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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jun 1953, p. 6

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jiomq A& and by the time Mis appears, sýtrawb',e-rries shouId bc e plenfiuL Srwhy of combinle hese fwcýO 2,Spr--in-g fvrtsand give h foiks a froaf ih th-ese nivda «coblerefe? Served hot, wifh 1 ubarM-Strawbeary i taspoon vaniliaý 2eps sugar 2 cps mater. Gobbierette topping î te2spoon'1s each uttr o m-argarine and Çsu'gar. Mlake 'sirul by cooking sugar and wafer together for 5 ntes. Advanilla. lix togethecr, h diced rbubarb and sliced str- b-e,.rnes. Divide fruit equally hom- cween 8 ell-buttered idvd ual baking ishes. Pour sirop over fruit. Drop a mocund of top. ping (rcipe given below) on1 eah oboblerette. ïMake d Cenýt in seach im-ound and cdrop foaspoon- ehbuttr, n sugar in- each dentc Lý, Bke at 40 f. 15 i0 min- utes. Cobbiercee Tpping 1 eup siffed four 2 tabespoons sugar ci teaspaon Salt 11 e-as"poonIs bkigpowdcr 1cup butter ormagrn Scup milk Sift togethlerfousgsat ndbaki-np powder. Cul in bt feAdd rik, stirn3ing onlyoti flýour disappears. For: a Spring birfhday pry or any oser Sort of party-you'Il fird this Sframberry Mingue caý,ke bard te bout. Matter of f acf you,- don't even have ta irait for a parfy, as anl excujse. The qua- ities givon are onoogh for 16 sevnsbut can) be redu!-,cd pro- porfonatly!or ordiniary ulse. Strawberry Mringue Cake lowl 2V4 caps s ýitedJ cake flour 1 cap sagar 1 tÇp baing pgwder i1f sp. sait Mak a ellin the-dry ingro lnts and addl !y cap Salad ail 5 egg yoikl, ubeuteri il cup eold mater 2 tsp. vanilla 2 tsp. grïated iemon.. rind Ba ith .-a spoon u-Lntilsmob MeÈasuIre int alarge ïmixing 0 wl & egg 'yhites 2 tsp.. oream ut arta W7Ijp uiil f oary. Add, ýa tabiespoon -ut a ti-ime là cap- sagar Boa uniemitur frm sif peaks. Gradually f old egg yolk mix- jus! blonded. line 2 (8Winch) square cake pans mwith waxed paper. Pour bafferi tto panis. Buke n? moçaeoven (350e)' 40 to i45, RomFI1-ove f rom Gpan. Coo. Place on2cookie sicets, FnOt it- Befuntil foamy'ý 4 egg wvhites ' Sp. sait itep. ream eoft tartar Ada tablespoion af atîm i cp sugar PUZZLE i. irrgu 1ar 3.A crO11 s 6 Piy onwore 4,Japaesecoin1 11 Bvaag , u 11rtqe 15 Genu ee .at t5 2olase l 1,e e 15 il Uci - j' " m aiacte mintesor nfil nimingue formis stiff peaks. Spread over Cakmes. laecakes i aho venl 45 )for '4:tk!11'2 mntsj long enough te broi r pak-i yiouL lifte a solt me'iingue. Or place them i a slo'w en(250e) 6CM t0 70 mnliiintes, o cuti ry, if yj1ýou wanJt ea CriSp meringule. To serve cut into squa'res and spon straiberries over the top, * t th ma ingifthis wywith crushed conflakes, gîves if a nutty fiavorw ctanmoks if diferen. 1 eup prune pulp 1 teaspooçn lemonl juic'e CRIup cnetinrsu gar Dasýh sait f jcup finey erUshed corn fiaks (measureaMer Whpcream unfLil stiffi; add su2gar adsaIt. Cmiepue anid lem-on ,juice anrd fld inco craCli, Top wifh crushied crfaksjust bel ore servinig. For Night's Sleep Hiave yoau an idea For making mioneiy? MÈ osf peopleihave aàt some fîme or ohr and miany haýve "cashed in'" on fhe mosf anafcbraýin-waves imaginable No fortune was' ever made by a more exfraLi-ordinary mefhod fhan i litha mlydby a certain iquack Ywho lived in France. &1 declared thaf he had fhe power to, rase the deadl, and that he was going f0 proveif The day before 2 te event was tm take place be was besieged by people im-ploring him nof fc exr its i poe" Thre Peo- plé)I consisted of beniefiiaties un- der -mils, the heirs of mnisers, and e'ven vives who had! noewish t(I metterhusbanids again -Many ohesin ofciiposi- f ions.wmeeafraid feywould lOse their jobs, and ail mere wiu' Jning f0 pay handsoeiey ifth qulack would ifhodhis pow- erse odid - and ma-de a o- But moniey does nofar(ay come -'cquife 50 eaïsily. A watch- m erwho lived in the reign of George Il wanfedI to m-ake hm slf known, and ho hif upon fhe idea of cleaning a match on che spire of Salsbty Cathedral. Aftfhe dizz height of over M0 feef lie saf for an hour w-hille hie icleaned bis vmatch 'and put R together again. But a1 i e made ouf of thaf at afwpounds wihhe coliecte-d trom a bef- 1fIng frind who had imagined Che feaff0 be impossible, Many eople have md onyfrom oyste-rs, but Èthe may acertajin Drury Laneoyster, d~lrcashed, in on one single wasea Uf was lasf cenitury when this dealer found fimongjlst bis stocký anoysfer thaf had a sm.