!enced, LLIIimmed, anuprayeu cverl 1er good growth z. . ýInln,1 quoting Johln Armsýtrong, -the- mani -iwio beg-tn the indus!,ry aroun d Ooosays I just sit in iny rckh- mng c, air, smoke imy pipe and' .î listentote grw Mr~ Milsnsys teChrist'mas ire îdustry has be ik .arun be a s(ggyfootbal; tat - l Piý prfits, adthatyuhaet Inke"uwardýs o a ol.clar foru e ry tre3 to rmaýie az-.in. COOD INVEFSTM1ENT 2r. Halon says he sold hîs entiw l IFor St -tr s st .y4 veur for 95 vents ec Leroy Hlamilton, former H. R. Bain &Co. brqk:er, -iand it cos't -me less thani a cent a! examines tips of Christmias tree he plans ta sel, this year. trc, ixyeas go t plntthm.as part of first crop taken off 50 acres plan.ted wt l Do't know where you-'d ever, 'Sctch pi)ne'six years ago. He claims it's a good invest- ~ge abeterlnv~tentonyoriment ta raise Christmias trees, and easy, "I just sit Tiihýee 1 one point, though, ïoi around and listen ta then grow." nvicmost growers agree, theyi âlon't like the Chiristm&as Tree! The Memorial park with Uts'it that way." -,He does furniture Grc)wer' Asociation, and they areý trout-stoc1ked Wýiuiet streanm is only on order, largely handmnade, till trying to fincpatronizedby ,iicking famiesý R roma-,faraway as ~~ ~And maxny visitors hit the town 01 ourse 2Mr Hlamilton lias to;for tehresrcs.Tee nLondon, England," says àMr.ý edit long with Mr. Milîson, that touih nesTurlace.nhred a I<eilson. "He was at the Neslein -1lforsig ufCu n good oru do have ta wait at least six track. There is also a Fishi and works in Garnock and he designedi ears tû get a crop, "I came down . . Cu hchayn cnj1 and executed the dining roêm fur- 1lere that long ago frpon. Torontco,"ilfor $2 a year. niture for the Mauretania. They f tay Mr Hamiloni. I as witl the " were uiiable ta produce ytig brokers, H. Rupert -Bain Coihpany, SO LITTLE TIE as good for the Queen Mary, sa, uIt nmyvife, the former SacheMc "Say, we have everything- here the f urniture was moved into the ýonachie, had the home farm downa you've got in the city," says booster iQueen."ý 4jere and %vbea T retired -we came Hamilton, "and an, awful lot you' Mr. Neilson's prize product is a ta k. 1 wouldn't go bac2k to Toron- haven't got-like freedom and in- patented fold-away highi chair thatý ýGonow if you started me off ,vithi dependence. Something going on lie selis ta home oustomers for less' Uiayor Lampart's job," every night-softball, hockey, than the $17.50 price you'd haveý N 11RE GRATIS Chamber of Commerce, Masons, ta pay in the big -stores. Riglit Odffellows, Orangemen. Our now he's busy on a special order 2Mr. Hamilton got lis first treesj trouble is ta find tîme ta do itl al.", for the Army-bedroomn suites for from the Provincial Forestry About 15 per cent. of Orono's: barracks ini the Yukon, o$ain at Orono, where they raise woring population go to Oshawa No one knows how the village of &bout aà million qnd half trees and Bowmanvllle for their jobs.OrngtisnaebuChre ~evryyea..Thse station used ta J-iigh schoal teacher Jim Rickaby Miller thinks it was namned by JIet the farmers have them free, goes ail the way ta Toronto for United Empire Layalists after a ,but1 now tliey have ta pay for them.lits. There are only two local in- town of the same name la Pennsyl- 4Station Superintendent Meredlith dustrie-s: the Orono Wood Prod- vanta. "My grandfather settleàl '1inton sold the idea of roîn cts, rua by Edw.ýard H. Samluel, here with my father ia 1832 and Scotcks pines ta Orona farmers ad Edard Neilson's furniture it was called Orono then,", says, -~in yar aa.First growers, h atr.Mr., M;l1ler. "Accordingc taciProf. Armstrongs now have three fars A short time ago M-r. Samuel John Squair's book on the county, ,of themi and Mr, Ha -ltn syswabred ut but the Orono!îthere, were 1,000 peopfle liee by j 'he wishes lie had a 1,000 ares.mecnt promlptly got together,186I can remember the Canadian 've got 50 acres and aïbout 50),000 gne lis note, ançl the Samnuel Nohiern rafiroad eoingthog Utees. 11 had buyers up liere last factïory is ready to employ about here o;tewyt Otwwe 'inontis loking a4 tili. Six,, _ea! 20 peopfle a gan. i 1,1was a boy." ago th0-e priýce wa.