OROINO, ONT.. Large Qrowd Attends Ded ica-1 1 ~tion 0f Lang Chapell Pecoratioft Day at Orono Cemetery Rloardý in 9. few well-chosen words onc Sunday wa.s Mhhighted by tii. acceped the Chapel and Lieut. Col, Dedication of the ew $50.0 ag Leuty, on behaîf of the Midlanid Re-. -Memorial Ohapel. The mnorning tgmet accepted the Organ1 - ini Trhe cemietery was largely spent by -emocry of the men oif this regiment f-amIies and friends and fraternial Who died -lin the Second World War. , societeîdcoaiig. the grave-s. Tire Dedicatory Prayera and Re- ~There wasý a ~wonderfuil profusion of sponses wais led by the Rev. John flowers hearing mute testim-ony te Kitchen if the United Churcli and, thq lv and respect of families and: the Addresss given by thre Rev. friends. and ronmrsdes towards tho-,e. D. R. Dewdaiey, of thre Anglican p)a!ssed onuanti whose inortal remnains Church, La thfe course of his atidres 1i,e buried in this lovelyv spot. tLhe Rev, Dewdney spoke of the, ui S-hortly after thre noon hour frientis ilicent gfif t of Pr. Langc and cf the began assembling for the Dedication. gratitude of the pe-ople of Oronoe andi Of the Chape] andi long before the district for the lovely chapel, hoi -time of thre opening of tire servi3C str'eSsedaiso trat for mýhbh tie thre littie chapel was filled to capa-j Chapel stanids--unr Faitir, oiJty andi the area aroui one mass cf Two Anthemis "The SaAoour w cýars--peopfle coning fromt far and, open the dloor" andi "Thre Shepherd near fogr thre eremnoiy. Tire program Psalm" wer-e sung by a community cýled for suitable selections of mu-' choir. The orgatist was Mrs, M. H. sik by thre Oronu âc and outside the' Staples. The sii-ging of the hynn Chapel at tw u'clock and the ser-, "Abide wlth Pie'. andtheIi "Queen", -Vice ef Dedfication tçb- commence at, brought tire service to a yery fitting .2:0. embrsof tire Lang family close. 'ccuieti specil seaits,, ihile Vthe The Orono,- Band under Mr. Mil- Cemretery Board and representativstn aby, wsi tedne o! tire Midland Regimnent sat ini the Tlýe loud speaker 9qulpment was Thontpews.. f eric i - supplieti by r. Ted 'Woodyard. The The regam f srvie wa in- 'verfl rrang11emeitts lwer(j "nnderý ýPressive. begininrg with quiet mu11sic Co1. GCmy, Scretry OF thre Cernie-1 ]edngito the 'Cajl te Wýorship' ter-yBar.By courtesy of M1. G., anti the prescniheti order, of tireDd- M. Lintoni of the Forestry Dept, the ircation service. Dr. Rosa Lng tes- tasprato of equîpmnent amd sed forthinga w1hich îinflueniced h',im'chir wrecarried out. Credit foi jVn peaenltînlg the Chapel andi orga- the .sple ndid way in which h e Cre bis - lovcf Ithe famLî,y 'is lov"e of the tery grou-rds have been kept at ecommunitAy, his love of hlis counltry thýeir lovely aýppea-rance on Sunday ;anti hi, religions faith. Mri-,R.LJ.