutpr"eet i tis noV nw whether it la Vo be abri-dgeaou'ly oGr a combiniation mroud sud dam. Pubilliç School Visita Falls Oronlo Public Schiool Senior room Along the route mnythingsof (Grades 6, 7, and 8) with theiri particular interost were viewed and teacher, Miss Foster, Mrs Rutherford dirscuse:the cover leaf intersec- as nuirse and a :nmber of mothers tions alonig Vheý $har factor-Y enjoyed a tnp to Niagara by Qarton sites in SouthOswa Ajax with its Coach- last Friday. planaed community, the Toronto The pupils were good travellers materfront activities, the Ford plant and the occasional burst of eheery at Oakv-ille, the Frtiit belt with its pp PH e cmradly conver.sàtion, vhieyards and peach orchards, canti- m1e exclmaions at sighs along the leveýr bridges which co-ordiniate water way te cureou cnsiertio fr nd highway traffic thence to our ther guest, aIaldedup t o a -verýy f irst stop atFr ere hpyoccýasioni for- everyone. (Contiued on page 4) The% Qucen Is Crowned This is another lai a series of Coro_ nation Year lettons froi overseasi witnfor the Oronio Weelkly Times and other miemlbers of the Outar1 Divý,1oi of the Caniiani? Weekly New'spapors Association. Like many of you 1 did not see the actual crow,ýnin2g - 1 saw, the parade passing to anud from the Abbey and from a room ini Canada Honse w»at- ched ho crem.y of the cr'owning ln the Abbey. S If hd beça given anw opportuuity tochos îyow seat I could not have la a better one. 1 saw the par-i ade on tho w ay from !1the PaIlace as it! cmie toTrfga Squarie and swing WVI ithap<air of field glasses I hadl i1ong I could look mb the14carnýages Lis they passed. As the Quoen's Car- nazge swung sround the turn. I cauglit a glimpse of the Royal Cou-1 ple aIs they waved. Then on returiî they passed di- rectly bolow, us twýico, each time with- ,in 25 feet of our gallery. Fromi B Gallery, wýhich w\ýas thq. press box we were hîgh1 enough to see into the vehicles but flot toü >igh to look down on the tops. On th-e first timne past lb ha4 be- -gunlraring v hiIethe nïilhtaryr u1itu7, were passing, but be-fore the Royal Part of the procession camne along the sun broke tbrough and we wvere able bo geb colored imovios. lu less than an hbour the parade started back pas( our stand againi and turned at the monment to- wards the Palace. This timie the nain soniked everyonIe. Canadian tnoopýý, including nav, anmy and air fonce, formied a guard of bonour on both sides of tfte roCét where the parade passed Canada bouse. Thoso along thfe route wvere pro-1 vided witb aliekers but when the1 parade came niear each time these! were reîuoved and like the pohice and' spectators they stood in the nai*n. 0f course tbousands of military a'nd naval personoîl did flot have slickers at any tîie. Everyone coming to Canada House had been warnied to be in their seats by Six a.m. IHowever, mtost of us wr there by five or soon aftor. We had purchased mneaL. tickets with our seats at $6.80 for breakfast, morn01ing coffeo, and lunceheon. 1Ereakfnst consisted of two slices of thin bread buttered and a dab of marmalade (if you could get lb but it was al gone w.hen 1 got servedi) and a pairtly ,filled eup; of boa or I offee,. This we hnhianced on, ou,1 bauds as no place was pro)vîded to sit or stand. Morning -off'ee included asquare of cake and a sanidwich, agnini if you could get lb. ILuncheoii, which waýs served dur- ing the timoe the Abbey sriewaa going on, cousistedi of a, cold plate of vpetable salnd, lettuce and tomnato wih ithe a slice of cold movat or some ct-old cbýlien wbhjch included bones as well nis ment, a desert,. of fruit sud a slce of icýe cream and piece of Cake, coc of tea or coffee. ThiÀs we againi ate from our bauds _and I hatve pictures of several asiting on the thîck( rugs in the Hligha Comi- missiouer'sofie Parade AWoÀ rflSîgbt AIl at homne have senpicýtures Of thre parade by nowçý but to, nctuslly wthit pass was mnost inspininig. It --l ot tlie colon and thle poirpp and unir,1mIS somuch as the oatyof those millions who stood not for houirs but for days wedged la so, tighly hatnot a job of pavem-ent wý,as v-isible nmioug thom, with thre raM cýoming -dowu triime nfter time. Somae had! slcLkeijý,, others flot, somie