O n t, J y22, 19513~ dMie1iv (LIoffÀ* odes F1 edigAntraieftj<e up13 at e port Goderich, Ô.- theedyso e e km l a rithis c untry. pe , r ali-day rua fro011 Thurold and ii on i T LI BWANIL ye atr ylep ,~4 2 9'l* -u TUES.p THE MO COMJ'LE TE COVERAPE oF Ahs fListýric nei-. Crf~ime Èont! A the thmllng In mpand pageanry Ce, mnyl inG- W4as V'c 'y 1.l rUV4¶.--,ii ll I ns that I fèli asleep only showed the sst cmoete conifMidencIlhad inlathe piiot. Laigyou after lunch ou mv Tes ASoo the blne water high- ef- way for Detroit and ai-rived dowr ~h Ate arinig the car 1 gawkedýu( armod attht i buildngsonWood- -Ï ardAve, wntin to supper a't the aieiokinIg spot I cold filad (,'(ot a seat ighitnxtthe cshera Candia gil, hogavem Ile a linle on hat ges on l te big 4ity wherý I te bIghIt iightsý are on. H'xd a piaf oýf pu nd beef stew, they caIlled t Tewetto see the tredae o ove.They were real igh jt ia for he niustfew minutes but J1sn'iý 'the"re to seecolonilals, and din fihi so soon got out to se if the liglts ereult yet Sur eougbthewiemnsrt culemies1o11a- h a airy land. lewalked down%- on1- e de and u (the t er and spent a fe ý-min-utes nr ecsotopen, Whnt ainltre startI lsn pIcldo e on sid sret. non laea u hèe ho Cali tel] a etter one and funnie ay time of1hedaIy. la an- other pot a small 0Wwas going on nn lte ýirlS had on startlia costm ,qfueh bi f had 1,îto hurry quie eg la e etter cannot give you mail the e a'Ibillbut I moved ac- rolss the bre and on to a Chathnm Motel for the aight. I1aiso visited ai the coal yards, lumber yards and oH depots on myv route aaond thley ail hýajdie much the samene nd brandsz as we do. Brick, tuaphaît shnes, insulo dOorS, windows and ah that juak as w-ell as coal andi( fue l t ey a prices. tVr al HadI a real good, look around ail alone aad didan't.see any he1llery going on that we cannot see laOono Goder'ich or on th4 Oeach. j tired old . . U , Y ,, ,'Y See MecLaren, 48-r-16 ,ra m WED. ply MrSam rwCuhS. Oronlo.ap TNOT E duty te" -ens1,JiylOi a Juy2the r M ai will ho o duty thewe -en "f J-uly 3Drd, 1i and 3lst. u oInsure Against SuchiHl arls~ Fertunatý that your orne ta eovered i tliprotec n?,tire O t.suranci Fortunat becauseL voiye are lrotected gainst a complete se. r ..PORTER J ORONO Ont. - JULY 27 DEAD FR SOC/IKD UP p r-om pt llPhen col # o m n i 2M79. A4 mwe b uye horses,. Mar- wiIl Fur ï T one. c DEAIYSTOCK remoncved fromi your farmn promiptly for sanitary disposal. Telep)hoine Collect: Cobourg 1266 or' TorýooEn-G6 GORDQ'N YOUNG LIMAITE» AUc-,i3n 'Sales .Hainig soid thefanm the udr signed AuctioneerwMllseil by publie Auiction on hliý ar Lot 9A B.14., 2j miiiles sou,-tb- of )etnil n Sait- urda, Jly 5th t 1.30o'clockç E.D.T.,ailhis arr stckimpie-i Temsc ,. o reserve. L. Hlave Youîr Furnace VACUUMEDliflu end liEPARE or a Nlèew One INSTALLED BeoeCOLD )WEAJ?111R1 coules R. E. LOGAN Phone 18-1<, -28 m 29 We humrbly'pray that God mnay give her wisdomn and strength to carry oi the solemn prom- ises she m i;kes on our behaif, Always iri our thoughts . forever in our hearts THE QUEEN aod Bless lier. The J. Artb,. 60 4% ýver have the I"VErwq theatre fer s is the oppori Professional Directorj A. F. MicKENZTE, M.D. PHYSICI ,%N zamI SURGEON 2.00 te 4.00 -u btO 8.00 p.m, Siundas a nd Wedle a yà appointmenert eil PHlON E 47r1 'ON E& C.- SYER, MD PHYSICIAIN andiSURGEW<ý"ý Main Street Sotith Ofic Heurs 2.00 te 4.00 p.-m.- 530 &800 m Snysand 'Ioliayq by A ppoýintment PHIONE 74 r 19 ORONO DR. R. J, TAGGART VETERINAUX SURGEON Parck Sïtre OPPOSITE S4IGRINE PHONÇE 94 r 16 ~ORONO LEG A Btarrister and Selicîtor BOWMANVILLE. ONT. Office 688 Homte 55 JACK REID Orono's Licensed Auctioneer ami Yaluatoe Specialize in Fanm and Furniture Sales Consuit nme fur terni and dates Phtbne 5r1 TED JACKSON Auctioneer and VaIuater. fli0nduct8 Auction Sa&le. Cf aSI aimesý and at reasonable rate. Commiinicate with lm at Peft; Perry, Ontariu, or st-e ohi. Clerk, AL AE.Mrton, at Oroao, for date. Protection and Savings Plana fq* Children and Adigits; Mecrtzqage f surance Plans. F. E. LYCEVJI ORONO, Ont, Phone 20 r 18 Thie RIJTTER GRANITE COMPANY Dial 3216 -- P.O. Be-_x 622 Port WHope, Ontarie Monuments, Gaenres STAPFORD BO FINE QUALITY MONUMENTS ANI? MARKERS Let us ereet a handsomne, ~g nified monument over the m4,tý ing place of your hrwed oileq. It's net expensive. And a--eeng this at tribute vw-ll Ove yoe niess conifort Orono Electrie Phone 93 r 1 CON'rRACTORS FOR FARM and HOIJSE WIRING Free Estimates APPLIANCE SALES Prompt anid Guaranteed Repair t, ail tuakes of Electrical Eýqaipmer* and Apiplîaîice Such au blotor, Water Meste&%, Ra~Ioe t#vS. roua. EkA C ronation cornes to Bowrnanville- Matlnees on Monday and Tuesday at 2.00 p.nu. i (ô pIv~ 1/ i