ý 2hudg ro Mr. An- ison Gil roy and iliS &uc, c4iranof tire CLeetery assstat .M Sam Berry. Board O0f Arbitration 4TO Si't F*r 'Higi-h Scho.,ol Proe President Stering To IIoiirary Degret In 953 ubhcription $1.50Y iAPMAN'Recreation'Program To' place in .Saturday en' heAtPark On Monday For othe late F t- oýr- New Factory To Be BmiIt ,y ~rtt oi. lui qIran adPVIAU tl I suervised criage by1 man, \vas It is uexpected that this week wMl dine '! erut.prodiîce the first signa c)f a niew fac- ore nitory bilding within tire limits of n Beauty tire lae This ne-w factory is ire--ý Iiag ut te house tire 01Jroný'o.Wo wa ieProduietzs whicir n March %vas prac- hatter- tically ief t iomelesa after a fire dineh suithich ocm - l~ destroyet ith e buldin.g wiriclr itocued riqueinioa1 <Ce ion of Uni-v mmonwealth, Saflinig frona Monitreal, Dr. an Mms. Sterling are schedulet te ax rive in Liverjpool July 2. Before an after the meeting, tirey Nvîlf tour th Unitedi Kingdom, viiting thre prin cipal rniversities. Tirey will spenti three weeks va cationing on tire Continent andi re tura te Stlanford in rnit-Septuiebei o- CAS ~ELL--PAYNE On Saturday, Junie 27. Port HIo United Churcir wus tir,, e ssing- for levly eddngat whîch Ruth ELi Carlton Paynie lbecýme thre bride Keitir Wilfred Caswell con cf 1 adMrs. Haroldi Caswe il. Rcv. B.j Cronk andi Rev. A. W. Harjdinjgo fîiated. Miss Mildred Jane Pete sang "O Perfect Love" before t ceremiony anti "Becauttse" 4Jlring tl signing cf tiere egister. Mr. T.N Stanley provicidth ie wedtiing mnusi Tire churcli-,vas beautifully dIeco ated with WhitLe Pomns, sniapdmagoi and Boston Ferais. ;Mi. Nel metcalf Thre reception was' irld at the i hronmecf the grocm's parents, whereý -tire bride's sister, Mmc,. Ed Ilendersoný of Oshawa received tire guesta, rvar ~-ng a blu~e eyelet tiress with navyl ,accesserios anti coraage of pink car- nations. The groom--'s mother' assisteti wearing a bine figured nylon dress with Miac and white accessories andi Corsage of white carnations. The Rev. Johnt Kitchen proýposeti a toast te thre bride. te which tir groomn ably -Lepied. - Later inlthe evening, amiti sirOwers Of Confetti andi good wisircîe 1 irehppy couple lef t on a motor trrptrog Eaistern Ontario. *Th1e groom's gift te the bride wasý a "01d v wrist watch. The irride's gift! Sto tire bridesmaaiti was a choker aid ear-minjlga iMsummier whitejeery ift to tire beat man was a gold tie bar and cuff link set. Prier te lier marriage the bride Since tlle fire tire Orono Wood Prctiucts iras operateti in a houler r'ocm whývidh was attached te the burnt-ou4t bi4lding., Quartera have been very limited ini the houler ro0n anid in tire expan-ngbuaines new space had te be eonsitiered. Mr. E. H. Samuel oxpects w-ork tel commence to-day on a new cement block building wh:ir wMi easure f30 Cet by 80 feet. Thresiefrte factory las heei purchaýjed fromi ,Mr. Ai Hlall and is directly sonitiro!l Orono Cai andi Lumber. Lt la ex- pected that tire new,, building wi Mll ire occupeti in th irmointi cf August. If, lke moutcf nm, you have been: takig -tire potato a amate c comrae anti have Aet yeur approito of that household atale be dullet by it dAiy appeamance at imeal time in oneî- or twvo traditionall frmyou are iin for anok But it will be a PMea sant one anti une that will bring a new, z-est to future mal, spec-ial a, appetite begins te latg with tire ap- proacir of hot ,veather. Tire Nutrition Section ofi the children. of fun. There wil chiltirea anti and girls fromi For tire you 6 there will b with the cc-o boys we hope t for tire sole % ciriltiren. For t be a complete rning, underI eau anda ah games.Aon Jim Rickaby. got Samuel th infga go. Thie f un aij mloring "fort .9 o'clock tili-1 