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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Jul 1953, p. 6

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ORONO AN "DISTRICTg Sdrdyt nmid-nig md -ii.Sunday mornigm Jui'y '0 at530m Plea e govev yourselves ac-cordingly lThank Yïiu ORONO IIYDRO-ELECTRIC COMMISSIONg E. Dent, Manager otf ttlr3 ...should prompt you to cail upon us in time of sorrow. We. stress simple beautiful services that provýe cons--oling to the bereaved. ýEY H. BARLOW E1JNERAL HO(ME Orono Ont. Phone 18 r 2 DAY -- JULY 3 - 4 GUINFIGHR90F THEM AU.! ~1'~ vensat<.nal yoiegs ai JIJLY 6 -7 L)UN y 8-9 É liffl) Mr. and MNrs. Glen~n Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stobart and Judy wvere recent guests with MvI. and Ars. Keil Balil. MuI. ad r.Bill Wannan nnd Ro's werýe Thesday evening ,guests with Mr. and Mus. Lyalilo-ey Orono. 011n Fiday1ateirnool i te Sunday Suhool hand its annual pieýnie ut Orono Paik. Evýeryone lied' an enjoyable' afterniomn of fun. Abouit 65 -at, down to sune. n' exciting hball gmie eimaxed ý(the fday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Patterson,' Port Credit spent the week-end with Mr. anid MUr. Bill Watnna. Mrs. Patteuson1 1Sr. r-eturned homne after a mionth's visit wit hr son. K;rby wa's rpeetd at the speciaI! dedicatioli servýice at Orono! MUr. aind _Mrs. Laverne Pattersoni anid Gary sp)ent Sund-ay evenîng wvith Mvr. and Mrs. Bill Wannan. Mfr. and Mrus. Cooke and family,ý Or-illia, Miss Bariibara Reid, Toronito slp"lt -the week-end with i mu. and MuÏs. Bill Reid. Mr.% and Mrs. E. Whiite, O rno ith _Ms. Thomnpson. Mr-.iand _Mus. Rly Bryson spent the week-end wt their Parents. fWe are glid )Mr. Perrinisbl to .-..'be home again. We wish im a peed recovery. M . nd Mus.S. IB. Rutherfordi hiave moved out to thir ,summer-1 Mr, and Mrs. MîitWannan výisie jSatfurday, evennig Vwit MrI!s. Wna and Jean. -(Too late, for iast ïeeýk) Mr anid Mrs. Brodie Topo~ Port Hîope, v~le Wedmesday afteu- noon1 with Mr. and IMus. E. R. Br1yson., Mrs. Jack Stapleton, Sixth Line, spent Wedesdy .fterno-on with Mrs. Wm. WaliIna. Miss Pueston was supýper gueA~ with Mr-. Tonsnand Misa }Tav- ness on Wýlednesday. Littie- Susan Bail had ler tonsils remioved in Bowmanvilie Memnoria1 Hospital last Wednesday. Mr. andi Mrs. Ray Bryson spent the week-end with their parents. Mr. anid Mms. Bill Wannani and Ross with Mr. and Mrs. Bglw Kirby hi assisted with the mu- on 'Sundayv afternoon, June Zl1st. Mrs. Thom-i-pson spent a coupfle of daysý with her dauighter, Mu. and Mus. A. alrBowmlavfile .11 Mi.. nd MuNls. Mil Wnnand Poss -were gIuesta of Mrs. J1ohn Stone on aSnday v nig Mu. and Mrs. ielwerjoyed a motor tnpi on Sunday with Mrs. llenry Coventuy. The Sundav School of iyUn ited Churi ed teranrnil ici inOoo Park Friday aftern1oon,ý Dr. Ross Lang, Chicago,ý is visiting frenainbe com nityý ,Too late for iast week) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K111llv of Bow- >n~il4~ ~'~aâd Mrs,1. Cilrence Beatty of Elizaýbetiiile, M_. at Mrs. Cecil Glass and Mrs. Geo. Smith, weecaliers on Mr. and 1Mrs. Tom Fahîs tuis past week. Mr. and Mrs, Leo Woodcock and David of Toronto are holidayin-g at heu parents' summier home here. Mr. and 14,s. Geo. Clark spet the wveek-enid at their sýumme-r home, lieue. Mu. Clark retuuned to orot no Monday, v. Robbie Alexander spent thie weekc-end with his parents,, Mv. Whitehead is visiting with hisi -iieçe, Mus. T. Gaubujtt. Mrs. Cecil Glass spent Suind-ay with Mu. and Mus. Bert Thoml-pson, Mv. and MiUs. Lloyd,,, Glass and Bon- nie spn iuda-y with Mr. anid Mus. Nory Goheen, Port Hope. Mus. Jý . W, ackson 'of!,Orono i vi Siting ut present w,-'ihMu. and "Mus., Cecil Glass. Sunday visitors wt,! rs ifton iR6binýon were Mfrs.Chans, Newvtoný of Hamiltoni, Mrs. TVom Ryan and Miss Dor-een Smnith of Toronto, Over 600 children attended Sports Day in Kend'al on Friday, June l9th. About 720 botties of nop were Gmiened.1 CHECK YOUR, SU'MMER NEEDS Whether you're home or away, here, here is a list of special summner needs that we are featuriug at economical prices. 4 M b J Seiberliing Bathing Caps 69c, 1.9c, "9c How land Swimn Cap,%..---.--....--$1.29 .,£qua-Pruf" Bar Pluigs pair-.