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Orono Weekly Times, 18 Jun 1953, p. 7

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Vaccnatrigfor Ne-wcasfle Jis- e-ase wihot andlirig a sinlgl bird may bec just ar-oui-nd the cor- n,-er-.I fact, if you live in cer- arrived. The py e tho avccna tion is arayin liiited uLse in Delaware, Georgia, M\'airie, Ma5- sachuisett, Teas Virginia, Wasbý-, ,ingtan,-i an-d possibly ans or twa-ï Loth-er .states-.11t's also bingtried Ouf inCad. Tenew sstmisn't perfected, enougis yet fori ndividual pouLtry- mien fteuse, Mstly, if'sbe used citherDy college puty meri or btcer peratoDrs., Thse mi îgthat sesins ta; be ~ uj hodngi su athaf w4e don't he aye t-he right kind oai equ!ip- ment for. sPr;ayin1g. It's atuh engineering prableinta came up,, w7ith a dvîethat will pr'oduce- afine; enough m n-ist in 1m-ea1sured'ý amaunts. Moýist(if ts vaccine big used Is reguler infrai-nasal vaccine, - thaugis t' lko1y that pca types aivacieswili alsa be d- velaped beFrefo long. wokdouf iri cmetests: TriWasigtnState,1Dr. C. M. Hamîltonveteriarian at the, Western Wa'ýshinigton Exýperùiment Station, hbas vaccinated 1mare thanl 700,00 brdalilthe ,way îirom ayadchlck'ýs taL' aying hns with gaad irsits. Dr. Hamn'iitortsaystatsprayed vaccine gives as good protection as ither tise- eye or nase-drap metod. He unssinranasal virus wehich heoduteos, andsprys ifb an ardînary hor-usehold insectficide sprayer. Heelspas broilr cducs at one dJay aid, ard gives them a brooteýr spraying af %3½ fa eeks ai age. Wrhen they didn't get the booster bt he got saineOUt- breaks ai ewc sfLsart-ing at fiýve ta i'six weèksa ge. .l&ilet rasedfor layers get a boos3ter abat at fies fime Ltheýy go. infô the laylig hause. Dr Hmltngo, good immuA'- C lty when h(,e sprayed layin eins, There ,va,,- no change in sgg qualify, and practieally no effect làn thle -%rate af lay. f.fbimer, Mwhose iresearch- paved the wýaýy for theinr-al yaccine, )isas been using sprayed vfaccine-,minyas "ostr These irds get sys ornae trop vaccine when fhey are ans diay ld, Then las sprays thein af lour wmeeks,.and in the case ai laying flock replacement pies xgain jusf before ,they arýe bause Wlien DrE, îthrias lsed tue âpvay on dyodciiicks, he'sz saeimes sen camrplications writh other -diseases sucb as bran- Rhti rid chronie respira'tory' fisease. RI'ent Seaing-Under 9ovrnen oders, workmen 4-, Rame secal up a cave after evïctingth family thalt had beýen accupying if.thaghth vernmnent has pramiised themy better haousinig thefml pratestled the mave frams- what haD, becamneth o I'me. Sa warkmen wýere senit t sa the entra nce to pr-3vent their mavng bick, ferCenýýcef)(etween bis resuits and Dr, aila' may bceédue ta dif- ferences in finienesispra', or dilutdion ai -the vcie T1-Cnaasprayvaciaini aastbconch-itis as wl as Nw Dr. J.,F.CrawleC aitheUni ve )ïy iToronito reors1ha vaccinles for the twodieaesca benmixed and srydai. one tîm2e, and ithat oneie mari can vaýccInat 10,000 brds an our, 1-o0we v er, lbe wrn Ihat t broncehitis vaccine should1 be used1 only ,von echicks ,thai avdarn ohrwords, the bat cingegg mtË be frýom hens that rhave Wih s uch ecxperim-enItal wro rk going on, bath at exper-i - ment statis and in priva,-ts lab- oratories, we solnthave ta wat.folong before s- omeone camies up wt a Spray system that mveryorip ause. 