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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jun 1953, p. 3

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eA stalta Le Cou es ce tisat ýStanleClCpp se ics tast April. thse Canadiens> goaier BiU! nn svn ceswnnrofts Vezina trophy,1h-ad tiseCuaead p igsirtt elcoch Dick Irvini: "icI'lo oigtsetamay od.M elxs have down, 'mthrou," And so Durnan stepped ontut bc epicure and ended career, ta be succeeded by lti er cel But Ranige-rs wmeeroaring ahejad,'Éhe wi ety oMNeifli ten a rookie youngster, hait'ed jthem ionly fmprriy adRagrswnt on ta win the r-cund, andgive Detoit RedïWins a grim batt for hoky'nost cov7eted prize, OR tise Thursday night of ApM t2, MstCanadiens were aefeacited (lby (3h.cago ýBlack Haks, lisaanlyCap m-ia garas That gaome gave Hwks a Aï2 edge in a best af seen sertes. One m.ore victory, anid tsÉ Ciagh e am7 was Into the finls Cnaden owre out. And thse next game was in Chicago, before a fanatic, victory-miad Satisrday night ci cnin a Stnley Cup) trimph for tisefIlutetieluyears On tise Saturday mrig eln r of Coincidence st-retched across inie years. For this un t a iti erry McNeil, the sci.cessor ta Durnans, who aièted an coachi Dick irvin,Pand ideclared: "Dick, 'mFlot deingthe team azý,ny go0d Mý,y nerves are IhaIy. My refle-xes are s!isot. -Put JcusPlanteû inta te net. HE'Ulin a game fruS." Irvin gavue he matter lepýgîthystdykMNil COntLinued to'L urge the change. it suisa&desperate gambe but Irvn decided tao take iýf.. e benched flot anly MNibut three ther regu- lars, tossed iun four fookies, icuîgPatahaw-,k-.'faced, shairp-eyed French àCanadian ounstr wo adplayeod a ýifew gamies for Canadiens during tise season-, Cndesrallied is spirited fashion, won by 3-0, an flrt to greet P1ante and isrow, his armns arcund the ke goaler was MýcNeil hilm.- slhohad raced alm-ost isecmlt circu-it of the r'ink toi be first f0 congratulate hisrpaenet lanite plye hree more games affer tha. lcagowa .eltinauted %wtîîthtie cdead-pjn Ha iun tise CanadCien nets. Thenl,jin tise sec-ond galne (d the Cap fils agatnist Boston Bruinis Plante faltered, and Cniecif you tike to cai it that, entered agaîn. "Yout betterpu Gerry býack on there" -Plante toldco facfs Irvini. So MNIe!I ,vas siesdback, scored tw(o shnt-outs inutise -next tisree gmesii(jCandieiarcied offwitls tise CuIp laurcVmmt, IrîWaugE îoSo'Fort1 scLumE wiIR b wLcImTE D This àstse SAd tae of a bal- playerisho was fho Gnd-- awel fobr his ow n good. In otiser words, 9bout a character wsodld Sn cw as a Jack-o-al-taes Otia honever got a chance ta seffle dQWn and become a highy paie mxastar ofaone. -Franfk Waldemian. in a recenit article, tehîs about but4 now doîng variaus chores forý 11h-ciiollywood Staýrs of nis Paciflcslopé. Versatiity, %withi ropr lm if, can be a basebaï i payer' grees asset. Carrid to excets hiowever, if cais become a serions übstacle as certain athiýetcsca testify. Mores0f tel tian nit tise playe r who can go is and do aj eredifable job af any ans aio sev- eoral ,positions deprives hisiniseif ofa regular jobu Issucis case bis versatiiy bas M a d e hlm fao, valuable as a 'utility' mra i ra whtis called bencisisrne Dujring tise years 11eu-waswth Booklyn EddieMikéss lane this isard lesson. Sa did Bob Ra- m-azz7otti. Peanuts L-owrey can dc o s any tigs weliesetS. Loue Cardinals wudnat isinký,ý ,if, "wýasting" bhis talents n125 orMore gameQsperseaon.S-1 instead i ,payîngrguayts way he would pree Lowrey fils is wisen someone nedsa rest or eueise doss a bitai punch- bhttirsg. ihly Godman Cao do so ncy ihings well ise h s i.,sow-"ls--îs tise Red Sox'oaise-mnais eami.