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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1953, p. 4

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v64-@lý A a smvw heit Janîu ry, l"7.~ *tuàva. M. 15 etionè Upbriating gr Prince Chrliê rnÈnt and fun h. h&a, been J emotion attendant upon s dramm objections from a London paper, the pro-~ anien Swaffer4 'hýs tssd ini the oeur note that ipy and proud Britisherts migt tui-n the young 1 would tUnity to Lt beurs for neas showi ing My ry« CÀRD 0F THANKS Y would. like te expres;s mythai te ail the friqnds and n&,'hboi Who so indl4ythought et me4 sent senany cvýds, gift&and flow during my stay'inHepliai. Aieothankin* nursr and staff Memorial H1Ipta f r ise many k ziegssashown m easpecial thai te Dr. McKjz n / ryRut ford. EthY Learn the 2àtt Bc,% In~ 1I rsh pteples have Deenc ing the uniion. They car present tme wiien "eu n of thc youngsters, tI lvities. gh before ail this changi )le that ont day v111l claii lecidedly onerous. Queen g, should be a guarantee )wed te Ce astray. on 1 IAtA*J ve n ý -- YQUR TRIP TO THE DERBY St. John's Mwý Cemetery, Toron-Ji te, the, followV day, (Continued frein page 1) E. P. Taylor of Canada, proempted us A W eekly Letter to age apound note te show he he did net, se we did not colect. Oreno, Ont, June 23rd, 19531 A horse frein Ceylon was heavily Don~id McLaren, Skg flambeur Aài backed by sein.e Ceylon press re- Port, Godericii, Ontairie. Dresentatives in the. gallery who aise DarDonid jid nt show in the winning. Da oad Sunny Weatlier At Course 1 reaily belive yeu wl be safer in The. first sunshine of over an hour's the air than in yeur new car Juration greeted the. Derby Day. Itl $100.00O ma)y be your limnit and the car ;vas a lovely day and top coats were no eider thari yourself but doultess ànnecessary, which had been up toit's had a mauch harder life. We have thoen very desirable._ getten u«,-ed te your flying but the The, drive froin London te Epso-n highway in a 84 Ford sounds nnici ivas once made by carniages, mýuleý more risky. ýarts and' tarrn wagons. Then the slow Wiien the surveyer was here last noving procession were liadgered week he told us our property extend- 1 dlong the routa by urchins who llned ed right across Station street se we hesidewalks cailing on al.te thow, have a ready made laning strip for )ut thie 'musties' meaiiing the copperi you. Jus ýay the word.and 1 will te' pennies. It was presunied to be un- JaCk Me, rs te move hîs phone pol iucky te carry pennies to the tracks eut e t e way. and hope te win. Marj« ie was homoe on Sundav-te -Today manY go Part way by - s Y good-bye. She leaves Thur day derground railway where double dec-, for Ba ff where wl ll spend_ the ýu-- ker buses ineet the underground to nier ati U of Alberta School eft dane- eovypsengers te the course. ing. Rether a pleasant prosp , h 1 Then there is the train te Epsomn Last! Thursday Mm and 1I1ont to ýýjation ýýwhee taxis ýând wdlkcing the Uberal nomination mneeing te compiete the trip-aise' the bicycles hear Mike Pearson. Johnni Jam~es which mingle witii th e or tmaffie was nbrminated a-nd thec ne mations everywhere and sometimes inake1 closed se dam - quick I didiPt have a btter timre. chanc6 te open my meouth. Had a big Parking ProbJent