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Orono Weekly Times, 30 Jul 1953, p. 2

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9boui, ceing,i ýe cennîng ofi naft be ouf ai ike ta know 0'f homre-cen- un Caniexpeef fresh pradïuCe. erage y-ields ta Asparagus, 1l Is 6-8 quarts; )17-20 quarts: s; sweet corn, (measured in1 ; spinach, 6-8 p0lattes, 18-22 bles and fruits are best riug when fhey are at of ripeness, sound and efore using Jars, exzamy- 13 carefully and ha sure >e frceeai nicks, rough. id sharp edg-es. lidus and discard an-y ruaty or warped. Was'h 's u saapy water, rinse, r witb bhot weter; keep buntil ready ta fil. When ome iids, pour boiiing ýer theni and leave themn while filling jars. Wasb rvegetables or fruits se and drain before cut- inpitting, etc. ce for fruits and , but leave i inch sheiled beans and food witi.ihoht a knife down in- >top af jar, put 1Aid on nd screw baud tigbf (baud screw dawni evenly al the saund). Process immyedi- er pracessing, take can )f canner and stand theni of a draft and severai e s epart until tbey cool, jars about 12 hours before ýing baYrds, '7Lvs follow carpf-a11v the ci s tan1 e wireu e point At s es process e pres- pic-kie2d beets add bright d piquant teste ta lun- ýr dinner the yeer round.c with fhcm ceither wbale 1 r eut into infteresting use therri instead ai sel- a hurry-up meal; ring 'uud sameat ppierfor tive framne; top cattagýe Leave roots and3icesi stfemf on beets., Wash, rrise, cook and skin beets. Add sutgar, sait aud spiçŽes (tied in bag) ta vinhe- gar and water. Sîmmr,,er 15 mi- nue.Add beets. Bail 5 m(inutes, Pack hbat beets into hbat Jars, Côver' witb the bot pickiing s"i- rup, lIf naf enýough sirup ta caver', edd imare viuegay. Put cdame id on jar and sccew 1band tiglit. Process pints and quarts 30 mni- nutes in bailing wvater bath. Whýle- thie mmrsun is ripening vegetablê-, tb'ink cf next wvvinter's cold biasts and storis when a big bowl ai steaniing v.egeteb-le soup wviil be the best dinnrer your famîly can imnagine. Yout can gather into- jars the makcin's for tchis soup right naw and add a jar to you)r mneat stock next winter. VEGETABLE SOUF MIXTURE 1î quarts chioppedý tomatiees 2 tablespoon sait 2 quarts sliced clkrz 2 tablespioon sug,,ar 2 quarts cor», freshly et rüUm, cob. Cook tomatoes utlsof, then press thraugh sieve ta remarjve skins. Add other vegetebLes, sait and suger to tomatao puip, Bail unitil siigbtiy ticek. Put into bot jars, Fasten lids, Process pits and quarts 60 mrinu,,tes at 1 Chooýse tender, juiey crnat jus,-t the right -stag-e for eatlin-g If you want your ne-xt winter's canned corn to have that fresh taste, For easy husking, eut both e.nds from ears; remnove sillk wt a vegetable brush.. For whole- kernel corn, cut, with a smooth downYriard stroke at about twa- thirds the depth of the kerneis, Meaýure into pan and add 3 ½',as mnuch bailing water as corn. fieat to baiiing. Pack hot corn to i1 incli of top off glass jars and caver withb lot caoking liquid, leav'ing a l-in1ch space at top. Add ý, teasp-ooni sait ta pintýs. Screw on lids. Pracess at 10 pauinds 55 mninute-s for pints; 85 minutes f'or quarts. Wash and rinse carrots; cavr\er witb boîling wýater and caok about 5 iminutes ta looseni skins. Drain and peel carrats, Rinse and eitber suice or eaewhole, whichever you like best. Pack ino t jars. Add 1 teaspo-on Saitt, e a ehquart; caver ca-rrats with boilîng wvater. Put lid an and screw, band