VoL 7 No. 22 OR John James, Liberal Candidate Wedni For Durham County Hara A packed Township Hall ln Orono greeted the Hon. Mr. 'Mike' Pearson and John M. James on Thursday .evening of lest week when the Dur- ham Liberal Association held their :nomination meeting. The evening opened with young Billy Wade starring the entertain- -nent with his ability on the traps. Billy and Mrs. Wade of Courtice also appeared later on the programme. Mr. Bruce Tink, president of the DIiurham Liberal Association, acted s chairman for the meeting. - When the meeting was opened for :nominations, MIr. Robert Kent, vice- chairman of the fBowmanville Liberal Association moved that John M. James be the candidate for the Liber- ails in the forth coming election. 11e commented that the government in the past four years was the best and that Durham County has been well represented. He spoke of work in Bowmianville harbour and Post Office, giving credit to Mr. James. Mr. Hut- ton of Port Hope, on secondfig thie motion spoke of four wonderful years under the Liberals and pointed a war occurs", he said. While the United Nations had suc- ceeded in preventing war during the past four years, he expressed hope that it would be able to go a step further iii the next four years and establish a secure lasting peace. He was neither optimistic nor pessimi- stic on this possibility. The tiheir r Monday 63 ubacription $1 i Celebration Ato Games o Police 'J ar monthly ming, June ,. Canada had earned a high repu- Hycre ou: tation in world councils, he said, be Little b cause it stayed out of power politics POîie lTpi and had no objective but peace. preparatio Greatest credit for this reputatien for sidewc should go to the Canadian people, After p. whose character and achievement in counts at bboth peace and war had world-wide amounted respect. Mr. E. I Mr. Pearson issued a go-slow ported on warning for social security meas- system. F ures. The Government shouldn't ex- fact that pand its social security program-un- te 120 Kit less it could be financed from an ln- 1951 and crease in national income, he felt. this year. "We've gone a long way road to social security but come to the stage where wc he careful", he said. "We musi sure that furtier steps do not' rather than strengthen the indi We don't want the individual te the point whero ho depends state for everything-that wo u his morale." It would be a mistake te taxes to payfor moue social s o0 se Sunless the national income rose1 portionately, he said. The Gov hpi 1l d ,,, , ment nad to conenitrate on keein income and empilyment high. Mr. Pearson chargea Progressive Conservatives had been contradic- tory in their campaigning to date On one hand they promised to re- duce taxes if elected, while on the other they proposed or supported measures that would increaso taxes thet ttbere seened at presentno let Sup on this incroased gi owtir .Mr nustiDent claimd this was a sorieus mab cake ter and noedodcsr ocsider- aknaen tien. Atp ho neede more lual. lme te werk On tie linos but le Mm- get ttsix te t per menti the ewing te tho fact that the office bas sap te hé oÇIO» for at lotfte te twonty days fe-olcin.Mr. Dentt suggested a fuid til-oi girl te) keep 'aise tie offce open wîth dofnt offce pro- trteus. Mnrs. seemetw at prsent e S atrkson parteen, he said mshes 7r1- teditipui ti s pe mot owin othue fact thatt hfie has year. Dent's chief conc growth which wa r and must be con, said in places heas eeded to carry ti - June'30 fOrono School Takes I P. ary aten4 Hronors At Field Annual a egr}y afternoon urham County Fed- [ture Pienic and the Sports Day was Undor a blazing sun on Friday last o Community Park pupils from eighteon sehools in the rnoon of last woek. Township cf Clarke met in iendal and iftymeinersat the Jackson Memiorial Park to con- d fifty memberst the annual PubliSchol Field down to a picnmeet. when farmers met ls throughout the The Orono School took the highest rizes were awarded ioneur ameng urban schoois with 51 with Mr. and Mrs. points beieg throe above Newcastle. r cf Blackstock Crooked Creek with 26 points led te ong livo the Queen' rural echools with a one point margin >le present. A large over Aetiech. O1lY two records les was pres1nted broken at the meot. Paul Rutherford ow-uard Cryderman e ewad ryenanil the runnicg hroad jumip set a eew. amily. The largest record of 14' 8". Bob Weatherup aise i membere present cf Oreno came up witi the Second record breakor whenathe softball on page 5) thro he obtained a distancey ca p mld haee to segh ar it should bomeloft l heposbiit Geround O-wbservers Corp I at theJcksooMeiriilPakttocon nMr. Dentif-ie Organized in The V Tehod thon h theto p btt but thoat a fu i fcr would relieve The Royal Ganadian Air Fore e In worf)-k which WUswro are responsible for th m air de- in perneutly eperate gear. fonce cf Canada, have dosignated . The immnediate uêed ý y tire Oreno Hydre Orone as oneecf tire many reporting or twenity vluàer&d ve the matter over centres tiroughOut the country. ently in twe villadseww' tiroir knew wh bther As the d mfence cf Canada has ai-ore or more bouts Serv rporate or net.fl O ways been on a veluntary basis tie training ays. Rsidents job wpuld ho coni- RCAF areadepending on the activeSent fromtie village d npaclerk. ce-operatin of tie civilian populaf ing heurs could