'Prospective Brides, Parade In Style Sce tise island ai a thousandý 1gorgeous girls. Seieky sing. Sesý the most typical -part of Spain . - ard jujdgs ýbeauty for yourself byOthegoldý On ber bosoin. > Whio could resist such art invi- tation? I al Europe trhere's, probabiy no wvider marag market than the SuLnday pa-rade of bridai bargýairis in the Ilusb- Mediterranean isie aif liza. Ail the local bachelors line2'tise W;ýhite cobbled strpee ad atth stroke ai noon ail the eligijble- women 'isweep in their hiupdrteds- into the Passa Vara die Rey There are srçia shor!, tal and slii, brunette and blonde, but nmostly the girls are bro-wn- eyed anid-broad inlu te bea,ur peasant pin-ups wearing four or five fonype-tticoats. Loaded with jwley hyv Gettng Go:bCt"s a-- Baffled by wards and lttrs he aml goal uzzes ver schocl baoks h-ld by hisý youjng iste wvho i% echrgher mather- Aitshiearned atsahol Ai Bogna, Isly, thaî d'ay. Tha praCtie af ch;drýent- eaching terpareýnts is commn ii la;Y, and la being ued cobatofeay Didn'i àMiss The Boat-StilI w r ing hier bridai gawn, Mrs. Frank Kandora is- carried abaard the finer America by her huýbanid just after their wedding. T he Kandoras aire an their way taj Germany weethey'It visit the bride's parents, cashed the famnily fartune inta gol.d and hung it tinkling araound their necks. Ey Ibizan cam, Che gold ornatnts indicate so- cial position as weillas Prospec- tive dwy Chains and pendants, lackets and crases, c upid fhrade nekletS ofsveegs The ulier Lthe grthegra er the glitterý, She's ,had mor time to clet Sreigthe glitering parade, a prospectiv, bridegroom canchoas_eù betweî the latest Une in good-looke'rs o0, tedame,_s wt or.And -l, . gene-rally takeýsa snsbleienÙ of bath if he cani. Ye't. juat &across th Mediter- ranen, n Moocc, apro:spec- tive husband buys blind and sel- dmsees the face Aiibrideé utlhe bas mad,_e aDashsettle-,, mntri. The saegurd i hiotyau ta ge a divorc. At Gon thc flyv-riddenNgewebungs ladie withthe mnimumof cv- ering paaeonce aycrfoat Hereabuts, tn fgoats is ýa po manis prce, spellig a &rda bargain. A husband likes ta bosi nf the týsum he bas paid [for-bisý mate, and girls hang their heads at bengsltochalBig O)n the otheî' h n, ewomer in 2 Monrovia earn ithat' 11"oman pal"aver" is amot ruee .. fls.A big bunch of leaf aai be amrple. A few days laýter the- vwuld-be usbad earnc that the, lady was maarried already, monke'y crawl] on the Rmlsin Barcelonia, with itsfowrtr- _"1gP andCdefmiitePick-up rules. Umderthe eucayptsusrees haw- kers are slngtame bird'in cages. Lone girlcoos ptyngly ove por ltti cged bird; boy gallntl bus brdsforgirl to releq-an byha mtgirl! When Proof Readers Noud Their Heads Hope lis W0-11 Be Over-worked "Anderson îrecentl-yco ied anl instruction course in uise ai electic waoGýdworkin-g too1s. le wil bave charge aifail instruc fian for Uieýý fools in this aea. -Fram The Meadville Tius *1 4y * Ma-ybe She'11Ba strn hl LDexte-r "Tise bride graduated from Dexter Higis Schlool in 19419. She bhas been wars,ýing in Wasiýhington, for thse F.B.T. Cduring the paýs tvtwa years." --From TÈhe Dexte2r ,Stteaman.;- MUst Have Beeýn m Celeb-ration "Yesterdaî,y ,was berwedn day, and 