Hog raîInuloters ie ce or a tuble1fp ih çjamed dowu in fIehe fusionl isÏng co1in: than 'ýthey d herenIO-tarib. Forthyrfrmigoel two mdth ietfhmarket ae 0 souri. AnMS thprocess, a lot -)f oldï belAs* on liog ri'isin ar baing heaved Ovauiieard.-3 une cosrdpg(nrdP land China-l X inbred anra lu the M1isseri t'fsla pse the scalas to 21.pu tfu mont~t Ofhe~sof the sm o Johin Lse wrntf ar bhu --two bit 193 poun'ds iri thJsam- pe-rîod. Most'hoýg raisers cdQ ,'eli to make t m ,tuilch~'J'l i but simplebreedinýg. &feeding, aies -giint ethode, wili added to the rations . le m'âé sure fth 11itPe 4igi iwere neyer leýs: (1) Thatý! fastý-gaining pg are always f attieî;- anid.() ibat antibiof.ics dragdwncrcs quality. That 201-pound porker,i for nstacegrad(ffl J'To. 1,an lad ouy 1 ½luches ofrakft beoethey arle bou The mnother sows got corn ,withio fein supplent sand i neraIs, in the witer a stalilized 'Vit-u imin A and FD mixture -vas- d2ed. Whu1le they -were'nusing fhe sows got, a bonus of five mg. aureomin1 per pounid of fed SlorflV fe aroig h 'baby pfigs started getting aro mycin, nmixed with l dean sod. (The sod prevents anemiawie fIe igsareoDn cnrete.)' Intecreep feeder On pasture, fhe pigs'ld frea choice 0fro)-'0î.j ad oat SbOlimld yellow corn, andil aY proteùn supplement maude up of dry skirim mlk, fish meal, soy- beau cil maeal,aue yinVt- mirB-12, inerais and cod l~ Affer weanin-g at 56 days, pigs wenfil on fhIs ration>t( self-led on Gony1lwcorui...14351ils. Tanikage (60% ý"protein) .20)0 ils. Soybeau mnel (44% prof el).......300 lIa. Wheat WShotsor middlirigs - ..... l1100 lbs Minerais, (equal parts limestone, steamnedl bon(-,-mp, and saitj 'L610ils. Antibiotic supplamient ..10 Is The ý'hoe lot pù1t on 10 p)ounds of gain for---every 330 pouLndis of feeýèd. Godid hog produ- caurs uul~ use 400 pounris o eed for that ut gai. petis befüre pttfing sows infîo tawasî;Ied the sw'uddlers bforefarwig The pig's got a l.ot of bcei at one, two, anid Ilrea e -ieks to vward off i -seuse,ý. Not many uew ideAS hee, -.but 1 shows wafwe c'JO we wve put f0 work ail of thie ig ihaf w.e ray.no,,,. 9. l 1 z tw er 44 c, * oi xi haoue 1Mirpeen 2 silecna ereis a oule 'Y EDNA MILE ni i( pinn gs are: hiperiing tue sedYS K~>lit ~id-iakig t lk uaikeeping uqp wihI tînre rel ltetin e " ujeta d .Fitt, o~tndbilu; 1xtwe1,'Iýght bla.nkets illu ImsteL StforsihceM Mdlitdblankets arela one sik-Da ad afley,4rsnpblanlkat onthe oLhi. This nelimiates he need fr botýh a blanket and spread. This, cuts; donUa 'entire bLed-ssaking opera4len too, and rcoupled with fitted; sheets pracicallyredire Te wole rn4tter te*afilpof the ÎiAt. U kaeps the bdom Iookïtig neat and pai. ,~ne oo." ontaWtîg decorator coloris amd im twirt or doublé'sies.Yu !An treat at t a hand-laundrg ol pop it into yourmahn since Sides f-, thýis baktsra are hadsmeyfringed, Th-e top sudfoo hve luxuious eight,-ïnch binMlng ,-wîhidh inae if a p pa 0OWO. Tits housewlfuc mkigup atlied wi0h a nwcaril4e blanet-edsrèz. w~enaýýý s ingle abr .Site, 01W'alActe t 4ut dowdg