aIs ir std that hoeiday tion. A similar defnce orgaisation eveninge. A certain ai wekJin JuTa. Tie has been in existence feritnestaltltwedI miinarv training leq-n JOHN 1. JAMES to work in Port Hope and especially .among veterans. Noinnations were closed. Mr. James, ein addressing the over- Xlow crowd, claimed it a real privil- ege to represent Durhim for the past ifour years at Ottawa. It was also an honour to study under sucih great men as Leslie Pearson and to learn how things operated in Canada and tiroughout the world. His policy, he said was to represent everyone, re- gardless cf polities for he further dlimed that one could not have a narrow county or provincial outlook. Mr. James said he has yet to feel ;aiything but pride in the iwork of the government over the past four years. Having served on committees he was aware that the government centrolled their spendings. However he did not claim that mistakes were not made for there were bound to be manitakes if the government was act- îve in advaucements. If the govern- ment did nothing then tihere would bec no mistakes. He pointed out that ie would be highly honoured to be back with the government after Au- gust 10th. Mre. Telford cf Port Hope pro- ented Mrs. James with a bouquet of roses. claims that the Liberals w travagant. He denied the claim of Jo) enbaker (Pc, Lake Centre) i Liberal Government had spen 000 to send MP's to inter conferences. Last year, he s penses for MPs (excepting Ministers) and the clerks graphers and other staff acc< ing them to 12 major inter conferencés totaled $399,00-3. the 15 MPs on these trips w Diefenbaker. 1e QI John "If Mr. Diefenbaker's figure had been correct I would have been just as indignant as he was," Mr. Pearson said. He poited oit 1that whi4e op- position parties accused the CLiberal Government of extravagance, they dlid not--and could not-charge cor- ruption. The claimp that the Government had been contemptuous of the rightsi of Parlianent appeared weak ln view of- the fact that Parliament hadl sat, in the past four years, "probably longer than any Parliament since Confederation. The test of a party is its leader. Hon. Louis St. Larrent is a fine Christian ;eiemnan. There will be no arrogance under that marn, the external minister said. "They are saying it is time for a charg. Tlhe ( question is Change fron whiat, to what? and from whrom, nste' ed si e years ail oes, to have just a CF and e were le said, govern- group ss, ire This is another in a series of Coro-11i nation Year letters fron oversene1are written for the Orono Weekly Time; boot and other menbers of the OctanieOf't Division of the Canadian Weekly ingî Newspapers Association. - Te At The Royal Derby Only by the courtesy of members ous of the press and of the firn of Pub- troU; lic Relations, Bonney and David of mai London, could this story have been lice. written. Dort While having dinner with a By- h line writer of London's Sunday Ex-1Lord press, M. E. French, I was advisedi ecter to contact the above firm. I was toi1mis: get a pass to the press gajlery at i 'ft Epsom to see the race including the 1 most 3:00 p.m. race known all over the Tir world as the Derby. The press gallery was on the same Mont level as the Royal Box, separated only by a glass partition gave usF not only a splendid view of the whole tie I field but also close-up of the Royalty tie lis the next box.te g Mil ion Jam The Commons notes Epsom Commons-is just what the name implies, a public commons. Ac- tiey cording to those in authority noOne eeTi can be prevented from going any-s where at any time free. This still ap- plies to the portion within the oval of the tracks. they Those half a million people there Ti were not chrged ny admission.Muti They saw the race froin the top of P tie smal. hil frnom tihe race track ever: side or from whatever point they t favored,MIS Some came by bus and saw froim Ne the top of these. Hoevor, the grand-am stand, whici lelarger than the Wood bine tracks and iras three decks, isre owned by a corporation whom I was n told have squatter's rights thore and Ti de charge admission. There ls also a cempany whichr has - parking psivil.eges and handils tit our at various prices up te a pound per T v ohb i l î .n are standing room charge îndetand. d'le ned a Half rack, which 'is a grass- side tire ovai cave very cnom- irganizations ai- 1tauy n grandstand at 1 y - Third Race e Derby Race, mac Derby, who usual :ed but Who had n< yea,r of course was ie 'day. lI faet afte of the crowds begt e Royal party left, inish o:E the next ru ey Poured Into Boo s into their hand ng their names chose to win, se ese chaps, wih to have a canny rds.' It was impc d tie rethod bi never :efuse.d t ere are Tote mac ual-but these d larity of "Book rywhere spread ni hat not many w a chance te wag Sactual record js unts thes broke as well as those imounts muet h' re than 1 unt la p similar i 'ire note ..ang the general plan itjte tis very ese to forin lenOrono, a J-Zppreclated. flene • Corps. Ie peace ilnttie Post Offlo or the present will teor, and de it soo pecial training daye, tie stora breaks :es during this sunr- j te take the traini lemorial Chapel Dedicated This money paper. would-l e Queen rjtism the y ef prevention is better licy of participation afterj A% INL Nm lmàm,ý. ,qqm au lm 16a Iqquomr poicj mes I