VoL '7 No 26 OÎ1ONOj, ONT., THUflsD)AY, 'J' LY -16 J ~mu bscriptioîi Tl i"ownship Holds Off Se,ttinlg Rate Tili Later This Month! .KIRBY * Th W..S.and W.A. held theiri ~Jiy meegs on Wyednesday niglit Juiy 8th. -Mrs. Bso openoed the W.M.S. mýeetin.g with the siniging of -O Cana"da" and fhe 72nd salmrepad, in uiaiso-n. Hma51c! ",From Ocea un- toOceaný." vwas also renad - lauinison.ï AIrs, m Alliai read thie scripture, SMt.13, verj'ses4 8 Iirs. Qutriili read dvoioa paper etied "Treasure"sresn thiat no mail can) serve two ates Mrffs. Youmnns took tthe study booký helpedmae Africans morecabl 4flaesi in mlany goveramn ent ,posts and4 able to take more responl- 'sibilit. I t is a cialilenging task toi ielp fthese yourig leaders to become Cisinleaders. Mr.Bill Wnnnan Look careof tlhe, minte -eports and busIness o heW. A. meeting. Thearpur e k'-g the I2lst Psln,Iws rend lre- Mr.Rnaymlond (Chapm-onn'gave an1 intresingdevotional based on this On Sunday aftomnioolï, Juy2th, Our village rang wvith the mnusic of K.endai fife and idrum 11bau1dthle oc- cail beingte annual churci parjad"e of Loyal Orange District Lodge of Clarke. M. -aid Mas. P. J. Bigelow and f amîly iitdSunlday ,with Mr. and Mua,-. ,A. 'J. Bigelow. -W/ee glad to mee Elizabet Reid home agaIn froe m koit un. and Mmh. Ray Bryson spent tewek-end with thir lparents. Mm, and 3M1s. -Ken. Shackleton and faiyveted Sundiay with M-. andi -97 Wor.Alia *Mn. and Mrs. Laverne Patteron andvar wee Smnday su-ppar gu-ests wiý,tb ]Mr. and rsBillW/nanan. Mm. aud Mrs. ussell Lowery, Tor Thleregudar meeting of the Cak tonhpcounceil w'as h"eld on July 7th at 9 a.m. wtfih ail council in) at- tedncieeve Lowvery presiding. Mr.-, Mart in Manders addressed Council :nndretd assistance. toi correct the rond drainiage boderig hi, roer,, as tus drainage Iprob- lemi i's taf:ily large p.o.ject, Couni-cill requested the roaid superinteildant toi rearthe miost nlecessary part of it, Resolution, mved by J. H. Davey secnde byF. B. Lovekn. TMs C'onucil hereb grant the sm of tenýj dollars to th,'e LDurham Coun1ty Plowman's Associationi for the year 195%. oedby J. . LovekN, seconded, by J. Hi. Daeyhat this Council de- clare Civic HIoliday as a legal holi- daý-y in .the tws of Clarke. Move y Jamies Brown, seconded by Arthur McKay that bl'4w 1229 a bylaw to rmise thi.e necessary rates in the, to-wnship of Ciarke frthie yenr 193be set aside for- fur-ther cvon- sideratin taspecii mieetinti o be held durinig the montih of Jul-y, dlue to the nsse,ssmenýt Arbitration of~ the Duhrhiam Counity District High School. Vouchers were ordered pnid ila h -imountof $7750 Afler aitteninlg the l2th of July1 parade at Cobourg, the Kendal fie weethey pIayed a num'ber of ther and -d1-1m baud returned tLo Oronio, eecon.They also par-adedl to thie suhendl of Or-ono -) were they, pro- vidod a short pr'ogramme 'for -Mr. Wmn.Seou and otb-er esidenIts. conto, were week-enid guests ,vith Mm.i aai d Mis. H1teÂLow\ery.ý Mr nd rs AeaW -ke ý ow,- maveaild Mrt% ndMrs.Ket BrdePoatypool w"eme Sunlday uetwitb -Mr-s. -Tbompsoa. Mrs.Jennie Hoy Orono and Mr. audMm. aroId Souci and fniy Staýrkville were Sunday viior ithj Mr's. Ja.