tigh, raes pints 20 iminutes a3nd quarts 25i inutales ait 10 paunds pressure. Green, Sn-ýap, or, Wax Beanfs Chose crisp stringless beans and w ýash and drain, Use several waters faor washîng, lifting beans out each tjime. Snip off stem- ends and break or et inta- even, -ýieces. Caver withbiin water '-aak 3-5 minutes. Pack bot in ýuiass jars. Add 1. tea- i sai.t ta --h quart; caver with boiling mater. Puat and screw band tiïght, Pro- oints 20 and quart's 'mnutes at. 10 paunds pres- (If beans in ,)adýs are near i-Out stage, add 2c minuteý"s pracessing ýtime.', Jas rcus 3.Vnuse .Fowerig- .Hwia plant 1wreathc IWN 20 F'sheggs cfpray7erki 22. T Dimlish 9-bipl ~~liliilradelly 4. nro. t ~~Scot!ln 4 eiceo es out '24J Long inlet n fs efules 25.Grandm.!'mi~n atiÉons S Fs ienm y i C. 17.1 I L Fru, ii IT-. e i.rroues inreci.À a~ose en ai coronej rmodEt froQm the salin of your weddinq çgown idea from Cartier for your wedding çiay. Dktjmonds 1;4ke wiI e part of the $M5,000,000 "Stars From the Earth" d i Wonien's Nord at the C,N.E., Toronto, which opern; Ai 28th. Baumngol Bros., thue world's Iargest diamnond cutters, ofranging the dîspkIy and wili show rough stones in adc ta unset cand set diamondis. Van Cleef and Arpesaond Birke !ending their high fashian, fabulously expensive piece:s. arëe I PlinHorseSes.I A fewv days ega -we had tbe op- part unity ai attending ficAn- nual Pienie ai Wenitworth Caunti-y Federation of Ag-riculture whicb tbhey bald every yeer in the aIdI Dundas Driving Park, We noted Àith iuterest that et Iat sanie Parts off tbe Fedè.- rat ion of Agricuilturea re get- tinig politrecal inided itheough flot ta the extent that they wldgive ail parties equenl ap- portunîties ta rsn their v 'e ws Guest speaker et fhe pîcnile was the Hause Leader ai the Li- beýraI Party in- the Onterio Le- gislature, Mr. FParciuar Oliver. MnI. Oliver's message c,-ta the farnriers ai Wentwvorth did nat contain much hope for the fui- ture. ' c maint ained that the meatier ai the lost British ,mer- kets was a problemna t of one party but ai ail parties, lIe is ai the opinion an-ywýay thaIt Ca - nade's "natuirel marlis" are South oi the 49tb par-alel, otDeSU.rous Mn lvrsaid t ha t ther e wvere twao main reasons why Ca- 1nadien foeodstuiff e do nat ga ta Brfij yae FrtyBritain cauld, buy ceeper in other contie.s'cn lse did nat haýve nug dollars. We ceould, ai cour-se, buy m-oi:e froni Britain e nd by this mnetbod supply her with the necessary dollars. "But most oafie th hngs wve eau'ld -bring over," the Li- berai Leader continuied, "are be- ing -manuifactuired in Canada Undi our mnuatuerIre not (de- Sirous ta see thein imported." No explenai*on, bwvewas affered why Canada eouidimi- part terlani îimplements f rom tihe UrtdStates to 'the tun-e ai 60 mlindaliars per year andwh ifJ. sh1-ould notf be feasible f swtc t least part ai these imporatiosltaBritain, Sameherein the back ai a farmiier's mmîd Ithe lingering, tlhought rem2îýains thaï,t thesai manufactrers whoare "nýot de- iroujs" ta sec imparts tramiBn tai-incame ilita Canada wa,ý,nt those goads ta crne ro2nitheir paren)t ecanipanies ïinthe United States, Sueh p ocfc, icouirse, vwould, be detrîm-fen-tal nat 0anlY ta agri - unimy as a whie, aiOfehag-ri- cuiltuire stili is the niostimot anit part. Po>lities MrOlver caugnratulated fthe Federafion af Agriciulture on tbe wuefijob if wvas coing for the -fanmrers froinicaasltota oast by represctirg theïrir uterests ludealiug wlth federa!ricn pro- vincia gôverme Lis IO LLIfS j faction that th-e Federation is- keeping ouf, ai polities as he kno-ws fr oihjs eawn experience that farmrrcs as a graup are noi suecessfu' l ipolitical azction, By îlot beiug affiuiated tith an y one perty the Fedcration CI cud, acc ,rdin f0 M.