A £ew sei lend a hlanti, stroag for-ir< il-g and Ted heur each n heCIn we willl Thein urïting 11gb irool> re-1presset ithe Councýl'a fear at hrtvifg lei -r»rham Counit] revealed an- mnore debentnre debt adtied to Port other facet 2,s a result cf a Bo)arti cf HopIe ns a resuit cf tire erection cf a Ar'btration beiiig calleti by tire Dur- j ewIigir Scliool if tire Counties barIn DistrLkt Hig'Il Sciool Boarti Counicil or tire ceunities of eachi muni-1 whe.:n tirey Ireldth ieir Iast regularý cipality do net aegree -te accept tiroir meteting cf tir. sehool yeam at tire portioni. Pnrt Hope Higir Scirool Friday niiglIt.ýý Pointing out tire tebeatume debt ýOn -requést of tire Tcwashi.'ps c f wii llikely te ire causeti by erec- iope aiLnd Ciarke tire Dnarham Scirooli tien cof a new sewage plant anti ex- Boardti set Juiy 8tir, at 9 a.m., as tire pansion ýof iatiustry in' Port Hlope deaZ&ttme e!f an Arlbitratien1 Councilior Wickett saiti, "we do net Boart inmeetinig at Orono Town Hall ,va,4t an extra million dollars de- wi7bra orne ageemrent is expected te bouture tidebtant Port Elope rat- ire reachet in aregard te thre new ,in top cf tins." eqalzei isesment in Duriran, Fire quo)teti by scirool boarti Jescltions were-receiveti and read rmemiber Stuart Ryan of Port Hope f-rnatire two twsiiawio feel thna eaeit nt Port Hopje's investi- ftr nontlha cf iranigliag ire Hiz g gaien iin eadte severance of re- Sehe!ýol issue bla Durham as it eff ect s latiois witir tiréDurirana Boardi on- zrircol rates sirorrîti e agruedtiupon. tai-neti corne menregadiso! tire flope, ia tiroir resolution, registereti 'fa<t, rthtie gv aetgranits anapefal agninst tire use cf tire oi wudntbea rgr as metas a m neïns cf collec,,tig Mr. ftyan indicatedti tntPort tiesiolraetn em.Cak x ope andtihie Tovwnreip cf Hope -po dtihe opinJin that tirir asses- coulipemate a joint iroard at ls ont is toc if Mgir. COst traàn Port Hope is being asIhet T'ire Scircel«Boar~d. wiich is ,Oh- te pay uncter tire ail new a.,ssss-'2nt. UIrgedt( te aU for sucir a Board we IAsciool bDoard operateti by port a r ýequesatlsa mae, titiby stating a iHope aoewon,,Ilceet the, toWn date wh i t first was tent'ative but lïýilere.BwaviatrMatie definite. Tire Arbitration N\,els Osbrne cf D-vi îv'Ieth e4 Board wuý,ll ire made up cf assessors informnet tire Boardti tit it le n-w~ ro a cdiof tire elgit mncpl-close te ýtire peint where tire town cf tijes la Durirani aren, as Weil as tire Bwarjleantitire Towasirip o! COunties Aesessor, Mr1 Garý Dalington are ready te form tieri Si Ela acir of tire nOiiarte Wn sciool areýa ase. He feIt tintI nfet4wil ho allowed te g-o befoe.e any- c.anwold aGo nClutie tire Boarditte state tirir cas, tire A11lage of Newcastle, 'Untier provision.s o! tire lhir Boardi chairmnan Alex McGregor, Scirooi Act any municipality stîli un- Bowrnanvilleatidviset alil precenit te satisfiied mnay appeal tire tieciion cDf treati catie oid1j before anny atn tire Boarti <f Arbitration ttîfire On-. is matie te break up tire distri'ct as it ta.rie ',Muic-ipal Boardi witin tirty ie a, present. Re notedt tit te break diays nfter thre tiecision ila hantiet in lire district-would ti almet leave dcýlown Cavan anti Millirreok eut in tiere old. At a recent mieeting which wa% ;"We