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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jul 1953, p. 5

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== SPORT S twas screnten years agoa is 1936thatJaeLouis be,ý1can mpo knoeksng ocut James J tr 'weit eiglzt rondfs at CiagTise Loser îtius beaetise fufoo-1ýrm-er world's tte hld.,ëer who f cl befuqre ltednaieexploCling in tise fi-Sts et tthe Brown Bomber, Befoýre that, Primno C,>mlera, a Harand jak Sharkey ai ludhad en tippled by tMe ded- pnNegmo. It's sily, in the writing game, te dealinsueltv. Joe; Louis maiéy, flot have been the greate2st evegt bampion Hait the ring ever ha-s known, Any1body that says hie was runs himseif dogb into a lot of argvýum-enit roni the cupporters of Tunniey, Dempsey, Job-nsoni, JfreFit-Zsi- ion lad Corbett Or A the wvay 7 c to thosewb think She ring neyer bas meen the equal of John L. Sulivan, But there was this muncb, about Joc Louis. The ring neyer kii-Nc a chamnpion wvho had miore enthusiasm for his job, i4laybe it wasn't in bis face, because he was strictly a 'dead- pan figiter. But it was nii his wok, i his quick knockout victories. Me lbad the Dem-psey flair,.n teDepoycn rledsavagery f or that. Louis took onily a rounî-d tÈdsp( eo opoýa"1u Maix semeling and John HnyLws and aïtter ithat ýa- body might thin iat Joe would ense ap a Mite wisen he caennu ith iýba softtond. ýBut theeerere n el!fttuce Yn Jo's book. They %were ailfigiters tyigto k'nock bis bransot if they CCo1UL.Su e 'îhelCd tut tein ntiknoke them ail out, This observer saw Lois-, wbe.n l was, possibly, alt-,is pcuk, a night in 1935 when hie made Max Baer qit in tor r-ounds. Louis was that niight a flhter ta stike tear to the heart of any appanenit, eveii before býe raised a gov.Be. cauise he was se coidiy, sa utteriy indifferent ta his opponenit. Louis was lire tin the ring that night. Hicieopped into b'is chair, and looked Uip at a plane that was cîrciing above the stadîum. Baer entered the ring, gianced towvard bis epponent, But Louis didn't take bis eycs from the plane. Witbot e x- pr,,ssioni, be watcbhed tbe circiîng igibs above, Baer, a for- mner world's champion, wasn't accustom-ed ta tcing treateti likec this. Hc was plainly disturbed an-d inervouis, For he mas coranting a sphinix, ae nan quantity that seemeti ta exuide a cold, lethai tbreat. He was being ignoreti, And trram that maonent, bef are a blow was struck, betare the impass!ive ai-d sombre Louis bad nmaved tram is corner, Eaer wý>as a beaten man. Tbe figbt itselft was mnerely a maîtter et c-i- cicntly conductcd routine. 1 saw Louis sgin, Louis at tiseeti ettise tril, Lois in iis tis.irÊies, fighting a yug clever Ezzard Charles, a Louijs wIxose reilexes had fadei, isose fists nu longer carried lighituing. 1n his -primie, Louis wold have kýnocked out Charles ini a few rounds. But this ivas a Louais stumnblireg tgainst tise barrier cf atle-tic aige, wisse llsts were't tast' enougis to do wsat is brainconned a Lchuis at trail's end. by Elmer Fer"vsa.n, /aCASvrHouse, 401 Yone Su., Tront. I- . .PlainHorse-Sen-e. M'y1 BoB r__s__e ÈEver since the beg_,rinningqf tise last wvar Canladais tarm im- 'iemen îndustry bas hati bouni- iulyears. During tbe ,war it 'ws rmamient that keprt the tac- toisbusy on sucb a seale fthat farm m rachinery bad 1ta take sec~- oi) place Witb the end ot hastilities the induStry was ready te, Swing inlto mýIl production of aýgricuitural implemenis and taok al passible atvnaeof the Situation. Pro- dcityincreaseti ta sucb anr extýent thlat 12 per cent more em- ployees produceti 16r. per cent oreý goods in the si-x years trom 1 ]5Ua 90, Profits Up The ,.