a newspaper wich omn got soakedr bntr bbey did ne -t imove. Even afber bhey bmd sýeen tire parade pass on1ce tbey stayed on1 another two, hours -to see it psa WaWh Suchj loyalty as this wverealize tliere la great truthin luthe words, "Ther'll ai-1 ways ire an Enigliud." Carried On Stretchors St. John Ambulance did an amaz- iug service. From our ýseat we saw at leastî fifbty persons carried aayon stretchers, back beyoud thre monu- mient to whero they were giveu Jlteml- porary treabjmenit. Prom here amrbu-1 lances took- those nieeding fiurther assistauce to bospitalîs. At first they cah!led the amibulancesl to the spot but sooni the service be-i came overtaxed and an emegecy, place w'a set up. Ha-d tireneate hen ot and haumid perhaps mauy m nore would have collapsed. We saw St. John's moen take chi]-' dren and,( others awvay on foot, pre- sumab)ly to toilets as, they broughtý them back laberwhr they -wormed bnck labo the crowd. An amiazing thi'ing about the wh~ole crow,,d wais how they mannmged for personDal servi-ces. There were nio facilities nearly large eniough to ac- comodate a small portion of them. Looking down from the- railing of Our Covered balcony w-hile rain wasi dripping ou tire bare bonds of won below, I countod one -fbundred andt twventy-five bonids in an area rot asi big- asý the average dihing tooin. They neyer m-oved or even trled toQ avoid' thre dripping main as tirere was no place to move. Churchill Show On the reburu to the Palace wb,,en Sir Winston Churchill's coîich camue opposite us it veened from tirhe parade. Units following wero siguuhled on past and Winnie aud bis guests to- gether -with the mouÈted body gnard stood there to- see the balance of the parade. imuniediuýely thre about wont up "We -want Winaiie", and be leaned 'out the windowý and waved. Cheer afber cheer brohie out from- the multi-1 tudes. As the balance of thre parade pas-i sud tire officors la charge of eacb' unit snluted the iPrimie Minister's C oa cih. M r. Churchill remîaied Étirere while the Royal Carrnage approacbed and the Queen and the Duke botir Iaughed and Ieanied towards the Primue Minister an-d waved . o hlm. The Duke seemiedè to really enjoy thisI incident asud I took colored Ymovies, I! believe we in Cauuda bouse pres gnllery have au exclusive on this. As the procession passed ouit of our view, mnking n rigbt turn at t..e Square, there were cheers fro-m the throng. But eveni thont thesee no rush to imove on. 1 ad my ,vay out to theste. It had been a long day, just over 121 hours since I bad ecnbered the buildr-1 ing, 12 bours and thoe passing of th-el greabest pageant tire world bd everi seen. Air Force Fly Pat iu less than- an boum, as soon as time allo-wed for the Queeu to get toi tho Palace ,wd take ber pla,-ce at trel balcouy, the air force fly past began. I got as close as 1I couldt ti but crowds had f'illed the modsled ing to thie ground(s down wiceh tire procosioniiad rece-ttly pnssed. Anounid tire Palace the people iradi brokeu througli the police linos alud filled the square. Thre fly-ovra mnoat bhrillinig. Jets and aIl the lnttestl type of ircraft, took part includi-ng Tirose who irad stood packed ten1 for 36 houma on more elweered noti tire planles but tire Quee-n' la tire window. Ai! duiag tire night the streets wvere filed wvibh merrnimeut, dancing and laughiton. They who badenud tire w-aitinýý along tire streets Wonýee still not exhausted but filled ireh- pubs and drank and dauced aud inter ,aT- cbhed tire firewonüks display. With you u Iext weýek tir.Dbyi Ili Seast At 5 a.m, Ciarke Township To Arbitrî DistrictHigh School Lo Bi)--C R I1 At a special meeting of ti shipConi early this weý wveretke in an attempt to A very pr)ýetty %,digvas solemi- the tax burden of ClarkeT nized in Orono United Church imutax payers in regard to the Saturdal; June !,'th whnCarole County District High Schoï Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrls. Hen- Further business was si ry Conish of Orono was united inj On motion by James Bru marig 'vih Whlitney Laverne, Arthur RVcKay the Rond Sup son of Xr. and Inn. Whitney J. Boyd dnt was authorized to cad! FRR 2, Orono Rev. Jo-hn Rîitchen Of- ders for the construction of feic.dlwving