-ali hoje in ifs upper sheli. Theli actions of respiration forcing mroisture fhrough the hole caused a shri whisfling sundl. This specimen became nown as te "hisfingOysfr,"and ifs famîe sred hroughout odn M0. Fo 0', ïe7a i0, Eat 18. Eg~ dieu *1. Compas~ .point 4i. Aeeert 44. Exciarnatioa 41 Bathe 46. Art et dateuse wlth- ont w~ap'Iir* 47. Hebrides isiand 45 Jogging gait i~. ungîerh qusen 51. iflst -,3 I 'il'- YOUSme That Thing?,-Yes, that is a pipe, and a prize wrnner.ý atf tha 1, Mrs, EIz7ab-eth Weistrop, the housewife scIpre, on $1î,000. The pipe wos entered in a national contesi sponsoredC- by a pipe auatrr The bowlý of the Ipip-e is in the rooster's puffed-up che-st and the stemn runs along the fou. feathers. The prize money wiil be used to buy a homne in the counÊtry for Mrs. Weistrop, her twio chiildren and her husý-bond, an- ex..soldier workvingq his waýy hrocugh Iasch-ool, drwig arecrowis f0th àe cyster sbjop. The dealer exploited bisluk find te such good pur pose thhosoon nefired. Cuof che most grueome ideas for muking capital mwas bit uipon ýiren eighit people vmore dnomned in a flood cf beer, This disaster occeurred in London about 140 yoars, ago, irben a P groaf reso-rvoir et beer in Basn- bury Street, Bloomsbury sud- denly horst. Ifs conIifth tseua 03,555 bar- rOi, cascadold in a buge mave n- don mhich irulis and irbole dmellings collapsed Croir;ds visited the sýpot, nd( som-i-e of the relatives cf the vic- Tims ';atuailly cagdfor-admisý- sJOn 'f0 viom the11cdead, whIich they had grouped fogether in a nearby bouse, This disgraceful exh)ibition deirso...niany peolc thut 'lie police had! to put a stop f0toif. InLno in theeiheet cent ury a place clied "Th,ý To-- piecof THealing an',dHy nma s-ft op.) The propriefor claimied that ho could nof nl cure il!- nsbut ens ris patients batflchildren if tbey slept in the temple upon bis elestîni bcd. The.charge mas500 guineas, a ight! TheILrecords do nof show,'if ho AU T he World IJs if Peter Piper picked a pec of eper1t-day, be'd ho han- vesinga ortune. Whlen thievos stole a ton cf wibie pepper Fromi a Lodngrindirýg miii recently they snatched neanly baif of Bifain's -aýiabIo sopply, a haffl Worth oven $P,00. Bofe e M iran, ibenthe widhad aP.stock,-pile o47 50,- l000 tons, pepper soid ut 61~ an ounce. To-day if bas soarcd fA 40à au ounce, Ail the wonld i epe-hon- gn-y. No7t long ugo the Customrs seizedI an illicit sbhipmieut wuoità $4,0 tthe Lqrndon docks and put if ou, sale - but, not te the -homo manket. The peppen muas bought by the- United Stutes for, $'90,000,i repnesentîng a s pi cy pIrofit for the Bnifish taxpaye. Spoculutors once tried tei cor- ner the m,,,old's eýntire peppen- supply.(Dane man bougbt 12,000 tons in a year, and thon fuiied teAfind the necessary $1,000M)0 cash for the purchase. gun tirlve years ugo irheIIthe Jup nose oernIndon.