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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1953, p. 2

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andi tak.e the Teland hamr ýlîmon ina ono lis popular. lent of ork fandci old ished with !te- res Caisheýs ma-,y be prefer k way /wif h pufff rýt en jinýg. The smali ameuocnt d to fit th-e 1011 dîng sheet of 'Ihe g 'as (cokeiý sne fleury ieve., Pu b mu c urdme in lemonsjiewd aa lo 4 os.buttr r m rgarin Bea eggs tooglga Put utàtereormargrnin a inr emnxjuieand suar.iCoo gnl, Slirring c,Cor 3, minut. 1Y Bea egthorughy, r jar when cool., This isgod wilh b ro wnr br-ead, cr,,oras , filling f'or sînail pastry sheils (eo chee cakes) te be baked in aý 12 oun eoked salmon ~4pint aa eei os, gelain 2 fblespoons water Vtabiesroon lmnJuice(, 0i£ho sait and pepýper Fiake the -slmfon then ub smohthrough 1a sevAdd seasoning and lerfion iJuice. Dis- a 1f îe, dadid 1(,o the saiad Stursianed saon intoh eam add ,he, stiýrwel Tura the mixture mbt4 b smahlichina c on t ainrers, Ch i li well serve wmen set, garnished aith parley and cucumaber. LetlSausageRli Diamer 2 o= wshd rd on tils in wate-r 10 cover for 20 in--a utes werthe wtrwili be up ctouf finhe middle of thi s iant apple pie is Carolyn El- lis, Was-h:ngtocn Stiate Apple BosmFestivol qUeen. The pie i~ eghtfee indiameter. ab.ýsorbed, Adi s cup solt tbread- crubs igrated clov7e garlic,'/ teaspùoon sit, pinuch grated nuat- meioz. grated cheeêe. lVix wl.ROI]' into 12 ,littie sticks and put onle on each of 12 squares of pastry dough m i-easuri- ingabot 4i. by 4 ini, wet edges and seaLBrush wiýth beat- en egg. Bake in oven pHls brow, Finlyminethen pound very sooth, 12 on, cooked me<t addi l oi. butter, sait to taste, a piinch ea-ých of groutind amaceý , utmeg, pepper, and ground cloves Mx wlpress itoSmal pots, cover2 with meled buter, For sand- wices ades a garnish for sal- Raspberry Bues on ès slUaing flour l2 oz. butter v gg 3 o 4 tablSespons MW'l Grted rind oet1/i lemon RaSPberry ja Suf ur, rub in buterStirin sugr, ddbeatenj egg, stir in iqmo rin,1ad, milk to form àý soft but worý.kabie dough. Be- wenligh-lly-fiouredhnsrl t'he dough ý,-*-into a dozen sal halls and! place on a rse WýIJ-h a onie-inch diamneter box lîid, press a 11111je hollôw nt e-ac-h bail, then ,fiil] ibrasp- berry7 jam. Bake 18 minutes o untildoe top sheif, gas marký'î 5 orai 0 PoaQFisl Calkeýs Miix 2 cupa fiaked cooked fish {two kindes of preferce I with ~2 cups mshdpotalo, i1table spoon fine]y chopped oion, 1 tabiespojon d ry bedrms anîd sait and peppier tlo taste. ShaýPE mbntisiesîS, coat in fn bx'adcrumbs, fry in hot fat1o botlh sides. Eat hiot or coid with sali. (L<Npte. A beaten egg may ,,e aidaed tii the mixtlure, in wthleh . aeadd a little more dry lzradcumbor if may be too FlIying Over The North lPote Ve were nlow gettinig imb areasner beforec viewed by n-10or-taI , 1eyý7e, The feelings of an explorer supersedied theav- tor's. I beicam-e conscîous of Ihat exlraocrdîn1ariy exhilaratiowhc cones from ijooking itovirgin territory. At that momnent 1 feit repad for ail tur, t oil. At th--e end of this nnw areaý layou goal, somnewhere be- yond ithe shimrmering oizn We were oipening unex,.pJlored regions at the rate of nearly 10,000 Square miles an hfour, anrd were xeiecn th.e incomrpar- able satisfaction of searching, for new land. Once, for a mromyentl, I misiook ai distant, vagule, low- lying cloud formation for the white peakýs of a frawylandi. 1 had a momientary sensation of Lgreat trCiumph.If Iicoidex- plain thtefeln I had at ti timne, themc-se question wol h nsw,7ered: Whlis this Arctic craze- so mnymen g et? Th e 3suntriwas stili shiîn brightiy. Surely fate was geoýd to uis, for w'ithout th-e sun1- our quest of thae Pole woud ave been h1opeiess. To therighnt, smwee h rays of the m-idighl-i sun s-hone downr on the scenes lotf Nanisen's heroic struggle 10 reach the goal thait we were anpproaching with tche ease of an eagle ait the rate, lof neïarly 100f miles an hour. To our lef t lay Pea1rys oft-traveled, traiL,.. At 9:02 amMay-, 196 Greenwiývch civil lýiimeour caicu- lalions showed us te-be at, thc Pole! Trhe dream of a iifefimne bac] at iast been realized We headed no, Ihe righI t to take two confirmingp sights of the sun, then turned aind took two more. Time andi d. irection became tofpsy-turijvy at the Pole. When1 icrossing il on the samne straigh line we werce goîng norilh on e insantandsou-th the net!No malter how the wind s trikeýs you aI the N1J\ýorth Pole ilt musl be traveling north ,and hwvryou turn your hea.d must be looking south atiour job iwas'Io igel b3ack te the sm-aillislad ojpis bergen