have oeo!tlire largor achool ttendeýd Iiy' vefios rmembers cf tistricLý but 1. feel it cas re ranileti," mnicipal councils in DurhramaCounrty ire saiti, at timn-tir treatene4t t explotie. One Noting tint tins counicil had on-. sucir explosion -,vas almeest set off aý tiorsedthie resolution sent eut by thir aresuit of a letton te tire Boardi sigu- pet HopeCounciL RUeeve Delbert! ed iy Mm. Butige, ciarrnian cf finance lan, of Cavan Townshrip agreeàt tn CIontents o! tire letter chiargedti tnt if Port Hope siroulvi lenve tire Dur-1 some miembere of tire Port Hçope ham Amen, Cavani will ire eft eut on Coicucil 4ê n rot wish te ce-operatela liir. with tire Board. andt tit some cn"The, future now resta -upon a few dtion,-s of tire resolntion wirihCry mncpai~wiro have net signet ~onwndédt eir mnkcipOitie, tire resoluttion suiitet by tire Port -wore unnecessary. It nîso intiymet' Hope Co-uncil:," Reeve Carrol Nichies tirattire Prt Hopie Courcil wisired te of Hope Townýsirip statet. Hoe x- dictate tire procedure whicir other prsst oader as te whaethem these muicipnities shoultH ole.mnciaif a d heen 'app)roiceti .1a repIyý Councillor R. WickeLtt or 'avl b Port Hope Council. 111 ruapde it clear tintt - r Porct H(ýjGhavepeso-2~ approachedti tra"ý' Coýunecil ias ne in'tention o!Decatngie saiti. "I woaCýder if port Hope iras., terepresenit HgrScirol B1oard orI ýi'f Iey tit I think tiaproirleni coulti L-ny members f tire Amn. He' oic.. (Con)tinueti on page 5) 1 eEmpire saucer. 'ho short 0t- a Tire bride anti groemwemýeaecir 4rPngîven a cip anti saucer by tire Otono kirt 'Was Unitedi Ciurcir Ciroir. Tire neigirbours panel c fe!tlire bride presenlted i irr witir a of fine purso containinig a siknof!-14)ney. a ed tem 'Times reti roses, Lilye! tire valiey1 ant spronigeri f femn. Tire briti&s attendants were M4i sS Gerrcie Roýwdea as nmait of ironour, Miss -Muriel Aust-in anti Miss Mary 11lllowell, as bridesnmda. Tror gowus were iii pale mauve, apple, greenl anti m-aize nylon net: Tire -îtý !j4)s hol'ces were offset by? ouc1iing ani emnîl fiowers, andthie gatirereti ballonina lengtir shirts fea- tïueth ie came trimm-ii-ing. They wome mn-tciring stolos anti flowemed iront- dresses. Th irmaiti of ionour carrnet golden septre roses cotebmneti in a iWoegay \jtt!i 'asso4ited saweetpeas, mar-muerite (ýaisars anti comnIflower, thre bridesm-aitis nosegaya were cf ihapture piak roses, an-ci Hildegarti ink roses. with sweet poasrmar-, gurite daisies anti cornfiewer, Mýisses Shraron anti Liaia Thorn- dyke e flower g-irls in maize anti apple green floo, lengl, dress3es cfI net overc taffeta stylet irsimilarly tei tire bridesmaitis gowns. They car-i riet elt-fasirioneti baskets cf ficwerq. Mr. Brian Caswell was beat mari for iis brother anti Messrs,. Muri.nyi anti Howard Payne, brotirers o! tire oride, vere iushers. At tire reception firelti in tire Cirurcir Sunday Scirool roonis Mrs, Payne wore n street Ienigtir trocs of Queen'sý bIne crQpe with irlaýck accessenies. He osage was of Hildegard pinki roses. Mmc. ,Casewell chose a powdor bine dreas witir wiite aCCeýssories, hem corsage ,vas o! Rapture, pinký os,-es. Cntting tire cake, tire briide useti a irnife wiici was n gift o! tire For tire wedtiing trip te points xvest, tire bride chose a print silki suit in bine anti xhite witir white ac-1 ceessories. Sire were a s*ingle orciit corsage. Upen tiroir retur tiereouple wilI reaitie 'ut 58 Brownq St. Port Hope. Mý,iacllaneous sirowerb mwere give inalier honiour at tire homnes of Mme.