1l4yearoid Barbara Mc- Clain also was celebrating ber- birthday. The girl, jusf out ai tise eigbtb grade, and 6-y-ear-old Jam-es V. Griffin gat a mi-(,age license bcesFriday." -Fronm îweAbn ins Hazndy Hints For Deep Freezers Pures- vegetabies adfruit in season for tise baby's iood, aýnd freeze in ice-cube ,trays. Release cubesoý, wrap in fou, a-nd pack for tise freezer in a iabeied carton. An average cube is equai'tA a hailf-ja i baby food-an 11aver- age sering for, a yý,ourigster about Label foods fori, reeziig, ,Aitli a "use before" dt.Then yo Cani fel! at a giance hitaus first, sa that -fooda swoni'f býes 0 long in tisefreezer. P-ack ice-box cookie cougis in. ,smali, well-greased soup caris; Store in free2zer uritil r'eadly ta bakle. Then cuf ouf b)ot[otam ai cari; putsh ouf dough anmch icsif Freeefr e sihherbs - o iiaourngs t e ws, sauýps, B3ag smal bunches a0 ebsi1cies cltis. Pack bags «in freezer ca- tan; stýore ici your freezer, palperi- inirig intact,bod a cut- up irying m or teirg echeen2 ta 31poundsa. Wra'p bxici reze paper;:sore. colred crdfor es dniia tion: be-ef wthgree,park with red,anic , A square coolie cartonawitb waxýed îpaperhiig s acd moid for arii gral ck Chili cake. To s e rva e, peel off paper, and sudcak nt lae rail, for canivenient torng.Cul rail in thrirds (but keep sections togetýher); wa.When 'yOU uneed a 1-11b. portion, rap end aýi-rzeni rail against alcounter sdgeý.Ts meaf wil 9ivie a tenarf cut. frozen in foii-linied muif'fin cps When set,.remove fi if il cups;1 ioid tops tA close; pack ini a round carton, and r e t u r n tae freeer reElii. juice want sqit, as 4hn te'eground frsi. Sport dies bha-,, rdinà mari, lu is said, TIn a Brîton if neer :dies Briti sh soldiers made- greyhouild-i racing tracks on Nt\orth Afri'-sý deetsanids. Wheni the YLuft- wxaffre dropped its bombts, tise boys just dorined their tin hats* and crie)n. 1Ti Engliiinci, the Sport drtawsý .moe ew cýors every week., Greyhounds are, iri fact, thie oldt. est of ail breeds of dogs. They 1hunrted gam-e forth ancient As- syriaris and Egyptians; ma 9,de sport for thie Romfans. What matters taý real acir i3 the fact that m-ost othfer breedsý oudhardly know their foreý- fathers fromr flamningoes. Ceni- furiejý--s aicross -;Dreeding bhav, prcoducýed huind.reds of rnew andc- strange formas and appearances, But a greybounid retains thie shape and character w'hich wuere as f amiliar ta the ancients as taus. He shares this distinction ît the Afghan hound; natives daim that Noah took a pair ai th ese "other" greybhounds into the Ark They have certainly been i use in their atveland for ce- f uriecs tfa hunt (ri pairs) deer,' jackal, fx wc ba, n veCnr leopards. But greyhounds rank uniyv third among the feetest an-l imals. The buing leapai dor cheetaih, crnsfirst, a cng abf the arintelüeope,'with- a recode speed of more than mile a m-inujte. 1As in Englard, iM is the north - émers of the East wbo take most ta coursing, andi they do it w,,ithý cheetahs, When the sport àsor, the cheetah is taken from hîs cage and hooded like a faljcon1 At poîit he sits upright, like( a dog, with) his master'sar round hlm, waitig for his bhea taa beuricovered. The mvomnent the- hood is raised, off he streak< aiter thei-- black buck. Recently grteyhouîidn wer coursed against. cheetahs i nErg- lanid. The cheetas ,wori, but not by mu-Lch. Ont several occazsions greyhouind speeds up ta 56 mph have been recordecd over a short Course. consider tIis sprint- speed relaively. At the rate la h1umapn sprinter wuldcaver 28 Miles, a skater would do" 59, a racehiorse 76, a greyhouind 10.5, a fast train 156. A lhoundI's speed is tfa allarge ex-.