ý. Winnuan ad Jean. Mrs.Anal Paterso, Ms. Bill W/nanan and Ross -visited with MrLs.ý Two KilIed Near Welcome When Automobile Overturnsl A gr-,isloid of ashies, and thei hmprint of a iar side. graven into thel motesphait of Hi-ghway No). 2ý areal that remains of a lmn aubtomlObile that b)camue a furjeral! pyref te distrîit residents at niine occkiast Fridlay igh-lt. DobeBils 6:40 and 82 Saturdays 2M00-- 6:00 - 9:00 Yhurs. - Fri., July 16-17 "Serpent 0ofthe Nle"i Iii Techaicolor With Rhozida Flemiinàg Und William Lunldigaý'n "4TOP SECRET" (8:15) With Georg-e Cole 'Nat 011y, July l8th 'Cuun îoke' Z'r Wýith Audie Murphy and Susan Cabot "k'ROBINSO-N USEA " lYith Lauire auid Hardy Mý1on - Thurs, Juiy 20-231 "THlE KETTLES 'ON VACATION" Wüth Marjons Main andiï Percy KilbridIe The diead moin are Floyd Danny Butler, 23, of 7,3 Wiikinisoni Avenue, Oshawva uid Allen Dumiett, 5 'D)eli oStreet, Bowmnihie. A \,Lan Dumiett is the son oh MrUTs. L'avemnle oucb-, Bowmanvie and hiis w'ie is RoaGibsorI, formerly ohr Butlir is the soli oh Mr. anid _ Mrs. Richard Butler of OShýawa. Eis wý »11 ie is the former Hlester Foliest, Tbe car wns goîng east onIHigi- wnýy -9[ ne mile from Wel.om--e, when) for a reason tint m iay nyrb kuown it skidded craziiyonofc- tmol for, 100 feet, rolled oe he timies mmd bur-st labo flaire iustanitly,' traýpp-ing the two Occupants. Psesiy notdfied Prov'incial Police of the Cobourg Detachient, wbIo ushed to the sceno after sum- moning the Port Hope Pire Depaýrt-! He'avy eveu3inIg traffie wats iuiedi U-P for several miles on enci side of the -blazing automobile asth firemen fought vainiy to extinguisii the fiamies aind freeo the passeager's. The two bodies inside the vebicle wvere ioplessly ciarred beyond me- cogniition, and police, siftedt the smok-i ingl renmins ont hie Hig-hway la ieUf ho,ýpe they might yield a chuo to thre riders' ideutity. Police nscertaLinled from the lic- ence plates inthie auto thiat it xvas reg-istemedIlathie na-me of O'Dell.i How-ever a check at iris homeo showed hat ail the memnbers of the familyl u"ere aay nnd -a nwpaedeli ered tire*dayý before haid not, been- taken in. Ibwa not until Strn Qun tint ideni fication wsdefinitely made-. The f-unaemal service for Alan 1)am- ett -was ieid from ie Morris Funem-ali Ciapde n Monday ith interunent ina Orono CemIeter y. Ontajo airDates Anindctinthat summiier i,4 now de-finlitely hiere and thlat fali yl fl low, soon, isý given by-) the issua1nceý this weeký by the Arclua Socie-1 te'Branich of th?, OnltarIloDeat nment ofL Agicu-ilture of the list of fa-11 firs% and exhibitions.1 The list dlates in thiis se,_tjctin fit provinoce is ns follows: BareOtober 1 and 3. BevroSeptember 17-19, BelîvilIe, August 17-20. Blacktock Octoer 1-17. Campbellford, September 2-0 DeserontLo, Spebr26. Kintn, Isept.,9Oc.3 Lakefeld, eptemer 1-12. Mndo, Ocoher6-7. Markhm, Ocober1-3. Orii, Sptember 0-1 Oronlo,Spebr1-2 -OhwAugust 19-22. P'eterb)orougli, September 15-19. P ort Perry, Septemnber 5-7. RoeetOctober 23 Stirling, Septe-mbe'r 15-16. SunerlndSeptebjmer 15-16. Toronito (CNE) Aug. 28-Sept. if UbigSeptember 29-30. WarkwrthSeptmber24-25. f u t h n c eu o i 1 u u l e LESKAR D Miss Jean ,Syer bas xetumnied from hem tbree w,\eeksý tour of the Pacific Mrs. Auigus Loucks bas mvetnmned fro-m ieýr trip to Klagston. Mrs, ayd, Audmey and Bruice ohf Barry, anld Mr. odgson and Mrs. SuIttonofÀ Lindisny vwere rocent visi- tors wîth Mm, and Mi, EnriiDuvali.