-s 65 cents a trýee Mr. Neilson is strictly the vilgeP ONEGN ~oe hi ct ai ivinr hae htrofsmax-n.i 1 eplos nly ouree Dut th-e railroad was t.aken out, MvnteC, ita reidsr."t i e adIwn ake and today Oroa is an Hîghwavy 35. Mixed and dairy farm1iaglas' antsale ilaelasg) alwas ben urlim Cunt and- aeadin-my timie," sas AMr. M~iller. Ille deprýession there was nT'onel it used tat,)have, sawmiill, wollîenl ~n the ille onreif The la-;mitofcois ahn hp terest 0onthie$i0bal, bftota -_,grstmiii, Lbut everybed-,y is just asi lie vl e b y M rse l s. . R. G m b , - f 4 f as they ever w re bas ove ben ued s ler îlî- jbi'cutglt a druggist in liere a feWý ~leigntè~toproid a hrit-yeairs ago. C. B. Tyrreil, fromi thel as dinner for th-e needy.-VtV4V Mdia Arts B3uilding, la To)ronto,1 Orono ci*tîzeas have a hai Iand he's coing fine. Nev& wants! 1 mmein hi o-1M e tow inta o bckta thýe city-nio, r do I thi wlsandOut of it. ýA M , I M. Miler was manager of the rrscttenneiy for the e Rd Ro)se T e.> Comrpan y for 230l lw ock, set 1la.th-e t e o eas iertred 17yasao lie red bric-k hall, and foýr thle i 0ack home_ to Orono wliere na on- hnurclioga.Last month Chicamgo hserbeiencefwee 1 urgeon Dr. Rss LT , a in they've neveruliadanybody la the - Poat ted h eiain f- '--village jaîl and wliere ee a gang ~- 50c,000 chPapel he of~-a-uza 19419 bank robbers eud' memory i lis amily. I - -- - -- ake the grade. They vere eaugt before they liad a chaýnce ta pic' Taranîte Oranoý 52 miles up a cent, i Tewnship Accepts Tendes Fer Tbrfee Ne6ridges Reetyat ea specia i meetinlg the' Towýnship Couneile o', f Clarke accejt?" tendjers for- the erect'ion oýf three re-J inforced conjcrete bridges. The;Sli bridges with the cotraipuie mareI aIs foilows. Savery ridgelot5,cneso Dobson ridgelot 1,cneso teebridges amoiunts ti $01.0 Howve te cost 0ta heTonsi wii amountfi-taia-s, mte 7020 as the Town,,sJtip s -ui)pplies cemenit, re.- ar e te be piaced. Thietonhpwi receve he rovncia susid onthe Thue -taticonitract pie for '1he Inwbigs ByMreLewis) Camping life is the lufe as faîr au. -we guides are(- concerned. We love and enjoy everýy momient of its glor-1 tous days. We set out fram iBawmianville lai two buses. There weve guides fr-omi Lindsay, Bowmanivilie, Pjor4 Hope»ý -Hamipton aund Orono. A total of 60' gils and 5 qatratr headed foi- aur destination, Camp Samnac. 1 Camp Samac is loated 5 miles nor-th fr-om Osn-'avr"I -_ sx$imoe St. Situiated on the groQuads ar-e six iog Cliatels com-plete ,wýitil firepiace, maclera kitcheni and tw,,enty bunks. The pool ,vicli is aur- main attr-ac- t1i is in the shape of a crýoss, lias, 3 dinig boardcear blue water and is second largest la Canada. Arrivtg at Camp. we proceKd at th~e task of pitching sevenl bell -nda two' watt tenits. complettnig this, a sm was sur'ely appreciated. Swýimi- ing seemedtW le Ail theguides wanted ta do, 'buitIthais uad(erýstaril- abie wiýth suchi a beautiful pool. Somec of aur dare devis tried ta coaquer the high divýing board but otte a raher rýeluctantL, they avoui,]d eibdw The first ighi t off as ex-K pected. The runn rudOf gudeýs The days nom, follow this pattera: Rise and sine or- sometimteý ak w'akey at 7.15. WaVsh prdif you thouglit you needed one, then imorn- hIg devotions autSa8m.Thiscn- ,sisted Of raising the f'Iag each Mora ing, a guide a, rye nd 'h the guides now set about dojagý theirLý duties. Tti(ere arec five dutLies, 'Siner2s,[ health, n'cookýs, su!pplie2s aiwatnt Eacli dut,ýy has a team anclii is hae With an rganzînglader. it jý -, _ i After dinera rst periodI, follwed! by handeraft 1Ptis omrn emarksi are guing ar'oundlketis. Is I time? Let's get reaLLdy. Yesit'ýs timeý se get ready for your swir.. Supper is soon ia tle pot and emrpties rapidiy witl fGO hungry guidies. After 'supper we can go boating. Then of course there's time once mare for swimming. We neyer mianaged ta get enoughi. Camp fîre brings our happy-le ta a close. We ail havepi- hear£t as we sing ta aur h tent the sangs wve ko best. Taps endsl our day»' The days and ig,>hts s50 ank end for anather yenr time to pac'k up and lhea&d_ Yes Camp lufe is thle ' leara ta live, wýork and pIn, We are laippy aad( conitent return again next year. W coulci a gide ask for'