-esia a-nd uýprcoted tbe peppen viocs -,in tavoun cf sl-orlt-term cos Becuose, the peppori planit fkesý trcm fiJve to svnyears tf0 reach trtifful mfntthe ,orld hbas bee n living on ifs resenvos, tboogh the pepper famine is ai- edybreaking-. becomo big business betireon Sumatra and Singapore. Cinese smiugglers are csigin0on th-e pneciou.s Ipickes from mý,hicb pepper is mudo, and mhic mor put in sufe biding shortly befone dheiran. Wboe famillsinvesfd lu j pickle 'terrios as a s-afo eauens ef inosmet.A Sumuatva merch- and ecetlyexdhuangod the mt Treasuvre Ship With Silver Ke Th -mtos t oes, be- tireen Cape Y onle ud Noir Gui- njea, is flhe gruvoyardclf muny sizps, and thero's a per'sistent romoo00Lr Cf a allon itb ,a silver keei lyiug somembhCee aion-g fho Great Bannrer Reef.01ldpeai,- divers sireur to bave seen if. If muay ho oil-y nother trnuoe frayve sfony, but if is jost possible thupt plundcering Spanoiardls , mho buýlîf Somlleshipslu SouIth Ame,-- m-ica, did k-eel a sb-ip mitb somie cf thieir silver of lun order tf0 bide if trom Euglîsh frecebootens. Thaf Spanisb ships lhave fond- eredhin Tones Sfraif'swas is froc nough elari divers and béchie-do-mn (sou slug) fisher- men have brugbt Spauish coins, helmefs, eafs of mai, and sirords ip tromi the depths. Thoy bave ulso fourré on the ocoun bcd ccp- pen keffles, si-fips' bouls andbrass iifeusil5 f roi tbipjs of ether na-- fions, necalinig the das ren Chinese junks, Malayan proas, and t ho beavy-suiled shîps cf' Spain, Po)rtuigal, Franice,Hoad und Eugland feit theiradcu- auIr muy truhtecrlfo cd matonsý A àreceuf casel onreal et chidnn lndingfblasfting (caps unc-i oinging them home uniden- scrsun oft-re-peated auu fhoosemives: Tbesç caps are daugerous hin hiexpemienced bauds. If -ou on your chtildreu iýflud explosives or blasting detonutors lyiug about, don'f touch fbem. Notify police or other authonities immnedliafely,. Iu Montreal intstance, a motherý dlid just that -- anid savedho cblilinen fromn very soious iu-- jury on possibly deafh. These- blastiuk caps are esl recognized. They'ne smral nbl-- inum or il 02 coppen cylinders sligbtly less lu diamieter than ani ordinany pencil und. sho)rter ini len igftb. They'rt evry esiie The), mighf, go off" if dnopped or even if hundled roughiy, Flamres' or psumk-s aimost cerf ainly mwiii set tbem off. Thesef iny clndrinciden-- fuiare used d'iin lu eonat- ing explosives iu ming, qtin-- rying, oud building, bousing de- voiopmients ai-dnd my other i- pomnt fPnojocs. Ir proper bands, fhey're et' great beniefifte mrrankini. Buat mothers should ho abie te recog- nize tbem-f just lu case a cbhild dees ceme ucross one, Andc she shôuld piay satfe -im uey -bIO APPETITE Ail gurdenors bave a soif spot for the tud, mifh ifs appefife ton isèctus. bugs, ctmilusan(d beef es. lu an endeavoun f0 prove just b--oir mi,ich Da tond carieut, sin fists ftried an oexpernimeuf. On(- oa ato360U files in huit un hour, unother cnumdmosqifoes at a cofrai ifly ïa mintce. A thind 1digoýsfedtiryfv me- Worms ut oeesfig Appurently oven-eafing doesn't affec4ts ifbeltbl, for gi-von iuv- curable uconditions scientistýs teed sure that a- tou"d cul lve te b a bundrcd. = by BOB ELLIS _____ On, M1arch 16, 1953,shinter prvnilFarm Union Counrcïl presonted a ,Brief f0 the Federai Cbntdealîng wi1h1ah spects 0f unaianagricouure. lArgely concerned mith mar- keigadpricing 0f fanm prod- lcts the union farmers boleve "Ata0i a wonld of incieasing Population whereamore and more People are going huLngry, the ploblem etf food production is of, primiary importance. There are tbose wcho would atfempt te srgoff the fact of hlingen for food bysain the world bas long had vast numbers cf undor- fed poople, imunî on the verge of "This a' any fîmie is a, cynricul attitudle. In t-fhe lighit cf modemn techuological and intfckd- velopment -if can be nione other thunr an unethicul ,degrading ex-- pression of defeat, duangerous f0 bumanity as a wholo.", The faermers, therefore, roquost "thufý our goverrnment earnest- ly consider suggestions advanced by this d1eleg.ation anid other in- toýrested, bodies sincerely trying ýte off er constructive proposais regarding Ilho provision c f a great. er lmeasore of secorîfiy and. weibeing for those peoplec, in cour sociofy wbo pouethe mnuch needed fooditis