ý Mm. and Mrs. N. Fee spent Mond)icayi viiigfrienlds ut Gatamaqute.1 Mx&ý F., Gare Cor-On"to anIdý IVrs. MOklyof W/nsr nei spedin afew, weeks with M.and Mr's. H. Berry Mm. E. Ford and famiy ere Suan- day îsitorýs with _Mr. and Mrs. Ro-- ald Page. Mrs. Fowler adsous, HighIaId- CmPeek, were ecent visitors vwtihber parenlts, Mi% and Mmc. Conyell Mm. .saxon, -Bill aud Alice, Tom- and M'rs. J, CaImeron.ý W/e are glad to see-Mi.%ol.Skeld- ing blornle agai. Mm. and Mrs. JT. R. Fee of aml ton, Mm(. and Mrs. Dowlard Fee and Put of Winnyipeg- were reent visitors! with Mr. and IMrs. Normian Fee.*, M.T. TFhomutoni, Bowmviliniie,' Mmr and Mrs, G. Teinnant aýnd Gleanda, Blackstock, Mm. and Mrs. R. Teunant and familywere Sunjday vistosWith Mr. and Mr.s. Art Toinant. Mm. ýanid Mrs Ro)sýs Robbins and «ail ;vere Sunday visitors -with Mmj. and Mu-s. Art Robbius. Mfr.m. nd rs. E. Green ind f,111i1y1 visited Bewdley nuday. ConIgrlatIIion)s to Mr. and rs Turf Club Plans For Saturda: Recciving encouragemnent front pre- vions race meets this year, th'e Orono Turf Club are again on Saturday,, Angust iSti, bringiug the Sport of Kings tGO the Qneen Village of Ou- tario. lb has been apparent inuthie procediug races tint atten-dance la bouind ta gro-w foi- this sport in OUMo Nealy ore thousand witnessed thre races on, the operng day la 1953, O1;, July lst, thî,ougi mýain ididihreaten mnost of tthe d-ay, spectatorsnub- mgý in the ninie iundreds gambý'led wýith the weathermnan for a grand day of acing. Augusb iSti has been chosen, ais 1aruness acing inToronto ah hie Thimcliffe closes on the l2tb. Thé local Club AUihlten have their pick of hundreds ofhuhmces to enter in hie Orono cinssic. Ib is thie intention ot the Turf Club ho briug tuis 'featuire race, wiich is claimed, -w,7ill top any- thiug -int Enstemu OnDrtario fbas.-ever seen in speed. H!aving scia w choice tIre score card' wiIlnanmetheie best hor01ses fromi Princ!e EdwadI. land ou the eastat Manitcoba On the West. Mr. and -Ifs, NilPort:ei r,'. ai- Mrs.AieaWt ur. nduIS. C Mrs. C. A. Cummiing, r.ai IV irs Heber SoucIMs.Drth B-i', WaIyne andMary yna mjhad Suniday nighlt supper with Mr and ý!Mis. Geo, Cole, Port lHope. Mri. C. S.. Mca in as beenisit ing friends near Hamariltonl. MissJunie Gianvilie anid J Nielson of Toronto Genieri Hsia spent the wmeekend nt their homes. ersScabor, M. ad Ms. Ang rhn eobnl Lshr n r.adMs ton Wil son. -.r' Stroughpga nt fronc; E J-i Iil July i 2tuh ClbaioekyRep3rt FTo Ïn, E.