ý Glenn Allia, Orono; Mrl)s. Robt. Stevens BwrnvleantiMr.Ed.L I-lende)son1, Osirawai. Pink anti'wiite peoies, biue dQl- pirminm ai nti foras foreti tire sotting"" in Leakari Cirurcir for a lovely wc-d- 1 ding Satuirday afternoon, June 2 i7thi at 2 o'clouk, wiren Verna Elaine Berry dagiter cf 2Mm, anti Mr-s. Clien H. Berry wns naitetlil in mar.riag-e with Ronaild Bruce Page. son Iýof Mm,. Ray- ment i MacDonjald. Tire Rov. John Kitchea n fciti Mrs. E. R. Brysen presideti at tire organ anti Mme. Geo. Carsoni was tire sclIoist durir,, tire igning o! tire rog-iste:, Given in mariag-e by hem father, tire bride wore a gown cf bine laceý over satin. A matciring ireairesof bine lace was boit by a bandeau c)f white r-oses antisire carmieti a nose- gay o! Baby Mvunis anti pink Roses, spiketi witir atephanetis Mloss Doreen Rawke of Toroaito was bridesmaiti weariag a gowii ef pale Mue organdy. Sire ýaried a1 nosegay cf white and piuk baby m-uinas. Mmr. GoPrdon Pg was beat manx for iris brother. Tire usirers weýre Mr. Fretiericir Berry anti Mm. Keith Fee. A roception -was irelti at tirehm lof tire bride. Te recei-ve tire gueste tirebids motirer -wo±-e ai-, agua ottamîan cord dress witir white ac- cessorios and cor2sage cf A mer-ican Beauty, roses. The bridef grrooni's mîother chose aqoua organtiy w ~l%1rlte nccessoiles aTicorsýage to! pink ,ro'ses. For tire hoaeymüoon trip te Ensitm Ontario tire bride ,v0re a pale yle tieca with wirito accessorlies ai cor s-agec f roses. On tirirretuma Mr'. anti iVMr. Pag-e wi-1 reside in Lea-kard. . Attending tire wedding frem' a dis- tance wrerelatives frona Toronto Oshawa anti Peteroroneir. pared a ueautixunly Mu'uatrated ulle- f of every ý' tin entitled "Potatoes Every Day."i chiidIreýi cu -intd n coated paper, it is made'[Mna.W71 11P of 32 pages crammed wvith buying- and ccoking hints in addition to in- potauoes provid numerable temipting ways in which ents of thiamin the potato mnay be served. The book- vitamin C and let, w-hich mray be obtainled through llaicy that P( your local Agricultural Repr-esenitai- goes ov erboard tîve or the Womren's IsiueBac experts, who pc of thie Departruent of Agýriculture, are icuddj shud ereure ea4ing' for h1ouse-1 onacut ,jf t wive an~ pofcaioal hef t~say On e potato iý ntigo-f thé ,"summer batchelo-r"ISlc0 who ~ - !vse odmntaehscln thanone s.e h ilI nt ,ýt h s elr 0.Ore large or; Potaltoes, e ,ys the experts, make thIe or alce of ope ea nd at te ae -im rovideI that ;is fattenir good atig odhat n cn on if', says the omy Ter i n neafomr rnono-ny In addition -their preparationas even a hasty Ste-p th1e vr glacethrug te bokerWil s the potato mnay l'~cu.lication gives iiiI Often oeloe stefcttat! ing and StoI ng PubicSeoolPrm1t4 Tire f mc ah on. (H To tire esuts oc To Gma Promieotionls: Vicki Cottf tJoan Alli,, , J ili, Lw'ýour .s), Tony Mitchell, Retier f) d <Rnors Paul -T] menurs.), Rocsý Tamibiyn, ~J1 17 No. 23 on- ý jro 1ggart, Sli on-(loeur),Lynda îbyVag La Verne Wa s1 AKSCHOOL lnrlow, 3owen, Dunean