<Oliver Iput "tire furil p;ressurýe eof its Iweigbt" an any gavcrniient, Ife did net sey wbat tire Federetion shoulid do if the "pressure üi ifs weighit" did not inrpnpess the gaverunmeit tfowi if ws-be- îng appiietd. or no Polits? "Maybe labour wou--ild be be- fer aff," Mr. Oliver wondàCered, "ýif if woôuid foilow the sane cou.rse and keiep (, poit les." Hie finiished bish address byý say- ing that be ndrstoed a ýoii- ficel battie wvas presently gaing ou and tiret be did not wvant fa gi've the impression that ire was riekin,,geapolitical speech. AiUter listening ,vith. due res- pect the ladies resuned their ueîgbbourly cnesain anrid the kids, their races on iend sudj lu the wafer. This calunin wecAmcressig gestions, wisc Or faolish, and ilj criticismn, whefhcr cntutv or detu niesd wil] try to answcer aniy question, Addre-sý yaur letfers to Bob El~ Box 1, 1ý23 - 18tir Street, NwTenrauta,, On,. Dntlet summiner housekeep- , caakirng, and carining get yau dawn. AIl thîs is riecessýary wokthat hias to be dane. But plan taý make this summ er as eý-asy 0an1yaurselt as p0ssible.ý ihutshirking the necessary ta"sks, yau will be surprised how mu-ch yau can save yaurseif by carefui lanig First, keep your Poaking ta aa miiu.Yoàu can, do this ayndJ still- feed thei faynily well. Learn ail the short cuts passiblean pu -1t them-, inta practice.If ibs sur- prisirig haw muchl enei-gy and finiie you can save -when yoa4 realy 'y Plan your nmarketing mr ca-refuly. Mae at your ùmenýusý for, at least ane week ahea-d; then yau can).plan more care- fuiy hat graceries you we7ýii nýee-d, ut,ýilizinig anly leftovers. Get. as m-any things at one store as possible; this saves having to vrn al over' tawn for just one or twa items. And do as much of yaur coo)king as you caln m t1he cool of the d-ayý. 1 start my main di)-ner dishi at b-reakfastime. Rice, or any of the miacaroni or noadies thnat mnake- the basis of so imany m-ain dishes or salads, will cook with- ouf eany specia,,l attention while 1 -I eways- caak a littie mareý thal l.n Iwi need for that .dey's eeting, for any cf tirese is just os good the second or third day as thie firsf, and cari ke the founi- dation foirPa quick pick-up mx., tStore in thie refrigerator endo thyare read:y ta use. Quick Morning Tricks Potatoes rmay aisa becaoked In the nmorning. Ta save work, fuel', aud time, bail enougb far severel days. Witb- a lit fie in-1 gentiity on your part they ear£ came ta the table each fiie lu entireiy cdifferent iom. Serve tbem creamed one day, horme- fried the niext, The third day try Lyonnaise potatoes, a favorite di'sh in aur faiily. Simpiy djce the c1oaked poaaoes inta smnal pieces, sea- sOnïwthSait and pepper, andf jlightiy fry in bacon or bamn drus- 1pings, witb plenty of. diced green onian in themn, 0f course,, there are many ather ways ta serve pattaoes, Potato saiad m-ay be m-acle froi i lhe cold diced po- taend is elwýays a favorite. You wil tind salads eau be put together mare easily a.1d quic-kuy if yau keep severai kiuds of salad greens onhandà, I pre- pare themi at one tinre, wasb and tuck them into plastic bagýs, and store in the refrigeratar. They