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Orono Weekly Times, 25 Jun 1953, p. 8

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ORONO WEEKLY TIMES Clarke union We are glad t'Q >report that Mlàrs. n O Saderockis somiewhat Îknproved, Sinhbealth. Nr. and Mlrs. Donaldi Robb are on a trip te Scotleand. (1711n bel o? ign nti Conigratulations te -Mr. and Mr3ý inorU Jolhn Fogg on the arrivai of a babý- agirl, a ~sister for Waynie. aceordingly U"k-ou ýLVfO-ELECTRIC COMIMISSION E. Dent, Manager ...shiould prompt you to caîl upon us in tlime of sorrow. We stress sÎimnple beautifuil ser-vices that pr-ove conso)ling to the "bereavedl. H e 1~ 7 (}ro' w Phione 13 r 2 Y -- JUNE 26 -27 -1~- with RAYi -JIJNE 29- "M YT>URSDAY IMr, and MIreý Vernon Saunders ad fam'-ily visited xith Mr. ard Mrs,, Arthur §5,unders on Saturday. à1r. Philip Satunders of England, who is~ visiting his brother Arthur, returneîl to Toronte with them and camne bach-, on Tuesday with Mr. and ?Mrs. A., Saunders who spent the day in that eity.i Our Home and School Club heh4, its regular m-onthly meeting on r- day, June l2th. The meeting opéned xith the president, Mrs. Ervin Rainey in the chair, by singinýg 0 Canada, fojlowedl by the Lorýd's Prayer. The businIe;ss was deait wîth and election of of'ficetý took place with Mr. Herb Scott conducting. The folloewing of-., ficers ,were elected to carry on for another: year-: Past President, Mr Ervini Rainey, President MIr. Kenneth Hilis, Vice-Presidenit Mr. Neil Bain-, eyu, Seýcretary Mkr, Ervin Rainey,- Press Secretary MsBetIty Bujllock, Treasurer Mr, Orville Chaýtter-ton, I Pianiist !yrs. Roy Berry, The new, president theýn occupied the chair wîith the following pro- ý grammine: Vocal solo by 'Mrs. Ray.L'v'.-~-. niond Chapmnail beinig ber ownVI accom1- -aXe te grind. - paniest. The ,guesýt speaker was J'.~~~e'~limnRe' ~~o Ted Samuel, whIose talk w as very "lWe now talk in asi gtn iRed Prisoners "disconcerting, dist-I intýýeest;ing anid euain This was a Canadian accent. We've no cbip on j res;sing and dangerous îintervýention."i follow'ed by anlother solo by M is. ourstoule ne dof te siy tat ifs P0inting out thiat Rhee's action Chapnan.M r.John Br1own gave ateei ruleoa h i a in ight end hopes for an immiediatel reading. The pre Îident bake thosýeca look after it. Wýe talk and are1 armnistice agreemenît that we hope1 who hd fthken part anad the meet- hlearith esect 1 , ai.,ouJd be ',re first step) in br*ingiing ing closed by singîng of God Savab peat eand iiiýto e'a the uee. Luch as srve. iMr, Pear-son, whle sidhe was aotuiiatoIota thIuei va e e.1 i 1~.,ih i(ndancbntuhpyln. soaa ielv a a C.,jiian cbine-l ll-. Mr. TiJîmonit Bulïock had a iiilk cow strucýk by lightniing r-ecently. Mir. and Mr's. Arthur Saund1(ers and M Phîlp Saunders of England were in, Niagara Falls one day this week. LEIKRD lU. I ~ tiMrs. F. GîmrTo ete1 pn t itI te w4,ekend wit)i 'her daugbter Mils' * I LiiH. Berry. Mr.Clarence Martin and4 Mrs. . l1ailley wvere in'~ Toroato for three dlays to attend the Grand Lodge Ses'. sion T.O.O.F. whiÎch was beld at the, Royal York Hotel. Mrs. N. Bradshaw is spendiing the suminer -with friends eut 'west. MNr. Frank, Robbins is staying with his brother Mr. Lorne Robhins. Mr. ajid Màrs. R'obert Chiater re- tui-ned fromn their hiolidlay in the States. Miss Wanda Hobbs is their, g-uest for a -week. Mr. and -AIrs. C. V. Cooper, Orona visited with Mr. and Mrs. H. Berr-y. A1l the Leskard