Carvles E.fPaltmhad gyof hWd- neliUiestPtl ebr A î Memsid Ibat ough et con problens bbnd Worod tension addîni ht rpy tmch u il-aalfb aran mao cStIbfifors fWoopsculaing nret. H Looiu ino hefuuDr rnsdie cience y f0 upyts materials nedefsuprth wrgold's DÉcas in ppultio. H porýit euf ohf teween st useantablofpartiula produets reguted b aconfie1ndtr e barrirs. ý flowers, fritsud vegetabas crops, accordng to prorninut nrn- v i âpactigrucîw, pay a acopct inç nIÉofgn4 a iset, as Iompeteparaysi oftha ervu sysfem. Because ifdissriafe soo afferappicainif isquan sale ndue onyedbe lankm. Teret la itierik o îjuy adouage even if the î1se0fce is mpiny- ed at svaral tres tisetrecoin- drnededon Ure m>gethau recornm ec forÀf a cnrlo mtesMlat h can ids sudra spirs onA -sch rop asaples f)o vse plans, chrysat thernuIn rnýofs suoabospln. it 4' qSapyqwate, summer ir AC'ROSS 4 Unit i i7îtyln Nevada i. ArcheS i. 6{aî'4iltate pas~agcWay 18 Fi *It 6. Fruit il Be'n y 7. imitated 10 H,.cape - - - i i ftrlng, intri L C b e!" r t 4, Carry w 17 Pîcce of ~tt24' pals,' ( ad,îîue il,, PIer (Iii 28. Wo Oaa .11 I citait 32 Hate - '4. D'i*kt 2.. lns*ct 24. tiqua! iv 22 37 r-'<1~ witti ihc - gin .i li [.eg'i.l daim o. vree~ 36. Female de'î naine 35. Hatvest 29 lont cargo - - 48, Lnt-'I.3 42. StiIl 48. FCd!< tiI~ ~ - - i 94. mg~~ 45 aa-cî<~, et nccia~ 46. Fouodati'>ii DOWN 8. it&kea hapOy - g. Vibra ioîîiet~ Ans t IEI aleof thee Baýllet-HI'ppo That "Is elete goermen hd to stand u ndielr teieve r or lnti-hippam.E- ginerswaned a op isesprngta ge watIotaMomlbasa, 4the principal part, which is ue- ing ~ ~ ~ 3ý a eee hrae.Btaoused public oiinput aà danper on thatwif nSaete Hippa"capig. h people wanmt taai na,in the famnous "HippCo Ballet"whc ctras thouand ofvistor, Vsifos ss aresmblnceta ,the hippo ballet danced ta the "Danof the ,,,ci ha ws md famous in the ovie, "atsa"I their "baNllt"' fhe Keniya pa solenlysin inunison teo he surface, týhen slowly rise again, creafing ag dramatie pls as they emarge, They repeatifoe and over. the nerve 'of those landiords! Trying 1 o kick us out of our home. Ui in.ter)'est -lu agricultulre, writes W. -D. Freeman in te un lsu of C-14L Oval Ouf offýhi;S il- ter-esf grew rthe HlfxPubic acres of expertly . landscped gronds.The firstenècsd skat- ing rlnik and first pui-îc tennis- courtu lu Canada %ere bulit here by an arly HriutrlScey played a major roielà the main- ten&ance of plant 11ie il, thega- aýns, the atcesae.Popo acid deficiency lu the soîl was ree-d Lby hea)vy applications o)f sprlo ae A seo'ùus ouf'- break of cauker worm wxas staved of by appliatin of 50 per cent wafbeDDT, Aphîds.,anldote sbrubs are confrolled by use ai nicoti-ne siht.Patdsae on- or'nanetalshrubs ae ep lu dieck ïby a weflknow fuai- 23. Oeig 2 4. 10. ni!a« u±I'o 27 ('oi.',trd dow~ h~1i 28. .a,,g,1. 4*5 29. Yent .20 Sîarn4 il. 4S1YîIH-'4 42 I)î-iî,f 4ant '43 R'eqrîu'es iS. Wi',,, *WdY *î'4 Meta4 t44tener 39 Kind cf b,'an 41. Perînd of ijine 42 Stea at afilmstudo asan etrawas tOld fo ýgelnobdwihalo f or onu ochescenes rîght now."