will keep crisp this way and are reedy ta uise et a mnoment's notice, Rïadishes and cueumfbers keep fresh sud eau f1loat in e bowl ai1l ice %water in the refrigerator, wher,,e the.) are readily aveilable, anid need aniy dreain-ing sud dry - Maea quantit)y ai salad dress- inrg at onie time. Keep yaur fa- vorite kind stored ini a quart Jiar iin the refrigerator. Then if won't, 'be ne-cessery to zmake dressing eacb finie you menke saiad, And leep a variety of ebeese on bauid, If is wonderful ta blend witb your sailads f0 give theni variety, and 1 ls- fa use in nmany Kinds cf sandwich fiilings, Stock an Emergency Sheil- No kitchen sbouid b e without ifs weii-sfoeked emnergency sheif. I find mine one cf nmy greef est Warm Days cookàng tînre-saver for if can pic-i i any ar n.mrgency. On if are packages of prepared pancake, cake iscit mixes. Frmtbem 1 car, qu-i kly stir up maLst any kind of dsetor bot i aiso keep cars ci tunea fisb ndcrab fiakes -.acbe creamned, or ta use as stuffng for tomatues or ptppers. I have o hand, to, ail s rt Inoodies, pa-rs oai ravi- si, paghetti sauces, cans of parký and(ibeans, chnii, aend lunchean- Plan tyourmaieig isy and yqti vil! save Fourself haurs of~ rtmnning afbund. Anry goad re- frigerator wil ld sý-J upplies for awek By shiopping çn, the week end you cani take advantage 0'f wekedspeciais wengracer- ies are cheaper, .nSop-- carefuiiy Prn thoughtful listÉ and your food dollars wllgo farth-er. To niake, patty -she'Is on the ,spuLir of the mnomrent, fit bread suces intaa niuhfî tin nd brown ini a maderately boven. Wbeýn unexpected guests drap lJ and tber9 is noa dessert in sight youi- cin turn plain bread into cake by this quc i mthod. Cut suces of white brea-ýd inta strcips, dlip inta swceeenedmik rail in shredded coconut and bake. Bake yaur ne-xt met laf in a tube cake pan. This cuits baking fi-nie consiiderabiyan youj eau fi the center wthvegetables te make an attrace plate. Eggplant does non need ta be peeedHIfthe ska s eft an, 'thé eggpiant wili keep îtà shaperbet- fer when broiled or fried,. and the skin is quite edîble. Ten minutes before serving, pan-f ried chieken, smother ifý with saur cream, This really gives ift an extra delîciaus fievor and af the same timnýe fenderizes the meat. - Fi rm IThe Christian, Science Mntr A friend of finanAcier Bernard Bauhspoke sa te about bis love for hunting tatBaruch finally înivited himl to' his South Carolina,) planta!ion- for a turkey shoot', The friend ramped the field fortw dys shooting m adiy, but failen to bitjja single The ext mori ingovz, thje friend, was ambiingaion a path ner he piayhiouse when he saw a weil-fedgobesitnmto- iess in a tree, H crt up closje te theic turkeyan fir-ed poinlt- bianik. He was overjOy-ed when, the turkey fell a, bis feet. If wasý only when he pickedcc it up to, stufif,nto his ba-g thatï, hle noticedý acard tied arounid ithe turkeýy's nîeck, The card rea, "ýWith thje comll pJime cntËs ofBearBach Uosiedop t PreentPeci V d A~ 1 3 .LVt0 N 9 J.G3W ~~V~3A Bavarican JOust, 1953 StYle-GaY trappings, scourageous steeds and two pallant kt-ights rmeet in at challenge of sîrength in Landsýhut, Bavari<a, The mnedievcd torney is part of Ithe autentic colour whîch recaptuire5 history dit he city celebrates its fetvl .ndshut Royal WtddingM The play is held e hree yearstac celebraie fthe ,weddinq cf Duke Geor, the Rh at Polish Prucess Hed in i14

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