which 1lay somewhere South of us! As we fiew tmere a h o of the wrlwe aiutdhe gi lant idmfbeSpirit (of Pear-y an-d 7verifrid is report min everiy Below us s a great eternaily froz0n, enew-coveredoceanl bDroken mb j.qie fiids eor ckenf varius szesand sha-,pes, the bouindaries of which wer 1th rigsformred by thbe great pros- MÎERRY M'ENAGERIE "I love appies-so J deeld~O 19 grow îny ownl" .Plaiun fHorse Sens;e..! Now, that the feder-ai cections are c -aled COitarico farmers wlil do wel' O head the av oe f cranofthie Ontdarlo Feder-ation'- of Aric~itA, whose , editor, thinfks that il is imiportanictt in out thie ideas and plans for ag- riculture hld by the different -paties and candidates. This colunmnist woid go one st,,p farther and reverse the pro- cedure by informîng the par-Las, ý7!Ynd candidates of the wishes of tefarmiers and have them com- mithem-seives on alilquestions of mport"anýe. Now is the time tlo tell the story o the pligght of Canadiani agrculureand îsubmit construc- tive ideas nd sugestJons to thos whowangtfo believe that - if elece - they wýý,iil go top Otaato reree llte teet o)f the comm)-on People of Otro Keepin-ýg mnind the eea- tions made by Blair Fraser in hCS MacLeans Magaiin whichnhe deciared that the two odpr ties were breaking the law of tecounrtry by the way fiey re running their campaignsit s o the utmi-ost mpranethat thei farmers scrulinize ver-y car-efu"lly evey wrdthat wlbe said bte- fwecen nowand Auigust 10th. Far too long have Ontarj farmers iook.1ed at electio11s-as a gaine n which theyhvebe-en laking sides according to famn-- iytradition andi were plugging for the team the,,ir forefathers had plugged for, whoult taking ino consideration the interss of their w ocptinigroup, Afuer the (damrage was done ilhey expected their leaders cap ilaan to go 10 the goverjrnment of the day anid ask for hýan-d-outs. The result of this usseai system is thrat wve have Ilost oux o)verseas mý"arkets, got edible oil if the. farmer1s f Ot ario Seeý MIt to vote for the men wvhose election cmnpaigns arýe financed by the very camne elevf ors, pjackers, canners and imipiemaent imarnufacfurer's whm tey biame for the poor shapearlue is in at present, they shouldatles makre sure that not agaîn lhbey wili be sold ailU the wydown, the rivecr. Sure of on c cke upýon an-oth-er. This showed a, constant ice mve ment andc indicated the noni- pro-ximi1ty of land. Her and thee(-, isedof a -pressing to- gether of the icefields, there was a separation, leav,ýing awater- head, whihad been recently frozen over anrd showinîLrg green hieof the snowýv.-Froxp "Sky- ward," by ichard Evelyp iByrd, imnitation ôýf dairy products, that surpinses are ccuutig and farîn prijces are ,slipp.inrg, OU SULIS _____ Co-operalor is sound, If in up > the pans organizsons in Wh conj~andti-fwnsh,,--ýips bgivýe their members the èprtunify te earal candidates la )thelsi respective ridings at the samec t imie fromr the same p- 1laCflorm.n T hi is a sound and sensible way fo every indivîdua farmer f, cnsider the ideas ofaicànd1 danes and their parties, make upj bis owuin mdnd v;ote ineili Bult net only soi hycm to 1sfon;they sol lob her.For many years noar- meshave beenpeangwl 3heirgoveramýentsf or cetai mesues10be takenThey &ai- days did so afler d~eution. Woul il not0eMme senible te do Sn before eActions? Ilaevery busi- ness Ihe bargaining os done be- fore possson is gven. And Govecrnent is th.emotmpr tant business of the ceunfry, FactsKow-eonNed Wvhat Ive tant is cipar-euif plans rindicormmi mentsFn'f probl-ýem-s and te deveio,!p nmetodis ofrmdy in a diattue Fames now wa h3neod anti have akdfor if lmeand again.Now is te lime tb gel ;l. We C-wanl egîiatenivig s the power to eniterine-rv- ciaýafl nd epert t-rade roh ounOwn marketing boards Wce canl ,.our Oejr-ce s mar- kets ýback 1o gel riti o our sur- pluses wich are beîng used 10 depress home prîces. We wanl the Cnda ha ýBoard tcanieai]gais Wve want feed grcÂn strage faciltioses tablisbed by the gev- erament at tCe Eastern Lake- heads. Weneeti relief lfaouschooi txsby" fedieral id Last but net beal we etiandi have ïias(kdfor, aNainleat Insurance Plan. Nemore stuldyîs ecsay Thle facts are know. Wat i neWdd is ACTION, Thisclm eemssg getins ise or feih n i criticsinvhethercontrctv Ont.d THRUGHA WINDTSHIELD' Sart luggaýjge-Only wvinner in th'-ogog field of i;is rs Deign Award cfPMerît, sponsored by the National inductrial Oesgn Cormittee rmeMtl inOtwa this lightweight. one' uggage is covered in vinyl plastic materiail simulaiting so rawhicle Wlather adcornei-rii a naturalshade as we!l un tavel- w-ce colkors

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