bridges, Savery bridg Give i n inarriage by ber father the son Bridge and lercer Bruf bride wore a gown of white chant'illy approximiate cost of these br lace over satin. A lace bonnlet trimn- expocted to amount to, a suî med with seod pearîs and Orange neighibourhoodl of $8,300.00. blossoms held ber finger tip veil and After considerable discussi she carried a cascade of red roses. cerning the placig of hyAdra Mliss Marlene Cautreil, cousin of phone pl)oes townrshil the bride, as miaid of honour, Worewhic',hi asonme cases are lut moauve net over taffeta with match- with rond -work and constri ing feather cap and carriod a cas-wa decided that ail placing cade of yellow muma.ý poles must be nuthoriied hy ti Miss Sharon Simpson; neice of thep Superintendant. The 0lerk wi bride, as flower girl, wore a dress Of orizod tu onify aUil Teephoil chrreetaffeta with net overskirt1 panies and the H--ydro and carried a basket of sweet peas Powo r Gomm1isfsion of OnIý"L and snapdragoa tips. thii, resoluvtion. HiIltoni Boyd, brother of the Mlembers of the Coun& i groom was best mari and the ushers, the dvso oftaxes bt wore yMr. Alan cornish anid Mr. Rosa varibtîs !mun1iciïpalities in r Boyd. ithe District Higli Sehool Aiý At fthe reopion eld at the aýhome folo ing esolution ,was 1Ps of the brde he bride's mother re-1 motion by,, Brown seconded by ceived lun a dross of navy sheer Nvithý "Theoni of the Tow-n w,,h te accessories and a corsage of Clnrke being of the opiniont whiite canations. Th-e grofom's mnother, diversion oýf thoE liability f0 assisted wearig a greY su-it withl Scbool levies unider section 50 black nccessories andl a corsage ofIEUPg Scheoo Act imposes an pbnk carnations. burden on the raltopayersi For the wedding trip the bride don- Township of (Marke hereby ned a navy gabardine suit witb whitO Vo the Board 0f the Durbami accessories su.d woa Cc)rSage 'Of District High Sehiool for anb pinkç carnations. On theîr returu the as provwided under said secti( happy couple will reside At 365 Section 50 of the 11gb Sc% Arthur st., Oshaws. g7ives a municipnlity the oppa of arbi-itraýting through a bo JANSN- CARLTON arbitraton wvhen they bellev On Saaurday, June CD, at 2 pan. n. irty da Ail Saints Churcb, Whitbc, Merle t b'et igir S] Elizabeth Carleton, eldeat daugzirter of Arbitmatio of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Canleton, ings to tireni Ajax, became tire bride of Onno B: arbitration is Jai-sen, son of Mn. asud Mrs. J. J1anseu wcia sest of Wussenaar, boll1aud. and furtirera Rev. G. Chanuen performed tire County Asses rceremiony, and Mrs. F. MNarsir playedi board is nefe- thre weddi'ng music, Given in mnamiage ity. If any r by hem father, iu a settiugo a-hm Dsr coïoured sprnug flowvers, tire bride wa should thon, attimed inaun ankle length gownm of!tire board ei lime green satin and nylon, designedwibntry lui redÀingote style with whiteo hat aud 'tin tairo accessories. Hon jewels were a rime- wîll pues do) silone nec-O!'aee and, yelýow sweet- is final. boamt roses comprised bier corsage, Miss Violet Walkev, waa tire bide tire guests -g' only attendant, choosîng a gowa of whrite accosso pale blue nylon net ovon satin. Tire roses. strapless bodice was topped wltb alI For tire vwc miatch ing net bolero. A.à,amaîl whitel Sasknatchewar bat, sud uccessonies complebed Iber -o aebu costume. Sire wo-re a corsage of ,eJ sum abu roses.*-sies Erie D. %og vs as br e-grfooms- ho happy ma and Roseanud Ray Carleton bOntin o t unicles of tire bride, acted as ushers, . fa-r On of t reception wun ireld at tie home of thte 1no îLodo bride weeMrs. Carleton rcîvdllai11O ' <mdet to t. sson. Tire rred to e edding trip tri, tip rehide niylon unideý ýf, whrite bh -wil na Attendance Rise In At tire pro-trrni reg wek for pupîls begiani yean of educaion at ti He Sciroolan au tUme r wben bwoenty youniýgst, er tered. Tis is an!l cn v-ýerc tint of those sas tember, 1952,L is notet, rolment in tire Orono has increased 2vertce p frorn nintoy la 1951 tý and two in 1952 anîd an s-uudred sud twelve to September of 1953. At, a receait meeting Tru-ýsteecs a twelve mil, l'on S.S. No. 12 purposeý uncrease ialaxtinfor over tint Cf last year. an assesment of $285, ofd +ba 0,