Well Managed netien ,te nominate Bort id. Maybe The parking authoitis ide just a weli I wasn't kic ei ot as 1 thie police and Ronds Patrol, haveien-joye4 Pearson's addres. On the. stickers which rnay b. pbaced on way 't Art McKay a/id I agreed ~windshields te have vehicies d.rected thnt Mike is a great ian. Wien I via varieus routes se as te trmi t said "Tee bad he's a rt" Art re- at certain points where parkcing i-s ar- torted 'There are a te ýgoe'd Tories1 raniged. here - ain the ceineti There are seveîý, reasiein Two nýips te Tome te for Cana-1 tei the course, Hewever, wheno3 e d'an Gyý sun Asphaît! 8iiingles, a- l<~ks crea ti, own. ad ses ilbout 12 ýtons, didn'ti bring u ~ the vehicles whicii have gatiiered it stock en gh t. be ýafe se will get would b. antici'pated rtint the, homne antier I ad tuis w ek, if we can ging wevuld be slow. But tis was find the ti o1. Teda/ Arcii brought ini net the case as police wvere statiolned a îoad of SBai Bon mortar mix f romn -it intervals ail the Way te the ity Cooksville,le ruce did tiie local and where intersectio sXr rosdwr, oka dofsetrck te 'hey prevented delays.- Betiany and a couple et loadS et There wr diinl~ brick and flue lining teo Newvca-stle. -ec adir l poice, oRaigca ssiirligi available ut the course as il; mdThRedn olistl rlngn been aniticipnted thaf if theQwes a car each week. Fir st price increase herse hiad won, the enorm-nous crowýds goes on July lst but expect foras iiight haveedevre oor bfre will avpe aiond hetrakswhe t puli o orrbor e \thatIl hapon.,new! .uýtin th tack whn the herse aud.i jockey ,veie being broughit baik. oul truck eult t fix up n f ew cristem-i As i ýý,1salwasý ey od-1lycr e- who wan-t their tan1ks fu1111for the As t ws Il a~ver odeny.summner. When yeou get flying a Jet .he)ininojcky, erehRichards, oican drep in hererrl-fuletas our \who h-ad 0111Y this \week ,een made a"( 1Sr"wa rete y h4Qeen 'steve oul is keresene quality and the cempicrted by h hecro1wd hest fuelyou 4can 1use. -l'litC]'(%Vi ccrmiýg Se long Don, be -carefuI with -ithe 34 ît ,vas a gi,-and day-a 18der16ceMLae aeaceof secy rneradOrono 81 Roya~lty. We ývatchc1d the face of thc Queen 'rl' her hýse wsbeaten. Sh-ei sat, with her )mOth lpartly opý,j-etn hoping to the last buLt beaten y ou lengths. Next Vee s tant iur tour ofi Rurl Englanld, Theý littie car loks big here and s performiiiing peidy OL.ASSI _mlED OOLUMN8m MING 4 ýT IRoue foit.f dei. 0h01 >Wor&tio erewll .bi u 0 OO os Il h onpro- Orono Ce. wtry enSurayperty, erly essilM~ragd ~.%th t praD.deatoiof Uarold ÂAfde' 2? Ynges Long rial GOhapel wll take T~eOnt&ric c-23-c ce uriTOWNSHIP OF CLARtKE ýterke turch .A. Aniivers&ry TENDER vice w$ lbe 1fMd on Sinu~4y, Jus O .ejTracer with M.wer &Leader e,îjt7fltyUnit wil d rýévd ýt wman'vi e will b 'th(' guett ltit,'vIbeeev.' acier.îtr ecalmuie 0 ~1ip i'lok noo day, ,o ru ber t red tractoir XI'RP. .eparate qulttiens 2ai tiwedon NOT < following ai kchyents (l eIt. brush )r.Meena., ne vii ncutter bar, rnt me là, hydraulil Ly the week-ed of June 6,Éand contrel (b> front tndjioader, hydrau- ne M2Oh. Dr. 