ý industry', 1h0Awver, did not fôiiaw ha 'tbund aid principle hawtbreduïecd cost per unit tise selling price shauld beý re - duede accardingiy. Quite ta the -contra-ry prices were jackied uip -it--ýýh the resuit that by 1950 the 0hae t ages and saalries in fIhe farmr madlinery dollar (at thýepat was dowvn ta28Q.9 per cntrm42,4 per cent ii 1945, hiegross-,aperating profits lsad lncreasýet tram 9.9 per cent in 145 ta 6. per cenft'In 1950,ac M origta theDoionBra Caught inSuez To recplacewontmabnr anclti te ake op ftrm theshortage af belp taý!mPrs -have ber buy- ing heavily un thie post-war years. 'Tbey baye paiti cash and. signeti notes tor the mcie antiipeet tbcy simpifly badi ta have ta gut their 'wark ýcdonc aniare deep hi tiubt taotficom paîieps. Ia tbq pI.ast 18 nmontbis t wce caugbtbtwe the high prices they bati tapa for cvery little bit tby ere buyI ad the faitiiag prices aIt their Owný products, Buying anti seiing,, they were dealing wifb large cor- porýations wbo carrieti an theoir businesses alter the priacîple "I wiil get i ,ll te market tiljus- Put COnlPressureý The Pettects of this price ani ~Profit polic-y arc now becoming evîdent. Tre cbickens aecm inýg bome te roost, The cam-pan- ies biave pricedt temrseives ouit of tbe nmarket anti sales bave fallen off ta se iow a point tbat alIready 4000 wor-kers badtet be dism-iss- ed, Tbis is bount ta draw wde ircles ani w;%il affect ba-sic steel, ruibber anti others, asn nm ploymnent ai-, in tumt-Licecre-nset co1n sum-ptýi on oftam pous wbicb meý,ans rm-ore surpiu1ses anti lowver prieus. Farrs nmigbf dio ,wejj taput m-ore pressure bebimit thie de- mniof the Intej.rprýovincial Farmv Union Councill, submitted oný acb16, 1953, 1ta thu eerai gavcmrnment for "c-ithuer a parlia,_ ,mentary commuission af enýquiry orn tarm im-piemnent costs,dsti bûinPVicesietc'.; Or that anin- vestigation bu ortiere.ti by the combine investJitiýon cammitte of thuse tarm imnpIemenït camipan- ies' rapuratLians." cmtcswhetber ;con-structive ordsrutv anti wii]try te DisVEr any quesin Atitrs your letters ta Bob Ells, Box 1, 12 1 8th Stre, New 'roronfo, Onît. BrownO'tpimsYnesTs safm scene 'cf the St. Louis Brow,,ns' apns bo'ys who look ai3-1 victory over lhe New York Yctnkeesý in New Yaý,F rkand(ai) halted ihe Yankl,-ee '8gm win,- stra ait red o!,ýo ; n ithe edge of arecord; and (b> ended the Brýowns' i 4-gameý osinq streak, Le-,ft 'taright are; Vic VWert;-z, ,,,ho hit a, 2-run hoe;Johnny Groth who got three hits; Duane PllAeth Innînqg p-itcher; andi Marty ,,Marion, "he ploying mngr sparts> Pages -.anti sports" Cal- umrns -- pretty ntucb for granitcd an d many of the youngur fans mightflnd if bard cite belie>ve tbat thiere wasiatîmre, nfatota long ago. ,;when sports news -such as it Wvas -- wouid be scatteret tbrougbauit a pape r insteati of beo- ing ai bnchetji in onu!ection.w Here in Canada une give the late1H.JPR Goati - itthr0a th1amnentecVd formrer sparts vwri- ter Charlie Gobd -- credit for beý-iang t3ce first f0 put aIlil te sparts items together., Over in thç States thie pioneri. was Ri- chard Kyle Fox, -who emigrated tram Irelanci ta New York back hit the 1870's, practicaliy pen ni- lcss, and~ toaký a job seiling adi- vcrtising ta the W a il Street Journial and then for the Natiornal Police Gazette. The latter - printeti an pînk paper aksome Oltisters will ecalil- was q1nthe verge of bankrauptcy anti Fox, by tnkinig shares of stock instead of cash, by 18;76 wasboss tbth aif ir EnsconIceti( pu Yihe, 0 oX revalio'nizeti the Police Gazette ith a suries of