in e esut&ton o&Vn xprs as Li ls inrithe death oea a nn oe aeer were uiotnatepy shdowed, Whetherý many cahuiwil a y eapito mist hec But thre is no queston ie y a te reaesuson emn (J ailthe (ýteni sta-îi1rs Tilden mas aflaimboyïant, scagring 1éqiu n-ai spWi ta Bî Six of the Golden EDa on-por, teRongT nteak Dcmpsey, Boby Jns aeRtRdGagWle a i nd Tiiden wecre fiures soch as art never likely ta gracie the sport scenieagaincertainly nomai eone time. An'd nonewsagefehwa rinle.Een !n the mot nîoran crcmaaneshecoud otovrcmean ob- Pehaps týýh mr coniciusW ntacei wîcowîsshe aPfune pîasyc, tec' mon of experts who swthe nah, Howed "Shn my" t win th0-e llrsttw t s and to get wti ac ono h third set t1before u'ig on the eat. TChen he began lring iiin nadug as ionand "Shim my"los tht tird set and cthe net wo as wehl, ffei ?,fatin a match that 1ýhad see aray oCTh e Tildendid flicesme hnginantLe Dv "oCp mth btthi imeit Iwas done la Dfitofo! pqu. That waFun 1923 aNdte Austrahan team wasthe chahlenging grou Thec mvatches wre playd ai FetHUs John j1B. Hawkes andJames O. AnrotsonweetUAs traia aces. In a Sngies match, affer winnîg the firt set, Thiden miade a spendid p]y in tie second set.W Hieturn went close ta the base Une, Tir lînemancalied it -in."This pointworn hlm ns. The crowd booedth e Jînesnssdecssion. Thatriked tUe sensitive Tilden. But his an']-ger took a ï,pculiaor tit nt Y!turning in and, neaoi ta heat aýe Asrhnqiky lie doelierly fhrew fle ic cx se"ta iS opnnt -.If cas lio way of responding Iota tclcowd's booingHl delier- ately lindîcappe himselfi rer to show lns contem'pt fer 1YfIe rodeAndprla fou i Lsopnnt Tfhen »lie eut los.11-ue d in everytinï1g lie haýd, Be won the f urth set and thle 1match idcsv fsin Agreat Showmian, a teeuostft1>is ittayr, ie mad Ameic teni-coseousluthe '2vsvweil the gam'1'e wa'ýîS fa les ppuar ha nw.That lie eouid om aLateýnt!ün ii Memghy o! hois quis. by IerFere ti.cChienf Haure, 197Voiie Si. Toriî Good D ~ W'gater a to fSea agedquantte sao! trMéi we -er arefsda certain plarv,,S -ces)ýj ni -e' the seai c.drnk Reenfy a .gish vistor t th aesfalrm inSooufli Austrh- commubbe li ye anwafhe v4sahw. A ol f 20 slepha The Egsh visifo zwalked f *goi wafr' sedge scopeus.h water Can rnk.itwas scaîf ISSUE ~O - lae depess ýtc is on Eye's Pen-th a'n e came a :1y1îýreoîservr wic and Ie afe rng o'stiCk.oui The South Austrlia basnhi a,-n cstmo! aa r o! sud rgions ik-n Asallia.-e (o! Jthem, the enter00suae mils o fecun try -mhorefilanopne-fil onli cýîn icotinenrkst T(_ýihe dilyfl trmfee ares ainrbasi bs been 7Cesfimated t bot 40 il lion galons, Thequalify oph of thîs, perhaps some hunA S o! feef -tbelaw fIte soil, even alia rsh fr elsu ta subte ranân eiln s nd î-of n auled 'p in ckef _by 'tI jDieC 'oDn>lo e i ative rf ofeb!clS auG quiking Terophune orNpin ruer lae daCe tafl-e bffo yoc oe sAmmToeylaid Ce Fcrs --sngfer astone ae uditàys. 1round ce,fose'ms etathe4surfacer tc saoo bis cngraulatons tce bin bauled in, Te Yaýnkecatchr Rmmpqwu" ýCF