Scbool childreii attended the Field Dayl at Kendal' last Friday. Mrs. Ken Gamsby and Mrs. C. Mar-j tin visited Mayhelle Lod-ge, Port Perry on Tuesday evening. Glad te see Mr. Charles Tyrrel homne again and quite recovered from bis ilness. Rev. D. T. Lancaster was a Su da v,.",un i 14vi . ar nu . ±awo. IçIUry Hiamlilton. iJ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Prust and Lynn weeat their cottage this weekend, j W'e are sorry to hear that Mr. An'. g-us Watson is ini Bowmaniville HIos-. pital for an operation. lie bas 1beeni iii poorý health for- some time. We wihhma speedy, recover-y and hope he will soon be home agaýin, Mlr. N. Biirstowv is home, froi hiospital and hias re'ove-red fromi the effects of hî's operationi. Mv. and Mr-s. !N. Fee held aiat Sauda ight and friend,-s of Miss5 ppeseted bier withl a Rose Brlocadfe Tdostess ch iMr, Ronn'ePage brideroom rand Veillna made 'a spe'ch, of tas.A pesn sociail eveningl Vas spenlt With suaedancinig and Mvr. M. Ske!1ldngcontïinuels to nake godprogress atrnii acdet JOHN, JAMNES CANDIDATE m1HiiStc1 and nlot inhlis ca'pacîty a Sinigle Is 6:40 and 9:00 Double Bills 6:40 and 8:20 Fri. - Sat. - june '26-27 Newilpaper Comedy-Drama With Loretta Youing W ,AýND ORDER' (Col) WihRonald Reagan Tues- Jue,2-30 Ctmiedy with bIc Starring Jane. el Farley GriaW-e.r and Anne Aller in T enicolor W >s -Julyl1- 2 "REMLAINS TO BE SEEN" Mystery Comedy-Dramia Witht Van Johnson âmue Allyson "TUE VENETIAN BIRD" With Richard Todd Thurs - F "MIR. B RINGIS 1" Withi ami ter _St. Lai , -Godna nm LL" r rd Culrrlnt armisîl' ce- talks are based; on principles laidÀ dowvn by the U-!.N r'ïi u-h q g, he said. These prinipls w r knwn te Seýuth 1Korea. Canaýda's psto was clear. Th -ic countiry-,had accept -ed acomtet as a U-Nmiember, t0eý do its best te briing about -peace 'in Korea. "ýNow ware on -the verge of dis. charging that cmmten y sg in.- an arm-cistice, somîiethiingw'v 'becnwokngtwadfor btwe years,' iMr. Pearsonaid V.bra ted - Steaut Cursi 'l'O NCREiE ÎBLOC"KS<t 0 8x8x!6 and SXIOX16 fi CHIMNEY ELPCKS - IN OWCKtNG Port IHo BI ad110 [PORT HOPE PIIONE 2557 Blouses, Ladies Crepe, assorted colors, sizes 14 to 20. Each for .............. .......9 Ladies' Cotton Slips, eyelet camisole, shoulder straps, sizes 32 to 40. Each .............. ' $1.98 1Briefs, Ladies' Cotton, sizes smail, medium and large. Each for........ ............... ýýý59c. Ladies'-Clîncher Belts, 2 inch elastic, sumimer pastel shades, flicked with gold, assorted colors Each for............ ... ....... .... 89C. Pyjamas, Laà*die4 Broadcloth, shor-t sleeves, asýsorted, colors., sizesz ,màil, mediumi, large. Each Pyjamas, Missés Rayon, 2-piece, assorted ors sizes 8 to 12. as Each ..........$1.98 Bathing Cap4 (Viceroy). Priced OmI 49c. to 85c. sizes 7to 12 years Each ..........$ t5 Gro y Features Special - Aylmier Choice Peas, 15 oz. tins, 2 for- 29c. Aylmier Choice Corn crean- style 290 oztns2f Or 25C. lSliced Pineap'jdle, contains 10 slices, 2 ..sugar syrup, 20 ounc-re tins..........29c. Qgilvies Lm Lemron Cake Mix, packaýge....37c. Special -- ymrToato Jucé 2oz, t i OC. FLotossC33Rose Mrarnlb... pkg f or.......2c, NORIBBNGREUIEDS.peeial Clover Lea~f 1 Pint .59Ç iKancy eoky Saiîmon,.Y l'f. ýtin Il c Special Heiniz Beef No;odie -SOUp), 2 regular tins 25e. Store closed ail day Wed., July lst- ~iinDay u'&uI'1u vi Tt ..AR SO.~ rie Fdwer q =,,,- . lý- of utlier.q,

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