drigidea-s, at Ieast foof wbîcb becamue c- blazaneti iii history. Firsti, he bieis-eumai otstanding arfi'sts, wh,, adorned bis stories wi tb saeoft the m'no stmanfct woodcuts evur fa appear ina periodlical. These wruthe for- runnurrieyoft the fabulausIy sucace-ss- newspaper). Next, ox hai buncli 1peoplde reaIly were inturesteti n 'îsports despîte the be igbly disoîaranzet stale aI atbletic activity-, Uc esta- blishet a regular sports section i the Gaze£tte , aeture wbihcb was th-en tofaily 7unown la thediy Prize %fghting was ilegai ln 18,Yef w h lse n a match was m a dçI e btWen Jae Gai anti beavyweight champion P addiiy Iflynn that ycea r, Fox assigned sevemai atssanti reporters ta. gi 0th lbtt.1 covmge Fo's buncb paiti off antisrne ly% Alturtde big bout, he Police. Gazeýtte Ibat(i te onlyftuIl accouaft, replete \wÂtb vivit i rInýSide pic- turc-s Mwich natactetimoeat- tention than thile Gnrcfield - Hani- cock rednta nmpaign! For wuTCekýs, the Gazette pr-esse,.s kept roliing to fil the denid Circ- lation doubleti. at Fxprov- ecd in dollars antci sýýýcase tafhe peopleWr ugyfnsot To compute teor circultio, other journals began assigning rep,,orters ta s p arts eet.Pomi the ranks ot tisse e mcacame the sparts experts anti the columnss Buit it was Fox anti the Police Gazette wbo tý atheruti flic imo- dura sports page, Thîs is nce of the iiftleknown miâlestones of sparts w-b ic h1i brougît ta ligbt in the 218ns talgie pages et "The Pictarial Hils- t or y ot Amem.ican Sparts," b1-y John Drant anti Otto Buttmnî, w ich bs jusf eapblsu 'TePictorial History et AmrcnSports" cavers e a c h pe)rioti! in sports biàstary, even thriouigh- phases of bizarre pas- tim, e like ganider-piling, skittle-s, anialbatîgt ur k ey acing, roqu an stolebail'lie book, wbose basic appeai ismujchlîkije ta t ot the vividly illustrated Plic; e G azette, hia s a Jb o s t-of sparts colluc2tors' iitems. For instanle, did you oU 'w tht l1929 the Newý Yorlk Sunr pub- lishe i it-s AiAercnfootball t e ai, listing only ten mien? Bronko Ný,agutrski cof M4jinnesota- rnd tbath as tackile anidul Aise, in case you wnei u collection af tbe 104 dcgree beat that telleti, Sugar Ray Robinsoný in his tifle bout agýainst Joey Mai last year. just bcarken back ta the I120 cdgrec conditionjs at the hleavyweigh't cbamipionýsbip filb tiuy 8, 1889 af Rîcbburg, Mviss., betwcen John L. Sullivan and Jake K-ilraini, That blisterinig figbt-to-a-fiaish iVent 75 rounds, lastîng 2 boums an-ii 16 minutes hetfore Sullivan 1kayoect bis toc ta win- the $10,000 NainlPolice Gazette championsblp becIt plus the S20,000 stake.s, This boult is pictutred in th-e Urn-et vol ume, aad listeti as the anly existing pbotag,ýraph ofabau kncke rize figît. Whn TheDuh Had Tilted-Mp chiet 1.ilp-m.-ates of ithe Dutcb ia 11he dtiays wben mnbati fat yet- 1eamnrecjto tarbamess steanm anti clectrciy l in s servie, The iati blew inttbe sailis Aiships aid milîs anti kepit commnýerce antiintustrnlaperpefui- mro- tiohi thuwater supplieti the rouites of conv.ýeyance,.. ,iilways antiaiainhave inecaseti the speeti but not the reliîability of transportation, On the inlanti ute nyste of hutHollantianadiZeaianat go heir flrst thrill ot navigation. A tï7p in t he fckc uwas for iiaaiy a littie boy thebging aIa scnifaring cacer. Taý pass tromr the canal breonto a sea- going vessul, to chanige the watery groove fbrough Ide lori pastcure lati for the trackiess oceanr was the <ambition of many ai youC)njg Dutcbmnan, Jana Huygeijý van linsehoten, one of thve great1 navigators aI the lante sixteenth century, wirote to hîs parents, ".Day ant i ngbt I think ci rno- thneisc but traývel! in foreiga latis;. , .