nthy)aVe bed-rnaking qperatlqn ad shave expenses, Btske-spaa crne l achOùie f4cntatgdceOraator>cc1r B A..3BD. Miiemoirv Sele-ction: The peace, cfGodl, whieh passtit ail under- tainshaît kcep yovur heareta and minds fhrouigh Chris;t Jasus. Philipians4:1 Panis eax'per'tince lu th1e prisbon of Philippi is oua of fhe hîgI-i lîgîfs of P.aul's second mîssionary journey. lia and lis compas- ion, Shas, liad casf fIe cvii spirit ouf 0:f a so-callad fortune-taller. The youug womia's miasters suc- ceedad lun rousiug the rabble agaiust. flasa good rman iand se- cnired flathir imprisonauft. But af miiduiglif Paul aild Silas praycd,> and sang praise unt o Goc. ol- lowvýing an) artlquake fla jalle -,was converfed.(c 1) o Pi i s vrifing titis Ph-ilippiane 1clflrch f roir fha prisoni in Romie. Haesf111Mlias fla (-spirit 0f1jo. T facf fIe keywvold -of flic laer The spirit of triumirph lunpit e of gravionus circunmsfances Sf 1 parslsts lu fIe worid. Two yearLs jago BobPierce w tof0spaaklu r a dchiff it South Korea at 3 a.m. If wâs bclow zero, TIc u n- laatad building was cowdedi wvitî fhçse sufferiug people seat- ed ounfIaefloor. Bob raad the chapter whicl confalus foday's lasson. "I wouid ye slould un- dcrstnd, bref Irn, tf h a rthfI fhiugs which Iappcued unt o me lave faillen Ouf rafler iunto f la furtîcrauca of fhegoplu nothing fcrrifiad by your advar- suries: wilis f0 flain an cvi dent fokan of perdition, but f0 you M of avaoît and fIat of (lot." WMen la fiisîcd, tIc na--tiv-e pastor furf li e ampiasiýz- ed uo fapeopfla, fIe lso f ijoy Iuspn of suffcriug. Thený tlcy roýse- and Sang instily;' "I muse eu Jasusal of my -trials: ,1I Htr ",N urltt i T 0helte tread Tr011 l Neci 1.9.IU Gati et dr isewhere on Thls, Page If I but amk hm ewilI dlvr Malýke ofmytobe quickiy mn yes, Godcan Sf111 o s re- joiciug, lu spite of troula. WvhatGosO Iii The MÎIlky Wayv TIc ilky Wy u tfi imost trki8sigîts iunttelica- vaS ns ua clar nigî, àI i ftra .;vy thorougli exanati in b- astronlomers duringe e tfa A 1iat taleScp lisbe erected near Bomotji pendons giay f Stars. Osrains aldmf'0 mtic ai nclclations aref0amd ovar a pe-riod o ýf years,anifs locdfIatImauly of fathe era of starlauad vill ba solvedi ojýctý ,1fIe Mjiky Way Ia aec cd Mau wifli sese fmstr "pafIof oulsv u aciu mfli w àe sckhueMrcry satferf ed Milk oacross fthskes But tis felng cf dcep aso- ciation ,witl i thestars , ad I simle ffection for fleinwhc We find ilu Chaeucar mand oftet maeval poafshave beau dM stroyad for us by sfoomr distances.s 'These srooes e]us 0tha fIera ara soma stars ilu'fheMiy WaV-y whosa ligît fats ot huni- dreds, uer fhousands of yaars te reach us, but hundreds of fou- rands. Tweve aars ugo a naw type ostrclomtdwa discovercd iii tlic MilkyWyositnofa of whieh hare beau ccunted sa far. The igh froin this star cloud fakes 30Ç,o0f0 ears to rchus, whcî eans i-i 18,00010009 billionmieawy NO CR0 WDING Gazing at the Milky Weùnac cl.ear nig lt, ab oîut o n iî staýrs are visible to fIe nakedJ ave. A 10-incl fal1escope, h0w- aver,cwliraveal about 