--25c ,Gaby" Sun Tan Lotion ----35c,65e Gypsy Sun Tan; Crenm, tube ... 8 5c L Nordex Suni Tan Creamn---------- 50e Tannafax------.---------- --- -- 0 ~Try Refreshinxg CERTIFIED IIEALTII SALTS Large I lb. tin 59e E osFruit Sait ......----69e and $.. -A--a-------er--a---ts 34e and 68 c Broio-Sitzr-- ----- ------24 55C., 98C.. $1.98 Andue-w--s--Li---e---Sait---45e and 79ec Sai-letpatica---------..... ..----------45c,. 85C., .3 Kojdak Cameoras-...---------- $3.50 ----$8s: and al Kodak Filxm.ý-to fit ail camer-ý LEAVE YOIJIt FILI SHr E ~-We feature photo ýservice and hk L,(iaiity iýork, Agent for Jaeknian Flowers for every occasioni hadi a won)iderful timie. The Sunday School Aniniversary sericewasheid in the Kendal United Chutrchi on Suniday, Jne2lst, when thle Rev, John Ktche ? rono preached to the ch'ildren on the text Single 11, i ,:40 and 9:00 Wit:4an0adand 82 rl!ine Dah TACE THAT TRILLS" Wit-h Bill Williams and Caria Baleuda.. ail1M Mam" Whr-ith-thuly 2-a3 The 'W an' Jt' vI a 1-nicolor Witii" Mickey Rooiney and Ani) Jamles M1on. -We- July 6- 8 "B-ELLS ON Noxeïma N&Wdicated cream .... 26c, 65c' 89C and $1.25 ANIVY Cream -..for Hea t Rash, insect bites; and poison ivy -- .$].-WJ Noxemna Su-nTan OÙ -----39c,-65c "622" Insert Repeliant ecream .... 5 Ok Liquid......--- ý59e "Skeeter Skatter" -----e.ts quickly Liquid ----65e Stietk .-65c "Sketo fax" ...bottie ..,......... 25C .FOR FOOT COMFORT L. P. C. Atiete's Foot ointment.-............ $1,ý00 L. P. C. Atbiete's Foot Powder ......... ..... .... 75C Mýeiinen's Quinsania Powder ..............._75e Blue Jay Foot Powder --- . -------------------- --- 39e Dr. Seholies Air-Piilow Insoles, ail sizes ..... 65e Pr. "Sn.e"Foot 1'owdQr--680c Balla---75c "CHAMP" Fly and Insect Killer -Kilis ail flies and inseets. -Coimpiete with two Packages of Champ Pellets. -Hydro approved - one appliication lats 2 weeks. --Outfit compiete-- .-------.....-----------$3.82 Tyrrell's Drug Store (Charles B. Tyrreli, PhmB) "A word fitly spoken is like apples ofgod found Iin the 25th chapter of Provorbs. He Imentioned the fact that in China they have a saying "A ord spoken is spokein tic H1e also spoke of lanidmarks and Jhow they are- a means of guidance, Shijps at seaI are, often wýrfeckedif the landmnarks are flot visible. The Luî-d's Prayer beatifllyhand mwrittenin iiChiniese was sho-wnt and MIr. Kitchen read it ini the samne nuaeexplaining that it wais givea to imi by one of 'the great men of China w,,ho had become and H.atlngate CAL 1J FOR ESTIMATES FIARRY E. LYCE¶T Phqne 81 r 12 OOO - ONT., i PHONE 68 ORONO, ONT, a~ Christian. Two anthenis by titi, Sunday School childuen ýwere, pleas.. ingly renderedi accomipanied by Mu. Alva Swairbick at the piauno. 1nur -Aaîstj g OUar Ins rqeAg cainst t _N.F..ORTER ORONO. Ont, Haif Slips, Ladies' Eyalet sirt trim, wite onl, sizes small, nmedium 0or large. iUach ,. . . ..$1.49 Skirts, Ladies, fvVI circle, pr.inted,', assor-ted col rs and patternss zes .12 to 18. Each.....$2.98 Swveateri.s, Ladie4 waffle stitclh, cap sleeve, ribbed neck and w"aisi band, white onl1y, sizes smI-all, med- iium and largeIý Each 98C, Sport Hats, LadIles picolay, Jockey style, wie85e. NEW -- Scuff-iC, foamed rubber- soles, cable cord style, colors jed,, blue or green. En ' .ý $1.69 Scuffies, foawd -rubber soles., Mtassin style $1.98 Wen enterb ining visto,-,ý rem embered to visit the9ro-no 5c to $1.00 Stdre. You are aIMwaYs wel- 5ddto conw in ai-d b owse around. Grôcey Featu vos Domestic Shortening, 1 lb. ctn ... 27c. - Crisco, i lb. ctn........35c. FEr reshies Drink, pkg. .... . 6e. Lïn Lipton's Tomato-Vegetable Soup and ME ïîIlLI Chieken Noodle Soup, 2 pkgs. .. 25e. Choice Apricots, 15 oz tins ...... 25c. ~~ Wagstaffe's Strawberry Jam.... .24 ounce jar ..... ...... .... 45c. 3for 29C. La France Blueing, 2 pkgs ....... 25c. Kellogg's BrYan Flakes, large 14 oz. pkg....25c. Specil Blended Juices, Orange and Grapefruit 20 ounce tins, 2 f or ..............29C. Special Heinz Pure Mongoli Soup contains split peas, tomatoes, bacon, onions and spices 92 regular tins for...........25c. Special -- Heinz Beef Noodie Soup, 2 reg. tins 25û. ORùâ"'OO 5,c.TO $1.00O""TuRE YOUkT! idý)L'LAR fSUOPl'1NG C-14TRE

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