ý "There's aslue nothing- to dJirectOr ilu, sootiug itues. Ta Ll o' utyou. Hne 's 0beau. brougb!Drp on ilk." metnowi' Nois'e Than Wý'halec thonMwhalls is the astoncibiug damOF thp Un!ited àStates Navy, Tropov ifhyhv con surfaest of the ses. Fisheiesnstiute onvetionin Washîgtonrecetly.The first The cil ofMhel hemoswa wae ch was lkeneco toaa did ntcopae îtztamad bY the shrîmps. So thik twice Naéuraliat lhave one t. the lare, cubug of Seera wnives findMefin e fgt bis neig"Mous. cSan. Dîy if asdtir-ad a wîck thirogh if. nidde, hey rem- Ntvsof Northern Rhdeiusia ýtil fem how seulthe naim ha cudbe. The rt-ayimis t Qa býir'd of a the grou-p 1>knw'a "Jioney-guides,," which ýîve n the grus f ees andwaps W1he-n a maylimba finds a auve if wlil ai, once seeýýk ouf thene- est badger. The badger follors, kuowing il will be leýd 'rîh to its fvuiemeal of honie. Uip the treq goes the badge.- and breaks, opeýn the hiv. Ifs tý coýa f o care ait will keep) oui, any sting. Meanwîile thle mayimba is grîg tefon the gusthat fli. If no bLadger is to e ou the miayimba wiu! fetchue Of t-he loalnat"siv jutte an The BgSez will bc heard acros- the cuty fwill. rnnaefromtouad of canadian ha"Iy fvr'itm balmy v utSp~brwah Ailnios't al aesd!h lee this weed and therefoeqae corn- years aud the polen count has been reduccd fa SUchanl extent thaf ifs touriïst bureau is usîng "ragweedIrce" s Is he n- arafue ths Iear1 in oper--ation since ,194,31ando aý notdable decreýasa lu the pollen count bas been effected.Oue im- portant fctrnoied lu i he Montrealcmpaignais'ihatre ifoà mncplt is fere of ragwvýeed the air m-iay stii bc fhick wt pollen fo donn municpaliies.The lligns of bordering mncpl oeu met oco-operatewthMn treal to con trohe ple-er ing eedwas !largely reSpon- co nt n hecîy in Teyostefecive wepon b Sfed quantifie, hee realu ceipitis orrb, h roica evouThe big neeaub offldan t' nottolaet TheiJounal o thïj mecca 2 secnd taa the ag'>e 0f 18: 5 at-.;1 4 at 42: 23 at 7J Ah PafentofCe rn lapsus'OÊvr Roans 212,92 aMýoei ,mJ etou Le a be without disssiuain Ao Thwoes irstetevn liprs o Ri-i.oms are thenselythog an corecykt eargumn Tteon i tfCatn ancuýýL-fna r dn'ti duty, The WVord revers th» grace cornes teLr' esg oi duty and condet. A PattruofChrisian cB- havi'or," is aIn atdescription oi(ý rmais 12.HOwever, it iÎ, weIJ toý note tatthis i nt mr one 'ýout o anumb"er 0fvryn patterus ofbehavior givens w but sets forth the esseutials ce w[th ah teluhidsrpio given in the Nez, Testament Thn chapytr orms "A praetscas o- Born Rsin ee cnk telîs of how he oumnd the .Lord under the m-itnlstry co1f Faut _Rader on Jnay18, ï1920. "'Fi ed wýith zeal he bgnt i neýýss for Christlu hiagint the féistoto verses of Our pnnt- ed] lesson began tioiprshl deel. He ssU npart 'The Lordt spoke to m fully o bu.During seca preachied in the oero Gd callng young people to sur ndevý their ives and !o volu'nteer for Christiaî service. My hearts,,; greatyly ouched. I1 marcbes funtje aitar. There I1 co4,secrated an yieldedl nmy life ito esis hrst and told bmtfIws~ihn ta be -bat -a aîfdmefý a The Lord filed me with his Hoy Spirit and gave me victry, passion sud a love for losf int and a greai vision ojf Élie po .who are with-out Christ. " Those of u-s who see and, ea Peter Decrneka know i at ther isSU rtino flagging lu his zeal. He is fervent lu zeal. It ila lin. portant to maintainfthe prta glow, God icari use peônplewh 'aé?e radiant -with His lo)Ve. L us be a living sacrifice Bostou'SSothEn!.T Mieancryngeu oindw chu coidr monpourî au tpas'fîrefauig fonte.t h o dpmd;~ cesn asr- !iL10ahr nO lcrî~bicn 77 k 'N N N N N s,, N. N 4.. N s k N N 's '.4 'N 'N 'N 'N N N 'N N N 4- N 'N s N N. -'3' N N N 'N N N 'N s s N N N N. IL 'N. N '77 N N N 'N s N -N N N. N N .N. N -N N 77' N N. N N. 'N N N. N N 77 N. s I -Il x N a s N N s N N N 's <'3' I. '-4 s N N 'N s' 'N s' -3' -"a <s N. N s v N onhee rtThis face