esspen- fiai fo human existence.", Marketing Plicy Discossing the question of ag- 1ricufunral pice stbilify the Brief sets ouftha "in îndfustry, us i-r any other manujor inies, much of tho hlazard in- this res- pect bas been elinufedL((2 by corolled prodcIttio,, ncundby a sýysfýem cf1priece rigidif y and iother imeans cf price fxntaiff protection and a comrbinatieion f d'evices adpractices wbichn have become quife comm-on procedoure and in som-e casesaosf comy- pletely u ccepfed as part cfIlle s-ystem unmder wihw re liv- ing. This position bas nofk, tyet beon attained, however by h Objcfing ite the argumrent cf' certain groups "thuat the f'armers shudsou tir produce ont ] Icomnpotitive rrtarkef undetr 'Lri so--caiied lair of supply and de- mnand" the unions would consi- der this a f air basis of equalify if if mere the practice and pol.icy foilowed by the othe-r gcp mnentioned. BEut since this equa,-li- fy does not oxisf the obvious necessity cf prîce stability for agrculureis pointed ouft oeon- sure the fuiturle supplies cf fond- samin s. Under the Present sysfem tr rsare gcîng ouf, of produc.. fion ofcertain linoset ý agricuii- forai producfs for laîck of stabi- lity cf pricos thus cetn u- Tbgso fluctuations writh the re- suif ng insecurify are "ineif ber bieaItby for the farmner uerthe: consumer." The unions a-re, theneforec, asking for "somne more equitable plan et pnicesfbly for thie primary products cf agni- cufunttie ilu Can)ada,"ý Aceepted in rinil B3, putting the gici oa Prices Support Acf on the Sta- tute Bocks the federai goveru- ment bas acknomledged in pri-- eiple the necessity for pnice sa bilJiy, but thie unions are ofte opinion ,hat if bas nef made ,fuU uxse of h roiin made under the cf. The unions liturfer ýdemnand clarificýationî of the very confus- ing pîcture in the field of juris- diction between the provincial, and federal govern ments so far as the operationt of marketing plans for agricultural productý ar-e.concerned, and urge fthat' a conference b e held of the, pro- vincial and fed(kralgoermet at which agricufltura poucr should be represented.,ýC1- Domnestîcand pi aret If is fur:ther propoD(se. 4hat11dis- tinctions be rmade in the ,Poli- cies-and prices for dmstcand export markets, in awa that "oetcrequiremcnts _should be riced and sold on a asis of comfparable values t tccosts of tIheg-oods andsevcsfa- ers iust purchaýse.c hl x portable surpluse'is h idbe handled by produceî' ctrollecd marketing boards. The brief says that "frmers have often been penalîzed by even small temporal y suises and the export pie of their products have dtrmndthe price on the home mnarkct. Ail-Ouf Prrod1uctionj The union farn-rs are veryl outspokenin iitheiropsionf the. 5uggestionmdejhaia mers sol ruc o khown and rftal are n that we ought to fhink mor i termos of jliitng ocur rdcin thereuemns fcron They also bleeti'sc rio,. 1-1nYlynacceptab'le t-,ames btis quite foeig tothvery naueof those of us ho ak Theiy coIILnne t0express then1 beie that a ýs long as there are milosofpceople iil te wr who, arei dre.a vdne by r'eports of F, A OG tat ever -ought to bepaedo ra iil- ouf productin program f0 bol-. And t1hey Jdemîatimt if s' aiesl of such a pormsr pRises arebuilit -up, ft e ) prvi- short term -ar nt llwe f hc1oe markse oï" orfin rwseoyfolsh ad i anwrany qetin diless your letters tce BobLUIsBx 123 - t teeeiTrno Drive Wi-tCr -L idedoNtaPeeiPekg Mtuseumn On Wvhee-che CNR's raIlway museum on wheek hns ix aid cas, mueum pieces themsýelveS, w hchve ocobie se-rvic-e of mnore thon 425 years. Panted yelow Patr Uhe psil of acnuyao h ornote odokedplspot4~ of the çty bas been faifhfuly reproduced. ThAtrai;n iudes three &baggagqe co-rs which houme th,exhibits, cronad arcper on dirrOnd a daY coret f1i89, oiesof ohem el iiTH day coc,ý clsewher oDlTs Page

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