1,500 mil- lin nd teeare many morn too numbe-rless and too raoteî for anyisruet f ou. Oua migîtVithl tfis would Causeovrrwng But as one astronomier lias remarked: "Set three wasps flying over Europe, auid ifs skias'woud lemore. Mily ay is with sas~ Sir James Jeans descilas the Mîllky Way ýý,as fle icrmof a great central lit. Our sun ile one o the lasser stars of fMi carfw systai Cor galaxyýç, and our rou earth is omparable. to a)spýcký of pollen floaýtiug lu ,-ýthe, Pacifc Oýean-. YatitbfI tnier c lae are_ at least 100,000,000MtaMar cartw-heals similar to hý'Milkyý Way. Dr.,urhayn hnrsl hLar, pradicts that the Mllky Way will flot ïalwaýys lil o gethari1 heaveus. Tlic c art*hncel, wsys will aývenfually stop rttinand fIestas wljump thair tracks spae. Thiscalm t ýillon o- cur, liowever, tilI about teya Beýý, timeý_s forseelg oI Milky Way ara in tIheeuings in autunmu or' wie, when f le "cartwleal" wafectcan le ob- smed.If is tn high in fIe heavens, and suffrs iasc frou! thenareeneof ourato- sphere. cto th at of an ld gared tre trnbut aven w ýit1hasml felseope the detail bous Atfonie point if may consist ot flousandilsos( Dprate starw scat- fered irglryupon aj haîck- gruud of drnesat auo;ar c star clustýers Xfollowing one iau- othar in a long p4,cesien;ý at a.n- othr, flic sass(ean t o collect -ni smali soit ciQuda;, 1Uke dRofg f oattI., Y t' . Like so mnpeople who ar) Jeý was fo>undcer of Englandanth I Enýglish wayof fie than wereý the nativjes of the .islanid, is letters ýdisplay a keen 'appreci- ",tion jof the senr ad the great eounty-hosesthoulgli the uav- I rgeEnglishman by ave feit ththis estim-ates were epese tocrnt)y."Good-J2ye, my -dear Lord" lie once said after a visit fo LodShaftesbuLr, "y av given mue the pr-ivil ege of seeîng t oeof th most im-tpressive ofai petce:a great English noble- mnliving in patriarchal. state in ils own hereditary halls?.". Direishomice lje asalmnost retitdte Iugheniden. OnM ite touch was poie by the peacocks on the ten~ace.1 terace ,Ïthout,,peacocks," si Dizzy to a guiest; anld certainly he cold ot. Perh1aps the oly oether hint of th9 East cmefrr the host hinmself, vhose clotlhes t werTe not those of a tyý,pical Erut- g tsI quir. Th f ncy aîstoat that lad breTe aandoned lu Lon-. don reapp eeiare u tie-,cion- dookepgee mnore cunary, e1f by ontrast evethma bfacmk vale- teeî-ntj-ast 'ndith T a lk vbat A rumacl e aid à T 'lisefriend A resfor h recember, ý150 hat lie wsroin ea flerce18pair 0f mouwsaches. nowà Betcespir ver sad,"' wrote Berésford te Stanley, "Cfor he is ±iot the persan vilo Ôught to, ~ attrack attention by 01IUr dress and appearance, but by is talents. 1 do trust thLI-at this styl .s only assumedýý while lie is rusiticating.. Appirentl1y In spî)te oJ lis eddities, or le cause of th-emi, lis tenants and i workmien Ilked him, a ýnd lie at- tentdedcitoLatheir'-iants. 11e en- joyed talking 'to themj, finding their convers-ation racy, heir Ha arteicurly uiked th gee society Hemanrs irstful ad agheeabliet of woodmen, w:hose kýnowledge,