ýnld 'daulbO tîo 1He'd Af C obourg On ùSpài thàeadNvlReii-rte1thi etn B _RG__SiShIdes withl nmaxium Gmaed iit idai entem heSpihea (B R.G. imkn)Theso picturles arýe to be Naval( Reviewt pIdealcwptle itî Ess K. bFosti celebaion of ýtheanvrary-of the Atog rie eelt s~tpt aaiadwl Battfle of the Boýyne on Strayhdto corne down fmCentra, il Ug- vis1nheduatin nheO wasa gorins ay or emersof andwhee Imdbeen l ooking ov1er ýscholoi. The slidies vl h the local Loyal Orange Order. urlEn n ahayVing t;i, me andertof Ithe school. The local lodges tiook partîin tho nteningcore farm shlows I got al An iexpenditurje o(le 1~ bettor look 'atthef'ay ,ý.Vof battie- apoe o h ïdn parade uie t Cobouirg where 10,000s-a Pr'dlo ] tors asuhidto take parti thle crfere hnmn fteLno lo ftebidn n fptiiteswithLod1ges from tothe he aainnwsmn tp.Tlus wtnk ling i countbies of Victoria, Haliburtonà, Wi gtt HSVrurwic aeta, M.W/mý. Mite Peterborougb, Ontrio Norhumer- l u h ae ofthe iandpot hee Aspinmetgoft land and Duirhami. Nava%,i l ie atots- hoingld tus 'flicoing 1Mo0 moutli 1 had to bttile my vway fo ig whenit is th inent 1 Thie para:de took an hour and ja hlour- 1ýs through 1tmafIU i,, .l bu"nI orlo td adcn haif te pass thie judges' stanmd rnd getýtinig to the sameplc-h Sptatvgmtsicneto the lodiges drew welI merited rouinds hea,*d NaShow The Quen wa\v,,s toj 5i stiotoi strattic Of applause 0on their snart archîng inspýect ber NTavy __________ and costming. "ig ilyatde Imhppened mb the pressroon juat the uto rywhite steed was Ed. as a Londn reporter haId ibutton- IIwslae nou iice Jenisof Cobourg. ;hoied the onfly officer niot .giluedto in the c 0.Soonwiýe were t telehon nn stood by ~iethis slli i lte 1iln; this on Qu,,een Mary Lodge No. Pý71 Os- ra ae-h 1 i IE lhla-s g Udend passebithe awa, Nwon first prize for the lbest teriew Hoaskej eerqesio lyu up and rcivdthe ,outjgoii woe' ldewhile thle prize for[ couîd imginý--e but thle oe e aned- ei .n. Kve i-te Reg1 thie best bhand went to the Tymocne a nwrto. _W!ere culd wogo to gned'or. Lodge, The T.yronle Juvenile Lodge setesoh- vr this vas the Iso 1:l0n the prize for the best lodge Hwv just ais we were a'bout tou iiwo couild handli iits clasEs. b lnd p w'aiting !after the exhlaust 1otherIs were tlarge Or ing truge toget througoeot flgb tmu rudt?1 daugi'r. te officeý-rs on the, phone gaýve u[s apeen boaý'4 fron L e s h r d . A . m e t a t h e o m e o f e n m i n g . W e w o u e d n t g ît t ] i ro ul g i a o a g i d ilT e a v y c a f it Mrs. Jamens Cam-eron, with thie Ipres- the lhues nlow aIs the Queen l1d com-'ot-rve batmne idnt Ms Lro1failoninteiienced ber ins-pection-. 1Howevert, fr-om E mon, Louakecf the 1mail. chfair. Treasurers report -was given,) bya ig tower la th- arson oud At thle1ILlustionJs woUI MY. . l)' i te bsneoi r clliMb 1,50 steps iaud watch ber yachlt'thrmalttofheCn Mrs.E. pryla he 'sec1 f M s sit made its 'wny l]ro1nd thele .Tesiall boat whlich camli E. Dai.Recordhng sýcrLetar.y ws A natrtouh eti snld n osdo h taken by Mrs. J. Cameronl theab- A ua'e.tmgi netilU, j]'IO h senice Of Mrs. C. MaLirtin. It -was; de mail1 boit ,was going up 1nmonlg -ithie he it go-t to thle moth<L cided to calice) the Auigust meetingfeeafrinpcinndccetdwsuceartocmba1 ndto miake plans for a supper ilu rl ersnaie ol en-sar ugo i iei eusSeptembeul-4 1evotio:naý, Waý lowýed ,alpass. r uh aordiscouraged akenb r.H Bry oi by Mrs. osig o timne in securing tu;s wedeorgtomkthti J. Cameron On "1eace of Md.mdefrtetower slowly vand er- ù ltr eorsI ely Hyima"Abide with me" wssn ul ecigte 'top'la iet'e eyscal with Mms.Caeo at the piano. Theth ti wit achtmkn uabad hr iomse e Meeting closed with rpray-er and thle!t oebc i nid ns itec it og h Bcieedictionl. A vote of thiks -was j aigtm o ofeIwetmi otnnoiscls passed, ýjrs. ýir inthe huntf for. this nnd m 'hd to0 le ave W/e paissed clos'e Lby thl passd, hanîngMrs CamronforHMSVemer ut founld nto a aI1so the nni, bolth of wj the use of ber homo, aftem which -a 'l pleasant social hour-asspenlt and ac1ffe1bopbat iso fish and cipaenda n pr'ouid f' lis p- delicionus luinch serýved by Mrïsý , E ip ugrWl ee iii n hw seiiywe Nicholson. cofinld peyof wl okdf isth iieme-wprr an id chipswentout oher vwaýy to ec Waned lto be (on timeas the- mail dbese-sips T e we 01 Classic iNq.eet tenders were known to eaveelyimuLtaneousywih al er MI as t oar]beor th m i nd - ,-ii11th wi e Isaw v baps Llaeld HSC ngrensignal at 10. r. ~i agnficnt knw Imd hosn to taliail Sailing Training SIl ýy, -A ugust 1i5tI ig t nmail boat <as there were f ivo ohOn sight hi io of___________or______ the past was the Itahit Once Out in.to the bamil-or wemta l igdsigca CD.BUKhenýdwind and our litie craft, which Ju st as wecircled past1ýl Schol Bar cet For Re-iing1 w u i Rerealîoaal Pîogras i c, C"i ho posse opernî tenld S2 girls end boys have -noW rg-~o hsho h creaion rogAm tthe Park: Thetalonac re Ken nterïest taken, by the chsldren othar tener ruas s'ubni is seryenc, agîîý Eetic Eow'm anv'ilb A ne l ebal l ur 'hs been cet i! thle tun ladotby' the boys and the noces- c o akte siypolos Vwre aloru"o'LskaDstit ighScAoo! nmeme a o inst nd. setueceninveco.., nesday nmrnings la additon tothe, nu;0.Prviin dnAys outlied lanlast wee's reai.hudare oti Wit olytw mre ee o ,to the Orono schooi wjc wns originaliv a mine sweenor tnok into tie waves instead of overthem. FU-rneraservice for Clareace D ]Bouck, 81, of hnii v. toacher ln Onitairo sciloois for, 52_, yerwas at thre McDougahl au Brown lchiapel, Daýnforth Avep., Mon-1 day at 2 p.m.i, nteriment wa-S ut oun leasaut cemetery. BrahBouck's 1111la inDundas, couty naedaftel ils nclesters, wio m United Emnpire Loyalist3, ho died ait Toronto Genierai bospitai 1Friday, Jnly loth. Before bis me- tirment in 1943 he was onitce staff of the ron0ito Norid scirool for 1 yeaýrs and for som-e tuen( direchr o f1),cmepo)ndence courses for thieOn -taiodepmhentoheducation, former leader of tbhe Bible c-issc fieý mas also a incuber' of the jMasoie (Co tini ed on The Late MinnieHalSp Organizations Through The W/il ohite lboMiale E. eqUaly am!on-g th-e Omnun lias been probnhted ut Cobourg. Af ter Oronlo Paik ad the ý emmeing a few fiends wh ilz sita ben r belpfnl to ershe lef Miss Hall mas herpe at hem estate to hem Churci and numeiiveWdthereail ber %li ous cinrites: -boteËRwau.Thy) To the OooLimr,$300i. To the wlar h mnovu Orono Park, $5,». To thre Board of ns vii h en iv 'el VEE Lem, >iij'l-)scriljtion 1 Boar-