-tend gove--rned by ifs fil. AIL greyhlounid with f ail furled is like a speed-boat without aq rud- der. Uni urledi, îifhelps ta a n1oeuvre twvists and turnis at g speed. Ht is recorded Mhat the Duke Eugenjeie de Beauharnais, crieof Napoleon's genierals in 'hj Is tis- sian campaigri(-of 1812I, used te take bis greyhiound an war11 ser- vice vwith hum.i The animnal survivjed severCa] cam1paigns; then, during th Battie of -Beresina Rive-r, be -was lost, anid general ,wrote him off as a casualty. The cai-npaiùgn ove,nte d spent a holiday at one afi bis-cesi*ý- dences at MianItaly. Six months' later, says the record. bis devoted pet joiried hlm there. The greyhound bad made an i- credible joiurney across 1,500 iles of wolf-iniested forests, irozen lakes, and aiounritains, T, wvas a homling, feat that has never, since been miatcbedl by beaàst or bird, through Ma/Lses has no loner a- u-,e since we lhave eeve h gospel of Jesus Chrit. "For i ChI-- st Jesus neitUherciuci sinavailth any17thing, nor u-- ceirciionbut a new ceae- ture?"6:14.This new criaure- hood gýives the desîre ta ieb thl aw aof love. For tèece tures the law is fulfliedione wordi."Thou shah love th1 t neîghbour as thyseif." Lilberty 15 not a ices au Archibald Rteg nCrnt minsýpL'te oingitCrln with whaLt ws eprtd ç e new and radicalÀ)doctrine". iBe- ing in sm ob st l- souindness ofths ewe r' tioned oaid Anthony ee;a pan tation sgiqiigepcal "Teeyoun popeih e thelighsof( nin idr "don trealy rwantpreligion. UWhat thylove is ta have s , ýo ebd tel them how t hey can ls1-1a'i an be2i- ha-.,Ter re a 1lot (A, o pie like that oabtion and Al. C hrýist J e su sw w il1w a kC.o after the -ileshi but aiter th, Spir - if. 1lis fruit is liove, joypae logsffriggentleness, g ooLd - nsfaith,> 1meeknless, tme- ac,(or self-control). Th-e prac- tice iif:this lave wýuillepbsz the beaLrinig ai aur oniiudivid- ual responsibility an-dshrn the load aifothers whoareunder pressure. We are not clingirig vines but strong souls abl faheip others. Libcrty, in Christ Jesus is lib:- erty f0 do a pea se, bt aur pleasure is ta do the thîrig-ý which are 'pleasing iii God's sigh1t.lRe whom the Son s ýets re iýs ires indeed. Trying f0 be e. Christ ian witlhautixeiscn the rtew birfth ïis laborious. Ei la drudgerymý. But being mnadiE free fromn sin gives us fthegraet liberty kn.,owni. We serve G'od1 ac- cording ta the New Testamient p:attern, not becaluse we have , orý we ougftfI, but because we( Twýo heads are better, than one upiless thsy're Lbath onrthe"Ine shoulders. Psychologisf SamuelP F. KIlugmnan iecently polled e' class oai high-school pupilsan found that the chances are ai- mnost 3 fai 1 tiat two combired heads AiU work ouf any probein bette r ha an s s N N s N '3, N 3 "i N -3 N '3 N N N s N N N N N N 3 3-. '3 N N N s s N .3 N s '3 -3 s 43 s 's *3 '3 s s N 4.3

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