-Gùuod- mais pl1a y s iinish(ýd oroufi bath aic -erningyJack Pbiillips ai tise Hohy.wood Stars goes Goodman ore beffer r lsadî- dition fa everything Bilyc d, Piihips asopif cies. moads ehing Hand isas pitcised phaysd first base, tiird 1ýbase antij0 A horfstop. ýL a st1 ysa eal ,ýlso ~played sorne uin tish otiedso, if neednd, ise couhd g ýo bac,ýk tisere-.,( agarjbot ise onr'ly tb-ing 'Pisil- lips bas nof dans is cath, MAd hie, rna-y get aouisd t tatbeo hoe finahy givs n basebc! or a stady job. -1ICdo'tcmahwoereIPlay now, usfas ongas Ipa, iilp a te."is tise mî-ajors itS du- fue en, Up there you ike ta play aie position, is tise Coasf Leagne, thuiroster-s are smaiLller. hr aie tfewer players on each cub 5, lIsappy ta beIp o-uf wis'eî's Pnhjps, wisabas sered li býois ma,,jor lea-gues, can blame joc Mcarhyand FBu-l lyefor t hcem s (e subsequent maagers hav mae i> b is Cdiversifle-d tal- ents. li bis econid season lis or- ganied aseaîlPbihips wenf taý srng triig camý-p with tise YankeesTise year before, ise isad led tise Piedmnont League un home' "J a e cCartisyodecided 1ise wanf-rjed to'makean iinfleld'er af nme so lie had e, nplay thiî-dbase, ssowrstp and even second base. Tise extyear, wthNewa1 rk,I pedr tsecond, thÏidand tiseoufed I gpt into tise 1947 YordcSc eias ra first baýseman,-." AfMe mat isappened taolmv tu,thisePjirates in 1951 Pisillips scarcly knw wisther he ,vas comin-ng or gotig. He s went \witis isclub as a first basemnan but befre jring traininig hisad more iengotenstarted lise founmd hlm- self teachïing RIalpis Kinier isow to pla"y tise poition, and nui- deisally hoIv tatake PIhilis'17 jbay.Logic becomeus somý--e- what srainedalon-g lbers o somwisre uring >tise with alphI ddnI'tget rn!ucn. n *io Brectthles Reord-Charlie Copozzolî, distance runner, crosses the finish line of the two-mle race of the MC4A Track and Field Chomionhipto set o record of 9:00:2, He cut finie full seco-nds off tle meet mark se tor yecirs aga, Igois that day and pitch'rad five il'iings aga,,inst the Braves,. Buck.y Walfer.s was with fhern as acoh and ",ffer the game he fold me 1 had shown enough tc canj-vince him i 1cold make if as aiipif(Icr.Affth ,-af I spenlt tisree straiig-,ist days is tise bull- penri'" a For a ime1;1 1', ard aý thouis andeingJack Piilîs at Iiast had found a pemnt homre, buIsat waïjs qikyd pelled..One da nof lonig there- abter Philhps was is tise builpený gefting ready ta go un against tise Gi«ants. TCBere ecould fin- ish hiu Marre - up fsrows t h e Giants changed pittiers and Jack foutnd hlimsehf nterîng the-g am ne as a pjinci-hitter ïagainst et Dave Kosho. "I singhe,t "Pihhiips sidrue- the builpen agairi' Wach Y o urYF ee Sumer s jstahp-kpa- jump aýway-an)d the dog days will be here befocare you kýnow if. Now is a good tirne ta think af fisose twa fee off-yaours. Youi'll want fh"em ta cfarry yau 0on long wValks a nd tecudorecr as ar thn ,50ChiatIian lScientista fri tro,,,haut voi-IwA net mt, recely fo ieAnnual Meeting oi f Tise- aie hucTIle F;irsO Chu rh f Ci st, SCînieain SidMsahsis A peciul massage from iThse Christ;ian S cinc e So acz a ireca ta. h gathrin tht mtenalmfot assly is ben calegd, but is, yislding in- craaingy. t tie ipact af spiritual e\n"igisteomei-. 