'itzel, Ntevraetle, lic control. Tenders state approxi- I duty, the wee 0ens f 'JUII* iti matre date dcliv ry.j d'June 27tk. éLowest e ai- tender not iiecess-J *arily accep e rhe Strù be F ail e Kirby1 Ross Dickinson H. E. Millson îtItd Ch 'h I heId, Tuesday, t oad Superintendent Cierk ne UhtW rparticvI1arsnext Newcastle, ont, Or eOnt. Klrby U14ted ChUrci ,yfhold Will sel i tie id. Phone 6Sr19. Auction Sales !or Mr.1 2 highwý castle, 0: Tennis cý dale, Au( lot ýerve.' I-nsur Against Such azards 1"ortana i hat yb lieue il $covered viti , n 1* insu ro* yrt ne beetua youaraghta ceomplete i II I CALL N.F. PORTER ORONOD.onét ~o~0c- O ro no Tinshop Get your Cemetery vases for. Decoration Day R. E. LOGAN PhnD1e1 and Ht Water CALUç FOR ESTIMATES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phone 84 r 12 'farin PronWly for santary dlspoeaI. Telephone Ceýlleci: Cobourg 1266 or Tomnto Ew-8-3636. GORDON YOUNG LIMITEfl June Specials 1949 CHEV. TORPEDO CUS- TOM SEDAN customra die n very cdean one owner car AI, Special .-...-$1295. 1948 MEgCURY SEDAN, Iradio, i new tires. geod ....t....i..........- 95 194î PONTIAC TORPEDO SEDAÈETTE custom ra die...........$8 1947 DOME SEDAN, /good ale.......... $795, LOOK LOOK LOOK 1953 ME CURY ,2HALF-TON Dem ýstrator new guar- antee,isubstatial saving, Durham County's Largeat New and Used Car Dealer BRAMLEY MOTOR SALES Memcury - Linicoin - Meteor Newcastle 2871 Clark. 2020 OPEN EVERY EVENING Your insurùiance costs can be substantially re- duced by býuying Divi- dend Paying Policies Quotations on request. Leroy Hamilton ORONO 1 RING 16 INSURANCE Ini ail its bran-ches Fire, Bturlary, Hdospitalization Auitomtobile, Lif e, Accient and SknsPlat'e Glass, Liability, RealE s t 0TFAtGe $1,60-Newcottage, JoJhus- Man iewhte sidîii'gblue asphaît roofing, .2'50 foot square 1lot on1gilvel 1,oad nea1r T.)ronke, well t reed and trout, streami across enire properlty. WilI couisider beat cash offer or' will sel On1 erms.ý MORTGAGE FUNDS 1 ha4ve ava lable funds for first t môrtgages, on îimproved property in Clarke Tow-nship curreat interest rates. AF. McKBNZae M. pETBI)AN .ud SU11101 9.4 lt 4.88 am Ob M p.k. ?PUMU ?t r m om DR. K. J. TAGGÂRT YTumAEÂIT SumcUSP OPPOSITE SKÀTP(G MW£ [Mme c. 1h#, lu , Barrister suitSlîeit*r JACK RU»I Orouo's Lkeamei Auctione-er -and - V.uatw Specialize In Farm ami Furuiture Sales C-osult me fer tenus and dates Phone 5 r 18- TED JACKSON &ueltioneer and VaJuatoe enductz Aucttea 8il.. of al dan and nt rau m.ates C..umunlct. éwitJ~hiasai2'40 Pgrry', Ontadeo,,or sad* hi. C4htà. E. Morton, at r..., fer dale. LIFÈ INSURANCE Pension PIlna; Edwatlonal Pelleale Protection und savints Platu la Children and Adultt; Mrtgq. lImm srance Plane F. E.LYCETT ORONO, Ont. ,-Phbone 20 r nS The RUTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dia! 3216 -- P.O. Box 622 Port H'orbpe, Ontario Monuments,Grem rkr STAFFORD BROS Pline Whlitby 552 318 Dundas St. E., Wkithy FI?,IkE UALITY MONUMENTS ANP MARKERS Let as erect a hanrdsomne, lig. iffied monument over the ret. ing place of your loved &ines. It's fot expensive. And .4ieing this la-st tibute willi giveF yoeniless comfort, Phone 993 r 1 CONTRAýICTrORS FOR FARM and flOUSE WIRING F're. Estimates APPLIANCE SALElS Promûpt and GuiantWeed Repa-Zra to ail makes of Electrical Equi-pmet àand Appliances Such as Motors. Water Heat.r RafIi0b Steves. tronu& FUê .1" 1 P. -i Office Us Boue Ul M U

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