-.tberqý is no worso at af time hanfor a youg'fIll ta hang arount iniihis înthec k-itchen jlke a doit who is ignorj-- atof wa there is ta bu seen lar tbeword,""East West, Ho1me bt"is the popuilar saying.n The young titi not dgree with if Thei(y went not conly en-, anti wvest, fhey sileti as radiyf thu A îrcfic antiandtihfectropiesý. Stili, aortb anti soufh cia not fiueinaIth--,proverbial 1bruaI the Dutch. Tire saying mniu dae from thrat eariy perioci when ]DuLtCh ,comimerce stillitggeti trie rcoasts of wvester-n Europe anti shufftleti back anti forth be-twýeen east antiwesu, thaf is, the b ar- bar-s of tbec 7îaiC aidPortugal. Foi tbey enileti the trade with the countries arouati the Bati Sea fthc castera tade anti that wifh EnglantiFrance, Aapur-. taigal 'the western tratie Earyiy map 1makcrs placuti theý ; ap Çof th heý ,ýîI ýrlanti7,s ,wiftbcý11,( AGENTS i Catalogue. Wabclioa, C 600 N. Ponusylvan MOT iWsoe aHMcE p]-vDea l sartd R.0.11tsiredCh' - loreede Imediate deleryý,Ord r Angat reler. sicusforvrcesan paricuara.10%eya"er 120 Ohn RA Ha10,lton, aild tlopu ilbred 54.5 er bu .ed h andref. Spea, pr-ce on 4 week o hev be f( puIets011 : 4 week eli ril Rock 44.9, 5 eek lfi eavybree puilts 40.9 pe hudred. O.D any where. Ai1o nonsexefMA"f olee anti eiderndulDit- aie ulry et wl b igithî Uulet, ooer ls. d ay eti t' tareti iny -? l ety reI plltsas oW as -e4 45, as'ortei eay reedaSiLS. tn J one. lo uKeypouoSLEnmdat TO SNTH IHt SAE !-GUlo -Tgi inntar1 a ndN RD ei iie ,tou treys Wea Brne ets, W te Hia Ai e-o ille . ite no-lexi. 0 ne oa. Fe golû NO Ali,, EAIN areglti 0 naer yvaon rouestis. De- NA1b%;ongeS.,c 1Toronto meyt enquir at J --nso ýlnclReltSr UORFSALE macine Pîceb500.0 e "5q00il, ise grain indcter n oodfeiow Noiebe Éont, Penshepogeton e1u75 ne loto nldlethebracelet, or key haîn chro, Cf he uli tawA m-ensh cidy loarn uý ,er cultivatio, rndtem oblarge bannan),llyomoerapuh is tareao a, heati caIle Rg. Hme foai rdcul; 5 awa; 1boan: 100 he n th? f. po ie rlief fr ilty eoupait, Aue te exceas cuaomnuenu c9asl f0 ai Ats,9Wila mretil OPPOR HTDnIESI op EN ASt W-I dE A HAIRDRI ~laa t, dîgni[i oiPfacl ANmFER ulen Gema IiA fllulaei etlg SCER ý0I stec rea, TOBACCO EIIAO Romfne bokit riteCW. Rinm Plmac al Croato ti o 03. alnile Ont. FOUR .PHFOTOI N STARMIO, IGe yorleos-mpby andtghoto or negatýi-o. netumntiunared seet e PILA, osîox 93,Edmonton lera rtuons Inintieti, Bore11-1Ç9 , Nov-Voi aide , .O. B!,î),5014 CCRACE S, 1bu. 795 LaïSa1liefBvi, , % AUMR lVNTEnr MANITOWÀ'l-NING- Contiuat ionSch (Mai toL'l il, aàt) eurs tiact assstnt mie rfmae rtetnto teciFec, Lat i, Art, ha 1,ij lme: anti PubiiJ c Shool, Grade s 7-ati ,c, hall îme (NoteL Il may, -po-ibr t rake ie changeeh ontnuaionSc lolauneta wlth lPrinipl if tiesi0neti.)'commndng flepembe 105~ Slary$2.50,04Appy waîcn ýmeans peas et; on pasitO(n.$ are tbeir naines.V Leydlen walk, Geinc novt rti ec,»; 'Xhe vHagueý ýcau-nts amoug its chieftlitharaulgh- wibin the iliod-ern cbolat las is sbown70 rn sauth; and OOs zee C' east sea) is npot 1ta(be loolcedti or in the Oietbut is noe ther tathe Ba'mcýltic- Pr"The PganùtNehr YU cANF5, N O W li)e tc s ut ach, tred fbeic L'id iyPilla Silme rbeýl Jto-le N POST'S F-CZE,-A SALVE BÂNIS IbM roiet ofdrueceia asie ma c"eig esi ruls Ps1 ce Itdîlngtoaln, bMnlgsma ce PEICE 1MAI50PER jAki PosT's REMEDIES 85n1 PoI Fresos"iteeîpI etPres tràouýbles cculclly Ipoewtidaiiy - N±Oorshlng Creacoimpoo,.2 ounce 1er cepleti o incindo oney enti r o a'ïh Alo Ce, 412 ortclufe ve onireal LBY CHICKe

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