0fChtinS;cnce haalin rd at the mýeeiitin hc n!ddti!rovr cnbdominca ýl cnerise tîn f, Yer aind rhamato hartdiaisaed s icurble disiaatedhipathau h Iid reS-ncae andaccdet i~uissprnouce faal Thauh ray r f0I5iin Cpr sions-ta aynojthJigof fion Mana girl wý%ho has nmade an bifLoüus plans for tlie suimmner- and given mui tougbf ta ber figu re andbat h ing suit--sud- denly reailizes tishat her poar mis- treate.d fceet aie is no shape for anyything re vc \igorcousis a game of çanasta or mahis ong. Foot peiaIst ep'.ort Isatbfot w-eaîher Ibringýs a Ilood of women patients i1sf o fiseir ice.There are sCeeral aueshut chief stra-ins for feýefthIlafhvebee-n virfualy hiberntIàng aIfl winJter' witafil te oter cuIp'rif beinrg i- proper sisoes. Anld 1tisssnmr- îi h wide open ssesyunot aonly have ta worry about haw your etbut also howthley look. A bahanced shoe ardree e ~r sulmmier wisw1à vil ke'ep youýr feetfeln fine and pretty ta hook at, sisoçuhd include tise fol- caisins or waiking shioes for .long ahsor any othr tpe aofouf- door activity 2. A poair of spctîatoir shoeslnis sofif heatiser, with a rnleium heel These arahhy ail -purpose, shoe, whciscan doleefý or bat wvork shopping and, ifltie occa- Sion aieasde vnn date. 3. A,, pair of hg-eldsicse --but onhy for sp'ecI dress-up o(cca.sions. Tise foot dçectors have guven up 1urgîng womenver ta wear htigh heels. Naoans as pjyig any attention ta iseir goodadvics anyway,. But tiseex perts srnh rcmedthaf such shoes be kept for "dicnig mnd dancing." An ifrsigpoint mdeby doctors is iat if yau bave beeni wearing iigi-heeled shooýs al witrlong-for bath work and play--do not shif t ta "ýflats" sud- denhy. Doing Sc, "ii' caluse tise caif muscles, wiich cntac whien you constantly wear higis heeIs, ta protest--buf pinf.ully. Alternate higis iseels, eir beels and low iseels until yourP legs stLop cmlig Yo'ur feet waon't Jet you d'own_ this suinm-nr, if you giv,,e th-ern just a ifle Care. You'hh flnd it's worthwisile. CLASSIFIÙ AUVERTUSINOG p - ENTS-ÈSNTEJ0 OIS, GESS IE LAI:, ad vrnobs. letrs Iotrs cbinry. Deaers ant p rt Wre i, es îg it.Pfe s d Aye jor started. Pîe prmpty, lra 2Ituhry,120Joh ,;' ïa)to iyr ,opbDy- e yci n E; dc1ay rid GuelphQnJael sprai oce n tosMie~ aised Fergua ùoutri me? riteta a for inforînatior. We ar lad te aswe u qetin . De 201voingSe1m, Torooîo e indr i 1 mcN-,itr, Reud of101u. 'rALE Î E~A U CA QsHDRG STER -vi" hx-dt ditrbuon h kves ý, î i1rs Eicrinn oesravilbic ritK fr oi de ,k- p ts 1BsiS RuPme'7t Ma Ont Phne Blto ilon Churi hii, Ottaw unEDC~ Se k i ip.ay uferr f hemo Potes i- Iduia ahul1'l' tu TtIl, TORNO S ORUG STOR5 335 ElIn Oitwo $115 Ex4pressut Prepoid s C 11 mu PSt w ai Hrn[nh d POSTrImmCHM&so a: Imm1 EEmd . aST i'QIIUNT 'w OS,'t'S ge ZEontSALV MEIN AND WWMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER E orres li ,A.merica's Greteal Stet Write or Caî F T-ulort. TW.. torento W01) a Ruideau St . oi neye. 11J1.nl1 Stree, 11ite se PETERSONAUG &C npa y Bey Sf r ol T reento. Pat t af c.uniïle,z WOMANwiahigtelvei euty el like a puchas amai bose i desra4. rooentia. Box 1111,122 )Slgien tet New TFuront, ar. I de rusilf riddi1g11-,r4e1-qo do 1the eais wy.Tecolliiao ponon, n t. 01I- " 010TRISEAL fer Te~ ie4lx F'p4-ersnlrT ieetLts aaou tiet044N,iv LImsliire BU OBUTedNyOF ixLiOs det detile ,Bàcieyvrver M eatuin, 712Lawina aiet. foma ontviile Quebse ïipu-afew ndays ahte anmd.e go date; dtes, $100 Proerick Swili. 1an0] WnANeD i Toung , e womante 21 Èmas Houekeeper bfor yoUn01eg. 00 Posibl ftur mrrae. Sptotc nle Qa- gIn, 314 ain Stp, reet, ovfarntnda, L. 10K resma fron cyournid ruetn teLle WitverMcatalogue ad re LOGYVo tI1ÎTLESS, Tluovetyo up furgs abile M beawr$slvg? 1$easy ben. mhe vr WssfOtllf dy aeaC liv erhplenot downg ist ah .. .oarfel on aiptàed nd il exessrkidsendat <>fliteb. 'Tat's the yoa oe d nlh.ed's Certre ittyPfie Lo siuie. thesac Crer.ý iaidso stimais!tc or livherile $111ansag1ýatof eriing £cy;ac disendtrat. hissha dye e heer iepm.h tstay so bau,.e Carter(ds tIe L er Pll. Aý,L oo k bvefiwe thn bn w ihtere a ta If ou :' dren TIRDdED 0< 't- N N N N N N 0~ N N N N N N N N N N N 'la N N N N N N N N 071 N '-'t N N N N '0 i N -'i N 'i h N N N w,, '15 N N

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